The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 24, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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12 Days Only at 3 Doors North of State Bank , Falls City , Nebraska.
Is your home without a piano or organ ? Have you been promising one to your wife or children ? Are you thinking of getting one in the next year or
two ? If so , here is an opportunity you cannot afford to let pass. : - : : - : : - : : = :
Realizing the demand in Falls City and the vicinity for a proper sort of Music Store , carrying a reliable line of pianos , we are pleased to say that we
have completed our arrangements to such an end , and have , after a most careful investigation , secured the lines best adapted to build up a permanent
business , pianos that will last a life time , that will make each customer a live advertisement for us , and bring us a constantly increasing business along
conservative lines. J * J * *
Kimball , Haddorff , Clarendon
Names that arc known the world ovc-r , and stand for all that is best in piano
building. Our deal with the manufacturers provides for a
12 Days Advertising Sale
with the manufacturers' representative in charge. The sample pines are now on
exhibition , and during these twelve days , one of each style will be sold for adver
tising purposes , at prices and terms that will be a revelation to you.
The Time to Pick Cherries
Is When They Are Ripe
If you fail to investigate this proposition , we know that you will regret it
later. It is an opportunity we can never repeat. As the price allowance on
these pianos will be a special one for advertising purposes , we cannot , for the
protection of our future business , quote prices here , but a few minutas of your
time will show you that you can now buy a piano of the highest grade at the price ,
or less , of an inferior instrument : - : : - : ; - ;
School will soon be out , and a piano bought now will mean much to your children befnr Fall. Think it over then call. You will never regret it , whether you buy now or not ,
only remember , first choice will be best. : - : ' : - : . : - : : - :
Falls City , Neb.
John Single and \vlfo now occupy the
Cooper property.
George Hrleker was u Haraila visitor
ono ilny last week.
W. J. McCrcu of Stella was a business
visitor hero Monday.
Mr. Win. Speeco has now moved Into
the Oakley property.
Undo George Lewis was a Stella
visitor one day last week ,
Mr. Miller and family spent Sunday
with friends In Kails City.
Emery Rolojack of 1 Simula was In
our town Tuesday evening.
Mr. J. F. Shubcrl was a business vis
itor ut Lincoln last Thursday.
David Ward's child is now very slek ,
with little hopes of recovery.
Superintendent Oliver of Falls City ,
was in town one day quite recently.
Madams Joe Spieklor and Bucholtz
were shopping In Falls City , Saturday.
Samuel Splckler of Barada marketed
n load of hogs here Tuesday morning.
Miss Jennie Brown entertained her
mint , Miss Dottle Palmer , last Sunday ,
Mr. and Mrs. Woddlo visited their
sou anil family , Sim Wcddlo , near town
Mr. and Mrs. Skeen of Auburn wore
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Shubert
last Friday.
Joe Henderson has been assisting
Mr. Rac'.o with his farm work during
the past week.
E. C. Rlggs entertained Morris Mow-
der and wife of Sabetha , Kansas , at
dinner last dinner.
Joseph Harper of Auburn was In the
city Tuesday visiting with his o'.u-tlmo
friend , M. H. Taylor.
L. L. Jones attended the wedding of
his nephew , Dr. James and Miss Arm
strong at Auburn , Tuesday.
Willie Leslie left Tuesday morning
for Bancroft , where ho was called by
the serious Illness of his brother.George
Miss Dora Fishburn spent several
days last week at Brock , where she
acted as a delegate /or our Sunday
Mr. Cbas. Felt and wife moved from
their property on Main street to their
property recently vacated by William
Louis Rhodes of Barada loft here for
Otnahn Friday morning , being called
by the Illness of his brother-in-law ,
Fred Suez.
Mrs. Jessie Steel and little ton are
now down from Nebraska City to enjoy
a visit with her parents , Mr. Klnton
and wife , of near town.
Mrs Jessie Stool of Nebraska I'ity ,
and mother. Mr.J. . Kniton and Mrs.
Ro s Klnton visited Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Wm. Martin.
Grandma Leslie and daughter , Mrs.
R. Roasonor , left Thursday for Man-
croft , .vhere they were called by the
serious lllnees of their son and brother.
The pupils of the high school , who
are supposed to graduate this sprlngi
hold their class meeting at the homo of
their teacher , Miss II111 , Tuesday even
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnson spent a
few days In Omaha last week , whore
they bought tholr household goods and
will soon go to housekeeping near
Mrs. J. M. Lewis has had her house
re-papered during the week , which
adds greatly to the interior of the
building. Mr. Win. Mrown Is doing
the work ,
Carl Morrow of Lincoln spent last
week with his old schoolmates and
friends hero , as ho was a great favorite
while living hero. He Is a student of
Cotner University.
Mrs. Tom Lilly , who has been sutler-
Ing greatly from the results of some
thing similar to blood poison , Is now
somewhat better , but i < a * ynt under
the care of Dr. Shook.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Colglazter ,
formerly of this place but now near
Vcnlon are rejoicing over the arrival
of a bran now girl , which came to glad
den the homo during the week.
Mrs. J. C. Shulonbarg , who wn *
called to Falls City about a week ago
by the serious illness of little grand
child , returned homo Thursday , leaving
the child in much better health.
Mr. Wm Splckler died last Monday
morning after an Illness of several
week. The funeral was preached at
the Methodist church by 15ov. Gould ;
Interment took place at Darnda Tues
Judge Graham and daughter , Mrs
Smith , entertained the following guests
last Sunday Mr. Chas. Cooper , wife
and daughter , of Pawnee City , Jesse
Bunker and wife and Deles Graham
and wife of Dawson.
Piles are easily anil quickly cheeked
with Dr , Snoop's Maglo Ointment. To
prove it I will mall a small trial box
as a convincing tost. Slir.ply address
Dr. Sheep , Racine. Wis. I surely would
not send It free unless I was certain
that Dr.Shoop's Magic Ointment would
stand the test. Remember It is made
expressly and alone for swollen , pain
ful , bleeding or Itching piles , either
external or internal. Large jar 50c
Sold by all dealers.
What Is a Lodge Goat ?
If then * is no goat in tin- ritual
of the lodge then the lodge is not
responsible for "goats , " extrane
ous or foreign , introduced by the
members for the purpose of bright-
oiling up u ralher dull and somber
ceremonial of initiation. So a
Missouri court has decided in the
case of a litigant who sued the
lodge for damages because of a
terrific blow he received in the
back , The members who inter
polated the goat are responsible
and no other , as the new member
in moat lodges is blindfolded , his
remedy nt law is doubtful. Most
persons of lively mind would prefer
some deviation , even horseplay , to
the platitudinousity of usual secret
society ritual. We do not know
but that we should rather like a
collision with a goat if it would
liven things up a bit. Fortunate
is the lodge of any description that
has an oilicer of real eloquence for
this tedious post for he can often
make a very ordinary composition
Unite inspiring. The goat is the
refuge of lodge members who
realize that some living interest
must be injected into the proceed ,
ings somehow. "Goal" is merely
an intellectual artifice , as x is in
mathematics , to represent an un
known quantity. It mean any
thing except a real goat. Let "x"
represent a bottle of seltzer , for
instance , which is squirted into
the blindfolded candidate's face on
his answering a certain question.
The bottle of seltzer is the goat or
it may be only one of the fractional
parts. The other parts may be a
shampoo with shoe blacking , walk
ing a tight rope across an abyss
( three feet above the HootO , leap
ing hurdles ( imaginary , the other
trials of the nerves and temper , all
of which , if you bear with equan
imity and good humor , makes you
a "good Indian" and worthy to
become a member of the lodge.
Never wince at a lodge goat ; but
all lodge goats should be tempered
with discretion. St. Louis Globe-
Weak women get prompt and lasting
help by u lnjr Dr. Stump's N'iijht Cure
These soothing , healing , antiseptic
suppositories , with full information
how to proceed uro interestingly told
of In my book " Xo. I For Women '
The book and strictly confidential medi
cal advice is entirely fr e. Simply
write Dr. Sheep , Racine , Wic. , for my
book No. 4. Sold by all dealers.
Salubrious Nebraska.
In the course of an informal
talk during his recent visit to
Omaha , President Paul Morton of
the Equitable Life Assurance so
ciety let out the information that
the experience of his company
with policy-holders residing in
Nebraska , as typical of the corn
belt states , showed a mortality of
only (55 ( per cent of what the com
putations of its mortuary statisti
cians has led it to expect. In jus
tification of the mortuary tables
which might thus be taken to be
wide of the mark , the further as
sertion was made that in some of
the southern states the mortality
is more than 100 per cent of the
statisticians' estimates.
This statement by the president
of one of the greatest life insurance -
ance associations in the world is
the best possible tribute to the
salubriousness and healthfulness
of Nebraska. It means that the
people inhabiting this section of
the continent live longer than they
would naturally be expected to live ,
and Uie very fact that they live
longer carries with it the corollary
that they enjoy better health on
the average than people residing
in other parts of the country. It
means that Nebraska has been
endowed by its Creator with the
most favorable conditions for
human habitation , that its atmos
phere is invigorating and bracing ,
that its altitude is conducive to
normal respiration , that its tem
perature varying with the cold of
winter and the heat of summer
keeps within the limits most suita
ble to the best physical develop
ment. Omaha Bee.
The Tribtm's columns is a good
place to put your advertisement.
One Thing or Twenty.
There are a great many factors
which enter into the problem of
success , and men are constantly
trying to find them all so that
they may reach the Eldorado of
their hopes. Uut in this , as in
so many other things , we be
come confused and so make
life unnecessarily complicated
and miss the goal of our dream
because we fail to see that the
road to it is a very simple and
direct one.
Our civilization is so full of
varied kinds of life and calls
upon our energies in so many
directions that there is a need
of a great deal more purpose
and directness of life than there
has ever been before. It is a
question of doing one thing or
twenty and the most of us real
ly have the idea that in doing
the twenty we are achieving
the most. There never was a
time when there was such a
multitude of organizations for
the furthering of so many
schemes each of them good in
themselves as there is now.
The fact of it is we are organ
ized to death. It is as true now
if success is to be obtained as it
was in the days of the great
apostle that there must be a sin
gleness of aim. "This one thing
I do , " said Paul , that one thing
was to preach the gospel and he
was so absorbed and possessed
by his mission that he made one
of the greatest successes of any
man who ever lived. There are
a good many good things in the
world but it is given to most
men to know only a few and
there must be a choice of paths.
It is a nice thing to know a
great deal about the world but
this should be incidental to the
pursuit of some one vocation
which should be assiduously cul
tivated. In the many attractions
of the hour , in the things and
ideas which fascinate in so
many directions it success is to
be attained , the great secret is
to learn how to turn a deaf ear
to the most of them and pay our
attention only to a few.
The man who succeeds must
be the man who only believes in
himself but is fascinated by
some one line of activity and is
willing to be wooed and won by
by it. Norfolk News.
That languid , lifeless feeling that
eomes with sprincr and early summer
can be quickly changed to a feeling of
buoyancy and energy by the judicious
use of Dr. Shoop's Restorative.
The Restorative is a genuine tonic
to tired , run-down nerves , and but a
few doses is needed to satisfy the user
that Dr. Shoop's Restorative is actually
reaching that tired spot. The indoor
life of winter nearly always leads to
sluggish bowels , and to slusrgish circu
lation in general. The customary lack
of exercise and out-door air ties up the
liver , stagnates the kidneys , and oft-
times weakens the Heart's action. Use
Dr. Shoop's Restorative a few weeks
and all will be changed. A few days
test will tell you that you are using the
right remedy. 'You will easily and
surely note the change Irom today.
Sold by all dealers.
While in Omaha Paul Morton
was asked how he got into the
list of 100 kings who control the
commerce of the country accord
ing to Senator LaFollette and
said he did not think he be
longed wflh that crowd though
he thought the Wisconsin states
man honored him by associating
him with captains of industry.
I would rather be known as one
of the captains of industry who
are trying to uplift and advance
the country's welfare and pro
mote its commerce than I would
to be known as a major-general
of politics leading a force cal
culated to dwarf the business
interests of the nation , it is bet.
ter to be a booster than a knock
er , says Mr. Morton. Ex.
Important Decision.
It is important that you should decide
to take only Foley's Honey and Tar
when you have a cough or cold as it
will euro the most obstinate racking
cough and expel the cold from your
system. Foley's Honey and Tar con
tains no harmful drugs , Insist upon
having It. Kerr's Pharmacy.