The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 10, 1908, Page 8, Image 12

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240 acres well improved , 1J miles from Depot in Kas. Oooil spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest.
C. Smith 200 acres \/i \ miles from depot , Kicliardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land. Will
Henry take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
. ICO acres upland , J mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. $12,000.
160 acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownvillc , Nebraska.
80 acres if-mile from Falls City high school.
LOANS & LOANS OtO acres , $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100 acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan
Jerome Johnson was n Hu'.o visitor
Mllly Liberty visited 1'roston frlomls
last week.
Viuiehn MoVoy was n Falls City visitor -
itor Sunday.
Molvh Kern eamo homo from Falls
C ity Sunday.
Mr. Terry of Lincoln visited In this
city last week.
Josle Vettcr of Kansas visited In
Rule last week.
John Dunn visited relatives In St.
Joseph last wool ; .
Mra. Will Cunningham was a Falls
City visitor last Friday.
F. K. Culpof Wymoro was a business
visitor In Kulo recently.
I. P. Weeks of Lincoln was n Uulo
visitor one day last week.
Mrs. Whalcn visited her daughter lit
Preston Monday afternoon.
J. A , lllnklo wont to Cniifj , Mo , Sun
day , to remain several days.
Mrs. F.dlth Pope visited with Salem
friends Friday of last week.
Thomas LOUR and Pearl Anderson
drove to Reserve , Saturday.
John Kiumly made a business trip to
Atchlson one day last week.
Matthew Taylor returned to his homo
at Musscna , Iowa , last week.
Mrs. C. J. Cnvor/.mlo was a Falls
City visitor one day last weot.
Mrs. Ctms. Huber was a county.'cnpi'nl
visitor Thursday of last week.
John Gustufson of Wymoro was trans
acting business in Rule Monday.
Deb and Jnko Miller visited with
their sister at Preston last week.
Thomas Poteet of Falls City spent
Sunday with friends In this city.
Claud Yocum visited with relatives
in this city a short tlmu last wcuk.
W. K. Marsh of Falls City visited
friends In Rule ono day last week.
Old Mr. Ctrnvii ) departed Friday for
Murray , Ncbr . to visit his sister.
Arlm Duncan of Preston visited his
parents In the elty a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. .loc Brar/.o are the
parents of another little daughter.
Mrs. Ulmer Laimwrt arrived In Rule
from Kansas City a few days ajro.
Mrs. Helplur and daughter , tevn ,
were Kansas City visitors last week.
Blalnu Anderson of Kansas visited
with Rule relatives Sunday evening.
Mrs. Harry Spleer and little daugh
ter departed for Omaha last Friday.
Will Prater and Roy Lytlo were
tllawuthu visitors one day last week.
John McClclaml and George Davis
Visited In Duwson one day last week
Wash Graves of llumboldt visited
with relatives at this place hist week.
Mrs. Jake Sweinforth was a business
Visitor to Falls City ono day last week.
Harry Bradford and Fred Stamm
were Falls City visitors onoday recently
John Kanaly received a carload of
leo from Atchlson the fore part of last
Newton Hosfurd spent n couple of
days In Lincoln the latter part of last
Oode Anderson and family spent
Sunnny with his parents on the reser
Agnes Sehrader eamo down from
Preston , Friday evening to stay over
Mrs. Plumb returned the first of the
week Irom n pleasant visit with Dawson
Nick Taylor returned to his homo at
Phllllpsburg , Kansas on Wednesday
of last week.
Mrs. Coin , who has been visiting her
sister ut Preston , returned homo Mon
day morning.
Mesdames Paul and Feigler were
transacting business in Falls City ono
day last week.
Earl Shi'i'hiM'd anil John McCieland
a'.trndt'l u iianoo in Falls City ot o
night la t week.
Mra. flail and daughter rutnrnod the
first of the week from n visit with rela
tives ut Omaha.
John Goldl/en and family were busi
ness visitors in Rule the ilrst of the
first of the week.
Rev. Musio of Dawson preached at
the Holiness church last Sunday morn
ing and evening.
Harry Iluber ran a nail In his foot
hist wenk , but was lucky enough to
sulTer no ill elTeets.
Miss Thompson and Mabel Kocler of
Fargo wore visiting friends in Rule a
few days last week.
LorettaWinterbottom of White Cloud
spent a few days last week with her
grandparents In Rulo.
Mr1 and Mrs. Uob.icK from the reser
vation , were transacting business In
Rule ono day last week.
Thomas Long of Glenwood , Iowa ,
spunt a few days with relatives In this
vicinity the last of the week.
Edith Kern came homo from Stella
Sunday , where she has just finished un
eight montlis term of school.
Mrs. Sarah Demons , who has been
with her father since February , re
turned to her home last week.
Mr ? . Belle Marsh and daughter Essie
spent last Thursday with George Tay
lor's family , north west of town.
Sherman Hays has sold his restaur
ant to Mrs Swoinforth and has moved
onto Dr. Shepherd's farm In Kansas.
Charley Story Jdoparted Monday
morning for Brenner , Kausas , where
he expects to work with a bridge gang.
Edith lllnkle and Hope Ward spent
a pleasant evening with the family of
Mrs. Hosford , south of town , recently.
J. J. Caverzngle returned the last of
the week from Omaha , where he 1ms
been transacting business for several
( Julio a crowd of young people from
FaUs City tooK advantage of the beau-
t'ful weather Sun-Jay and drove to Rule
on u pleasure trip.
Edith Blnegar had the misfortune to
fall over a small handcart one day last
week , and In consequence is sulTcrim :
from a badly sprained arm.
Pearl Harrison went to St. Joseph
last iweck to have an oueratlon per
formed on her arm , which has been
troubling her for several months. The
operation was sncce ssul and she Is get
ting along nicely
Orvlllo Myers spent Sunday with
home folks.
Miss Ollle Bain was a Falls City vis
itor Saturday.
Laurence Whalen of Rule was in
town Saturday.
Miss Acrnes Schroeder visited over
Sunday in Rulo.
C. F. Prlbbens made a business trip
to Salem Monday.
James Ford , night operator at Rule ,
was in town Sunday.
Grandmother Diieschcncr is quite
poorly at this writing.
James Uosford of near Dawaon , wul a
business visitor last Monday.
Dr. Malley made a business trij > | to
Falls City , Monday afternoon.
Will Story and Wayne Richardson
were In town one night last week.
Mary Sinclair and Marie Morris drove
up to Falls City Saturday afternoon.
Richard Kaiser and children attended
church services in Falls City , Monday.
Miss Anderson of Reserve , Kansas ,
spent Sunday at the home of William
Miss Goins of Rule spent several
days last week with her sister , Mrs.
Ellen Dykes , in this this city.
Mr. Pete Frederic , who is foreman ol
a bridge gang on the Burlington , spent
Sunday with his family in this elty.
M'ss Ida Pribbens , who Is clerking
for V. G. Tyford In Falls City , spent
Sunday with her parents In this city
Miss Ida Meyers has accepted a posl
tlon as central girl In the telephone
olllco and began work Monday morning
A Mr. Glmmcrman , living north of
town , had a very narrow escape from
deatli last Monday. As he was cross
ing the railroad on his way home , the
west bound passenger came Hying
around the curve and struck the wagon
making of it a complete wreck. Mr ,
Gimmerman , except for the fright and
a very shaking up , was reported un'n- '
jured and most thankful for his mirac
ulous escape.
One morning the Ilrst of the week ,
little Anna Frederic and Gertie Me-
Cumber were plaj-lng housekeeping ,
and built a fire in a toy stoyc. By some
means Anna's clothing caught fire from
It , and but for the fact that Mr. Me-
timber was near , would probably have
burned to death As It was she escaped
injury , but has badly singed hair. Mr.
McCumber fought the fire with bare
hands and received some severe burn ? .
Tuesday , April 7 , being Mrs. Ellen
Dyke's 50th birthday , friends and rela
tives planned a surprise in her behalf
About 10:30 : a. m. , as fthe was sitting in
quietude at her work she heard a slight
mlse. and upon stepping to the door
f jund herself surrounded by a merry
crowd , each one with a basket , bucket
or some other queer looking parcel
To say the surprise was complete would
be putting it mildly in the way of ex
pressing It. However , she stood her
cround bravely , but the raiders were
tco many and soon took entire posses
sion of the house , and proceeded to
make themselves very much at home
The contents of the baskets were by
and by laid on the table , and all gath
ered around to do justice to the fare.
Those present were Mr ? . Goinf , Mrs.
Bowker , Mrs. Larrabee and Mrs. Par-
soii5 of Rule ; Mrs. A D. Larrabee ,
Craig , Mo. ; Mr. and Mr ? . Kaiser and
two children ; Grandnm Shelly. Mrs.
John Morris and Mlfs Ollio I3aln , Rev.
and Mrs. L A. Myers , Rev. and Mrs.
John Nanninga and two children. Tbo
two ministers were very shy at first ,
but the "magic chicken" soon dispelled
that and all went on merrily. Mrs.
Dykes ' "as the recipient of many beau
tiful presents , and when her guets de
parted In the late afternoon , wishing
her many happy returns , she had fully
recovered Irom her surprise and In
vited them to "came again some time. "
Affords Perfect Security.
Foloy's Iloney and Tar affords per
fect security from pneumonia and con
sumption as it cures the most obstinate
coughs and colds. We have never
known a single Instance of a cold
resulting in pneumonia after Foley's
Honey and Tar had been taken. Kerr's
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby jjiveu thnt fiehlinu's Brewery
lm\o filed tlipir i > utltion signed by the reqnlsitu
number of free-holders of the Third Ward ot
FiillK ( Mty , HlchtmUou Connty , Nebraska , nikinR
tliattilicviiM ) bo granted them to roll mult liquors
ut wholesale , on hula 22 , 23 nnd 21 , in Block
No. inn. nnd Lotn 1 , 2 , 3 nntl I , In Block No. 1117 ,
in the Third Wiird ot said city , county and state.
for the municipal jenr , Ix iiititUK ihiy 7th , UKH ,
and ( . inline Slay fithWt. .
Legal Notice.
Notion is hereby Riven that O. Schornheit has
filed with the city clerk of Falls City , Nebraska ,
hit * I'dition siKinnl by the rcqnielto number of
ro ident freo-holderH of the Second Ward of
Falls City , Nebrnakn , iirayiiiK that n license as
wvloon keeper bu granted him to tell malt , spiri
tuous and vinous liquors on part of Lots 4 and 5 ,
in Hlock71 , in the Second Ward of Falls City ,
Nebraska , for the municipal > ear , lieuinnini ; ou
May "th , 1W3 , and undine May llth. IW.i.
HKIIT HAKF.R , City Clerk.
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby nivon Hint F. W. Herbster has
filed with the city clerk of Falls City , Nebraska ,
Ills petition Mailed by thn requisite nnmbornt
free-holders of the Second Ward of Kails City ,
Nebraska , prajlnt ; that a liceiibo as saloon keeper
be granted him to sell malt , splrltuonn and vin
ous liquors on Lots I and 5 , in Block W. in thn
Seconcl Ward of Falls City , Nebraska , for thn
municipal year , lic'uiiinuiK May 7lh , 1UOnnd
cndini ; .May fith , 11KW. F. W.
HEUT DAKKII , City Clerk.
It is quite evident that the people of Falls City and vicinity are reading our advertisements and com
paring ; our prices , from the fact that Saturday the first day of our Easter Carnival Sale was the largest
clay's business we have had in Falls City. : = : : = : : = :
Rugs and Draperies
Smith's Axminster Rugs , 9x12 , Oriental
and Floral dcsignes , new patterns , Mat
thews price
Rugs and Draperies
27x60 Moquet Rugs , Oriental and Floral
designs , Matthews price
17c Primrose Batiste , there is an exception
ally line quality of Batiste , one of the
season's most popular fabrics "J fy\/
Faster price per yard L f /
200 pieces Valenciencs lace and insertions ,
worth up to i5c , Easter IJ\/ * \
Price / /2C
169 Sample Belts worth from 5oc to
$ i.oo , Faster price
500 pieces Valencienes edging and insertions -
sertions , worth up to locFaster price
146 Sample Purses and Bags at l/2 price.
Rugs and Draperies
36x72 Moquet Rugs , Floral and Animal
designs , Matthews price
Rugs and Draperies
It is not necessary to quote the value of
the abovs Rugs , nearly everyone knows
there is a saving of one dollar to five dollars
lars on them.
Lace Curtains Lace Curtains
Pretty new Nottingham
ham Lace Curtains ,
ecru or white , 3-yards
long , Mattews
New pattern Nottingham
ham Lace Curtains 3
yards long $1.50 value
price. . . . .
No. 340 a very pretty cable cord ,
lace curtain , 47 inches wide ,
yards long , $2.00 value , m *
Matthews price . Jpl.
345 a duplicate of 344 with the
exception of being of more
elaborate designs , $2.50
value , Matthews price. .
60 inches wide , new
Nottingham Curtains , Pay
Matthews price per the
No. 344 an elaborate cable cord Market
floral lace curtain , 50 in. wide , Price
34 yds long. 2.2
Matthews price for
Five different in
patterns our
$3.50 line , every one of them
new 1908 designs , Cream
Matthews price
No. 10 full 11x4 white spread No. 22 fringed , cut corners , $2 d * 1 No. 295 an extra heavy , plain , No. 460 large , fringed , cut corners > | Q
Easter price value , Faster special . p 1 D I2x4 , $2.75 spread Faster price $3.50 value , Easter price < $ * J Us
We want to make Falls City the greatest trading point in this section of Nebraska.Ve want to make it your trading place. We want to make this your store. We want to
show you the most complete stock of dependable merchandise sold on as small a margin of profit as honest merchandizing will permit. We have put on extra sales people to see that
you get proper and special attention. We arc Agents for the LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS.
3000 Yards of Fine Zephyr Dress The Dernolisher of High Prices
Ginghams worth I2j < and I5c , to ATT
be cleared out this week at FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA