The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 10, 1908, Page 7, Image 11

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and strictly proKbifcs
llie sale of alum
baking powder
So does France
So does
The sale of alum foods
lias been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum
bia , and alum baking powders arc everywhere recognized as
injurious. pYQfafc y0orsejf against alum ,
when ordering baking powder ,
and be very sure you get Royal.
Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and wholesomeness -
someness of the food.
What Record Shows.
Lincoln , Neb. , April G , 1908
The first iormal complaint
filed with the State Railway
Commission was on account of
discrimination against a firm of
horse dealers at Grand Island.
It was alleged that the railroad
company imposed unreasonable
hardships upon the complain ,
ants in the transaction of their
business and failed to provide
suitable shipping facilities. It
was adjusted to the complete
satisfaction of the complainants
without a hearing and was dis
missed by them after an informal
conference at which all interest ,
ed parties appeared.
No. 2 came from a farmers'
elevator company at Alda which
had been unable to secure a site
on the railroad right-of-way for
its warehouse. The claims of
the elevator company were
granted within two weeks after
the complaint was filed , and no
action by the commission was
No. 3 was the case of the City
ol Lincoln for reduced streetcar
fares. For a long time the city
authorities had endeavored by
ordinances and through the
courts to compel street car com
panies to sell six ticlcets for 25
cents. Every effort was suc
cessfully resisted until the Com
mission took the matter in hand ,
but its order was promptly
obeyed , and six for a quarter
has been the rate on Lincoln
street cars since November 1 ,
1907. Besides securing a sub
stantial reduction of fares , the
j Commission established an im
portant precedent by fixing a
valuation upon the street car
lines and limiting their earnings
to a reasonable return thereon.
Although much has been said
and written in regard to basing
transportation charges upon the
amount of investment in rail
road property , this is , as far ns
known , the first instance in the
entire country where such apian
has been put into actual prac
Nos.1 and 5 were filed by
builders and contractors at Blair ,
complaining that the rate of 3 |
cents per cwt. on sand from Fremont -
mont to Blair was excessive.
Two months after the complaint
was filed the rate was reduced
to 2 cents per cwt. , which was
accepted by the contractors as
reasonable and entirely satis
Nos. 0 and 12 were brought by
certain independent oil compan
ies asking for reduction of local
rates on petroleum and its prod
ucts which would enable them
j to compete with the Standard
Oil monopoly. After a hearing
and thorough investigation ,
rates were ordered reduced 80
per cent and the new schedule
has been in effect since January
25. As a result independent
distributing stations are being
established at a number of in
terior points , and present iiidi
cations are that Nebraska will
soon enjoy the benefit ol prox
imity to the rich oil fields of
Kansas by reason of this order.
No. 7 asked for the establish
ment of a system of joint rates
which would give farmers along
the line of the Missouri Pacific
from Presser to Superior the
advantage of a competing market -
ket for their live stock and grain
at Omaha instead of confining
them to Kansas City. These
rates were established and have
been in effect lor seveml months
although repeated efforts to se
cure them had failed prior t <
the creation of a Railway Com
No. 8 was against the Greal
Northern Railway company for
refusal to furnish cars for graii
shipments to Omaha. As a re
suit of this policy the farmers
along that line between Sioux
City and O'Neil were compellec
to ship their grain to Minneap
olis , paying freight on an un
necessarily long haul and bein
deprived of better prices whicl
the nearer market frequently
affords. A hearing was held 01
this matter on which the defend
ant company pleaded a techni
cality to the effect that the
offending carrier was a subsid
iary line instead of the Crea
Northern itself. This was no
accepted as a sufficient excuse
however. An order was issuec
September 10 , 1907 , requiring
cars to be furnished promptly
for Omaha shipments , whicl
has been obeyed to the letter.
No. 9 was brought by a num
ber of creameries against the
railroad and express companies
lor inadequate facilities and im
proper handling of cream ship
ments. An extended hearing
was held , at the conclusion o
which an order was issued re
quiring the railroad companie
to make substantial improve
ments upon their terminal facil
ities at Omaha aud to exercise
due care in loading and unload
ing cream cans , whether fillet
or empty. Every point con
tended for by the creamery com
panics was granted.
No. 10 was against the Mis
souri Pacific Ralway Company
on account of' the dangerou
condition of its tracks and road
bed. The Commissioners mad
acomplete inspectionof the road
traveling by hand-cars , freigh
trains , automobiles and or
foot. An order was issued re
quiring a specified amount o
work to be done on the property
within a certain time and pre
scribing a system of reports bj
which the Commission might b
: ept advised of the progress
iade in complying therewith.
L second trip of inspection
) roved conditions still far from
atisfactory , and another order
vas issued limiting the speed of
ill trains. This order had the
esired effect , and the work of
mprovement was pushed with
uch vigor than when winter
: losed in a third inspection
ound the lines comparatively
afe , and the speed limit was
emoved. Rails and ties are
inw in largo quantities along
he Missouri Pacific , and the
mining1 summer will see a re-
ently debilitated and run down
oad placed in first-class physi
cal condition.
No. 11 \\as a complaint that
certain unjust charges had been
xssessed against a carload of
coal received at York. The
charges were cancelled as a re
suit of the Commission's inves
tigation and the coal was deliv
ered to its owner.
No. 13 was for the opening of
depot on the Hock Island at
Jniversity Place. In an opinion
which ably answered the con
tention of railroad attorneys
that the Commission lacks juris
liction in a matter of this nature ,
the erection of a depot andlhe
naintcnance of an agent as
Brayed for were ordered. This
case has been appealed to the
courts , where it is now pending.
No. M was on account of un
satisfactory train service on the
Union Pacific. Conditions com
plained of were promptly rein
edied and the case was dismissed
on motion of complainants.
No. 15 asked for a reduction
of the 20 cent rate on cotton
piece goods and manufactured
garments between Lincoln and
Crete. Granted , a rate of 1
cents being established by order
of the Commission.
No. 16 was brought by a farm
ers' elevator company at Munle\
against the Missouri Pacific
for refusal to build a side-tracl
to its elevator. The Commission
ordered the track built , but the
railroad carried the case intn
federal court on injunction pro
ceedings , where it is now pend
No. 17 had the effect of re
ducing the rate on stone between
Weeping Water and Nehawlca
and Lincoln from 2J cents to 2
cents per cwt. without a hearing.
No. 18 abolished discrimina
tions of long standing in favor
of certain classes on telephone
service , also without the neces
sity of a hearing.
No. 19 adjusted serious dis
criminations against cattle feed
ers in the matter of grain rates
into Kent , Merchiston , Genoa ,
Central City and Kearney , and
enabled them to ship corn from
distances of 100 miles or more.
Nos. 20 , 21 and 22 are cases
brought by the York Commercial
Club to compel the Burlington
and Northwestern to establish a
transfer switch and traclc scales
at that station. Hearings were
held at York and Lincoln , and
the Commission is now awaiting
briefs which will be filed by all
parties to the controversy.
No. 23 is Senator Sibley's case
against the Burlington for a
further reduction of grain rates.
The Commission undertook to
go into this matter on its own
motion last fall , but was pre
vented by a clause in the Aldrich
law which requires a written
complaint to be filed before the
rates fixed by that law can be
changed. A hearing will soon
be held in this case.
No. 21is a complaint brought
by the City of Lincoln against
two street car companies to
prevent stock watering. It is a
companion case to No. 3 , referred
to above , and has not yet been
Nos. 23 , 28 , 29 , 550 and 81 are
cases brought by citizens of
Fairbury to secure a more equit
able rate adjustment for the
business interests of that town.
Although these complaints have
but recently been filed , it is un
derstood that substantial con-
essions have already been of.
ered by the railroad companies ,
ind the prospects are that they
vill be satisfied without a hear
"iff- "
No. 20 is another new com-
) laint on account of the location
) f the stock yards at Kenesaw.
No. 27 is on account of the
closing of the Broken Bow tele-
raph office at night , and No. ! ! 2
isks for the opening of a rail
road station at Odessa. No hear-
ngs have yet been held in either
of these cases.
This is a complete list of for-
nal complaints filed with the
Commission up to the present
ime. It will be noted that the
Commission's orders have been
generally obeyed , only two cases
being appealed to the courts for
eview. It cannot be said that
this is on account of any favor-
tism to the railroads , for every
order issued thus far has been
igainst thorn. It is rather due
.o the conciliatory policy of
bringing the dinputants together
or a heart to heart talk when
ever possible , many cases being
idjusted in this manner which
otherwise would have ended in
prolonged hearings or expensive
lawsuits. Whenever formal pro
ceedings were necessary , how
ever , no pains have been spared
to develop the exact facts and
no hesitancy has been shown in
leciding in accordance there
with , even though the uniform
tendency of the opinions might
indicate to an uninformed ob
server an unlair bias. With the
railroads fighting desperately
against governmental regulation
all along the line , it is certainly
a high tribu.c to the Nebraska
Commission's intelligence and
sense ot justice that only two of
the nine orders issued against
them have been resisted.
An Insidious Danger.
One of the worst features of [ kidney
trouble is that it is un insidious disease
and before the victim realizes his dan
ger he may have a fatal malady. Take
Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first
sign of trouble as it corrects irregulari
ties and prevents Hrighl's disease and
diabetes. Kerr's Pharmacy.
A Good Town.
' 'So you think you'll settle in
this town , do you ? May I ask
your reason for deciding to live
here ? "
"I notice that the preacher
and the local editor occupy two
of the best houses in the place.
There must be something mighty
good about a community where
such a condition exists. " Chicago
cage Record Herald.
- >
Weak women get prompt and lasting
help by n&inur Dr. Snoop's Night Cure
These soothing , healing , antiseptic
suppositories , with full Information
how to proceed are interestingly told
of in my book " No. 1 For Women '
Thobook and strictly confidential medi
cal advice is entirely free. Simply
write Dr. Snoop , Kaclnc , Wlc , for my
book No. 4 Sold by all dealers.
Notice or Sheriff's Sale
.Notion in hereby Klven , tlmt by urtuu of mi
order of wile , JBMKM ! out of llin district court , in
nn < l for Hirlmrclwm Count ) mill Htatoot Ni'liniH-
kn , miller tlio mini of said courtdated on the lllh
ilii ) of Mnrcli , HH and to me directed us i-lioriiT
of Mint county , to bo executed , I will on Motnlii ) ,
thu 20th dm of Al > ril , 1SHM , at 10 o'clock n. in. , of
wild diiy lit the wciht door of tlio court IIOIIMI in the
cit ) of Kails Citj , in wiiil couutj and Mnto , olfrr
for halo nt public M'liiluo , [ mil M-I1 to the hm'hect
and bent bidder , the property dmcribiil In Html
order of viiln towit Hnvont . * fix't oil
, : > -t o (7. ( ) '
thu wcfct mill of lots 1,1 , II , 15 , If ) , and leu fiTt
(10t ( ) elf miitli Mile of lot 17 , all in block M ,
Citj of Kails fit } , Iticlmnlxon Count ) , Nebraska ,
in nud county , to t-atixfy a judgment of Mild
court , with Interests anil costs recoienil b )
John \VlltM'nuil iinn by lilwin 8. Towlo tiKiuiibt
Daniel II , Hlakenc ) ami lUrlmrn llhikenej.
Terms of wile , cash.
( men under 1115 hand at 1 nl.s ( it ) V'linislia ,
this lllh ihu < , f Man I ! ' > -
* M \ \ I I f\i..N SI , , | | T.
Stomach trouble la but n symptom of. and not
In lUoll a true disenb.j We think of I > y i > opslii.
Heartburn , and IndlKutlon on ruil dlnuiscs , jtt
they nro symptoms only of a certain specific
lit-rvo blilcness nothlnc clw.
It wui till d fuel that llrst correctly led Dr Sheep
In the creation of tlmt now very popular Stomach
Iti-inerty Or fclioop's Keatomtlvo. Golntf direct
to the stomach nerves , alone brought that suco-si
mid favor to Dr. bhoopand his Kcitorathe With
out tlmt original nnri highly vital principle , no
turn lasting accomplishments w ere t vvr to bu liad.
1'or stomach ulstrtu . bloating , Lfllouuu < * i , bad
breath and tallow corn plex Ion , try Dr. Shoop'l
It < utomtlvo Tablets or Liquid and si for your.
K-lf H hat it can and will do. Wo tell unu cuecr.
full } recommend
of our line work In crown niul bridge
work , and in the making of UK' ' ' ! plates
with natural appearing teeth , would
show you the value of our dental work.
When you arc in need of a tfooddentist ,
whose charges arc moderate , call on
Pnlls City , Nehrnskn
All Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
Climax Chick Feed
c C
You cannot afford to hatch out a lot of Thicks
H and let them die for want of proper feed. I want H
to have you come in and get some I'M MAX
Chick Feed , and if you do not say it is the best
feed on earth and arc not satisfied with the
C results you cati tfct your money back : : : : C
K . . .I BUY. . . K
Butter , Eggs , Poultry , Popcorn ,
Hides and Furs. F
E Have on hand all kinds of SALT , HAY , GRAIN , E
- l-M.OUR AND I-M5I5D -
E We hnvc reduced nil our best ( irmles of flour from E
41.50 lo i 1.4(1 ( per Mick mid dn not ( live nay Mull wlllt It.
We Have Hie Simflour , Lllv White mid tied &
Yours for 1T >
nusiness , . IT.
A Notice to Farmers
We have a Full Line of Buggies ,
Carriages and Miller Wagons , also a
Full Line of St. Joe Implements and
a Full Line of Racine-Sattley Imple
Prices are the Lowest
CALL and inspect these goods be
fore buying elsewhere , and we also
handle FIVE Different grades of
from the three home mills , Falls City ,
Preston and White Cloud.
Preston , Nebraska.
Take Notice.
Hunting , fishing erin
in anj' manner on what is known
as the Gardner land south of
Falls City or about the Gulp lake
near the M. P. depot , is forbidden
and will be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law.
Full Line of Emblem Cards.
Cards lend an air of refinement
and culture to a person which ,
cannot be attained in any other
way. The Tribune has just re
ceived a fine sample line of emb-
cm cards which we will be K\a \ < \
to show you. If you belong to
any secret order you need an emb
lem card. Come in and get our
prices and we can furnish you the
finest line ever brought to the
city to choose from , and at prices
within the reach of all.
Whenever a fellow becomes so
impressed with his own import
ance to be blind to his own per
sonal shortcomings he is well
along on the certain road to dis
aster. Sometimes it takes long ,
er to reach tlio jumping off place
than at others , but if the gait is
continued the goal will surely be
reached in due season. St. Joe
Pain , anywhere , can bo quickly
etoppcd by one of Dr. Snoop's Pink
Pain Tablets. Pain always means con
gestion unnatural blood jircsitiro. Dr.
Shoou'g Pink Pain Tablets simply coax
congealed blood away from pain cen
ters. These Tablets-known by drug
gists as Dr. Snoop's Headache Tablets
fimply equalize the blood circulation
anj tucti pain always departs in 20
minutes. 20 Tablets 25 cents. Write
Dr. Sheep , Ilueino , Wis. , for free pack
age. Sold by all dealers.