If- THE FALLS CITY ' 1RIBUNH , FRIDAY , APRIL 24 , 1908. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Ktitcrctt s second-class in.Utcr at alls City , Nchrnska , pint office , Jaiiu- y 12 , 1004 , Mtuler the Act of Oo Mir li 3 , 1S7 < . Published every 1'rltlay at Tails City. Nebraska , by The Tribune I'uhllahinrf Compsvny K. F. Slmrls , Manager One year SI . { jo Six u'onths > Three months .40 TELEPHONE 226. The bare foot boy is a ain in c\ilcncc. There arc no happier days than these for boyhood. 11 iimholtll mid vicinity can boiibt of eighteen aiitoinobiloH. What 'has become of Falls City's homeless - less carriages ? Alton B. I'arker is to lead the New York delegation to Denver , lie will be in a position to return to Mr. Uryan the bo < | iiet handed him at St. Louis in l'JM ( by the jjrcat democratic dictator. It seems strange that men will not take the President at his word when he says that he is not a candidate and will not be a candidate for president this year. It seems like an insult to keep urtfiiitf him for the nomination , after he has spoken in such un certain tones on several occasions. He is certainly entitled to have his wishes respected. The report now comes from New Jersey that the ' 'Merry Wid ow" sailors arc discouraging men from attending church. The .story goes that a pew that form erly seated six ladies comfortably now will seat only four. It is discouraging to a man unless lit ia more interested in fine hat ? than in sermons to sit behind ; i square yard of hat and dote or hats and hats alone. This is the season for the build ing of new side-walks. Manj new ones arc being constructs and it will not be many years un til there will be no board o plank side-walks to be seen in tb town. There are quite a numbe which are badly in need of repai and it is hoped that they will b repaired so as to be safe or ne\ one constructed in their place It may save the City quite a littl annoyance in the way of injure limbs caused by defective walk * Tlio Omaha Hee thinks Unit th etory which comes from Now Yor that ii woman was robbed of $20 in that city after purchasing a Easter bonnet is a fairy story. I concludes by saying that is to much money for any woman t have after buying an Kastor hat Possibly the hat was not paid fo but was charged to the hnsbam That solution would clear up th mystery. Shortly after Mr. Bryan'a "fin Imttlo" h consoled himself b thinking that if ho luul only go tun a few thousand more votes i a few of the close states he wonl have had votes enough to elei him president. Now a ccrtai Populist of prominence come forth and says that if it had iu been for Bryan beguiling the Poj nlists into voting for him , 1 : would have received fewer vott than were cast for Mr. Parker i I'.KH. It is not the schoolboy on ! who gets satisfaction from h mathematical bump well develops The reports from the variui wheat producing states that tl wheat prospects are good are i source of no little satisfaction , n i only to the farming eommunit but it is gratifying to the inha itants of the cities as well. A lari f crop may not mean as high pric i for wheat as a smaller crop , b i this apparent disadvantage is uio thau made up for by the great advantage of being able to proeu it nt n reasonable figure. Wlii high prices for agricultural pro 'nets are gratifying to the product there is such a thing as pric being too high for the consunu Wo may cite as an example ste selling at from 15c. to 2iV. $ pound , iu fact nil meat in genen MONEY is alyays ready to earn you more money when given the opportunity. We Furnish The OpportunBtv 1 I IF YOU 11A YE a few dollars of idle money about you , you had better ask us about the plan. Palls City Stole Bank Capital and Surplus , $70,000.00 EE2ESBSTI It is amusing to read certain editorials of sonic of our demo cratic contemporaries headed ) "Is Roosevelt retreating , etc ? " They cause themselves no little trouble about the matter of his retreat ; if they watch Teddy's course a little while longer they will learn that lie never retreats but his or ders are always "Forward ! " The supreme court of South Dakota recently held Iho primary law of that state to bo unconfilitu- tional , for the reason that caiuli- dali'H for the numiimliuii for conn- ty olIii'PH were required to pay a fee to have their names appear upon the primary ballot for the nomination for any ofliee. That provision is similar to one in our state primary law. It remains to bo soon whether an assault will bo made on Nebraska1 * * primary law on the Hiuno grounds. A carrier on one of the rural mail routes of this county informed the writer that ho does not now take one postoliice order on his route for Sears it lloebuck where lie took from a half-down to a do7.cn a year a o. This would in dicate that the public are opening their eyes to the fact that the way to keep the money in Richardson county is to buy their floods from merchants in the county , and that the way to build up homo indus tries is to patroni'/o them. The State bureau of statistics from the compilation of figures it that ofliee announces that the number of mortgages filed with in the State in 1'JOd was 17 , ' 51 , while in 1'JOT the number was on ly li,131. ( This shows a reduc tion in the number of mort a c ; filed in l')07 ) over l'JO ( > of 1,320 The number of mortgages filed n l')0 ) ( > was $ - H,003,8S.7'J > , while ii 1907 the amount was$35,322,577. W ; this shows a very satisfacton state of prosperity on the part o the farmers of Nebraska. llonry Wattorson , after a tri ] to Cuba where lie has convursec with many of the best and mos capable men , lias conic to tbe con elusion that the Cubans .ire no ready for self-government ; thi : is rather a frank admission fron a democrat , but Mr. Watterson i in the habit of saying thing which many of his party friend do not like ; If Uryan spent ; little more time investigating tit conditions of the Philippines h might see the errors of his way and cease some of his idle talk. I The great tire in Ohelsen , a snl : urb of Boston , Mass. , which iK stroyad nearly $10.000,000 wort of properly on Sunday night , i another example of how great lire may originate in n way wlm may appear very insignificant. 1 ia said to have started among pile of rags. A close observer see by passing through this tow a that there many defective ilu < which need repairing. Man chimneys nro cracked and tl mortar has fallen out botwet many of the bricks. It would t well for every property OWIHT look after the defects in his > properly and avoid danger of ti from them. Some of Mr. Bryan's friem speak of the candidacy of Govc nor Johnson as an act of import nence. Why should not M Johnson be a candidate for tl highest ofliee in the power of tl American people to bestow if h friends desire him to be ? Has 1 not the same right as Mr. Bryan in the matter ? Mr. Bryan is now candidate for the third time for the nomination. Why not let Mr. Johnson be a candidate for once at least ? It seems hardly right for oie man to monopolize the candidacy for the presidency on the democratic ticket or on any other ticket. While we have no voice in the matter it seems hat the great voice of the com- non people should control in this natter as in other party affairs- Bill Boyd and R. 13. Grinstead vcre down Irom Salem. Tuesday. Clarence Dingle , the horseman of Salem , was in town Tuesday. Ike Harris and Barney Mullen of Stella , were Falls City visitors Tuesday. Roscoe Anderson and wife of lumboldt , were visiting friends n this city Tuesday. A new cement walk is bciti" , aid around the property of Dr. Yutx.y and Major Keeling. C. D. Nixon and wife of Auburn ittendcd ICastcr services at St , Thomas church in this city. Mrs. Mary Rawlcy and daugh- .er , Marguerite , left Tuesday foi their new home in Salt Lake City George Schock is adding to tin beauty of his home in the way o a press-brick lattice around hi : porches. Mr. Warfield , after severa months spent with relatives ii Iowa , returned home the first o the week. Word was received from W. K Dorrington that he had complete ! the North Yakima sewer contrac and that he and Mrs. Dorringtoi would leave for southern Califor nia in a few days on a pleasur trip. 'Miss Laura Doyle of Atchison returned to her home Wednesday after a few days spent in this city the guest of May StartzclMis May accompanied her home am will spend a week there wit ! friends. GEHUNG THEATRE ONE NIGHT Thursday , April 36 CONCERT COMPANY Headed by the mart/clous Musical Prodigy BLIND BOONE Assisted by Miss Emma Smith AND FIVE OTHERS PRICES 25 35 and SOc I desire to inform the citizens of Falls City and surrounding community that I have just opened a full line of everything per taining to the jewelry business , consisting of watches , jewelry , silverware , etc. I am a practical watchmaker and jeweler. All work and goods guaranteed. North win dow of Kerr's Pharmacy. i m pson Miss Ethel Cade is visiting Oawson friends this week. Cherry Nut Fudge and Cream < "ndge lOc. a II ) . , also Nut Lovet 15c. a 11) . at the Candy Kitchen , Saturday , April 25. Don't forget. Extensive preparations are jeing made on the High school campus for the field meet. The .rack is being put in fine condi tion , and we may expect fine ithletic exhibitions during the summer. Henry Kuper , the leading breed er of shorthorn cattle in this part of the state , was on our streets Tuesday , en route to Nebraska City to attend a thoroughbred sale on Wednesday. Mr. Kuper will ; iold a sale at his Humboldt farm next month. Watch for his an nouncement. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cain and son , Julian , of Falls City , Ne braska , and Mrs. J. S. Smith of Marshall , Mo. , arrived today and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Julian. Mr. and Mrs.Cain are Mrs. Julian's parents. Mr. Cain is the president of a bank in his home city and prominent in state and national politics. Long Beach ( Cali. ) Press. Annual Parish Aketlng. The annual meeting of * St. Thomas church was held Mon day night. The report of the treasurers of the parish and the various guilds showed the best financial record in the history of the parish. The following gentlemen were elected wardens and vestrymen for the ensuing year : Wardens-John Ilutchings and Henry C. Lapp. Vestrymen T. L Ilimmel- reich , A. E. C.antt , R. R. ITor- rocks , .John Crook , Doctor Min er L. C. Edwards , Doctor Mors- man and R. A. Neitzel. Messers. Ilutchings and Ilim- mclreich were elected delegates to the annual Diocesan Council which meets in Trinity cathe dral , Omaha , in May. A vote of thanks was tender ed the rector for the beautiful services on Easter and for the helpful and hopeful sermons de livered by him on that day. Try the Candy Kitchen for pure Fruit Ices- Pineapple and orange on hand. Orders filled promptly. You know where to buy the best ice cream in Falls City. Nufi Sed. Dr. Houston and family spent Sunday with relatives in Verdon. Give the Candy Kitchen your order for Ice Cream and Ices once and if you are not satisfied we won't ask you to come back- Roaches the spot. Stops pain. Tl\o Great I'llo Rom. cdy. 1'ut UP lr tubes with rectal nozzlo. 50 cents' Specialties For Housecleaning Time WALLPAPER Onr Stock of Wall Paper is complete in cvry detail. Pretty Bedroom Stripes New Kitchen Patterns Handsome New Parlor Patterns Ingrains and Moirey Ceilings HARD OILS AND VARNISHES Lenolium Varnishes House Paints Permalac and Japalac for old furniture and floors White Lead and Linseed Oils Our prices are low and would be pleased to show you the samples before you buy McMillan's Pharmacy FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA Le al Notice. Notice is herd ) } nivi'n tlmt A. ( i. Wanner 1ms filed his petition , sinned by the reqnUito number of frco linhlvrti of dmttciail waul ot Fid Is C'ilj , Nebraska , iiskini ; that iIriiKKist permit bo KninUnl him to soil limit , spirituous nml vinous liquors for medicinal , mechanical , t-clentihc and Micrementnl purposes , nn lot 10 , block r.H , iu the t-i'cond ward , of Kails C'ity , Nebrm-ka , for the municipal year , lx > KimiinK Mny 7th , 1W)8 ) and end- iut ; .May lith , tw.i A. 0. WAXJJEK , Attest : HEKT HAKEII , City Clerk. As stated in previous ad , these sales \\ill be a permanent feature with us. Our first sale was very satisfactory. The way customers responded to our sale and took advantage of our special values was appreciated and we are sorry that we were unable to supply the demand. In the future we will secure larger quantities and will make these sales in every way worthy of your attention. Friday and Saturday Specials. Lace Curtains ! Lace Curtains ! We are showing 25 new patterns from the Leihigh Valley Curtain Company of Philadelphia. These are the new designs for the Spring of 1908. These Curtains are woven from continuous length yarns that extend the entire length of the Curtain. We can assure you of the longest lasting qualities , because this is one of the few companies that use only'long length threads. Curtains made of ( lyings and short lengths cannot last long. Be sure you get the Leihigh brand. : - : ; - ; You Can SAVE 25 % if You Buy Them of Us Friday and Saturday 65c Lace Curtains , 2 2 yards , $2.75 Lace Curtains , $ l/ < yards , 39c Pair .9S Pair $1.25 Lace Curtains , 3 yards , $5-oo Lace Curtains , 3 yards , 98c Pair 1.75 Pair India Linen Specials We Bought the entire remaining stock of a prominent eastern house.Ve secured this line at a great reduction. Hence these prices possible. : - : ; - : 9c Quality I5c Quality 25c Quality Corset Covers ! Corset Covers ! A Sample Line of Corset Covers makes these prices possible. High grade Corset Covers worth up to $1.25 , Friday and Saturday , . - : > ; > ; 49c , 59c and 89c YOURS FOR SATISFACTION