The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 10, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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A Common Mistake.
Many women mistake klilnoy and
bladder troubles for eomo Irrcpulitrlty
peculiar to the BOX. Foloy's Kldnoy
Kcmcily corrects irregularities nml
makes women well. Miss Carrlo Hur-
den , Bowling Green , Ky. , writes : "I
suffered much puln Iroin kidney tind
blrdder trouble until I started to use
Foloy's Kidney Kennedy. The llrst
bottle gnvo mo prcnt relief , unil after
tukinp the second bottle I was entirely
well. Korr's Phnrmnoy ,
The prospects are fine for a big
fruit crop this year. Don't be
pessimistic and know something
will happen , but just think how
peed all this fruit will taste after
last years shortage.
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is
Bees is the original laxative cough syrnp ,
contains no opiates , gently moves the
bowels , carrying the cold off through the
natural channels , Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
will stand during the season of
1908 at my place known as the
8 miles southwest of Falls City ,
S/4 miles southeast of Salem , G
miles north of Merrill , Kansas.
five years old in April 190S. Has
a seal brown color. Weighs 1600
pounds. Perfect individual with
good disposition.
TERMS : SiO.OO to insure colt
to stand and suck , should owner
part with mare or remove from
county services become due and
paj'able at once.
America's Tlierminal Wonderland
Curative waters , health
ful and agreeable cli
mate , restful surround
ings every form of rec
reation if desired , all
completely illustrated
and described in our
new booklet , also rates
at hotels , bath houses ,
etc. , etc.
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
ti ,
Cull oil jour loru
( icueral Passenger and Tick. :
St. Louis , Mo.
"Qood For Any Wood"
/LEANS tnd polnhea , remove ! itaiiu
v and restorok the fniih Guaranteed
to five perfect iai [ far-tion. Absolute/ !
the bett polish muJo Accept no tubiii-
lute. If your de ! ar doesn't eerrjr It. tend
us his oauie and wo'll sea that you ire sup-
OHBHAID * . WILHIIM , Omaha , H br
H Hi I K-t-H-i-H-
i ! D. S. flcCarthy i !
Prompt attention pivon
to the reniovnl of house
hold goods.
.J sSK SKH" !
C. H. flARION $
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City , Nebraska
* , * S > > < 3 > < 3 > < 4 > < i > < S > 3xS > S > <
For flood Sales , Good Service , I'ro
Returns Ship Your Stock to
Geo. R. Barse
Write us ( or Market Reports
Kansas City , Mo. ,
DR. H. T. HftHN
Ofiico and residence first door
north of city park. Phone 263.
Phones : Nos. 177 , 217
flR ; M. I. WILSON
Office and Residence over
McMillan's Drug Store.
Phone 329. PAL/LS CITY , M3B.
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Puhlic. FALLS CITY
Oilice over Korr's Pharmacy
Olllce Phone 260 Residence Phone 271
honesJ J Residence 100
-j OflCQ , 55
Phone 213 Over Richardson County
That languid , lifeless feeling that
comes with sprlncr and early summer ,
can he quickly changed to a feeling of
buoyancy and energy by the judicious
use of Dr. Snoop's Restorative.
The Rbstorutivu IB a genuine tonic
to tired , run-down nerves , and but n
few doaca is needed to satisfy the user
that Dr. Snoop's Restorative is actually
reaching that tired spot. The indooi
life of winter nearly always leads tc
sluggish bowels , and to sluggish circu
lation in general. Tlje customary lack
of cxerciso and out-door air tics up the
liver , stagnates the kidneys , and oft
times weakens the Heart's action. Ugc
Dr. Snoop's Restorative a few week ;
and all will be changed. A few days
u-a will tell you tbat you are using tbi
ri 'ht remedy , You will easily am
surely note the change from today
Sold by all dealers.
The Tribun's columns is a gooc
place to put yonr advertisement
Afford * Perfect S ciirt ! > <
Foley'i Oouey and Tar affords per
feet security from pneumonia and cou
gumption as it cures the most obstinati
coughs and colds. We hare neve
jkuowu a single instance of a coli
resulting in pneumonia after Foley'
Hooey and Tar bad been taken Kerr'
i Pharmacy.
Otto Kotourvns down from Lincoln
W. W , Crockett of Teoumseh was In
town Tucpday.
Andrew Slpploy of Dnwson was on
our streets Tuesday.
Mrs. Mnry Illnvnty of Lincoln , is in
the city visiting friends
MyrtleStrntton visited the last of
the week with Palls City friends.
Will Unglcs was down from Lincoln
on business the mlddlo of the week.
J. T. Norton of Lincoln came down
to Humboldt , Tuesday to cast his vote.
Will Kcntuor and wlfo loft Saturday
for Beatrice , where they will take
charge of a hotel.
Fred Blumcr came down from Lin
coln Tuesday to cast his vote at the
municipal election.
V. G. Lyford was up from Falls City
Monday looking after his business in
terests in this city.
Mrs. C. K. Cooper loft Sunday for a
visit with her sister-in-law , Mrs. Geo.
Seabury , in Chicago ,
Bertha Frank was the guest of her
friend , Mubol Bucratetta , in Tccumsoh
Friday and Saturkay.
Arthur Mutton , who has spending
the winter in this locality , left Wed
nesday for California.
II. P. Marble , D. A. Cooper and A.A.
Tanner attended the Taft banquet in
Omaha , Monday evening.
Grace ShurtlelT came down from
Lincoln to spend Sunday at the homo
of her parents , north of town.
Otis Iluntcr and family wcro hero
the past week visiting Mrs. Hunter's
parent ? , F. M. Wilson and wlfo.
Archie , George and Lola Hummel ,
students in the Nebraska State Univer
sity , came homo Tuesday to voto.
Mrs. Will Johnson and little son aio
spending the week with her parents
E. Whitney and wife , in Omaha.
Arthur Cockeram and family of Wy-
more , were hero the fore part of the
week visiting Mrs. Maggie Stratton.
Frank Martin of Falls City addressed
the Good Citizens' League at the Pros
bytcrian church on Monday evening.
Mesdames John Power and C. M.
Oantrcll attended the State Missionary
meeting in Lincoln , Thursday and Fri.
Denver Phllpot left Monday for
Smlthfleld , Nebr. , where he will re
main during the summer with his sister ,
Mrs. E. Perry.
Henry Seely , an employe at the
Cooper & Eon mill , left Wednesday for
Vlnton , Iowa , and will remain for a
month's visit with his parents.
Mark Williamson , who has been cm-
ployed at carpenter work at Elmwood ,
Nobr. , for some time , arrlyc'J here
Tucsdny to spend a few days with
A farewell party was tendered Elmer
Patterson in the Presbyterian church
parlors Tuesday evening. Mr. Patter
son leaves soon with his parents , J. T.
Patterson and wlfo for their new homo
in California.
The members of the Rebokah lodge
surprised Mrs Arthur Udland at the
homo of her parents , Geo. Games and
wife , on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Un-
land leaves soon for Canada , where her
husband is now located ,
Jas. Scott , a well known resident of
this community , died very suddenly at
his homo northwest of town on Sunday
evening. Funeral services were held
from the Methodist church Tuesday
afternoon. Deceased is survived by a
wife and two daughters , Edna and Olive
Iva Shraugcr , daughter of J. D.
Shrautrer and wife , and Everett Jones
drove over to Auburn Thursday , whcro
they were united in maarlago by the
county judge of Nemaha county. The
young couple will make their homo
with the bride's parents for a while.
Mrs. F. M. Oathout was the guest of
Mrs. Elmer Else , Friday.
Miss Charlotta Imlcr entertained out-
of-town company last Sunday.
Dr. Shook bought a fine herd of hogs
from F , M. Oathout last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Reasoner wcro
guests of Mrs. Leslie last Sunday.
Chas Wllron and wife of near Stella ,
was visiting friends hcroqulto recently.
Mrs. Louis Shulonberg , who was
seriously sick at last writing , la now
doing nicely.
Waiter Lewis entertained quite
number of bis gentlemen friends at hie
home Sunday.
s Dr. Stickler and wife came over from
Baradtt Saturdy in their new auto to
visit relative * .
J. C. Shulenberjf visited with hh
daughter and family , of near town , the
flrtt of the weolc.
Mri. J. Boatman and Mrs. Cbarle *
Gaston spent Saturday afternoon with
Mr * . Fred'Boatman bere.
Mrs. Clyde Harper U now at bonu
again , after visiting with home folki
in Kansas several week * .
Mr * . 8. Weddle wa pleasantly en
terUlned at the home or Qrandmi
Wheeler's one day tail week.
Ben Hal ] , wbo hai been absent foi
tome tlmer oaine to town durlnif th <
week for a visit with bis relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryan tire now the
proud parents of a fine baby boy which
came to gladden their homo March 'list
F. N. Klnton came ciown from Ilowo
hist Saturday , where ho Is employed In
carpentering , returning again Monday.
Several of the members of thoW.O. W.
wont to stella Thursday evening to bo
present at the big blowout at that place.
Mrs. Walter Lewis , accompanied by
her mother , Mrs. McCombor , were en
tertained by friends In the country last
Sunday ,
Henry Leslie and family now occupy
the property recently vacated by Win.
pccco and wlfo , taking possession of
last Monday.
Ross Stokes of Uarada , Chas.Shulcn-
rg and Everett KIntou look homo
flth them from here last week , each a
ran now buggy.
Mr. Ell Rupart and wlfo returned
omo Sunday evening from a few days
Isltwlth the hitter's sinter , Mra.Yodcr
f near Falls City.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green of
Vapola , Iowa , is now enjoying a few
ays visit with the hitter's sisters , Mrs.
ohn Uorgsmas and Mrs. Ora Ross ,
oth of this place.
The many friends hero of Mr. ami
Irs. Walter Wcddlo will bo pleased to
earn that they reached their dcstlna-
Ion alright and found the country up
o their expectations.
Mrs. Henry Wagner returned to her
omo at Barada last Sunday after
pending a week with her daughter ,
Irs. Louis Shulenberg , who has been
erlously sick but is now doing nicely.
Mr. Edwin Updike of Merna. Nobr. ,
nd Mrs. John Harmon of this place
, vere united in. marriage at Falls City
list Tuesday. While Updike isn't very
veil known hero the brldo is well and
avorably known and has a largo circle
f friends hero who join In congralulu.
Great Jubilee.
The services at the union re-
rival meetings now in progress
at the M. E. church were turned
nto a great jubilee on Tuesday
evening in honor of the Anti-
Saloon victory in the city election.
The report from the second ward
came in while Prof. Erwin was
singing the "Holy City. " The
congregation could not suppress
ts feeling , but burst forth in
spontaneous applause , and joined
n singing the "Ilosannas" of the
Dr. Earl had spoken but a few
ninutes , when his sermon was
interrupted by the arrival of the
reports from the first and third
wards. Immediately the meeting
was turned into a great jubilee
amidst the most intense excite
Prof. Erwin sang a solo written
or the occasion by Rev. R. R.
Teeter. By request the words of
he song are published.
( Tuna "Deliverance ! lias Conic. " )
. I saw a rnm-foakcd voter ,
With trembling heart and hand.
Depositing a ballot
To free this rum-cursed land.
His trousers worn and thread-bare ,
A coat he could not buy ,
Hut lie shouted , after voting ,
"We'll make this old town dry. "
Then shout the victory ; tell the story ,
Tcmp'rancc victory we have won.
Ves shout the victory , Hallelujah !
Tenip'rancc victory we have won.
! . Then came a politician ,
With brazen air and bold ,
Depositing his ballot
To strengthen i urn's strong hold ;
But the poor man's prayer was
While his faith was placed on high ,
And he shouted , in the evening ,
"F.-ills . "
City lias gone dry.
Chorus :
The mother and the children ,
Now free from want and care ,
Surround the sober father
In happy family prayer.
No little hungry faces ,
Nor babies' starving cry ,
For men have iir.v 1 i > ul voted ,
And old Falls City1. , . ' -y.
horns :
All the successful candidate ?
that could be found were seated
upon the platform. Short ad
dresses were made by Messrs
Geo. Riechcr. W. II. Schtnelzcl
John Eenschotcr , Col. Marion ,
Rev. Teeter , Rev. Mastin and by
the veteran of many temperance
battles , Mr. Samuel Lichty.
A resolution , asking the ap
pointment of Samuel Marts to
the position of chief of police ,
was passed ttnanimouly and
broughtforth enthuaatic applause
At the close of the meeting the
ladies of the W. C. T. U. accora
panied by the pastors and many
other iriends marched to the
home of mayor-elect Abbey and
gave him a serenade. Mr. ant
Mrs. Abbey had retired for the
night , but gladly arose and open
6 < 1 their home to welcome thei
Before the door was opened the
out going mayor and wife joine
the serenaders and joined in the
jollification as well.
After congratulations am
many well wishes , the party too
leave of Mr. and Mrs. Abbey
leaving in a state of appreciatio
and delight.
It is a common practice for popple
to lay aside money for a special object ;
* to satisfy a particular need ; or to pro
vide against a possible emergency.
Our facilities for handling such busi
ness are most excellent. When
money lias been left with us for a
specific purpose , we carefully carry out
the desires of the depositor.
Operating Under State Inspection and Control. T
Pittsburg Electric
We carry a full line
of this celebrated
" Fencing in the Orna-
jjb mental , Field a n d
7 M
Chicken Mesh.
The Electric Weld makes this the acknoweledg-
ed peer of Woven Wire Fencing.
We also have a nice line of "Sure Match" Incubators -
bators , which we will be pleased to explain to those
interested. Give us a call before purchasing.
SI Ours Arc "Dependable" Goods FALLS CITY , NEB.
s\fo *
. . .
< CIIAS. M. WILSON'S is headquarters for Cut Glass ,
JU | Fancy China , Dinnerware , Lamps , Glassware
+ and in fact everything that goes to make a gi
I * Complete China Store |
% * We also have a complete stock of Good Groc-
* * cries , Fruits and Vegetables. Minnesota
* $ l Early Ohio Seed Potatoes at
* Chas. M. Wilson's 4
> * * { * > e * | > ltl * * § f * * $4 * | * |
The Falls City Roller Mills
8 Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the
§ following brands of flour
The above brands arc unraiitccd to be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and
conduct a general
3S Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
and .solicit a share of your patronage
I P. S. Heacock & So , Falls City , Nebr.
rs Attent on !
We want to call your attention to
one of the most complete and up-to-
date stocks of Farm Implements just
from the factories. Remember , we
do not change to a new line , every
year we carry the Best Makes money
can buy , Molinc and Canton line , they
need no introduction. We also carry
the most complete and largest stock of
Buggies , we have the celebrated Moon
Bros. Buggies and Surries and also
Hen n ex and Keys. Remember , we have
the Buggie Business , and if you need
a Buggy or Surry call and sec us , we
can save you money. Remember , we
carry in stock at all times Gas En
gines , Manure Spreaders , Windmills ,
Pumps , Tanks , Pipe and everythin in
the Implement line.
Don't forget to have us put on
your house and barn W. C. Shfnn's
v Copper Cable Lightning Rod ,
Yours truly , for business.
Werner , Mosimaa