The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 03, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Who They Arc and What They Will
Do. Hero April 9 , 10 and II
At Union Hotel.
Since the announcement
been in ail o in tlieso columns tluil
Dit. Bix : W. KINSKY , chief ol
stuff of the Hot Spring Doctors ,
who Imvo their Nebraska Stale In
stitute permanently located al
Idth and O streets , Lincoln , would
pay a three days' visit to Falls
Oity , the question line been many
times asked , who aru the Hot
Springs Doctors and what do they
do ? " The answer is , the IIol
Springs Doctors are an association
of medical specialists and diagnos
ticians who have made a close
study of the human anatomy and
who treat chronic diseases by the
world famous Hot Springs system
of homo treatment. The Hot
Springs Doctors have already es
tablished institutes in many of the
larger cities of tlio'United Stales ,
and these institutes are in charge
of one or more of the Hot Springs
Doctors , . As staled above the
Nebraska Slate Institute is located
fit Mlh and 0 streets , Lincoln , and
is in charge of Dr. Theo. Milton
for thirty-two years , recognized by
physicians and surgeons all over
the country as a peer in the mat
ter of medical diagnosis and treat-
inent of chronic diseases. The
object of establishing those insti
tutes is to bring this wonderful
Hot Springs system of treatment
within the reach of all and es
pecially those who cannot afford
the time or money to go to Hot
Springs , Arkansas , for treatment.
This trip of Dr. Kinsey is merely
for advertising purposes , that is.
Dr. Kinsey is soliciting only dilli-
cult cases , cases that other doctors
have failed to cure and have given
up as hopeless , and in this way
show what this wonderful Hot
Springs system of homo treatment
will do. These few difficult cases
that Dr. Kinsoy secures and cures
will be good advertisement and
will give others who are suffering ,
confidence in the Hot Springs
Doctors and these will not hesitate
to go to Lincoln for treatment.
Of course. Dr. Kinsey does not
claim ho can curs all cases , but
among the many supposedly in.
curable cases he will select many
that bo can cure.
This Hot Springs system of
homo treatment is endorsed by the
United States government , us i
attested by the fact that the gov
ernment owns Hot Springs , Ark. ,
nnd has established its army and
navy hospitals there , where soldiers
and sailors are sent i fter all other
methods have failed to cure.
The Hot Springs Dot-tots treat
chronic diseases uf the nerves ,
blood , skin , heart , lungs , kidneys ,
liver , bowels , stomach , including
neuralgia , paralysis , rheumatism ,
catarrh , piles , rupture , goitre , gall
stones , and diseases of women and
tlifleiisea of men.
The Hot Springs system of home
treatment is not only endorsed by
the United States government but
by tuo leading banks , business
men , clergy and newspapers. The
large daily newspapers of the
country are continually publishing
reports of Iho wonderful cures that
have been made by the Hot Springs
Doctors with their Hot Springe
system of home treatment. A
' recent issue of the Lincoln Daily
* Star contained the following story
of an almost miraculous cure made
by theao doctors at their Lincoln
"After months of suffering with
uall stones and many doctors hail
Kiven her no relief , Mrs , E. W ,
Brinsley started from her home in
Arcadia , Nebr. , to Kansas Oity tc
undergo an operation for her Iron
ble. Stopping off in Lincoln'foi
* few houis between trains , she
was met by John Wall , a banker
at Arcadia and ex-candidate foi
Kovernor of Nebraska. Mr. "Wai
imvingbeeu cured of an old chron
ic kidney trouble by tlie IIol
Springe Doctors has more faith in
Unturo's never failing remedies at
used by tlio' Hot Springs Doctori
than in the surgeon's knife. Air
Wall was interested in saving Mrs ,
Brinley from the horrors of i ;
operation , if it were possible to dc
so , and to this end persuaded bet
to consult the LIc > t Springs Doctors
before continuing her trip to the
hospital. The result of the con
sultation with the Hot Springe
Doctors , she tells in the following
letter :
Arcadia , Nebr , , Jan. 18 , ' 08 ,
Hot Springs Doctors ,
Lincoln , Nebr.
Gentlemen : [ have taken youi
treatment for three months for the
cure of gall stones and ask if you
think it safe for me to quit taking
medicine. 1 have gained ma
pounds and can do a day's ban !
work. My neighbors tell me thai
I look better and have belter coloi
than I have had for a long time.
You have done mo so much good
that E know you will use your besl
judgment now. If you think 1
need more medicine do not let me
stop lee soon. What can you dc
for appendicitis as one of my
neighbors hnsit ? I thank you for
what you Imvo done for mo and
feel that you have saved my life
after other surgical physicians said
I would have to have an operation.
Mrs. W. E. Brinley. "
The Hoi Springs Doctors arc in
receipt of thousands just such loiters
ters as Mrs. Brinley'e and their
honest dealing with their patients ,
and the fact that they absolutely
refuse to accept an incurable case
for treatment has won them a
world-wido reputation. The following -
lowing is an extract from an article
published in the Nebraska Stale
Journal of J 'ebrunry 20th , 1908 :
" For over six years I have been
sick with liver trouble ; I have had
cramping spells over four years.
The doctors called these cramps
gall-stone colic and the only relief
I could get was for the doctors tc
give me morphine to kill the pain
and a big close of physic. I have
been treated by eight or ten differ-
out doctors , but 1 was gradually
getting worse nil the time.
"Last fall I was operated upon
for appendicitis and for a time
after the operation I foil better ,
and then 1 commenced to get
worse and the doctors said I muel
have another operation to save my
life. My skin was orange yello\v
and my kidneys passed blood , my
bowels were in a terrible condition ,
I was afraid to have another oper
ation , and on January 18 , I went
to the Hot Springs Doctors foi
treatment. They told me they
could cure me without the knife
and they Imvo kept their word.
In those three weeks timo'the IIol
Springe Dot-torn had nuulo a m > \ \
man of me. 1 feel belter than 1
have for years. My skin hat
cleared up , my cramps are all gone ,
my kidneys have cleared up and 1
am wonderfully improved in every
way. 1 fully believe that T owe
my life to the Hot Springs Doc
tors and cannot praise them toe
highly. J. W. Lncey ,
llavelock , Nebr. "
You are cordially invited to in.
vestigato the above testimonials
and still if you are not satisfied
you will bo given hundreds ol
others , all of which you may inves.
liga'.o ' al yuur leisure. The IIol
Springs Doctors do not claim tc
cure all cases , but their reputation
for curing supposedly incurable
cases is world-wide , ns they refuet
to accept nn incurable case foi
treatment , their patients may be
assured for a euro for their money ,
As staled above Iho Nebraeki
State Institute is located at Mil
and O streets , Lincoln.
This wonderful Hot Springs sys
tern of homo treatment isvlrn
Dr. Kinaey is bringing to Falli
Oity. If you are sick and suffer
ing and want to bo made well HIU
happy , do not fail to call on Dr ,
Kinsey when lie arrives.
Remember consultation and ex
aminatiou is free of charge and al
curable cases will be treated frei
except for the cost of the medicine *
used. Remember the date ant
place , Union Hotel on April 9 , II
and 11 , at Falls Oity , Nebr.
Important D eUlon.
It i important that you should deoid
to take only Koley' Honey and Tn
when you have a cough or cold t 1
will cure the mot obstinate raokini
cough HDd expel the cold from j-pu
* ystem. Foley' Uoo'ey nd Tar eon
t ln * no harmful druge , Insist upoi
having It. Kerr'e Pharmacy.
Man Fatally Burned.
One of the saddest cases tha
has been reported to this oflic <
was that of Ilcnry Ratliff , for
merly of this county who was si
severely burned in a prairie fin
near his home in Logan county
Kansas , that the injuvies provec
fatal , he having1 died two day !
after the burns had rcndcrcc
him unconscious some distanci
from Ins home.
Mr. KatlitT had gone to tin
prairie lire to check its ravage :
and to keep it from burning 01
his land. As he was lighting
the fire in some manner hi ;
clothing became ignited ami
soon lie was enveloped inilamos
There was no one near to when
he could call for aid , but he hac
to wrestle with the Unmet ) a ;
best he could. 11 is efforts tc
extinguish the blaze on his gar
menls soon proved fruitless am'
lie was rendered unconscious
having taken into his lungs tlu
smoke and flames from bis burn ,
ing clothes.
Thus he laid in an unconscious
condition for five hours before
he was discovered by some
neighbors and taken to his home
some distance away. It was
seen that there was some sigr
of life left and gathering to
getlier every available aid the
suffering was relieved as best il
could be. Physicians and rela
tives watched over the suffering
man for two days when a re.
lapse came on and the injurct
man departed this life.
Mr. Ratliff will be rememberei
in this county , having lived or
the Muddy for several years
and later having resided in Au
burn. He was interested in tin
German American Mill , whicl
stood for so long in the soutl
part of the city of Auburn.
Prom Nemaha county Mr
Ratliff went to Diller , Neb.
living there only a short time
after which he went to Empor
ia , Kansas , and thence to Logai
county , where he lias residec
for the past few years.
Seven children together will
the estimable wife are left t <
mourn the loss of their belovet
husband and father , besides
several relatives in this county
Funeral services were held 01
Wednesday alter which the bed
was interred in Logan county
The bereaved wife and childen
have the sympathy of a largi
circle of friends in this county
Auburn Herald.
Intemperance cuts down youtl
in its vigor , manhood in it
strength , and age in its weak
ness. It breaks the father' ,
heart , bereaves the doting moth
er , extinguishes natural affec
lion , erases conjugal love , blot
out filial attachment , blight
parental hope , and brings dowi
mourning age in sorrow to tin
grave. It produces weakness
not strength ; sickness , no
health ; death , not life. It make
wives widows , children orphans
fathers tiencls , and all of then
paupers and beggars. It feed
rheumatism , nurses gout , wel
comes epidemics , invites chol
era , imparts pestilence and em
braces consumption. It cover
the land with poverty , idleness
disease and crime. It fills you
jails , supplies almhouses am
demands your asylums. It en
genders controversies , foster
quarrels and cherishes riots. I
crowds .your penitentiaries am
furnishes victims for your scai
folds. It is the life-blood of th
gambler , the aliment of the but
glar , the prop of the.highway
man , and the support of th
midnight incendiary. It couu
tenances the liar , respects th
thief , and esteems the bias
phemer. It violates obligation
reverences fraud and honors in
fatny. It defames benevolence
hates love , scorns virtue , an
slanders innocence. It incite
the father to butcher" his bely
less offspring , helps the husban
to massacre his wife , and aid
the child to grind the parricida
axe. It burns up man and con
sumes woman , detests life
curses God and despises heaver
II suborns witnesses , nursei
perjury , defiles the jury box
and stains the judicial ermine
It bribes voters , disqualitioi
voters , corrupts elections , pol
lutes our institutions and cudau
gcrs our government. It dc
grades the citizen , debases tin
legislature , dishonors the states
man , disarms the patriot. I
brings shame , not honor ; terror
not safety ; despair , not hope
misery , not happiness ; an <
with the malovelence of a fiem
: t calmly surveys its frightfu
desolation , and unsatiated will
havoc , it poisons felicity , kill :
peace , ruins morals , blight :
confidence , slays reputation am
wipes out national honor , thei
curses the world and laughs a
its ruin. It does all that am
more. It is the sum ot all vil
lainies , the father of all crime
the mother of all abominations
the devil's best friend and God' ;
worst enemy. Ex.
I'd rather bo clean than holy
because to be clean is to be hoi ;
mil holiness never fellowships will
filth. Intelligence ! I know pee
pie who never take a bath in tin
winter time. Tommy , who come
borne from school where he ha
been taught the use of the ball
and toothbrush wants inmiediatel ;
to got into a tub of water , but i
in horror warned that such a pro
feeding would mean his taking
" his death "ocold. " In buildiu )
home the first rooms to b
thought of is bath rooms to b
thought of is bath room , open ai
sleeping rooms and library.
Children must be taught th
truth regarding the use of food
pure air and cleanliness and b ;
examples set by grown-ups , tin
truth must be put on and wor :
every day and night. This trutl
is a bedrock , the only ono upoi
which wo may build a permanent
safe and sane civilization. Tin
truth is intelligence and iutelli
genco embraces morality and pur
religion as distinguished fret
dogma and when men learn hoi
to live and then live it. Eutopi
will bo here. Nemaha Count
Receives Congratulations.
You will soon receive the congrnti
latlons of 3'our friends upon your In
proved appearance if you will tnk
Folci's Kidney Remedy 119 it tones u
the system and imparts new life an
vigor. Foley's Kidney Remedy cure
back acne , nervous exhaustion and n
forms of kidney and bladder trouble
Commence taking it to-duy. Kerr
Unsettled Question.
There is but one serious cans
for doubt of the wisdom of th
changes in the Sherman law rec
ommended by the president an
the national conference on trust
and combinations. The recom
mendalious are made on the HE
sumption that combinations are
natural result of modern iuduslrh
methods , and that they should nebo
bo opposed as such , but only i
case they prove to be harmful i
their intentions and results. Nc
body should want to penalize prc
gress. But how do wo know fc
sure that under natural condition
there would be combinations grer
enough to cause any trouble or t
require any other regulation tha
the regulations afforded by fu
and fair competition ? None c
the combinations that wo now su
for from seem to have been naturi
growths , but rather the producl
of graft , or of some sort of monoi
ely advantage over compelitoi
given by legislation. With mot
it was rebates , with some patent !
with others monopoly of naturi
resources that should bo held fc
the benefit of all the people , as i
the case of some kinds of Inmbe
and Iho present practical monopol
of the iron and coal deposits b
combinations. Until these speeii
advantages granted by sooiet
have been withdrawn how can v
prove that the truaU are nntnn
growths , that they are here ]
stay , and that our task is to regi
late them and not to oppose then
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Re
Estate. Mortgages bought at
sold. Call at First Nation ;
Batik. 3-tf A. J. WKAVK
Legal Notice ,
William n.Allwrtfon , 1'lnlntllT
Klincr Grltlitli , Defendant
Hummons l > y publication
Klmor Grlilltli , tlio nbovn tmtmxl defendant wll
tnkotiotlcotlmttm thopixtlidny of March , ITO
William 11. Albertson , plaintiff herein , filfd hi
I'otltion ' In the district court of Hlclitirdsoi
County , Nebraska , nwilnst stiltl defendant , th
object iiml prnj-cr ofvlilch Is to recover n Jiidfi
incnt atrnitiHt fiiid defendant In tlio 6tinint$1020.
M together with 8 JUT cent Interest thereon froti
tl.a date of filing cnid petition , upon n jndcmen
recovered In Wnshltn County , Oklahoma. Tim
on tlio MIIUO ( Into plnitiUIT In ontd court filed hi
nllidavlt for Attachment , In pursuance ofhlch i
writ of attachment was Issued and placed In th
hands o the eherlll of paid llichardion Count )
Nebraska , uud in pursuance of which raid elioril
dill on the 10th day of March , IPOS attach mu
lory upon all of the tmhlviclcxl Iwo-fiftoontli
Interests of the defendant , in nnd to the south
west fractional quarter of Section tminlx !
tovuu , town three , raiiRO fifteen , rait of 0 , 1' . Jl
Hichnrdxon County , Nebraska , the BUHIO Ix-In ,
subject to nn undivided t\vo-fiftocnthn intercp
of tlio rlnht of homestead of the widow of Slln
lUlrlilitli , deceased.
You arc required to answer paid petition on o
iK'foro the 27th day of April , 1MB , or jnclnmoi ;
will lw rendered as prnjed for nnd said attache
property sold according ? to law to Mitlttfy sal
Dated this ICth day of March , 1P03.
CHAS. LoiiKK , Clerk of District Conrl
SEAL ] WILLIAM 1) ) . Ai-DKUTt-ox , Plaintiff.
lly 1' . H. WEAVKII and 0. K. UAOEH , hi
Attorneys. u-lt.
Affords Perfect Security.
Foloy's Qoney and Tar affords per
cot security from pneumonia and con
mmptlon as it cures the most obstinati
: oughs and colds. We have neve
mown a single Instance of a coli
esultlng in pneumonia after Folcy'
iloney and Tar hud been taken. Kerr1
" harmacy.
America's Tlierminal Wonderland
Curative waters , health
ful and agreeable cli
mate , restful surround
ings every form of rec
reation if desiretlj all
completely illustrated
and described in our
new booklet , also rates
at hotels , bath houses ,
etc. , etc.
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
Call on jour local acent
Ocucrnl l'a ? ° eiiijor nnd Ticket Agent
St. Louis , Mo.
Make That
California Trip NOW
Low one way Colonist rate :
daily until April 3oth ti
Utah , California , Oregon
Washington and Montana
Winter Tours :
To the South and Gulf re
sorts daily until April 3Oth
Homcscckers' Rates
First and third Tuesdays o
each month to Colorado
Big Horn Basin , Montan
and the Northwest.
The Big Horn Basin
Mr. D. Clem Deaver , Land
seekers' Information Bu
reau , Omaha , will personal
ly conduct landseeker t
this country the first an
third Tuesdays in April
Write Mr. Deaver for in
formation about very desit
able irrigated lands in th
Basin , subject to homestea
under the big Governmen
Ditch or under privat
ditches. 100,000 acres c
new Basin land will com
under water in 1908.
Buslnes * Openings
We have a list of excellen
business chances in new
growing towns on Burling
ton extensions ; get estab
lished early ahead of th
toming population. Writ
Mr. Deaver.
Local Ticket Aflcnl
L. W. WAKCLCY , Q. P. A. ,
Omaha , Nel > .
To tllC Public.
The Leo Cider and Vinegar Co.
of this city have been running an
article in the Tribune on "In
structions Concerning Pickle
Growing , " and desire to state
that they will be prepared to
handle all of this product that
can be furnished them.
For full information call on the
above company or T. J. Gist at
the State Bank.
: : D. S. HcCarthy !
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Sales conducted in
scientific nnd busi
nesslike manner
Falls City , Nebraska
For flood Sales , flood Service , Pro
Returns Ship Your Stock to
Qeo. R. Barse
Write us for Market Reports
Kansas City , Mo. ,
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended'To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Olllce over Kcrr's Pharmacy
Olllcc Phone 2GO Residence Phone 271
Phone 2-18 Over Richardson County
Ofiice nnd residence first door 43
north of city pnrk. Phone 263.
( \
Phones : Nos. 177 , 217
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting aa a cathartic on the
bowels is
Dees is the original laxative cough syrup ,
eoaUins no opiates , gently moves tha
bowels , carrying the cold off through the
natural channels. Guaranteed to give
m&iactioa or money refunded.