The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 08, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    * r . , * ; T. - JF , fviirnnp f * ' * (
* - . .
Watch the store that gives the values that makes this the busiest place
in town. Everybody seems pleased with the big bargains offered each
week. Our sales have grown steadily and we are so well pleased that we
are going to give you even greater values than ever before. The induce
ments this week will be in the form of special TWO HOUR SALES on Fri
day and Saturday.
Friday Morning from 8 to 10
GOBELIN SILKOLINE 9c. Actual i5c values. The
9c new Persian figures , art orientals , florals and plain 9c
colors ; full standard width and the very highest qual
ity. Friday from 8 to 10 o'clock a. m. only
Friday Afternoon from 2 to 5
, g2jj P LINEN CRASH TOWELING 9c. Genuine Hether
| * 9c Crash , full bleached , fancy borders , and also imported 9c
18 inch bleached Linen Towling , i5c qualities ; Friday
afternoon , 2 to 4 o'clock , per yard
Saturday Morning from 8 to 10
ple line of belts , all different styles , including 50c
grade. Ladies' and Children's Sunbonnets , all colors
most any style , worth 2oc ; either of these articles
Saturday Afternoon from 2 to 4
GERHANO BATISTE sc. Germane Batiste , all new
patterns. Think of it ! New Bastistes at just half price
Our Wash Goods carried over from last year , worth up
to i5c a yard. Saturday afternoon , 2 to 4 per yard. .
F. W. Cleveland
. . & Son
The Unpleasant Manner.
William III. was one ot the
greatest kings England ever
bad , and also one of the most
unpopular. He commanded the
respect of Britons and of the
world , but he couldn't command
the affection of a soul , and he
was the loneliest mortal who
ever wore a crown.
The manner that repelled people
ple and made him as lonety as
an anchorite , was his misfortune
and not his fault ; for he craved
the companionship he could not
win or keep , and there was ten
der sentiment in the heart that
people supposed was frozen ; as
witness , the finding on his dead
body of a carefully treasured
curl of his wife's hair.
Governor Hughes , of New
i York , is the victim of a similar
misfortune. He is a great man ,
and a good man , and has accom
plished much in the world , and
the people admire him for what
he has done ; but there's no one
to love him , none to caress , for
he has the manner ot a bear
Avith a sore head.
He has absolutely no tact , and
that absence is fatal to the am.
bitions of any man. He may
appreciate the efforts of those
who have helped to elevate him ,
but he finds it impossible to
show his appreciation ; he does
a favor as though administering
a rebuke , and rebukes as though
imposing a sentence of death.
His friends are not so lost in
admiration of his noble qualities
that they will forgive rebuffs
and apparent ingratitude ; they
will not try to console them
selves with the rellection that
the governor's manner is a mere
cloakx that behind a trowuing
providence he hides a smiling
face ; they are human , and they
want appreciation. And so down
k goes McGinty to the bottom of
" * the sea , dressed in his best suit
of clothes. In other words , Mr.
Hughes has worn out the patience -
tience of his best friends by his
brusqueness , his insensibility ,
lis apparent selfishness.
Which goes to show that stori
ng worth is none the worse for
the tinsel of cordiality and the
buckram of smiles. W. A. White
Square Deal and Square Meal.
"To keep the dinner pail full ,
; o keep the pay-car going , to
feep the factory busy , to keep
: he workmen employed , to keep
the present wages up. "
The foregoing is the platform
of the National Prosperity As
sociation which was organized
in St. Louis Friday night by
some ot the most prominent
business men of that city , and
which , it is hoped , will ulti.
mately be made national in
scope. As a model platform
and a slogan of progress this
association's announced purpose
is commended to all political
parties. Surely it covered the
entire field of national needs ,
for full dinner pails , regular pay
cars , busy workmen and good
wages mean a return of the good
times so generously in evidence
before the recent legislative on
slaught upon capital and labor
was made.
The National Prosperity As
sociation should number in its
membership every live American
citizen , whether be be capitalist ,
factory owner , railway official ,
small dealer , artisan or laborer.
So interdependent are the ele
ments of our complex industrial
society that one class of work
ers cannot be prosperous with
out the effect being felt by all ,
and , conversely , one class of
workers cannot be hampered ,
demoralized and eliminated
without all others feeling the
ill effects of such a situation.
The new organization says it
has nothing to do with the past.
It looks forward. It believes in
a square deal and a square meal
for every man. Without whim ,
paring over the mistakes and
s rongs of the past , it now pro.
poses by constructive action to
restore in this country that high
level of prosperity that was dis
turbed by thoughtless legislation
It is quite true , as is pointed
out by the address of the new
association , that there is noth
ing fundamentally wrong with
this country. We have suffered
no extensive crop failures. Our
securities ought to be just as
safe and as'much in demand as
before. The present general
turning toward constructive ac
tion is the evidence of a deter-
nining second sober thought on
the part of our people who refuse
longer to be carried away by
the rant and hypocrisy of selfish
politicians who hesitate at no
measure of destruction in ad
vancing their own selfish ends
The place to begin the restora
tion of prosperity is with the
workingmen. No true prosper
ity can be enjoyed in this or any
other country until the working
men are fully employed at gooc
wages. The best evidence o
the square deal is the square
meal. That the so-called "square
deal" so noisily proclaimed elate
late was not the genuine article
is evidenced by the thousands o
idle workingmen in this country
today. There lean be no true
square deal that is not fair am
just to all , rich and poor , bigl
and low , capitalist and laborer
K. C. Journal.
Tired nerves with that "no ambl
tlon" feeling that is commonly felt I
spring or early summer can be ensll
and quickly altered by taking what I
known to drugglbts every where as Dr
Snoop's Restorative. One will absOlutely
lutoly note a chnnped feeling within 1
hours after beginning to take the Hs
storatlvu. The bowels got sluggish 1
the winter , the circulation often slow
up , the Klilnojs are inactive and eve
the heart in many cases grows decidet
ly weaker. Dr. Hhoop's Restorative I
recognized everywhere as a genuln
tonic to these vital organs , it builds u
and strengthens the worn out weakened
od nerves ; It sharpens the fulling ui
petite and universally aids digestion
it always quickly brings renewed
strength , life , vigor and ambition. Trj
it and be convinced. Sold by all deal'
Chris Lionberger of Ilumboldt
was a pleasant caller at this of
fice Saturday.
For Good Roads.
WnshinRton , D.OAInyS , IMS.
The following from Congress-
inn Pollard is eclf-o.xplanntcry
ml should prove interesting to nil
ur rendera :
My Dear Sir : 1 desire once
lore to cnll your nttunlion to n
uestion that seems to mo to be
f the greatest importance to the
arming communitioH of Nebraska.
do not wish to bo understood as
ppearing in the light of interfer-
ig in any way with the policy
our Board agree should bo fol-
owed by your county concerning
s public highways , but 1 do do-
ire to call your attention to the
act that T can have sent to your
ounty-seat without cost to you ,
rom the Washington Department
f Good Koiuls , a skilled engineer
ho will confer with your Board
i an advisory capacity as to the
> est improved and thoroughly up-
o-date methods of improving the
nblic highways of your county ,
Of course , you can adopt his plan
r not as you may think best.
My service on the Agricultural
Committee of the House has
) rought forcibly to my mind the
act that the middle-western stales
re far behind the other sections
f the country in the matter of
nproved roads. The Washington
Jureau of Good Roads is carrying
n co-operative work throughout
ho South , East and the far West ,
vhiuh has resulted in a very tie-
ided improvement of their public
lighways. I am very anxious that
omo of the public funds appro-
irinted by Congress for this pur
pose shall bo used in Nebraska ,
specially in my own district. In
ho black loam soils of the South
hey are introducing , under the
inpervision of the Washington
iflice , what is know as burnt-clay
i ml sand-clay roads which are
jiving the very best results. These
roads are inexpensive and seem to
me to be entirely practical in
Southeastern Nebraska.
I should like to have you take
ip with your Board of County
Dommissloners the question of
permitting one of these engineers
'rom Washington to meet with
; ou and discuss the question of
vhat type'of road is best suited
o your county and the best means
of introducing the same. Should
you desire to carry on co-operative
work with the department I can
jave the Bureau hero send out an
expert engineer who will superin
tend the work until some local
party is competent to take it up in
Ins place.
The agricultural bill now pend
ing in Congress carries an appro
priation of ninety thousand dollars
which is to bo used in carrying on
co-operative demonstration work
in improving the highways of the
various states of the Union.
until the present time there has
not been a dollar spent in Nebras
ka. This service that 1 have sug
gested will not cost your county a
penny unless , of course , you desire
to co-operate with the government
in improving your highways. I
shall be very glad , indeed , to have
you udvise mo whether I cannot
send one of these engineers to con
sult with your county Board along
the lines indicated.
Hoping to hear from soon , as
Congress will adjourn in the near
future , I remain ,
Sincerely yours ,
Colds That Hang On.
Colds that hang on in the spring deplete -
ploto the system , exhaust the nerves
and open the way for serious illnesb ,
take Foloy's Tlonoy and Tup it qnckly
stops the cough ami expels the cold.
It is a safe and certain in results.
Kerr's Pharmacy.
"Good For Any Wood"u
OLIIANS and p liFti'i. rerooroi it ! n
v and ictc r < t ihi f.nlih Guarinleuii
to give perfect tttiilactlon Abioluuly
Iho belt pollih made Accept no lutill-
tuto It jour deilur dncsn't carry It. lent !
u > hit nurno and w 'll ice that you are tup-
Prlco 20c and BOc
ORCHARD & WILHUM , Omaha , Kobr
\J s | r\ | r | tfy J i * \J r |
You are Invited |
To open a bank account with the Fanners State $
IBank of Preston , Nebraska. * "f "
You may never have kept a batik account , Allow us to suggest * 7
that you try opening one as nn experiment. Such a habit tends J
to tlirlft , besides it a Hunts a convenient method for the payment | i
of bills , as your canceled checks serve as good receipts. Uainy
days come' to woryouc. Klght now , \vhilo you are making , you
ought to be saving ; then , when things go wrong , you will al
ways have something to fall back upon A small amount starts
a bank account. It is our pleasure to extend to our customers
all accommodations that are conslstant with safe and crnserva-
live banking methods and to give careful attention to their
wants. We are operating under state inspection and control.
§ * > * $ SI { * * { { | * > * { * 4 * { * |
. . . . . .
Here are a few things in our line that we feel sure 3
would interest you at this season of the year. 2
The MOTOR WASHER , a Monday mornil
ing1 necessity that you cannot afford 3
to be without. = 3
Then we have the JEWEL GASOLINE - 3
REFRIGATOR , the house wife's 2
friends this hot weather. 3
; Lowc Bros' . , PAINT j
will interest you , both in quality and 2
price. 2
Ours Arc "Dependable" Goods FALLS CITY , NEB. 2
CIIAS. M. WILSON'S is headquarters for Cut Glass ,
1 * Fancy China , Dinnerware , Lamps , Glassware
and in fact everything1 that goes to make a
| Complete China Store
We also have a complete stock of Good Groc-
J * cries , Fruits and Vegetables. Minnesota
Early Ohio Seed Potatoes at
? Chas. M. Wilson's
The Falls . City Roller Mills
Docs a general milling busincbs , and manufactures the
3 following brands of flour
3) The above brands arc gunratitcccl to be of the highest pos-
< J bible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and
2 conduct a general
9 Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
5 and solicit a share of 3011 r patronage
P. S. Heacock & Son Falls City , Nebr.
TB" \ ' / ' / WT O
Did YOV See ?
Those Fine Buggies and Surries we just received
a car load of Moon Bros. ,
Surries , Buggies aund Spring Wagons
The only place to buy and to see the most up-to-
date Vehicles is at Werner Mosiman & Co. , and
the way they go out is a proof they are
The Best Money Ca.n Buy
We also have a complete line of Farm Impliments
just fresh and up-to-date. Our prices are in reach
of every one , call and see us before you buy. We
lead them all.
Remember , we carry everything in the Implement line ,
such as Gas Engines , Wind Mills , Pumps , Tanks ,
Pipe and Fittings. Also are agents for'the Pure
Soft Gamble Lightning Rod
and just the thing you need to Protect your House
and Barn. Get our price and be protected from
Lightning. Call and see us we can save you
money. Yours truly ,