THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , APRIL 3 , 1908 MM HMMMBlHHi HHMM Ma H 240 acres well improved , H miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of torrns. Will take 10 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest. 200 acres 1 # miles from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will m take 40 or 80 acres as part payment. 100 acres upland , 1 mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. 512,000. 160 acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownvillc , Nebraska. 80 acres # -milc from Falls City high school. LOANS & LOANS 040 acres , $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100 acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money to loan. OHIO Mr Diamond la laid up with rheuma tism F S Llchty and fiunlly spout Sunday In Falls t it f The family of P Fisher wcro on the elck last wcok Nettle 0'nani cumo homo lust Thuta * day from St Joe Lydla Dnwty was quite 6lck with ton- silltis last week John Kelechlck nnd family visited relatives Sunday Mrs Chris Zorn visited with Mrs Win Huottner , Sunday Mrs N Peek wits u guest of Mra F M Shaffer last Tuesday Guy Prhm and wlfo spent Sunday with Jim Coons and wlfo Frank and Mahlon Peck wore guests of Ilurvoy Peck , Sunday Martin Nolto has purchased a new carnage which Is a dandy Mrs Frank /orn spent one day last week with Mrs Albert Fallcr Gee Prlohiird and family spent Sun day with Guy Llchty and wlfo Martin Nolto and family were guests of Ed.orn and family Sunday Mrs Lewis Hurt and children visited with her mother last Saturday Wcs Ncilrow and family spout Sun day In Falls City with relatives Claude Phillips and wlfo visited at the homo of P 12 Shaffer last week Win Fuller of Falls City was a guest of his son Albert ono day last week Louis Schnlor and wlfo spout Monday evening with Win Hnottnor and wlfo Guy Dlchty and wlfo were guests of Mr and Mrs fluobner Sunday evening GcoSturms and wlfo and Mrs Gull- Hams spent a portion of last week In Omaha MrsN Pock and children wore guests at the homo of Mrs Gee Shouso last Saturday Mrs Arthur Durvoan and children of llulo visited with the former's mother last A-eek Jim Gllmoro and Lottto Yodur spent Sunday In Shubort with Hit Uuport and family llolllo Franklin camohomo | last Wed nesday from the university , where ho was attending school Mr and Mrs Gullllanis entertained at dinner Sunday Gee Sturm3 and family , Alllo Dowty and family , Hills Uoutz and family and Chas Stump and family Kov Luhinun and family , thu now pastor of the Maple Grove church , ar rived last week , and the now pastor , Hov Strahl and wlfo loft last week fur his now Held of work at Cambridge Lloyd Knlsoly and Miss Red ford , of near Peru , wcro married In Auburn last Wednesday They went at once to housekeeping on the farm whore Noah Peck , deceased , used to live north of Falls City Mrs Fisher of ( Tamlln , Kansas , who has been attending to the business In the Strausvllla store went to her homo Sunday for a few days. Miss Lola Sturtns Is looking after thliiL'8 during her absence BAHADA. A. C. Stolnbrlnk was In Falls City Friday. Ilonry Ilolno made a trip to Shubert on Friday. K. M. Williamson Is on the sick list this wcok. F. L. Tiarlman was a Falls City visit or on Saturday. Leon Vassar has hired to Herman llellman for the spring. I. S. Presser la assisting W. J. Mar tin In the store this week. W. G. Spooco and family ot Shubert. were Harada visitors on Sunday. Levl Ilowmnn was In Falls City this week attending ruvlvnl meetings. James Ilalth moved Into the Thomp son house the fore part of last week. C. C.Whitchcad has moved from the Maupln farm to the Dr. Gaudy farni. Coney Gerdes and Louis Slemerlng wcro county scat visitors on Friday \V. J. Martin spent "cveral days lust wcok at Chester , Nob. , with his family. John Morchcad and family spent Sunday with L. H. Morohead and wlfo. Moses Uarr Is building a now house on his farm thrco miles cast of Harada. A. C. Stolnbrlnk and family visited friends at Falls City several days this week. Mcsdumcs T. W. and D. P. Lilly of Vordon visited the photographer on I Friday. ' Mrs. Matt Shulonburg and daughter , Katie , were shopping in Falls City on Saturday. John Vanderschmldt and Charley Asendors of Fargo visited C. F. Surman last Sunday. Mrs. H. U. Dunn entertained at din ner on Sunday Mcsdamos C. H. and , T. C. Martin. Henry Langdon had charge of W. J. Martin's store during the lutter's ab sence last wcok. Thomas Murphy and wife of Dawson , visited E. E. Dolejack and family Sun day and Monday. Mr. Scharrlnghausun of Uvcrcst , Kansas , spent several days In this vicinity this week. C. H. and J. A. Martin spent Satur day and Sunday in Oregon , Mo . visit ing Mr. and Mis. Philip Markt. Otto Scharrlnghausun of Odoll , Nob. , came down to attend the wedding of Emma Schloedor and Henry Kuhlman. They returned on Saturday. E. E. Holojnck Is carrying a black eye , the result of taking his wife's place at the wood pile. Green hands must pay the price of Inexperience. Jacob Peters spent Sunday in Falls City ' lth his wife , and little daughter who has been removed to the city , In order to receive the cdlclent care of Dr. RoncUer. W. A. Cox , knowing our fondness for delicacies-brought In a contribution of fine onions this week. Mr. Cox loads In having an early garden as well In whatever oleo he undertakes. Mrs. Louis Shulenburg , who has been dangerously 111 at the homo of Mrs. Sohulenberg In Shubert Is reported at this writing to bo out of danger to the grcatljoy of her many friends In Barada. - D. E. Splcklcr and wife and Otis Splcklor with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mit chell took a trip in their nutos to Craig , Mo. , on Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lawrence. They returned on Sunday. Dr. Forgrave , eye and ear specialist , from St. Joseph , Mo , , was at Dr. Van Osdcl'a olllco on Saturday receiving patlonts. Dr. Van Osdel and Dr. For- grave removed a ptcryglum from Jesse Prosser's oyp. On Wednesday of last week the liter ary society adjourned to meet on Dec. 3. This organization has been conducted for the must p.irt in a highly entertain ing1 and Instructive manner. Wo ( col thai It has been a success. Wo overlooked last week the mention of a most entertaining evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cox , Mon day , March 2. ) . The event was given in honor of Miss Dora's sixteenth birth day and a host of invited friends gath orcd to help her celebrate it In royal manner. A very charming ovuning was the sentiment of all who wore for tunate enough to bo present. Music and social games were indulged in Very dainty refreshments were served by the young hostess , and the guests departed , wishing the young lady many moro haupy birthdays. Miss Dora re ceived many very pretty gifts. Miss Ida Baur has severed her con nection with the mercantile establish ment ol W. J. Martin and starts soon for an extended visit at Republic , Kansas. Win Presser was thrown from a horse on Sunday , sustaining a broken arm and a very badly bruised face. Dr. Van Osdel cared for the wound and Will la able to be about , although he carries one arm In a sling. On Thursday , March i'J , 11 o'clock a. m. , at the home of the bride's par ents , Mr. and Mrs. John Schloedcr , oc curred the marriage of their daughter , Emma , to Henry Kuhlman. She bride wore a charming allco blue dress , trimmed in white silk , while the groom were the conveutlonal black. They wcro attended by Miss Sophia Schloed cr , sister of the bride , as bridesmaid , and by William Kuhlman , cousin of the groom , as best man. After the ceremony they repaired to the dining room , where tables loaded with all the good things Imaginable awaited them. Moro than ono hundred and fifty guests were present. All remained to partake of supper in the evening and to enjoy the dunce which followed. So merrily Hew the hours , that ere it was thought of the light of day had dawned and the guests departed to their several homes with wishes for the joy and prosperity of the young couple. They received many handsome and valuable gifts , which will help to furnish their home to which they have removed and Otto Scharrlnehausen so recently vacated. Wo extend our congratulations to those already received bv this most estima ble young couple , honing that the future bears for them a full measure of happiness , PRESTON James Ford was up from llulo last Sunday. Howard Jones was in town Sunday evening. Agnes Sinclair was on the sick Met the first of the week. Mr Will Rlcger attended church services in Falls City Sunday night. Ray Dykes and Howard Prlbbeuo drove up to Falls City , Friday night. Mrs. Katie Relger visited over Sun day with her brother , Mr. Lou Schncll. C. F. Pribbuno spent several days of last week transacting business In Kan sas. Manhattan Arnold and L.D. McCutn- ber drove to Falls City ono night last week. Wayne Richardson and Ernest Shep herd of Rule were in town Sunday night. Bert Haler and family have moved Into the property recently vacated by Geo. Faldley. Louis and John Neltzoll drove over to Reserve Saturday evening to attend band practice. Sam Martin entertained n number of the young folks last Saturday by music from the phonograph. Robert and Jake Miller of Rule spent Sunday at the home of their sister in this city , Mrs. Lou Schnell. Cecil McCumbor , who Is working for Mr. Herman In Kansas , spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Misses Car no Neltzell , Ida Myers and Bessie Story spent Sunday after noon with Miss Story's parents , of near Rulo. Miss Bessie Story , who has recently undergone a siege of scarlet fever , hap again taken up her work at the central olllce. Miss Mary Sinclair , who has for some time been employed In the central office at Falls City , returned to her home in this city last week. Ruby La Clare returned homo Satur day evening from Ellsworth , Ncbr. , having taken several carloads of cattle there for Margrave & Co. James Sinclair returned home from Gordon , Nebr. , one day last week , after having spent several days visiting friends and relatives there. You will hear them say , MATTHEWS is crazy to make such phenomenal price concessions at this season of the year , when other merciiants are trying to make the cream of the profit YES ! we are crazy just crazy for business , and if a saving of from 10 % to 50 % on your spring purchase is of interest to you It Is Business We Will Get Anticipate your wants for the season buy goods now to fill those wants it will pay you handsomely , for the saving offered yovi here will pay you the biggest interest money ever brought. We are talking to yon Now from strictly a dollar and cent basis , Merely means Saving You Money DO YOU NEED TO ECONOMIZE ? w DO YOU LOVE TO ECONOMIZE ? If So Don't Miss This Great Easter Carnival Bargain Giving Event Special for Monday and Tuesday , April 6 , 7 , OMLY ! On all Skirts , Jackets , Petticoats , Shirt Waists and Undermuslins we will give a straight discotint of 10 % N , B , Every garment included in the above are New Spring Goods. 45 Ladies5 Plain and Novelty Skirts G © at One Half ( $ ) Regular Price Six (6) Spools J. & P. Coats Sewing Thread 25c The Above is Only Three of the Many Easter Bargains We Have for You I WATCH FOR BIG WATCH FOR BIG EASTER CIRCULAR atthcws EASTER CIRCULAR Opposite Court House The Demoralizer of High Prices Falls City , Nebraska