The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 15, 1908, Image 1

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Falls City Again Winners.
The Southeastern Nebraska
Inter-scholastic field and track
meet was held here Saturday ,
and to simply say it was a suc
cess is putting it mildly. The
weather was ideal and the visitors -
itors began arriving on Friday
evening , each'train adding to
the crowd until there were about
400 visitors present. It was a
larger crowd than ever gathered
at any of the former meets , and
our young folks feel proud of
the showing made.
During the forenoon Tecum.
seh and Pawnee City High
schools played ball at Poteet's
park. It was a close and ex
citing game , resulting in a score
of G to 4 in favor of Tecunseh.
At 2 o'clock the crowd gathered -
ered at the High school Campus ,
where the principal events were
contested. The contest was so
close and spirited that the deep
est interest was maintained
throughout the entire program ,
each contestant entering with a
vim and every point scored was
on individual merit alone.
The winning teams secured
the places on the different events
in the order in which their names
appear as follows :
100 yard dash Pawnee , Hum-
boldt , Pawnee. Time 11 seconds.
440-yard dash Pawnee , Hum-
boldt. Humboldt and Falls City
tie tor 3rd. Time 56 2-5 sees.
Running broad jump Palls
City ( Schock ) , Humboldt and
Pawnee City tie for 2nd 20 3-4.
Mile run Falls City ( Yoder ) ,
Humboldt , Humboldt , Nebraska
City. Time 5.9 2-5.
Running high jump Falls
City ( Schock ) , Pa.wnee , Auburn
and Pawnee tie for 3rd. 5 4.
Shot put Pawnee , Falls City
( Jones ) , Humboldt 41-6 .
220-yard dash Pawnee , Hum
boldt , Pawnee. Time 24 1-5.
880-yard run Falls City ( Yo-
der ) , Humboldt , Palls City ( A.
Yoder ) . Time 2.19 1-5.
Pole vault Palls CityShock ( ) ,
Pawnee , Pawnee 9-7.
Relay race Palls City , Hum
boldt , Pawnee. Time 1.41.
Total Auburn 1-3 , Palls City
33 1-2 , Humboldt 21 2-3 , Nebras
ka City 1 , Pawnee City 32.
t In the evening there was a
splendid musical program ren
dered at the court house by the
High school band , orchestra and
glee club. A large crowd was
in attendance and about $25 was
realized , which will be used in
purchasing instruments and
This closed the day's program ,
and all went to their homes feel
ing that it had been a glorious
day well spent.
This is the second time Palls
City has won the Southeastern
Nebraska meet and a great deal
of interest has been awakened
among our citizens , who hope
that arrangements can be made
for a larger field , that the crowd
may be better accommodated.
_ Sterling Palloon and Louis
Rhodewald , of last year's track
team , came in for the meet Sat
urday and assisted our boys great
ly in winning first place.
David Reavis , jr. , felt heart
broken that he dropped out of
the pole vault at 9 feet 3 inches ,
when he has done better than
9 feet 6 in practice. It is only
fair to him to state that he in
jured his ankle in the county
meet , which , in _ connection with
the fact that this is his first year ,
marks his performance as very
Perdue of Pawnee was the best
individual athlete winning 23
points for his school ; next came
Shock with 15 and Yoder with
Falls City will lose Shock and
Yoder this year and the loss will
be a great one. With Amos
Yoder , Dave Reavis , jr. , Kanaly
and Jones as a neuclus , however ,
a good team should result.
John W. Holt , Sam Bain , Ed
Falloon , C. F. Reavis and others
forgot all about supper and stayed
until the last event was pulled off
at 7:30. :
It may be of interest to the
knocker who believes in all work
and no play to know that the
members of the team are among
the very best students in the
school , and that all have received
plendid marks for the year's
"Oh1"said a little Miss Sun
day morning , "I do hope Shucky
and Yoder won't pass , then they
will be on the team next year.1'
The State meet will be held at
Lincoln today. Shuck should
win the high jump and get at
least second in the broad jump ;
Yoder should get a place in the
mile and half mile and we should
score in the pole vault.
Amos Yoder ran a game race
in the half mile and lost second
place by but a few inches. He
hould be a valuable man in the
distance events next year.
Kanaly , Cain , Shuck and Moh-
ler ran like scared rabbits iu the
relay. Kanaly should be trained
for the sprints , as he possesses all
the essentials of a short-distance
man and the team is weak in that
department alone.
To learn to fight it out ; to de
velop courage and endurance ; to
abstain from all forms of dissipa
tion and keep the bed } ' clean and
full of health are among the
things these children of ours learn
at" track meets , and yet there are
Col. Satterwhite's potato patch
around which the track was built
hould produce a great crop of
mashed potatoes this year.
The streets were filled with
High school students Saturday
night. The Humboldt band and
quartette gave a splendid concert.
The youngsters cheered and sang
and gave their yells. Chief Marts
stood and looked on for a while ,
then said , "I'm going home , this
crowd doesn't need a policeman. "
Falls City turned out the largest
crowd and turned in the biggest
gate receipts in the history of the
association. Why not have the
meet here again next year ?
The relay race was the most
spectacular and exciting event of
the day. The running of our
boys stirred the crowd into frenzy
and even the old stagers , who
were in attendance from curiosity ,
forgot their dignity and yelled
and threw their hats like the rest
of the
If Pawnee City had another
Perdue they would have a team
that would be hard to beat by the
best of them.
About 100 people from Hum-
boldt were in attendance. The
delegation was headed by their
High school band.
If you wish to study human
nature just attend a field meet ,
get in the crowd and listen to the
conversation about. You will
then get it in all its phases.
Mr. Penrod of the State uni
versity acted as referee and con
ducted affairs in a most satisfac
tory manner.
Miss Viva and Loyette Kinney
and Miss Marie Riggs , teacbers
of the Verdon schools , spent
Saturday .here , the guests of
Mrs. Ben Nicholson.
.ytf ,
Veach the Best Marksman.
"Billy" Veach , not only made
a runaway from the amateurs ,
but shot all around the profes
sionals at the last day of the
Omaha tournament , making 196
breaks out of a possible 200.
Lincoln Journal.
Bitten by a Dop.
While coining down town Sun
day , Chas. Whctstine had an en
counter with a dog which will
lower the opinion he has hereto
fore held for the canine family.
While attempting to prevent a
mix-up between his dog and
another one , the strange dog re
sented the interference by plant
ing his teeth in Charley's right
liand lacerating it quite badly.
While nothing serious is appre-
liended , his hand was quite sore
and kept him irom his work for
a time.
Falls City Boy to the Front.
George A. Martin , who has
been elected superintendent of
the Nebraska City schools , is
an old Falls City boy , receiving
his education here. He taught
several , terms in our country
schools , and also afterwards at
Dawson , then to Nebraska City ,
where his work has-proven so
satisfactory that he was ten
dered the position of head of
their schools , which he has ac
cepted. He has many friends
here to congratulate him upon
his success.
Badly Sprained Ankle ,
Harry Jones received a badly
sprained ankle Saturday evening
which confined him to his home
for several days.
He was coming down the stairs
at the court house when some one
from behind pushed him , causing
him to slip off the step resulting
in a painful injury. Harry is a
member of the track team , win
ning second place in the shot-put
Saturday afternoon. He is sched
uled to go to Lincoln todaj' , but
not being able to practice , is
afraid he will not be able to carry
away the laurels.
Monument Unveiling : .
Nemaha Camp No. 9 , W. O. W.
and friends will assemble at their
hall next Sunday at 1:30 : p. m.
and at-2 p. m. a procession will
be formed to inarch to the ceme-
ters and at 3 p. in. the unveiling
exercises will take place at the
grave of the late Sovereign Me-
A orogram has been prepared
consisting of music by the band ,
music by quartet , poem by Miss
Stumbo and an address by Rev.
Thomas D. Davis , M. A. , Tecumseh -
seh , Neb.
Free carriages are provided for
the ministers and their wives also
for the editors and their wives.
A cordial invitation is extended
to all to attend.
Paving ; Must Come.
The efforts of C. H. Heineman
in n-gard to paving Stone street
are bearing fruit , and everyone
is enthused over the bright pros
One ot the heaviest property
owners savs that it must be and
at once. He says the willing
ones will begin soon and then the
reluctant ones will fall in line ,
and that it is only a matter of a
very short time until Stone street
will be paved from the south end
to the High school , as it is the
most contageous disease known ,
and when our citizens see the im
provement with only three or
four blocks paved there is sure to
be an epidemic.
We all take off our hats to Mr.
Heineman for interesting our people
ple in this question and hope it
will be pushed to a speedy end.
Does Advertising Pay ?
In answer to this question we
cite the skeptical to the Mat
thews store. These gentlemen
came here total strangers , took
hold of a business where the
slock and trade had run down ,
and the wise ones shook their
heads and gave them but a few
months to live. Look at the
business now , which under the
efficient management o f T.
O'Gorman has increased until
now , in less than six months ,
this store enjoys as good a trade
as any place in town , What did
it ? There is only one answer.
Printers' ink , and these gentle
men will tell you so.
Last Saturday Mr. O'Gortnnn
resigned his position as mana
ger of this business , turning the
affairs over to his successor ,
Mr. Little , who we feel sure
will prove just as efficient as his
predecessor , and in time make
Matthews' store one of the lead
ing stores in southeastern Ne
. The proprietor , T. P. Matthews -
thews , who owns several differ ,
cut stores , is so favorably im
pressed with his business in this
city that he is now arranging
his affairs so as to be able to
become one of us , and in a short
time hopes to be able to move
his family here.
This is only one instance , but
we could cite many. Again we
ask , does advertising pay ?
Fifty Years'inTalls City.
Just fifty years ago last Sun.
day Isham Reavis landed in Falls
City. Of those who lived in the
little hamlet on that Sunday
morning a half century gone ,
but three remain in the land of
the living , viz : W. E. Dorring-
ton , RuthBurbank , then a little
girl and now the wffe of the
governor of Arizona , and Mr.
In that day there were no rail
roads , no fence ; ? , no roads , no
streets , but few people and few
er nouses. The country was a
boundless and treeless prairie ,
unfettered by fences or human
habitations. Still , it was in
viting to the young men who
left eastern homes to settle in
the west and grow up with the
country , and among those who
came to Falls City in an early
day may be found the names of
several who have helped write
the history of the state.
High School Reception.
The young ladies of the high
school gave a reception to the
various track teams in the assem
bly room of the high school Mon
day evening. Besides the students
there was a large attendance of
ladies and gentlemen who have
taken an interest in the team.
The evening was spent in ex
temperaneous talks by the several
students as well as each member
of the team concerning the differ
ent events contested in the county
meet at Salem and the southeast
ern at Falls City. Prof. Hurst
spoke feelingly of the boys who
had won so much glory for the
high school and his personal re
lations with them during the ar
duous training season. Prof.
Hurst is very popular with all
the students and the great affec
tion they feel for him was dis
closed by the enthusiastic recep
tion tendered him.
At the conclusion of the informal
mal program , C. F. Reavis , on
behalf of the school , presented
each member with a badge upon
which was printed the name of
the recipient , the events he par
ticipated in and the points won.
Prof. Tobie in an address which
spoke of the higher view of athe-
letics , presented the boys with
the statuette , which , under the
rules of the association , goes to
the winning team.
After songs by the glee club
and the serving of refreshments ,
the reception , which had been
exceptionally enjoyable , was
brought to a close.
, -
Mr. Easley went to , the gold
field oi California in 1S53) ) return
ing a year later with $12.000 in
gold. The return trip was by
way of the Isthmus of Panama
and New York , with Commodore
VanderbiH , commanding the ves
sel from Panama. The funeral
was held at the family residence
on Friday afternoon , May 8. at
half past two o'clock. The fun
eral was preached by Rev. Ben
nett Mays of Dawson. A large
gathering of people met to pay
the last tribute of respect to one
of their oldest citizens , and the
[ lower covered casket was borne
silently away , to lay the remains
by the side of the members of his
family , who have passed nwny
before him. His youngest daugh
ter. Mrs. Wiser , was prevented
from being present by the sick
ness of her youngest child. The
other children and most of the
grandchildren were present at the
last sad rites. May his sleep be
D. T. Easley was born in Hali
fax Co. , Va. . March 2nd , 1831 ,
died in Rule , Neb. , May 3rd ,
1908 , aged 77 years , 2 months and
1 day. In 1850 he established a
general store on the banks of the
Missouri river , four miles below
Rulo. Came to Rule in 1858 and
erected a store building of which
he was a partner. In 1887 he
formed a partnership with J. C.
Ilinkle of-Fortescue , Mo. , and
continued in business until 1902 ,
when he retired on account of the
invalidism of his wife. Mr , Eas
ley was one of the very first busi
ness men of Rule , and sold goods
for more than fifty years. He
erected the first business house in
Rule , the lumber being hauled
from Missouri by J. C. Ilinkle ,
still living and a resident of For
tescue , Mo. He was married to
Miss Mary Ann Thomas , June 4 ,
I860. To this union seven chil
dren were born , only three of
whom survive , Mrs. J , II. Miles ,
of Los Angeles , CalMrs. . J. A.
Ilinkle , Rule , Neb. . Mrs. F. B.
Wiser , Phoenix , Arizona. His
wife died in 1902. He also has
three sisters and one brother liv
ing , Mrs. II , M. Edgecomb , Mrs.
J. W. Ilosford and Allie Easley ,
all of Rule and Mrs. Martha Sher-
cr of Albuquerque. N. M.
Rebekab's Initiate.
Rebekah lodge held a most in
teresting and busy session on
Tuesday evening , when a class of
six ladies was introduced to Mr.
Goat , who proceeded to make
things lively for them. The Re
bekah staff from Hiawatha put
on the initiatory work , and those
who were present say it was the
best they had ever witnessed.
The team is composed of twenty
ladies , each being perfect in her
part , and their drill work was in
deed a treat. Those initiated
were Mrs. Chas. Wilson , Mrs.
Emma Satterwhitc , Mrs. Chester
Fisher , Mrs. Jake Tanner , Mrs.
Chas. Davis and Miss May Mad-
The crowd from Hiawatha num
bered thirty-seven. They were
met at the depot and taken to the
lodge room , where everything
possible was done for their pleas
ure. An elegant 6 o'clock supper
was served , after which the time
was spent in getting acquainted ,
and when the hour arrived for the
opening ode all felt that they
were indeed brothers and sisters.
At midnight a lunch was served
and when the hour for departure
came the visitors expressed them
selves as having been royally en
tertained and hoped they might
soon have another meeting of like
Caue Seed at Heck's Feed
Clarence Burcliard Dead.
When the news came to this
city Saturday at noon that Clar
ence Burcliard was dead ) it cast a
gloom that time alone can dispel ,
and the truth could not be real
ized until the body accompanied
by the father arrived here Sunday
Clarence had grown to man
hood in this city. Everyone knew
him and loved him. He went to
our public schools and also our
business college and later attend
ed the Gem City Business College
of Quincy , 111. He was unusually
bright and at the time of his death
was holding a most lucrative po
sition as checker with the Byrne-
Hammer Dry Goods Co. of Oma
ha , and it is thought that the
close application to work , which
brought poor health , was the
cause of his rash act. His great
ambition during his short married
life was the happiness of his
young wife. Together they had
planned a glorious future , and to
her this great sorrow is almost
Deceased was a member of St.
Thomas church , and up to the
time of his going away took an
active part in church work , being
one of the vested choir.
The funeral was held from the
home on Tuesday afternoon , Rev.
Neide conducted the same using
the beautiful and impressive Epis
copal service. Alargccrowd was
in attendance to mingle their tears
with the bereaved ones.
A sad feature is the fact that
Clarence and his wife were ex
pected home on Sunday , he hav
ing decided to take a vacation ,
and that he should come in this
manner is hard indeed.
Besides his wife , deceased leaves
his father , mother , sister and bro
ther , who have the deepest sym
pathy of all in their hour of
Following is the account of the
sad affair as given in the Omaha
Bee of last Saturday :
Clarence J. Burcliard walked in
to the Drexel hotel at 8:30 : Satur
day morning , registered under the
name of George W. Shoal , went
upstairs to a room and sent a bul
let through his right temple into
his brain , producing instantan
eous death. He left a note indi
cating that he feared he was go
ing insane , which was his reason
for the act.
He lived with his wife at 2915
North Twenty-Sixth street. They
were married onlv last Christinas
and their married life had been
happy. Burcliard was a son of
Dr. C. T. Burcliard of Falls City ,
Neb. lie was 23 years of age.
The young man showed no
signs of his intention when he
registered and the name he wrote
on the hotel register is written in
a firm hand. lie went up to the
second floor in the elevator. Mrs.
Allie Courtney , the housekeeper ,
saw him wandering up and down
the hall. lla asked her where
room 24 was. She noticed that
he carried a revolver in his hand ,
but thought he merely intended
to take it into the room and put
it away. She showed him the
room. There was no key on the
"Never mind. " said Burchard ,
"I'll drop a chair against it. "
He went inside and jammed a
chair back under the knob. In a
few moments the shot was heard.
The body lay across the bed ,
which was soaked with blood
from a ragged hole in the right
temple. The revolver lay on the
floor. He had laid his top coat
and his coat neatly across the
bottom of the bed. His collar
and necktie he had placed on the
bureau. On the bureau was also
a letter , written on a piece of fine
paper in a very good handwriting.
It had been folded and evidently
had been written and brought to
I the hotel in his pocket.
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