The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 03, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Nebraska Corn Commission. |
Having been affronted by the |
Nebraska Corn Commsssion , to ,
effect an organizarion in Rich-'i '
ardson county , I have decided
that by publishing the letter
from the commission in the
county papers , would be the
best and quickest way to bring
the matter before the farmers.
Nebraska is very fortunate in
having this exposition within
her borders , and every corn
grower in the state should make
it a matter of personal interest
to see that Nebraska is well
represented at this exposition.
In fact we should be contented
with nothing less than placing
Nebraska in the very first rank
among the corn states. This
may also be said of our county.
Every corn grower should try
to grow corn good enough to
send to this exposition. There
is no reason why he should not ,
our soil is second to none in the
state ( or other states ) and our
climate also is good. The only
way I have of finding the inter
ested corn growers is to have
each one send me his name.
This should be done at once as
the time is short.
Humboldt , Neb.
LINCOLN , NEB. March 10,1908.
MY DEAH Sin : It will be the
good fortune of Nebraska to
have held at her principal city ,
Omaha , in the fall of 1908 the
National Corn Exposition , which
was held in Chicago , last year.
Upon the initiative of the Ne
braska Corn Improvers' Associ
ation , aided by funds provided
by the Nebraska State Board of
Agriculture and assistance of
the State University , an organ-
nation has been effected for the
purpose of placing the State of
Nebraska in the front rank
among the corn states at the
coming exposition. In order to
organize the state for a united
action , which is the only way
to secure success ior Nebraska
at the National Corn Exposition ,
a large amount of money has
been secured for special pre
miums and for the purpose of
assisting the corn growers in
various ways to present a
creditable exhibit.
The first step to be taken is
to bring this commission in
close touch with every farmer in
the state who desires to take an
active part in helping our state
to put on the greatest exhibit of
anyone state in the Union. In
order to prevent delay this letter
has been sent to you in your
county in the hope that you will
undertake at once the county
organization. Work up interest
among your leading farmers
and call them together , and de
velop a plan by which your
county will receive a represen
tation in the county exhibit
class as a whole , and it is also
desirable that your county take
its share of prizes on individual
exhibits. If you will effect tbi :
organization , and the member ;
will through their secretary eras
as individuals , send in their
names to the office of this com
mission every effort will be
made to give them special ad.
vice in regard to the selection
of seed , preparation of seed bed
tillage , and selection of show
corn. To grow show corn it is
advisable to select a small patch
of about an acre , especially
manure it , plant with selected
ears and very thin on the land.
Tnen give it specinl cultivation
through the summer.
The object of this first is to
come in contact with the enter
prising , up-to-date growers ,
who are willing to enter into
this contest. We assure you
that every possible assistance
will be given you by this office.
Act today , and let us hear from
you soon. Unless we proceed
without delay our labor as well
as yours will be in vain.
Very truly yours ,
" v WM. EUNST ,
' Chairman NebraskaComrnission.
Tom Palmer of Shickley spent
part of the week with his parents
and many friends in this city.
Good Times Back at Sea.
New York , March 31 , That
the 1 end of the hard times for the
sailor is already in sight at every
American port was asserted here
today 1 on the basis of special re
ports ] which have just been re
ceived at the headquarters of the
American Seamen's Friend Socie
ty I from its sixteen branch stations
along the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts. Where a month ago
stranded seamen lay thick over
the floors of their shelters each
night , sadly wanting work , food
and lodging , berths are today
being found in steadily increasing
umbers among awakening ship-
ing interests , the society's agents
eclare. I3very prospect exists ,
n the opinion of these trained
laritime observers , for returning
rosperity to the sailor man who
las barely weathered his hardest
vintcr in many years.
Prom Seattle , where the work-
rs of the society have resorted to
mergency relief measures to keep
00 idle sailors alive since last
November , it is reported that the
ension has already begun to
lacken in view of the opening of
a brisk Alaska tradeReliel
amps and lunch counters have
) ecn filled b } * these refugees from
tagnant shipping at this port all
vinter. Now signs of returning
ife in the seaman's trade are at
ast promising to put an end to
heir labors , the agents at this
'acific ' branch declare.
In Pensacola , at a diagonally
jpposite corner of the society's
national system of working sta-
ions , only twenty sailors are to-
lay reported to be still looking
or work. Within a week ever3r
nan-jack should be shipped , ac
cording to present indications.
Trom Jacksonville. Tampa , Mo-
nle and New Orleans a small
irmy of sailors have poured into
Densacola looking for a chance to
3hip all winter. Many of them
valked barefoot and arrived half-
itarved and in rags. This sad
nflux of unemployed seamen has
completely stopped , the local
agent of the society reports , and
apparently his hard siege of pro-
iding food , shelter and help for
he marooned merchantmen of
he southern ports is happily
Only two-score seafaring men
ire today looking for work at
Galveston and few of these will
be lacking a berih by the end of
spring. Prom New Orleans about
: hesame report has been received.
The branch oi the American Sea-
nen's Friend Society at Newport
Slews sends the word : "Prospects
good ; have been bad all winter. "
The same message , with details
of the heroic measures which hade
: o be taken to tide the sailor
through the winter , is coming
From other branches of this or
ganization in Norfolk , Charleston ,
Savannah , Port Townsend and
While eyery seamen's shelter in
this city has throughout the win
ter been crowded with the unem
ployed , it was declared by the
shipping offices , "crimps" and
officers of the sailors' labor or
ganization here today that con
ditions were beginning to change
and new berths open for the sailor
along the water front. With the
opening of the lake trade , the
yachting season and the steady
enlivenment in shipping circles ,
eyery man of the sea is to be as
sured of plenty of work. At the
headquarters of the American
Seamen's Friend Society in this
city it was asserted , on experience
as well as these reports , from
both coasts , that hard times for
the sailor had to come to an end
"I am inclined to believe that
the summer shipping will again
return to normal , " said Captain
Charles 13. Parsons , ex-president
of the Maritime Exchange and a
trustee of the American Seamen's
Friend Society , today. "I fee
very optimistic on the outlook for
the immediate future in shipping
circles. "
Opie Ross , who was called here
by the serious illness of his father
returned Sunday to his home
down in Georgia ,
An Explanation Wanted ,
Anent the recent rise in the
price ot dressed meat there is a
thing the farmer and the meat
consumer would like to know.
Last fall , when the panic struck ,
the price of live stock fell so
low that the farmers could not
afford to send their stock to
market. On account , so alleged ,
of the scarcity of dressed meat
which this occasioned the price
to the consumer'actually rose at
this time. The action of the
packers in thus arbitrarily
widening the gulf between the
price ol live stock and of dressed
meat was explained by the state
ment that their warehouses were
packed full of meat bought at
he high prices , and that they
mist turn this meat into cash
it the old prices before allowing
he lower priced meat to reach
the market , else they would per-
laps be driven into bankruptcy ,
arge amounts of their paper
vas outstanding in the hands of
janks , which were pressing for
myment. Not to let the pack
ers follow this course for the
purpose of raising money endan-
jered the banks as well as the
only means we now have of get
ting the farmer's live stock to
the tables of the meat eaters.
We had to save them to save
ourselves. After the worst of
the panic was over the price of
neat came down somewhat and
the price of live stock set in the
time of crisis remained virtually
it that low point until the short
corn crop had forced most of the
armers to sell their flocks and
icrds at a loss.
Lately the price of live stock
las turned upward. Immedi
ately the price of dressed meat
turns upward also. Now the
dressed meat which sells at the
ligher price is not the product
of the small amount of higher
priced stull1 remaining in the
armors' hands and now going to
narket. We learned last fall
when stock was being bought
cheap and meat sold dear that
the two or three months supply
icpt stored by the packers had
to be turned before today's live
stock sales appear in the meat
stores. The meat we are now
buying at the upward price is
: herefore the live stock bought
of the farmers at the ruinous
ow prices prevailing two or
three months ago. Last fall the
packers made it clear that it
was to our interest to save them
by paying prices for meat based
on what it cost when bought ,
rather than on the prevailing
price of live stock at the time.
Now they ask or rather demand
prices compatible with the pres
ent higher price of live stock
for meat stored when live stock
was about a fourth lower in
price than it is now. The farm
ers and consumers have no ques
tion to ask the packers as to
why they are thus given the
double cross. They assume it
is for the same reason why any
other persons given the arbi
trary control over meat and live
stock prices would soak them ,
namely , because they have the
power and they want the money.
But what the farmers and the
consumers would like to know ,
and ask the packers to supply
is an unwonted omission , to-
wit , a nice explanation showing ,
like the explanation given last
fall , just why it is to the inter
est of the farmers and the con
sumers that they should make
this second contribution. State
A meeting of Falls City club
women is called for Monday ,
April 6 , at 3 o'clock p. m. with
Mrs. Chas. Hargrave , for the
purpose of federating the clubs
of the city. All club members
interested in tlie good which may
be accomplished by such a step
are earnestly desired to be pres
Ned Stoughton , who was in
Atchison arranging with the citi
zens there for a date for the big
Parker Carnival Co , , came up
Sunday and made a short visit
with his mother.
For Sale.
80 acres 1 mile ol Falls Oily ,
Best of terms.
100 acres 2 miles of Falls City.
Good terms.
100 acres Netnaha County , Ne
braska. All fenced hog tight
and cross fenced. Good im
provements. Good term s.
Might take -10 acres as part payer
or a residence in Falls Oil } ' .
10 acres well located near
Falls City.
100 acres near Salem , upland.
O\vner wishes to sell soon.
Other tracts to sell and some
to exchange.
10-21. Falls City , Neb.
Weak women gal prompt nnd luatlnp
help by UsliiK Dr. Shoop's Night Curo.
Thcsu soothing , hunting , antiseptic
suppositories , with full Information
how to proceed uro interestingly told
of in my book " No. 1 For Women.1
The book it nil strictly confidential medi
cal advice is entirely free. Simply
write Dr. Sheep , Uuclnc , Wlc. , for my
book No.1. . Sold by all dealers.
Will O'BrienTcTo. nnd L. G.
Fankell left Saturday night for
their now homo at Ohotenu , Mont.
They spent Sunday in Lincoln ,
expected to mnko stops at Denver
and Salt Lake , mid will probably
arrive at their destination today.
The Fankell brothers will at once
take up their residence on home
steads , having filed on the same
last fall. One of the homesteads
has a house on it , the brothers
buying another owner's right. Mr.
O'Brien will work at the carpen
ter's trade , at least at first. With
I UK ram Cain and the Jameson
boys , six Stella boys will now
have their home at Ghotean. Clio-
teau is a county seat town , but
thirty-live miles from a railroad.
Miss Lulu Fankell wont us far as
Lincoln with her brothers , remain
ing there to spend the week with
her cousin , Miss Bernice Gates.
Stella Press.
An Insidious Danger.
One of the worst features of [ kidney
trouble Is that it Is an Insidious disease
and before the victim realizes his dan
ger ho may huvc a fatal malady. Take
Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first
sign of trouble as it corrects irregulari
ties and prevents Drlght's disease and
diabetes. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
XoticulH hereby Klu-n , tlmt bylrtno of mi
order of xalo.iiiMiiHl out ot the district court , in
mid for Iliclmrilson County iiml Hlato of Ncbrus-
kn , under the neal of wild courtclutiil on tlm llth
daj of March , 1103 , and to mo din-i-tod iiHHhorlff
of Raid cuiinty , to bo executed , 1 will on Momlny ,
the 20th tiny of April , UKM , nt 10 o'clock ti. in. , ot
said day nt the u out door of the court housu in the
citj of 1'iills City , in naiil county mid state , olTor
'or mile nt public vonduo , mill bell to the hl ht < it
nnd ln'Hl bidder , the property doricri ) > od in Bnld
order of H.ilu , tow it : Buventy-two (72) ( ) feet off
tliovu't.towl of lota 13 , II , li ! , It ) , nnd ten feet
(10ft ( ) oif Houlh eitlo of lot 17 , nil in block 5B ,
City of fulls City , Itichnnleon CountNebniHkn ,
in mid county , to Kitisfy n judgment of said
court , \\itli interestB and cosln recovered by
John Wiltfeomill ono by lilwin H , To
Daniel II. Illakcnuy mid Durham Hlnkeney.
Terms of Kale , cash.
Oiu-n under my handnt Falls City , Nebraska ,
this 11th day of March , 1MB.
8-St W T. I'r-NTO.s , Sheriff.
will stand during the season oi
1908 at my place known as the
8 miles southwest of Falls City ,
5 2 miles southeast of Salenii 6
miles north of Merrill , Kansas.
fiye years old in April 1908 , Ila
a seal brown color. Weighs 1600
pounds' Perfect individual witl
fjood disposition.
TERMS : $10 00 to insure col
to stand and suck , should owne
part with mare or remove from
count } ' services become due ant
payable at once.
will be ao only in name if you refrain
front having jour impaired tcctli pi-op
crly attended to , for no one can enjoy
life if subject to dental disorders.
Modern methods in treating these ills
has almost entirely eliminated pain and
suffering formerly Inflicted upon the
patient , so that the system practiced by
Dr. Yutzy makes a visit to the dentist
almost a pleasure ,
l-nlls City , Nchrnskn
AM Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
Climax Chick Feed
You cannot afford to hutch out a lot of Chicks
H and let them die for want of proper feed. I want H
to have you come 5n and { jet some CM MAX
I Chick I'ccd , and if you do not say it is the best
feed on earth and arc not satisfied with the
C results you can get your money back. : : : : C
K . . .I K
Butter , Eggs , Poultry , Popcorn ,
F Hides and Furs. F
Have on hand all kinds of SALT , HAY , GKAIN , E
We hove reduced nil our beat unities or flour from
$ 1.5 < ) to it.40 per suck and ilo not olvc nay Soil wild It.
We hnvo Hie Suiif lour , Lllv White nnd Ited scnl.
Yours for HECKD
Business , O. P. HECK
A Farmers
We have a Full Line of Buggies ,
Carriages and Miller Wagons , also a
Full Line of St. Joe Implements and
a Full Line of Racine-Sattley Imple
CALL and inspect these goods be
fore buying elsewhere , and we also
handle FIVE Different grades of
l jj"i . ff * "V * MMMfe '
from the three home mills , Falls City ,
Preston and White Cloud.
Preston , : : Nebraska ,
"Good For Any Wood"
OLUA.N'b anil polishes , removes tUlni
* * ami restore ! ttia finish Guaranteed
13 civo parted s tlstartlon Absolutely
the tieil polish made Accept no lubill
lute I ! jour dealer doesn't carry It , tend
us his natno and we'll tee ( hat you are sup
plied Prco | 25c lnd B0o
ORCHARD & WIlllElM , Omaha , Hebr
Take Notice.
Hunting , fishitifi : or trespassing
in any manner on what is known
as the Gardner land south of
Palls City or about the Gulp lake
near the M. P. depot , is forbidden
and will be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law.
Lmvis PWSGK.
Roaches the spot.
Stops pain. The
Great Pllo Rem
edy. I'nt xip In
tubes with rectal
nozzlo. 50 cents-
Novcr , rxwltlvolyneverpolsonyourlungs. If TO. -
coush oven froin a slrama com only you should
nhroys heal , soothe. andeaiotho Irritated broa >
chiul tube * . Don't blindly suppress It with a
stupefying polion. It i strange how onn > thlnat
finally comq about. For twenty years lr. ) Snoop
tins conttamly vmmed people not to take cough
mixtures or prescriptions contalulne Opium ,
Chloroform , qriIinllarpoUons..And now liUJa
Into though Congress raj i "Put It on the label ,
if poisons nro In your Cougli Mixture. " Good I
and others , should insist on havlna Dr , Bhcotrc
Cnuim Curo. No poi.ou rrmrkj on Dr. Bbooo'n
Intxjlj ana none In the medlclno , dig It mutt by
law to on the labol. And It' * not only safe. hut It
Ii Mid to bo by thow that knowlt best , a truly ro-
workable couyb remedy , l xfco nochanco then.
rartlcularly with your children. Insist on havtar
lr. Bhoop'i Cough Curo. Compuro carefully ths
Dr. Sheep package with others and note tag
dlfforenco , No poliou marks there I You can
nhtaya bo on the tate aide by denuxndloff
Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure