The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 10, 1908, Page 6, Image 10

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iatar &iaiiaiia aagsaeg
Our Showing
week proceeding Easter Day will
p " 4
attractive values in SPRING SUITS
and TOP GOATS at : - : . > - .
have reason to extol the artistic
merits of our clothing from the stand
point of sty ! ® and worth. If your clothing
purchases have been delayed until now ,
do well to see the new patterns
just received , and the spiendid line of new
shirtings and bright-hued neckwear to be found in our furnishings section. There is a
"snap" and "go" to the new Spring styles that you will find most pleasing. In all © ur ex
perience we have never sold clothing which fits so perfectly as Sincerity Clothes ; and you
must bear in mind the important fact that our clothes enjoy the reputation © f being the
best made in point of workmanship of any make of clothing , in addition to their style and
cloth quality. You will be immensely pleased at the variety of styles and splendid selec
tion of patterns , and as usual , you will find here such moderate prices as will appeal to
your idea of true value. : - : x x x x
Falls City ,
Those Monstrous Hats.
There in a Hlrong inclination to
join tlio Now York Timed in n
protest against the amazing archi
tecture of the new Hpring hate
worn by women. It has been the
custom to treat humorously of the
discomfort and inconvenience
caused to olherH by the largo hats
of womankind , but il IH in no
mirthful spirit that the Times now
records a protest ngaiiiBt them ,
and the- lack of good humor in
this connection is altogether
Tlio women discard their now
ImtB in theatres , because they are
required to. lUit many of them
are displeased if a preacher makes
such a request. Out of the de
signs now seen will obstruct at
least twenty-live feet of the view
of platform or sta o of a person
silting immediately behind it.
Tii ! Times io right in saying thot
women wearing these things
bhould be compelled to remove
them indoors. A few of them at
a private : cveption will crowd a
Itoaolios tlio spot.
Stops pain. Tl\o
Great I'llo Horn ,
inly. 1'ut VIP lr\
ttibos wltlv toctal
iioizlc. 50 conts-
room of ordinary si/.e. They are
not beautiful , because they are
appropriate to no occasion unless
the place is an open field. If a
man should raise an umbrella in
a lecture hall or in church he
would be expelled , and properly ,
loo. Why not compel a woman
wearing a hat as big as an um
brella to remove it or retire.
Lincoln Star.
Piles arc easily anil quickly chucked
with Dr. Snoop's Magic Ointment. To
prove It I will mull u email trial box
us u convincing test. Simply address
Or. Snoop , Ruclno.VU. . I surely would
not bund It free unless I was cot-tain
Unit Dr. Slump's Magic Ointment would
stand the test. Remember It is mndo
expressly niul ulono for swollen , puln-
( ul , bleeding or Itching piles , either
oxternul or Interim ) . Large jnr fipe.
Sold by till dealers.
Holy Week Services.
Following is the order of ser
vice at St. Thomas Episcopal
church beginning next Monday :
Monday. 10:30 : a. in , Matins.
Tuesday , 10:30 : a. m. Matins.
Wednesday , 7:30 : am. . Holy
Wednesday , 7:30 : p. in. Even
Mamuliiy Thursday , 10:30 : a. m.
to loan on good farm security.
Call on or write
Office Over Kornvr's Hardware Store
Falls City , Nebraska
.Ajju , n itf. . . .a. -
Holy Eucharist.
Good Friday , 10:30 : a.m. Mat
Good Friday , 7:30 : P. m. Even
Holy Saturday , 4 p. m. Vesper.
On Good Friday , the purple
vestments of priest and altar give
way to the sombre black color of
sorrow and death The organ is
silent until Easter mornins , the
lights on the altar are extinguish
ed and the faithful await the
coming of the glorious Easter
day with great searching of heart.
Not Coming.
The Falls City Elks minstrels
will not play in Hiawatha as
planned. They gave a rather
good performance in Falls City ,
Thursday nighti the best numbers
being by Mr. Spence , Mr. Jellison.
Mr. Whitaker , the Prater sisters
and a line of boys and girls. The
boys sang and whistled ; the girls
sang In fear of the Uogey Man.
The promoter of the show and his
son were'nt much. The receipts
were SHO. The promoter got
half and his expenses. He worked
the business men who seldom ad
vertise in the newspapers where
advertising always pays best and
costs less to buy space on a pro
gram which made him $50. When
he spoke of coming here he was
assured the picking wasn't that
easy. Hiawatha World.
Receives Congratulations.
You will soon receive the congratu
latlons of your friends upon your 1m
proved i.pj'e-irani-o if jou will tftk <
Folej's Kidney Reimv'y : t it tones Ul
the eyatoin uod impart- * n..v life am
vigor. Foley's Kidue > U < n ' > ' .y curei
back ache , nervous cxl. tu iun and ut
forms of kldiwy uad l > 'u.l < ' .i r troub'c-
( . 'oruau'tiie tahltii ; it to d.iy. iv'lt'
The men's mooting at the M
E. chur : ' Sunday iwmny , drev
a full hou&e , ttiul the address b ;
Evangelist Earle has receive <
nothing but favorable oouimen
l > \ all who heard it
\Mthhtanding the high
last aaturiidj , a cirgc crowd wa
iu town rtutl our merchants enjoy
ed a tioocl business.
Foloy's Orino Luxatlvo Is best for
onion and children. Its mild action
nd pleasant taeto makes it preferable
violent purgatives , such as pill * , tub-
ts , etc. Cures constipation. Kcrr's
'o The Pacific Coast
Very favorable excursion rates
to the Pacific Coast during the
summer season of 190S , includ
ing special dates in April to
California as follows : April
25th and 2f > th. Illustration ,
only S)0 ( ) round trip. The Coast
tour is the finest railroad jour
ney in the world. Make it this
summer. Also low one way
rates during April
fo Colorado And
Rocky Mountains
Plan now ( or your summer vacation
in Colorado , Wyoming , tin ? Black
Hill * , or Yellowstone Park1 Very
low and uttructivo summer tourist
rates to the cool mountain resorts
after Juno 1st.
Homeseekers' Rates
First and third Tuesdays to tbe weal
The Big Hern Basin
Auction sale for choice ot tbe newlj
irrigated lands under the Orogot
Basin , or Wiley ditch , near Cody
Opening : ID Muy , 1908. Also * plendl <
chances yet for ho misleading Government
ornment irrigation lands near Gur
land , \Vyo. Write D. Clctu Utaver
Lamlseekers' Information Burenu
Omaha. lie will pcrtonaDy con due
Landseekors' excursions to the I'.i ;
Horn Basin first und third Tue duj
of each month through the suiuun i
i bunir.esS changes in 1 1
towLuu Uuriuisjton i\iu
VVrrite Mr. Duuvoi or
E. Q.
Local Ticket Agcnl
L. W. WAnCLEY , G. P. . ,
Omahg , Neb.
Legal Notice.
Villinin Il.Allx'rtfron , 1'lumtilT
'liner ( iriilith , Defonilnnt
Siiininnns b > pubhcntlon.
Klinor ( Irlllith , tluinhnrt ) nnmwlilofomlant will
ak ( notice Unit on tlioeixth daj of March , IRK
Villmm 11. AllxTtKon , plaintilT hi-roiu , fllcil hix
I'titiou in the ilUtrict court of KichnriUun
'ounty , Nclm kn , n ainst Milil defondnnt , tlio
ibject nnil prayer of which is to recover n jmlK-
nriit n uin t said tlefenilant in tlio sum of $ ll-0.- !
1 toKi'tlior with S | > er cent intere1- ! thereon from
he ilntu of lilinj , ' i-aiil petition , npon n juilgment
ecoTonil in Wiu-lnta County , Clklaliiuiin. Tlmt
in the t-ainodato plaintilT inKii < l court filed hifl
alliila\lt for attachment , in pursuance of winch a
\ritof nttnchment was issued and placed in tlio
lands of tlio s-licrilT of faiil Kichiinlsoii County ,
Nebraska , and in imrsiianco of which taid sherilT
lid on tlio 10th day of March , 1MW attach and
ov > upon nil of tlio nnidvided two-lifteenths
ntereHts of thu defendant , in and to tlio fcouth-
\c t fractional quurter of Section number
oven , town three , ran o fifteen , east of i ! , I' . M.
tichardfon County , Nebraxkn , the KUIIO IwiiiB
subject to an undivided two-fifteenths interest
it thu riwht of homestead of tlio widow of Silas
Uirillith , decoabed.
You are required to answer said petition on or
jeforo tlio 27th day of April , 1WK or jiulmnciit
ull Ixi rendere < l as iiayed for nnd faiil nttnchwl
iroporty cold according to law to satisfy t-aiA
Dated this 16th day of March , 1UK
CIIAS. LoiiEK , Clerk of District Court.
SEAL ] \ViLU\M II. Al.HKin > o.N , I'laintill.
lly 1' . H. WE.\TII ; nnd ( i. 13. HAOEH. hia
Attornejf. ii-lt.
Bvery housokeojier who has used
Campbell's Varnish Stain is delighted
with the results obtained. Nothing
else llko it they say. So easy to apply
rtud so durable. Morstnan Drug Co
carries a full Hue of this popular stain.
Mrs. Jesse Morton returned
Monday from a visit with friends
in Weeping Water.
j e
i IS A |
And understood by few. f
3 Many a good eye has been C
' ruined by cheap glasses. c
3 do not risk their future sight
x and health in the hands of Ink
We feel the responsibility
placed upon us and arc pro-
r > pared to do our work right. c
" ? r.
| Olllce over F. E. Schmitt GroC
j eery Store. *
Q Falls C : . - , ' . - - Neb. c
conon SYRUP.
for Pickles for the
Leo Cider and Vinegar Co.
and make $50.00 to $75.00 per acre
Any quantity will be taken at tile
factory at So cents per bushel for
first grade ( under four inches long ) *
Cali at the State Bank for sheet
of instructions telling how to raise ,
pick and market them. : - : : - :
You also can get seed enA n * % L ,
for choice varietiesat the < * tate Bank