THE PALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , APRIL 10 , 1908 , LOCAL LORE Eat Snwlcs' candy. Dr. Callisou of Stella was a visitor Sunday in this city. P. S. Ilcacock was a business visitor in Omaha the first of the week. Dr. Geo. W. Rcnekcr , Gradu ate Optician. Eyes tested , frames fitted. "Biff Hearted Jim " will be the attraction at the Gehling Satur day night , K. S. Unland of Kansas City , ivas the guest of A. EGantt in this city Saturday. Miss Florence Wheeler of Stella spent Sunday in this city with her aunt , Mrs. E. F. Sharts. Perhaps more seeds of kindness would be sown if it were not so sure of a harvest "of ingratitude. Geo- Martin came down from Council Bluffs , Saturday , for a Jew days visit with home folks here. Did you ever notice how many friends a man has if he possesses an automobile or a nice horse and buggy. Don't kick ; the milliners may be having their innings now , but jour time will come when you pay the bill. Mrs. Dr. Wilson returned the Jatter part of the week from a visit of several days with friends in Humboldt. Harry Schraeder of Verdon -was a Falls City visitor Friday , and while in town made this office a very pleasant call. Mrs. Ed Frauenfelder and little son came down from Verdon Fri day for a few days visit with her sister , Mrs. Ferd Parchen. That automobile of Steve Miles' is a dandy and he is not one bit stingy with it , but shares the pleasure with all his friends. Mrs. John Boss and mother , Mrs. Harding , passed through this city Sunday , en route to their lome in Humboldt from Auburn. The "Merry Widow" seems to be the principal subject of conver sation just at present , and it is not such a small subject , either , E. K. Hurst of this city was elected vice-president of the South eastern Nebraska Debating League , at the meeting held in Beatrice last week. Mrs. J. S. Smith of Marshall , Mo. , spent a portion of the past week in this city with her sister , Mrs. D. W. Reid. Mrs. Smith stopped en route to California. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cain and baby and sister , Mrs. J. S. Smith , of Marshall , Mo. , left Sunday for a trip through California. They will visit many places of interest en route and expect to be absent about two months. Geneva and Bessie Stump of Verdon , returned to their home Saturday , after a few days visit in this city with Miss Ethel Par chen. The latter accompanied them home and will visit friends in Verdon during the week. EvelynThaw now wants $50,000 for having her feeling hurt by stories being circulated to the effect that she and a Mr. ER. . Thomas had been asked to leave a -hotel grill-room. One would think her feelings would be im mune from any kind of a story by this time. Miss Eva Scott of this city , T-ho has been teaching near Ilum- loldt during the past term , re turned home last week. Before leaving , however , the school board contracted with her for an other term at $55 per month , showing the high appreciation of her work. Mrs. F. II. Cole of Omaha , gave a very interesting talk at St. Thomas' church Friday evening on the Clarkson hospital work in tbat city. Mrs. Cole is one of the visiting club women who at tended the Gist reception and was the guest of her cousin , Mrs. C. F. Reavis , while in the city. Tom Hall was down from Ver- don , Monday. Mr. Cummings of St. Joe ( spent Friday in this city. M. Scff was a Kansas City yisitor the first of the week. J. J. Lollman called Friday and added his name to our increasing list. Mr. L/undy and son-in-law , D. D. Lewis ) of near Shubcrt , were in this city Monday. Fred Ileineman of Verdon was looking after his brother , Char ley , in this city Monday. Miss Emma LictBke and broth er , Henry , went to Humboldt , Saturdav , remaining over Sunday. Hnrry Clark of Kansas City , spent a portion of the week look ing after his interests in this city. city.F. F. C. Cleveland and son , Fred , of Nebraska City , were business visitors in our city the last of the week. Mr. Primley , manager of the Lyric theatre , was a business vis itor in Lincoln the latter part of the week. Bart Messier , who is now em ployed in Hayden Bro.'s store in Omaha , spent Sunday in this city with his mother. Rev. R. Cooper Bailey , Ph. D. went to Auburn , Monday to at tend the spring meeting of the Presbytery in session in that city. John Towle and family of Omaha , spent a portion of the past week in this city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Towle. Miss Florence Wylie returned Monday from a very pleasant visit with friends at Peru , and also with her sister , Mrs. Allen D. May , at Auburn. Misses Zula McCool , Irene Spurlock and Mary Russell re turned to their home in Salem , Sunday after a few days scent in this city the guest of Miss Anita Wilson. Mrs. Geo. Crocker and children returned to their home in Pawnee City , Sunday , after a few days spent in this city visiting at the home of Mrs. Crocker's patents , N. B. Judd and wife. Mrs. Al Tanner of Humboldt , one of the club ladies in attend ance at the reception giyen by Mrs. T. J. Gist on Friday morn ing , remained in the city for a short visit with relatives. J. T. Oneal is a new oculist who has located in our city , with his office over Fred Schtnitt's gro eery. He informs us that he has come to stay and solicits your patronage. See ad. in this issue. Milt Borer left Tuesdav for Wessington Springs , S.D. , where he goes to figure on a $50,000 seminary building. The Bohrer boys are among the best in their line of business and we hope they will be able to land this contract. Charley Loree is the busiest man in town just now , getting ready for that new home. He has moved into the cottage east of the Methodist church , where he will live until that new house which he is building on his old home site , is completed. Our old townsman Ernest Bode was down from Sterling , Monday We are glad to say that Ernest has almost recovered from the injuries he received recently caused by the explosion of a lamp which he was lighting ir the store where he was employed Clarence Nussbaum , who has been attending the Omaha Com mercial College for the past si > months , graduated from that in stitution last week with the gen eral average of 96. At the con elusion of the affair Clarence lef for Percival , la. , where lie en joyed a visit to relatives , arriving home on Saturday afternoon. The Vedette acknowledges will thanks the gift of a handsome bust of the composer Beethoven master writerof symphonies , fron Mr. Nussbaum Verdon Vedette Grant Windle and family spent Sunday in Salem. Dr. Foster was a Humboldt isitor the first of the week. Billy Casey is a new member of he Tribune family since our last ssue. Harry Hughes of Padonia , pent Sunday in this city with riends. Oliver Aycrs and wife of Daw- on , were shopping in our city rriday. Leonard Green and wife ol lumboldt were Falls City visit ors Monday. Elmer Ileiser and family spent Sunday in the country with the brmer's mother. Dr. Morris came down from lumboldt and spent Sunday with 'riends in the city. John Voellers came down from lumboldt the first of the week on a business trip. Bert Emmert , wife and little 3on of Salem were visiting friends n this city Monday. Marguerite Rawlev returned Saturday from a few days yisit vith relatives in Stella. Frank Cook and family of Ohio ownship were guests of A. N. 2ook of this city last Sunday. Masters Don Linn and Albert Tanner of Humboldt were pleas ant callers at this office Friday. Mesdames Fred Cleveland , Sr. and Jr. , of Nebraska City , spent Monday and Tuesday in this city. The Falls City Nursery that las always sold the trees , will lave a fine lot of trees for the spring trade. Itf. Bruno Hanscncame in from his road duties Friday and spent a 'ew days with his wife at the ionic of Dr. Kerr. Miss Nolle Cain left Saturday or Savannah , Mo , , where she will act as bridesmaid at the wedding of a friend. We are more than pleased testate state that John Ross is again able : o be on the streets , after his recent serious illness. Miss Sarah Sanguette of Pres ton is spending the week in this city the guest of Mrs. Rose Ileas- : on and other relatives. Miss Minnie Tiehen returned to her home in Dawson , on Tues day , after a visit in this city with lier sister , Mrs. RobtKanaly. . Mrs. W. II. Pillsbury and children , returned to their home in Lincoln last Saturday , after a few days spent in this city guests at the home of V. G. Lyford. Mrs Cline , who years ago was one of the teachers in our public schools , but now a resident of Humboldt , stopped in the city a short time Sunday on her way to Hiawatha. Joseph II. Ray of Humboldt was an earlv caller Monday morn ing , starting us off on the right foot for a successful week by giving us a liberal donation on our subscription fund. Charley and Jess Scott am' Miss Marshal of Mound City were in the city Sunday , making the trip in their automobile. Mrs. Charley Scott who has beei spending the past few days here returned home with them. Fred Sebold returned the latter part of the week from Omaha where he went to attend a meet ing of all the district and state agents of the Williamsburg City Fire Insurance Co. , called by the general manager , F. M. Gunn. A. N. Cook who has represent ed the Columbian Hog and Cattle Powder Co. of Kansas City for a number of years , left Monday for Colorado and Wyoming , where he will meet several ranchmen in these states , who arc interested in dipping stock. Private Money. Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf A. J. WKAVKK. | Below are n few of our Easter Novelties and their prices. \Ve have everything carried in an up-to-date store. Barrcttcs Belt Pins Gold filled with Jade and Silver and gold filled in Rhinestones. The very the new green and rose hrwest gold finish , set with Jade and Tourmalines from 75c up from 75c up Necklaces Although the necklace Silver Purses has been worn for many The for rage just now seasons , its popularity is silver and card higher than ever before. purses cases is at its height. Come and see our line of Look at line Rope , Bead and Festoon- our Necks. from $4.50 up A. E. JAQUET THE OLD RELIABLE JEWELER Bill Ward was down from Ilumboldt Wednesday and a pleasant caller at this office. It is a firm change , not a new firm but the old firm at the old place. F. W.Cleveland & Son. Mrs. Ernest Bode came down from Sterling on Wednesday to attend the funeral of her father- in-law. F. W. Cleveland & Son ( suc cessor to Geo. S. Cleveland ) ex tend to you a cordial invitation to call and inspect their lines. You will find the ad of the new firm in this paper. F. W. Cleve land Son will continue their Nebraska City store in connection with this store. M. Giannini has been on the sick list this week. Louis Voellcr was down from Table Rock. Monday. Davics & Owens will give you pointers on Easter gifts. See their ad. Samuel Bayne is in O in aha this week , having been called there to serve on the federal j Ilargrave tells you all about the kind of clothes you should wear for Easter. If in doubt read his ad. Miss Grace Miner , formerly a teacher in our public schools , but now holding a like position in Omaha , is spending the week in this city with her brother , Dr. Miner. Max Werner has accepted a position in the Cleveland depart ment store , Misses May and Kate Maddox and Dorothy Morchcad returned to Lincoln Monday to resume their studies in the Wesleyan university. S. A. Little left the first of the week for Giltncr , Neb. , where he will remain for some time looking after business matters pertaining to the Matthew's stores. J. F. Scarlett , is a new resident in our city , and about the first thing he did upon arriving waste to add his name to the Tribune list. He announces his business through an ad in this issue. Mrs. I. C. Maust returned the latter part of the week from a few days visit with rclatiycs in Table Rock. Her little nephew , Ben Norris , accompanied her home , visiting in the city a few days. Reid's Yellow Dent Seed Corn For Sale This variety showed the larg est yield under all conditions of any corn in the state , the test being1 made at the Nebraska Ex periment Station. I bought this seed from the State University farm three years ago and it is well acclimated. This is one of the so-culled early maturing va rieties and will he sold on car at $1.50 per bu. The demand is strong for this corn and it is going fast. If you want any of it , order now as the supply is limited. FRANK J. RIST Phone 32 , Spelser. Announcement ! FIRM CHANCES F. W. Cleveland & Son ( Successors to Geo. S. Cleveland ) Due to the fact that my brother takes his depar- ttire for the west. I have purchased the stock and will contirme the business as the firm of F , W , Cleveland & Son. With pleasure I announce that we will continue busiiies in this community , Our past connections with this vicinity was very satis factory. The patronage extended us is highly ap preciated. We feel it an honor to be in your midst again. We hope we may be able to meet all our old friends at the old stand. In behalf of my brother and myself we wish to thank you again for your liberal patronage of the past. I also wish to state that this store will be re modeled and fixed tip-to-date , Every convenience will be offered for your comfort. Our high stand ard of quality and our always prevailing low prices will be maintained , We positively will not be un der sold. We extend to you a special invitation to call and inspect our lines. Falls CitY , Nebraska Falls City , Nebraska