The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 10, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Famous Hot Springs Specialist
Came to Falls City Last Night.
At Union Hotel.
ABvaa announced in last week's
issue , Dr. Ben W , Kii > sey , chief of
etatT of the Hot Springs Doctors ,
who hnvo their Nebraska State
institute permanently located in
Lincoln , arrived last ni hl and
will remain at the Union Hotel
until Saturday night. The doctor
reports himself very favorably im-
presbed with Falls City and may
establish n branch institute in the
Since the announcement was
made that Dr. Kinsoy would visit
here the question has often been
asked , "Who are the Ilot Springs
Doctors and what do they do ? "
The answer is , the. Hot Springs
Doctors are an association of
Specialists who treat chronic diseases -
eases by the Hot Springs system
of treatment. They have already
established an institute in many
of the. largo cities of the United
Slates. The Nebraska Slate Hot
Springs Institute is located at 14th
and 0 streets in Lincoln as above
stated. The object is to establish
branch institutes in the various
centers Depopulation , so that this
Hot Springs treatment will be
within the reach of all. The Hot
Springs system of treatment for
chronic diseases has a national
reputation as is attested by the
fact that the U. S. government
has established its army and navy
hospitals at Hot Springs , Ark. ,
whence soldiers and sailors are
sent after all ordinary methods
have failed. Thousands of sick
people are carrried to Hot Springs
every year. Many people go there
on crutches without hope , often
go homo well and happy. Hot
Springs is a National Blessing.
But every one cannot go to Hot
Springs. Itremained | for Dr. Kin
soy to discover the secrets of the
Ilot Springs and to perfect his
wonderful system of homo treat
ment , BO that it can be used any
where in any home , without incon
venience , annoyance or publicity
and without detaining the patient
from his usual business occupa
The wonderful Hot Springs
treatment is what Dr. Kinsey is
bring to Falls Oily. During this
first visit he will bo here but three
days April O , 10 and 11. Dr. Kin-
soy will receive patients at the
Union Hotel fparlors , where he
will examine all patients free of
charge. These that are found un
able will bo treated at a low price ,
those that are not nimble will not
bo accepted for treatment at any
The object of this three-day
visit is to secure a few cases to
show what this wonderful Hot
Springy treatment will do in the
way of curing chronic diseases ,
even after all other methods failed.
Dr. Kinsey solicits only dillicult
cases. Cases that have failed of a
cure by ordinary methods and
have been given up as hopeless.
Of course Dr. Kinsey does not
claim that he can euro all cases ,
but among those hopeless cases he
will select many that can be cured
and those that cannot bo cured
will frankly be told so and no
money accepted from them under
any circumstances.
Dr. Kinsoy has a national repu
tation among physicians on ac
count of his wonderful knowledge
of the human body. He acknowl
edges no peer in the matter of
medical diagnosis. To demon
strate his ability he will undertake
to diagnose any case in a few
minutes time , describing every
pain and ache , locating the cause
of trouble without asking any
questions. To aid him in his
diagnosis he carries with him the
most powerful microscope made
besides many other instruments
imported from the medical centers
of the world and some invented by
himself and used by no other doc
tors , except the Hot Springs Doc-
tors. This visit of Dr. Kinsey at
the Union Hotel , April 9 , 10 and
11 will be a wonderful opportunity
for the sick and afflicted of this
community who want to gel well
and there arc many to take advan
tage of it.
Lecture on Golnjr to Church ,
Christ pardoned the thief on
the cross , and He also forgave all
sorts of loafers , liars and other un
godly sinners and abominable in
dividuals , bul nowhere is it re
corded that Ho forgave the hypo
crites. Ho often referred to the
unpardonable sin , but did not say
what it was. The general belief
is that it is hypociisy , The world
is full of hypocrisy , full of people
who are insincere , and who play
the game of life for what there is
in it for them. Hypocrisy is the
unpardonable sin , the wet Id is
full of it , the churches aie full of
it , but then there are lots of
people in the world who are not
hypocrites. If you attend church
services you may bo instructed ,
edified and benelitted. You may
hear a sermon from a true believer
who is honest and sincere , and
who preaches the religion of
Christ instead of the man-made
kind. It may bo a fine day , and
by attending church services you
may not only save your own soul ,
but you may sot an example to
others and cause them to miss the
lire and brimstone. The services
will last an hour and you certain
ly can spend a quiet hour each
ek contemplating your future
state. So attend church services.
It may do you good while setting
your mind to the contemplation of
icavenly things. It can't possibly
10 you harm ; so go and take your
family , and the Lord may bless
you for it. Uncle Bent Murdock
it Hiawatha World ,
Bryan's Speech.
Says a Hiawatha man : " 1 heard
Bryan , the peerless orator , talk in
Kansas City Monday night. He
lias a great , bell-like voice , splen
did in its carrying power , and he
is easily one of the greal orators
of our country. I don't think bo
is the orator Ingalls was and ho
isn't the rapid-fire talker that
Bevendge is , but ho is a great
speaker. Ho knows all the tricks
of public speaking and he takes
every advantage of his opponents ,
which isn't very nice in a man who
is posing as Extra Good. He
denounced Taft and said LaFol
lotto Hhould be nominated for
president by the Republicans.
Evidently he desires some man to
oppose him whom ho can beat.
Now any Republican who pleases
Bryan and his fellow Democrats
is so nearly Democratic that he
won't do for Republicans to tie lo.
A.nd the praise of Bryan will go
far to turn back the Republican
following LaFolletto has picked
up in Kansas. LaFollotto says he
is a Republican reformer , but in
reality he is an old-time Pop. And
Stubbs , who is mislead by LaFol
letto , doesn't ' know enough about
the principles of the Republican
party to discover the fallacies of
LaFolletlo. Bryan , LaFollelle
ml Stubbs are all in the same
boat in Kansas. Hiawatha
A Pin.
A pin must bo pushed to make
11 go so must men.
A pin needs polish to do its
work smoothly so does man.
To get out of a hole , a pin must
have a pull so must man.
When a pin sticks too long in
one place , it gets rusty so does
a man.
A pin with a big head is not
much good neither is a man with
a big head.
The head of a pin prevents it
from going too far so do the
heads of some men.
Under pressure , a straight pin
will often become crooked BO
will a straight man.
Most pins have considerable
brass in their composition so do
most mon.
Finally ; there are white pins
black pins , straight pins , crooked
pins , long pins , short pins , good
pins , bad pins , dull pins , smooth
p'ns , rough pins , strong pins ,
weak pins and the world is full
of the same kinds of men. Spare
Commencing at 10:00 : a. m.
Horses and Mules
i Pair Brown Mares coming- and 5-
ycar olds , well broke double , an ex
tra good team for someone.
i Pair Bay Geldings coming 4 and 5-
year olds , broke double , weigh 2300 ,
i Pair Bay Mares coming 4 and 6-year
olds. 6-year old mare in foal by
Percheron horse.
i Black Mare 6-years old , weighs
1150 , well broke in all harness.
i Black Mare lo-years old , weighs
i Black Mare 5-years old , broke doub
le , weighs 1250.
i Pair Black Geldings 4-years old ,
weigh 2300 , broke double.
i Gray Morse lo-years old , weighs
i Roan Morse i2-years old , weighs
I350- '
i Sorrel Morse 6-years old , family
broke single.
i Bay horse 6-years old , family broke
i Sorrel Horse 9-years old , broke
single or bouble.
i Pair Bay Mares 7 and 8-year olds ,
broke double , good livery team.
i Sorrel Gelding 7-year old , broke to
saddle , drive double.
i Span Brown Mares coming 4-year
olds , one broke single and double.
i Sorrel Mare coming 5-year old , broke
to ride and broke double , in foal.
i Buckskin 5-year old , broke to harness
and to ride.
i Brown Mare coming S-years old ,
good saddle mare and will drive
i Coming Yearling Colt , daiving bred ,
an extra good one.
i Span Sorrel Mules , 16 hands high ,
well matched , weigh 2350.
i Pair Brown Mules 15 hands high ,
4-year olds , weigh 2100.
i Gray and i Browm Mule , 16 hands
high , weigh 2100.
One Mare and One Horse Mule to
each team. These mules are fat and
sound. Ready for the shipper or to
go into the field.
4 Thoroughbred
Shorthorn Bulls
ranging in age from n to 14 months
old , bred by Henry Hahn & Son.
One New Road Wagon Been Used About Four Weeks
Terms Made Known Day of
Lunch Served on Grounds
, I
C. H. Marion , Auct. E. Hoselton
Market Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards , April
( > , 1908. There was no diminu
tion in the cattle supply last week
and as the demand for fresh
meats fell off because of recent
advances to retailers , buyers had
au opportunity to swing1 a club
over the market , which they were
not slow to grasp , effecting a de
cline of 15 to 30 cents during tire
week. The downward turn of
prices was logical , in view of the
conditions , and should be no dis
couragement to holders of cattle
on feed , as a recovery of the lost
strength is confidently expected
soon , although a broader outlet
will be necessary before the mar
ket is likely to take on the keen
edge manifested two weeks ago.
The run is smaller today , 8,000
head , which is 2,000 below first
estimates to-day , whereas , the
supply last Monday ran 4,000
above the first liberal estimate
of 12,000. The market turned
upward to-day , killing grades
selling 5 to 15 cents higher , stockers -
ers and feeders strong. Good
rains and green pastures have
stimulated the latter trade today.
Numerous sales of steers were
made today at $9.65 to $6.80 ,
prime steers quotable today at
$7.00 , bulk of steers $6.10 to $6.65 ,
best heifers today $6.35 , bulk
$4.75 to $5.65 , cows $3.50 to $5.00 ,
bulls $3.75 to $4.75 , calves $3.75
to $5.50. Shipments ot stockers
and feeders to the country last
week aggregated 440 carloads ,
heaviest movement anv week this
season , and they are secured at
reasonable figures , 20 to 25 cents
below the average of the previous
week , stockers at $3.75 to $5.50 ,
feeders $4.75 to $5.75.
Hog receipts were 61,000 head
last week , an increase of S.OOO
over previous week , the increase
due to the advance in prices , al
though the market finally closed
only 15 to 20 cents above close of
previous week. Run in 9,000 head
today , market 5 higer , top $6.05 ,
bulk $5.80 to $6.00.
Buyers are more particular as
to quality today than usual , and
inferior Southern stuff is knifed
ruthlessly. Salesmen predict
higer prices , in view of the ap
parent short supply while buyers
argue for a lower range , antici
pating difficulty in disposing of
the high priced meat.
Sheep receipts are running
short , although there is a fairly
liberal run today , 8,500 head.
Lower prices prevailed in the East
last week , especially on lambs ,
and these were retlected to an
extent here , although salcsThurs-
day and Friday were almost back
to the high time. Market is low
er today , lambs at $7.40 to $7.75 ,
wethers worth up to $6.75 , ewes
$6.50 , yearlings $7.25. Spring
lambs have sold at $12.00 on dif
ferent days recently ) including to
day. Very little clipped stock
received so far.
Now Evelyn Wants $50,000.
New York , Apr. 4. Papers
were served on James B. Regan ,
manager ot the Hotel Knicker
becker Friday in a suit brought
by Mrs. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw to
recover $50,000 damages for
alleged injuries to her feelings
by stories that she and E. R.
Thomas bad been asked to leave
the hotel grillroom. Mr. Regan
turned the papers over to bis
counsel. Later be said that ho
did not look at them long enough
to find out just why Mrs. Thaw
was suing him he thought it
was lor being put out ot the
hotel , or because he said he put
her out. She denied having
been there. Mrs. Thaw's mm.
plaint will be tiled in the su
preme court Saturday. Ex.
Important Decision.
It is important that jou should decide
to take only Foley's Honey and Tar
when you have n cough or cold as it
will euro the most obstinate rucking
cough and expel the cold from your
system. Foley's Honey and Tar con
tains no harmful drugs. Insist upon
having it. Kerr's Pharmacy.