The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 22, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Entered as secoml-clnss matter at
Vails City , Nebraska , j > est office , Janu
ary 12 , l'X)4 ) , under the Act of Congress
on March 3 , 1870.
PabHdhcd every I-4 rid ay at Falls City ,
Nebraska , by
The Tribune Publishing Comptvny
G. F. Shtvrts , Manager
One year Sl.fiO
Six months 7/5 /
Three nionthb . -JO
llunlies and the Vice-Presidency.
Governor Hughes of New York
has declared that he can not and
will not accept the nomination
for vice-president the
upon re
publican ticket. The governor
has a faculty of saying what lie
means and he usually means what
he says. As far as qualifications
KO , there is no man in the coun
try who is better qualified for
that position than he. It is not
known whether heill even ac
cept a renomination. He will
add much to the strength of the
republican ticlcct in his own state ,
and he has entered upon his work
as governor in a manner which is
very promising for his record as
governor. It is not too much to
say that he thus far has made a
record that has never been ex
celled in his state and the people
will be at a great loss unless they
succeed in re-clectinjr him pov-
ernor for another term.
A timely question is : who will
we have for vice-president ?
May corn sells at 79c. per bush
el at Chicago. It is not yet re
ported whether Mr. Bryan sees
any tendency between corn and
silver to go up and down together
in the markets of the world as he
said of wheat and silvdr in 189C ) .
However , we hear but little from
him nowadays , on these measures
of values.
With Dahlman , Berge. and
Shellenbarger as aspirants for
the democratic nomination for
governor this fall , it would indi
cate that they consider it an honor
to be beaten by Governor Sheldon.
If that is what they want , George
L. Sheldon can administer the
dose and will do it handsomely.
A number of our doctors have
recently declared it to be their
opinion that Harry K. Thaw is
insane ; and that it would be dan
gerous to public safety to have
him go at large. That is the
opinion of the general public and
it is gratifying to learn that some
men in the medical profession are
of the same opinion.
Some man in Nemulia county
is reported as having said that
there will not be one bushel of
apples to the acre in his orchard ,
which consists of many acres.
Old Richardson will have enough
fruit to feed two counties , so Nc-
maha will not need to go hungry.
Who says that our county is not
the best county in the state ?
The report comes from the
state of Washington that the
democrats of that state have split
on the liquor question. This is
surprising , as it is well known
that the democrats of Nebraska
are in clover when it conies to
the liquor question. If you doubt
it , call to mind Mayor Dahlman
of Omaha while at Sioux City.
Bert Taylor , the Minden mur
derer , is reported to be in Okla
homa. Unless he can be cap
tured by the authorities and
brought back to the scene ot his
crime to pay the penalty of the
law , Nebraska will have no ob
jection to his adopting Oklahoma
as nis future home. The fewer
of such characters any state has ,
the more fortunate is the state.
The State Journal is beginning
to show signs of taking a side in
the discussion of the great party
questions. The complaint had
become quite common that the
paper which at one time had been
considered the best and truest
party organ of the state was try
ing to humor both sides. It is
. .
gratifying to the party leaders of
the state to see the Journal show
some evidence of party gumption. I
MONEY is fihvays ready to earn you more
money when given the opportunity.
We Furnish The Opportunity
IF YOU IIAVE a few dollars of idle money
about you , you had better ask us about
the plan.
Fails City State Bank
Capital and Surplus , $70,000.00
Common View of the Secretary.
"Mr. Taft seems to have a way
of attending to big affairs with
out bmss band accompaniment.
He has visited Panama , settled
troubles , inspected the work ,
placed a few charges of dynamite
under it where it will do the most
good and now he is homeward
bound , loaded with campaign
speeches and a report for the
president. " St. Louis
( dem ) .
These are the views of a demo
cratic paper and quite similar to
the view of the public generally
regarding the next republican
candidate for president. The
Secretary has been too busy a
man to waste much of his time
making public speeches or criti
cising the party in power. Not
but vcr } ' few men of our times
have shown so great a faculty
for adjusting difficulties as Mr.
Taft. Executive ability is one
of the first requisites of a great
president , and this he has in a
great measure. It takes a great
man to preside over the affairs of
eighty millions of people , but the
Secretary has shown himself
equal to any occasion thus far ,
and we have good reason to feel
perfectly secure concerning the
future , if the presidency falls
into the Secretary's hands , as we
believe it will.
There may be nothing in a
name , but Mrs. Gtmness was a
very proficient hand with a gun ,
or with some death-dealing in
strument. Her record of crime is
so astounding that it seems too
cruel to be human.
Herman Kelley wns In Rills City
Wilson Love was in Fnlls City on
Presser brothers arc busy thcso days
hanging paper
U II Dunn took a load of produce to
the city on Tuesday
Miss Lila Butler was shopping in
Falls City on Friday
Ilarloy Hutlor took a load of produce
to the city on Friday
Win McGowan inado a business trip
to LIumboldt Monday
Otis Splckler was u business visitor
at the county scat on Monday
Wilson Wamsloy and family wore
Falls City visitors on Thursday
D E Splcklor has lately purchased a
new pair o ? ncctylinc lights for his auto
J C VVileman , wlfo and daughters ,
were shopping in Falls City on Friday
J M Arnold spent Saturday and Sun
day with his sister , Mrs \\'m Crook
near Salem
Dr Story moved his family Into the
Lloyd Mitchell residence Tuesday of
this week
Mahlon Splckler wont to Shubcrt
Tuesday for n load of soft drinks for
Nell Pelssah
Mr Speaker of St Joseph was In Ba-
rada Monday In the Interest of the
Letts Spencer Grocer company.
'Mr Hanua from St Joseph , Mo , rep
resenting the Noycs Norman Shoo
company , was lu Barada Monday
Jack Presser and John Randal treat
ed F L Gllllland's house to a new coat
of paint the latter part of last week
Mrs J F Strong returned homo on
Saturday , accompanied by [ lolinan
Dean , after nu extended visit to rela -
tives in Iowa
Neil Piorsoll anil Dr Van Osdel were
lu Nemaha Wednesday of last week
viewing the ruins wrought by the cyclone -
clone thereabouts
Mr Doutz , formerly of Strnussvllle ,
has established a new barber shop at
this place Ho has rented the Selmlen-
bure shop Verily , Uaradu does grow
Edgar Priuu and his mother traded
their farm , two and one half miles cast
of Barada , to Woslcy Maddox of Falls
City , for a farm near Uockport , Mo ,
and moved over there the latter part of
last week Edgar was hero the fore
I' part ' of this week settling up his busi
ness nITalrs
Hcv Leaman will preach the memor
ial sermon for the G A Rat ll\gBethel \
church next Sunday morning at eleven
o'clock Pho decoration services at
this place will be held on the twenty-
ninth inst , in order that the members
of the G A R at this place may usslst
the post ut Shnbcrt exercise
L C Mitchell disposed of his house-
\ I hold goods at public auction on Satur
day ; last A largo crowd was in attend
ance and prices wore the best Mr and
Mrs Mltcoll go from hero to Abilene ,
Kansns , to visit Mrs Mitcncl.'s parents ,
after which they expect to go to Se
attle , Washington , to make their future
home Wo rngret exceedingly to lose
these estimable people , bul our loss Is
anothcrs gain We wish them success
wherever their lot Is cast
WANTED By n lending Life In
surance Company , District Super
intendent , headquarters in this
city. Excellent opportunity for
energetic , reliable ex-county officer ,
, school teacher , capitalist or sales
man , having extended acquaintance.
Liberal compensation , increasing
annually. Address with references ,
National Commercial Agency , P.O.
Box 1035 , Omaha , Nebr. 1G-31
Mrs. Eli Rupart was very sick a few
days last week.
M. T , Hill was a Omaha visitor the
first of the week.
Ben Barker of Auburn was on our
streets last Friday ,
Ross Kinton was employed out of
town u part of last week ,
Miss Mutnlo Hall was visiting friends
hero one day during the week.
Fred Brlsby had charge of the dray
wagon ono day during the week.
Jake Blrdsley and family were the
guests of relatives hero Saturday.
Chas. Henderson and Everett Kinton
were Stella visitors on Saturday eveVl
The diinco which was given in the
opera house Saturday was well at
tended ,
Mrs. Jess Van Osdncl of near Barada
was in our town ono day during the
Moses Vouch , of Verdon , was in the
city Saturday , calling on old time
' Mrs. D. Miller and children spent the
greater , part of the week with relatives
at Duwson.
Miss Blanche Williams was pleasant
ly entertained by friend ? at Nemuha
last week.
Ralph Evans was qulto sick several
duys last week , but is much batter at
this writing.
Mr. J. Belden ami family now occupy
the building recently vacated by the
post otllcc.
Clyde Harper is uow at Auburn ,
helping his father with his rush In the
livery business.
Mrs. Fred Werner was in town ono
day during the week , takiug homo with °
her a fine now stove.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marsh arc now
the pro ml parents of a line baby girl ,
who arrived May 7th.
The farmer's report some damage
done to their fruit by the hall which
fell Tuesday evening.
Mrs. mil of Neinaha came down
Tuesday evening and spent the night
with her son and family.
Mrs. Ned Crothsr , who accompanied
her husband from Nemaha Is now a
guest at the James Uotcl.
Our post otllco is now located in the
Felt building , ono door south of where
It has been for some time.
Frank Towuley , who has been at
Lincoln , attending Medical College , Is
now homo to speud vacation.
The concert , which was given by the
I boys of our band in the hall Saturday
evening , was. qulto a success.
Mr. Wm. Brown was employed at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sbuleuborg
the greater part of last week.
Miss Hart of Verdon was here Satur-
d i' w 'h a l' ' rt of her millinery stock ,
where she done i good business.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Felt uro now en-
J ° y'nU ' tt v'b"tt ' 'rom their daughter ,
Mrs. Lenord Loyd of Oklahoma.
M. T. Hill was a Nomaha visitor
lust Wednesday. His son Clyde took
charge of the store during his absence.
E were fortunate in securing some very ex
ceptional bargains in ladies' ' waists and wash
duck skirts. A high grade line of waists and
duck skirts at a saving of l/s to you. These values are
well worthy of your attention and you will be delighted
with the showing , : - : : - ; : - :
WHITE WAISTS 98c Ladies' Tailored Skirts
You will recognize these waists as $ i 50 You never saw a nicer line of skirts any
and $2 values. Who could offer you where for the money. These skirts were
values the equal of this ? Seeing is.appre- made to sell for $5.50 to $7. We're going
ciating the values. Friday and ingto sell them Friday and
Saturday waists at Saturday at " .
Duck Skirts $1.25
The $2 quality for $1.25. This was a
good buy for us and if you attend this While attending this Sale be
sale , you will appreciate the bargain and sure to exame our line of Smith's
the saving , Friday and Satd * | Axminster Rugs. * *
urday skirts at < P *
Bargains at this store every day in the week.
Friday and Saturday special Sale days. We carry
a complete line in each department. : = :
Yours for Satisfaction
Falls City , Nebraska
Elder Sapp came down from Nemaha
Sunday ' and preached two very inter
esting sermons at the Christian church.
Miss Croth , who has just finished u
very successful term of school near
hero , returned to her home at Verdon
on Friday.
Mr. Sherman Colglazler of near Dawson -
son , accompanied by his two daughters ,
spent last Thursday with relatives and
friends here.
Dr. Shook and .vlfu accompanied by
Mrs. Snook's mother and father , Mr. .
and Mrs. Shurtlell , wers Auburn vlsl-
tors last Saturday.
Miss Edith Hill , who was to take part
In the concert Saturday , has had a
felon on one of her llnpers and was
therefore unable to take her place at
the piano.
Leo Shubort and wile qulto recently
left for Idaho , where they expect to
make their future home. It Is hoped
by their many friends hero that they
find the country fully up to their ex
Quito a largo number from hero
boarded the train Wednesday morning
for Nomaha to bo sight seers at the
ruins , after the cyclone which stopped
tbero Tuesday afternoon. They report
every thing left in a torn down condi
Mrs. Will King of Hastings is
visiting with her parents.
If you like our refreshments )
tell your friends ; if 3011 don't ,
tell us. We will appreciate it.
The Candy Kitchen ,
What's the matter with the
High school band ? It's all right ?
Who's all right ? The High
school band. Give us a concert.
Something good ! Try the
Happy Thought , Merry Widow
Macaroon Mousse , anil Jersey
Sundaes. They are fine. You
won't know until you try them.
At the Candy Kitchen.
Miss Lizzie Heitland
Magnetic Healer
Falls City , : : Nebraska
Having recently graduated from the
Weltmcr Institute of Magnetic Heal
ing at Nevada , Mo. , I am prepared to
treat diseases of all kinds.
Located a.t Mrs. Bums' just south
ol tKe convent. ' PHONE 279
Estimate ot Expenses.
Estimate of expenses for the Gscnl year , begin
ning First Tuesday , MnyMh , 1008 , anil the prob-
nblo nmonntA > f money iecesHnry for all puJposcs
to bo rni ed In said city of Kails City for said
fiscal year , for which the appropriation IB made ,
incltulini ; Interest and principal duo on the
bonded debt and sinking fund , itemizing and
classifying the different objects and branches of
expenditures , us near ai can bo , with n statement
of the entire revenue of the city of Falls City for
the previous year nnd the same to Ixi entered at
largo upon the minutes of wild city.
Itemizing and classifying the different objects
and branches of paid expenditures , and the entire
rovonno of wild city for the previous year as fol
W. TEH A. ELKcrnio
Coal A Hauling for same $1500.00
Salaries of City Oliicials . . 1100.00
Salaries , \\oter and Electric
Light Engineers SsOO.OO
Salaries , Police Ollicers. . ISW.O )
Salaries , Junitor . . IIM.OO
Condemning and building
walks. tOOO.OO
lluildiug of crossings and
improving streets . . 1500.00
Supplies for plant 3000.00
Improving plant . . . 1000.00
Printing and stationery. . . . WJO.OO
Itent for Council Room 200.00
DKUIIKO .iX ( ) 00
Sanitary nnd Poor 800.00
Extension of Klectric Light
Plant it improUniieame. . . 1600.00
Purchasing and condemning
of land 1500.00
Interest 120000
HlnkinK Fund 1KJO.IO
Interest ( JOO.dO
Interest 500.00
Improving Hond 1000.00
Librarian , Coal , Hooks and
Periodicals 1500.00
Incidental expenses 1000.00
Total Amonnt. . . JJOOOOOO
Extended in the previous 5 ear by
Conncil $23754.85
Expended in the pronoun : ror by City
Treasurer for Interest ana pajment
of Honda 2818.73
Paid Library Fnnd 1370.8U
Total . . . . .f. 7U7J 9l
Attest. W. vV. Auur.'i , Mayor.
\Y. A. BonMttZFL , City Clerk.
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby idven tliat 1) . C. Allen has
111 oil ultlt the village clerk of the village of
Stella , Nebraska , his petition signed by the re-
cinlsile number of free holders of the \illarc of
Stella , praylnir that a licence as saloon keeper
In ; granted him to sell malt , spirituous anil vin
ous liquors on Lot 15 In Itlock 11 111 the village
of Stella for the municipal lear tHviiinm
June 1st , 1903 , ; nd ciitliiiir May 31st. 1909.
Attest : U. C. ALLE.N.
A. J. IUi.n\vjN , Villaire CleJk.
Le al Notice
Notice is hereby given that 1 hove fikxl with
the village clerk of the village of Proton , No-
braskn , a i > etition bignetl by the requisite nam
her of free. holder > of t-nld % illnge , pro ) ing that a
saloon licence Iw granted to mo by the village
board to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors
on lot 32 , In block 1 , of wid. Ullage of I'rtMon ,
Nebraska , for the municipal year commencing
June 0th , lllb , and ending May 31,1109. *
Atteot ; J.U.SniLLY ,
L. C , BCUNELL , Village Clerk.
( First publication May 21. )
To Contractors.
Sealed proposals addressed to the Honorable
Major and City Council , and endorsed "Pro
posals for building foundations required nt
Light and Water Plant of Falls flty.1' will bo
received nt the otlieo of the City Clerk of the
city of Falls City , Nebr. , until 12 o'clock noon ,
standard time , June 5th , nnd oi > ened at7 lo
p. in , at the city hull , for the furnishing of all
material , labor and equipment required to elect
nil foundations required in nnd nt ( 'it's Pouer
IIon--o , all in accordance with the genernl jeci-
ficationH and instructions
to bidders on Ulo nt
the ollico of the City Engineer and City Clerk ,
Falls City , Nebr , Work to consist of concrete
foundations under two new generators and CM-
gineH and sub-foundations for boilers , also bids
will Iw received on either concrete or Btouo
foundations for new power house.
All bids must l > o made upon blank forms to Ira
obtained of the City Engineer , must give the
price proposed , both in writing anil in figures ,
and bo signed by the bidder with hix nddretx.
Hlds will IM received nt so much per cubic ynrd.
Each bid to bo nccompanleu by a certified
check for Cfts dollars ( $50.00) ) pnjablo to the
City of Fulls City , snid check to bo returned to
the bidder unless ho fail to execute tin ) contract ,
should it bo annrded him , A bond ot an
amount to IK > fixed by the Mnvor nud Council
will bo required for the faithful jierfonnance of
the contract.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all
bids or to accept nuy bid without explanation.
W. W. AunEY , Mayor.
W. H. BCIIMEI.ZEL. City Clerk.
.1. A. CKOOK , City Engineer , 17
Legal Notice.
Notice Is hereby ghcd that A. J , Hclmicklias
flleill with the villairc clerk of the village of
Stella , Nebraska , his petition signed by thu
requisite number of freeholders of the village
of Stella , praying that a license as saloon keep
er bo granted him to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors on lot 15 , In block 11. In the vil
lage of Stella , for the municipal year , bcglninir
June 1st , 1903 and ending May 'list. 1909.
Attest : A. J. HKLMICK.
A. J. lUtmviN. Village Clerk.
Lel&I Notice.
Notice is hereby given that V. M. Illnklc has
filed with the village clerk of the village of
Stella , Nebraska , his petition signed by the re
quisite number of free holders of the village of
Stella , praying that a license as saloon keeper
be granted him to sell malt , spirituous and vin
ous liquors on Lot 10 in Itlock 11 In the village
of Stella for the municipal jcar beginning
June 1st , 190S , ami ending May 31st. 1909.
Attest : T. M , UI.VKLI : .
A. J IlALDWix , Village Clerk.
Le a.1 Notice ,
Notice Is. hereby given thet J. A. Harmon uas
filed with the village cleric of the village of
Stella. Nebraska , his petition signed by the
requisite number offreeholders ! of the village
of Stella , praying that a license as saloon
keeper be granted him toscllma't , spirituous1
and vinous 'liquors on lot 10 , In block 11 , in the
\illagc of Stella , for the municipal year , bo-
giuing June 1st , 1903. and ending May 31st , 1W .
Attest : J. A. HAKMOK.
A. J. HAMIWIN , Village Clerk.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the Matter of Probating the Last Will ami
Teatninent of John S. lioyd. Deceased , Notice in
hereby given to all persons Interebtixl that II. E.
Iloyd has deposited in said court an instrument
purporting to bo the last will nnd testament of
said John H. Iloyd , deceased , and filed a iHititlcm
praying that said instrument may bo allowed and
admitted to Probate as the last will and tostn-
tncnt of said deceased. It is nrdcrnl Unit the
same bo heard by the court on Tuivday. the 9th
day of Juno. 1 , at U o'clock , n. m. In the county
court room In Falls City , in said county , when
nnd where all irsonB Interested nnd
may nppear
contest the probate thereof.
lly order of the court , dated May 16th. , 1003.
JOHN , County Judge.
Mrs. Levi Xubrick and Mrs.
E. E. Scott drove to Salem , Tues
day on a business trip.