The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 10, 1908, Tribune Supplement, Image 5

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Volumn V ' Falls City , Neb. , April 10 , 1908 No. 12
Ross Willard of Merrill , Kas ,
was visiting : friends in this city
the first of the week.
Martin Gehling has been quite
ill this week being confined to his
bed most of the time.
The ringing of church bells on
Tuesday night announced the
victory of the prohibitionists.
Mr. Dyle of Atchison was a
guest at the home of John Start-
zel the latter part of the week.
Will Ungles was down from
Lincoln the first of the week
looking after business matters.
Mr. Goolsby and family of
near Barada were shopping in
this city for a short time Mon-
That rain of Tuesday was the
best ever , and insures us all the
garden sass we can use in a very
short time.
As to the wet and dry question
xin this city on Tuesday , it was
decidedly wet , so far as the
weather was concerned.
It is quite the thing now to
give Easter remembrances in the
shape of jewelry. Our old reli
able , A. E. Jacquet , is showing a
a fine line.
That horrible death in the B.
& M. yards is another object les
son , but will it be heeded by the
many boys who dail } ' jump the
trains at all depots ?
Wahl & Parchen have some
Easter news for you in this week's
Tribune. Here is a chance for
those who have not yet purchased
their Easter suit. Their ad will
tell you all about it.
Mr. and Mrs. P. II Jussen re
turned Saturday night from a
three weeks' visit with their
daughters in Okinulgee , Okla.
They visited many places in that
state and report a very pleasant
\ _ _ _ v _ _ _ .
B. F. Morgan of Falls City ,
came in this morning from Pot-
tawatomie county , Kas. , where
he owns a grazing farm. Mr.
Morgan says that grass is start
ing nicely , and that the country
looks well.
The First Regiment band of
Hiawatha are arranging for a
concert at the armory in that city
on Tuesday evening. April 14.
Win. Ilarmack is the conductor ,
which guarantees a fine program.
A number of our people are ar
ranging to attend the entertain'
Ed Stock came in on Tuesday
just long enough to cast his vote.
Win. Reiger has our thanks
for cash on subscription this week.
V. G. Lyford made a short
business trip to Lincoln the first
of the week.
Joseph Glasser of tlumboldt
was looking after business affairs
in this city Monday.
W. W. Jenne resumed his duties
on the road Tuesday , after a few
days spent at his home in this
city. .
Miss Clara Tanner was absent
from. lur duties in the postoflice
the first of the week on account
of sickness
What a happy world this would
be if the strong friendships ex
hibited on election dav extended
thrcugh life.
The men of Falls City have
something to be thankful for ; the
' 'merry widow sailors" will not
crowd them off of our street cars.
G. J. Crook and P. S. Meacock
were in attendance at the Taft
banquet in Omaha Monday night.
They report an excellent time ,
ibout 0,000 being in attendance
and 1800 at the banquet board.
Elmer Hoseltotrof Preston was
i pleasant caller at thi * office
Monday. He was in the city for
the purpose of arranging for his
big horse and mule sale Thursday ,
April If ) . See his ad. in this
issue for lull particulars. Mr.
Hoselton's sales are always a suc
cess and he says it is all due to
his liberal advertising.
\ \ hile the press and public are
complaining of a lack of good
new plays , it is a pleasure to be
able to say there are at least * a
few , and one of them is coming
this way , "Big Hearted Jim. " It
is an American play full of the
broad , romantic spirit of Western
life with the historic figure of Jim
'Saxon , a Montana sheriff at the
head of the group of interesting
characters. The company in
cludes names of several widely
known comedians , indicating an
abundance of good comedy , 'as
well as romance. The company
is headed by Harry J. Jackson a ?
Big Hearted Jim , supported bj
the dainty actress , Miss Berthr
Julian , Claud Raymond , Raj
Watson , John Justus. James A
Park. Miss May Maxwell , Mis :
Jennie Watson and LePetiti
Leoneide. At the Gehling , Sat
urday , April 11.
About Uncle Jesse Crook and Wife
The following taken from the
Omaha World Herald of Sunday
will be of interest to our readers ,
nest of whom are well acquainted
with Uncle Jesse and his estimable
wife :
"Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crook ,
who recently celebrated their
12nd wedding" anniversary , are
) oth natives of the south. The
brmer was born in White county ,
Tennessee , September 12 , 1826 ,
ind the latter , Elista Whitaker ,
n Orange county , North Caroli
na , May 1 , 1830.
They were married near Sparta ,
n Jackson county. Tennessee'on
February 28 , 18-16. They left
Tennessee in 1853 and came west
nto northern Missouri , where
hey located temporarily near
iMlmore , in Andrew county.
Their advent into this state
would have occurred the .year
bllowing but for the fact that
the United Stites government
was not yet prepared to allot the
amis. They , however , were
ater allowed to come and did so
on April 17 , 1855. They crossed
the river near St. Stephens , in
this county , a village long since
obsolete , and went west to make
: heir home on a place north of
this city. The first soil broken
n Richardson county for cultiva
tion was done by Mr. Crook.
They have been continuous
residents of the county and for
years have made their home in
this city , with the early history
of which they had much to do.
They were the parents of three
children two of whom are living
and residents of this city
William II. Crook , leading hard
ware merchant , and Mrs. Sarah
Crook Wilhite , wife of ex-Judge
Wilhite. They have seven grand
children and four
childr < jn living. Their claim to
being ' "pioneers" is prehaps bet-
tzr founded than any living resi
dents of this part of the state as
they enjoy the proud and unique
distinction of .having been the
third white family to first enter
this county. Both enjoy very
good liea tli and reside in a
beautiful little home which they
care for themselves. They opened
the first hotel in Falls City ami
the "hospitality'1 of "Uucle Jesse
Crook,1' known far and wide , was
extended to many a penniless
stranger who journeyed this
wnv . "
WANTIJD Dining room girls a
the Union House.
Robbed His Room Mate.
Ed Joslin from Margrave ranch
robbed his room-mate of a suit of
clothes and a watch Sunday night
and was picked up by policeman
Marts and sheriff Fenton in this
city Thursday It is a cold day
when a crook gets away from
these officers it they have an even
chance and fair description. They
have both made excellent officials
and are acreditto the community.
George Cleveland and Chester
Fisher leit Tuesdaj for Canada ,
where they will spend some time
looking after their land interests.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Caraway
of Kansas City spent a short time
in this city the first of week
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Varncr.
Our worthy postmaster who
has attended banquets in St.
Louis , Chicago , Kansas City ,
Washington , Lincoln and in fact
in most of the leading cities , says
the Taft banquet in Omaha on
Monday far surpassed anything
he ever witnessed.
Daisy Gantt , who has been in
this city visiting relatives for the
past two weeks , returned Monday
to Lincoln , where she will again
take up her work in the hospital.
Miss Daisy had quite a siege of
rheumatism , but is now much
Sat , , April 11
Klimt & fiazzolo's
Big = = Hearted
A Success Everywhere !
Lots of Comedy. Great Cast
A Big , Hearty Way
is Big-Hearted Jim
I'rlciw ; I'lirijiiot "r > c , Dro-in CIrcI SOc ,
Iliilronjr ; ! " !