THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MAY 8 , 1908. ii < i > i lima iMi H Mew White Linens and Cottons Three unusual values in 36-inch plain White Linen Cloths at SQC have just arrived. Light , medium and heavy weights , all linen. White , cotton checks , plaids , stripes , just in , very dainty and beautiful.Vhite Swisses , dots and fancy figures , prices JQC to $1.00 Plain and Fancy Colored Linen Suiting Arc Very Good White , Brown , Golden Leather , Light Blue , Nayy , Copenhagen , Champaigne , Red , Reseda , Nile , Checks and Embroidered , at Tan Hose Women's tan and bro\vn plain Hose , 15c , 25c , 35c , 50c , 60c Women's tan and brown fancy lace and embroidered i HOBO , 25c , 35c , 40c , 50c , 60c , 75c , $ 1 Men's tan and brown plain half Hose , 15c , 25c , 35c , 50c Men's tan and brown lace and fancy half Hose , 25c , 35c , 50c Misses' tan and brown plain Hose , 15c 25 C Every one of these is a special value and in all of them the proper shade can be had. 25 Per Cent Discount on Ladies' Suits i5 Ladies' Tailored Suits , new this season , some especially adapted for mid-season wear , sold at $9 to $25 , all now offered at a discount of 25 per cent. $18 Suits , now $13.50 $20 " " 15.00 $25 " " 18.75 $1.25ShirtWaists$1.25 Every Woman in Falls City should see what won derful styles in ShirtWaists can be hadxfor $1.25. We have ten styles at this price , everyone a "stunner. " While we have many numbers at other prices , our $1.25 values are great. Leather and Wash Belts Novelties in leather and Wash Belts at 15c , 20c , 25c,35c , 50c , 60c , 75c , $1 Elastic Belts , Silk Belts , Tinsel Belts , all in wide variety. We are proud of this assortment. The newest , nattiest styles shown this Spring are on our Notion Counter. Long and Short SiJk Gloves Short Lisle Gloves in black , tan , brown , mode , champaigne , white at 25 C and 50c . t Long1 Lisle Gloves in black , tan , brown , mode , champaigne , white at fifc ftfa $1.25 Short Silk Gloves in black , tan , brown , navy , white , ' 50c < Long Silk Gloves in black , white , navy , Copen hagen , receda , red , tan , champaigne , brown , pink , light blue , grey , at JJf $1.25 , $1.50 , $2 Fans for Commencement Gifts Highly Decorated Gauze Fans , so acceptable to young lady graduates at Commencement time , any price 25c to $2.50 Parasols This entire line is new the prevailing cloth and color for Parasols in pongee , having borders to match the costume , either in plain , checks or stripes. We start the plain Pongees at $1 at many prices up to $5. We have the newest ideas of the season. For rain or shine , are 26-inch umbrellas , in blue , black , brown , red and green , with fancy borders. Two complete and attractive numbers , at popular cost. V. G. LYFORD , - - FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE i Kntcred as second-class matter at Falls City , Nebraska , post oflicc , Janu ary 12 , 1V04 , uniler the Act of Congress on March 3 , 1879. x Published every Friday at Falls City , Nebraska , \ > y The Tribune Publishmtf Company E. F. Shtvrts , Manager One year Sl.f > 0 Six months 7f > Three months 40 TELEPHONE 226. lias the assessor called upon you ? If not , your turn will soon come. The New York World , a demo cratic paper is authority for the statement , "Bryan's nomination means Taft's election. " We have heard no one dispute it so far. While considerable damage has been done to the fruit in thishtatc by the recent cold snap , the re ports from Arkansas and Missouri indicate that we have been more fortunate than many other local ities. Stand up for Nebraska. We frequently hear of a. million dollar rain , but the rain which fell on Sunday and Monday nights is estimated to be worth $3dOO- 000 to the winter wheat crop of Nebraska which was suffering greatly for rain. It some time * looks blue in Nebraska , bul bounteous rains are generally sent in time to make an abundanl harvest. Although Secretary Taft is more than two thousand miles away , his boom still goes march ing on sweeping all oppositioi before it. It is large enough t < fill the country and by the tim < the Chicago convention meets , ; motion by the opposition , tomaki the nomination of the secretar ; unanimous will be in order. 'Harry K. Thaw has been tcm porarily released from the asylut at Matteuan. It is to be hoped that the release is only temper ary. It would be a travesty on justice , if a man whom the courts hold to be too insane to be amen able to the criminal law after the taking of human life were to be later declared sane and again set free. The new mayor is now in the saddle. We predict a good year for Falls City. The appoint ments made , are good ones and the public are assured of good service. Let everybody boost now and help the town. We have the capital , the territory , and the men to make Falls City a larger and more progressive town if we will only become boosters and cease to be knockers. Shortly after the passage of our present reyenue bill , the Dem ocrats tried to beguile the public into the belief that it necessarily meant higher taxes. The county board , which was Democratic , made an unusually heavy levy as did cause a raise in the taxes. Any thinking man knows that the amount of the tax we pay de pends upon the amount levied. The county board is still Demo cratic. They control the purse which holds the county money , and the taxpayers of Richardson county have seen no reduction in the taxes. Reform and economy are great cries with our Demo' cratic friends , but when put tc the test , they neither reform 01 economize. Those are not real mockinj birds you hear ou the street , bu a very unique advertisemen given out by P. S. lleacock $ Son , and in the hands oi tin small boy is doing good/service / lleacock & Son is one ol tin linns that realizes the good tha comes from advertising. Patzman Sisters arc ofl'erini bargains in hats , fromTSc. to $3.5 Resolutions of Respect. AVhereas , it has pleased God in His divine wisdom to remove Irom our midst Bro. James Cor nell , and , 1 AVhereas , we deem it a fitting1 tribute to our beloved brother to make known to the public the high esteem in which he was held by this council. Therefore be it resolved , that in the death of Brother Cornell , Richardson Council , No. 1312 , K. and L. ol S. has lost an ear nest member , his family a tender loving husband and .father , and the community a valuable citi zen. Resolved , That this council extend to the bereaved ones their warmest sympathy in their sad bereavement. Resolved , That these resolu tions be spread at length upon the records of this council , pub lished in the city paper , a copy presented to the family of the deceased , and that the charter draped in mourning for a [ icriod of thirty days. S. V. SKAUS , FUIJD nKUUNCi , GUOUGU NOAH. Committee. ' Considered an Honor. J. M. Schocnheit. one of out old Falls City boys , has had hon ors conferred upon him which he may well feel proud of. During his recent trip to Washington he was admitted to the bar of the United States Supreme Court , This is indeed an honor which has been the goal set by many , Jule's many old friends here con gratulate him. During his rcceni visit in the capital city he alsc had the pleasure of a visit will President Roosevelt , being witl the Missouri delegation , who wen in line during the president's receiving hour. \ Mrs. Reneker and daughter Helen Ruth , are visiting at tin Paige home in Troy , Kas. , thi week. Resident of Jerusalem. \ Mrs. Charles Edwin Smith of Jerusalem , is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Murray , 909 # Charles street. Mr. Mur ray made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Smith , during a residence of nearly a year in Jerusalem , dur ing which he assisted the Ameri can consul. St. Joe News-Press. Mrs. Smith , formerly Miss Jennie Newkirk , is the wife of our old townsman , Chas- Edwin Smith , a brother of H. C. They left here about seven years ago : or Jerusalem and have lived there since that time. Mrs. Smith ar rived in the city Wednesday for a few days visit with old friends. She is enrotite to California to visit her brother , Dr. Newkirk , who has been quite ill for some time. Library Notes. The library board met Tuesday evening in the library. The librarian's report showing a cir culation of 1.652 volumes and an attendance of 1,859 , was accepted. The bill for the new chairs for the small children was allowed , and the list of magazines to be taken for the next year deter mined upon. There will be seven new ones added to the list already on the tables. Then followed a lively discus sion as to ways and means for helping the children to the use and appreciation of the best books. All agreed that having the books was not enough , but that to make the library of the most service there must follow the reading of the same. If half the ambitions mentioned can be carried out our library will be nearer the top than it now is. The new chairs and table for the small children have been in stalled and are a great comfort to the little tots. Bruno Hansen spent a few days of the past week in this city with his wife at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Kerr. Visit the New Jewelry Store and see the latest designs in Table-ware , Everything first-class and prices reasonable , Call and be convinced , R. B. Simpson North Winow Kerr's ' Pharmacy Watch Jewelry RepairingDone. . A Willing Work MONEY is always ready to earn you more money when given the opportunity. We Furnish The Opporlimltv I IF YOU HAVE a few dollars of idle money about you , you had better ask us about the plan. Palis City State Bank Capital and Surplus , $70,000.00 . . f f a 1:1 i.- For Sale. 320 acres , fine land , well located in Porter precinct. Owner wants to sell at once or will sell one quarter separate. Will contract on next March. HKNKY C. SMITH , Palls City , Nebr , Mrs. Belle Ault now lias charge of the suit department in V. G. Lyford's store. Miss Jones being compelled to resign and go to her home in Reserve on account of the ill health of her mother. Attention W.O.W. and Friends. Nemaha Valley Camp No. 9 , located at Falls City , have set apart Sunday , May 17 , at 3 p. m. to unveil the monument erected at the grave of the late Sovereign McPherson- The Sovereigns will meet at the W. O. W. Hall at 1:30 : p. m. , where the procession will be formed and will march to the cemetery in a body. The services will take place at the grave. A suitable program will be arranged for the occasion. - " - - - - Jr"--- lashA