The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 03, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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P-V A klC . -4 * * ' 1l < < i J - - . * . - ' „ - ' - rf.k . * ' . / ,
v Vho biscifit ,
fr A' i * " * * *
. . . .
f i-Jf. 4. < Lki
This 05 the orJy feak
powder made from Rc . ! !
Grape Cream of Tartar , ,
It lifeMo
There c : ? Alun nr > J P\ d l , ' ian tv > U < : nor so ! < 3 n {
c low" f c.1. bit i , ln/u.- i.-r.rA't" the tioslth
ot txr laaillyiw i.sJ ( j use 'Iwa.
The Suicide.
Walt Mason in the Emporin
Gazette. I was tired of all my
toiling1 in this weary world of
moan ; tired ol seeing1 others
harvest in the fields where I had
sown ; tired of seeing1 others
journey daily in their palace
cars , while 1 stumbled weakly ,
blindly , underneath the winter
stars. Sol said : "I'll end the
striving ; death is still the tired
man's hope ; " and I tried to die
by hanging with a piece of
Searsbuck rope , but the blamed
thing ripped and parted , and I
fell a halt a mile , so I said : "I'll
take a shotgun and vamoose the
ranch in style. " Then I took
my Sawbuck shotgun , and I
aimed it at my brow , but it
busted when I iired it , and it
killed a neighbor's cow , and
that neighbor hired a lawyer ,
and he sued me yesterday , for
about a million dollars more
than I can ever pay. I have
used a buck pair of shears ; I
have used a wooden razor that
was guaranteed by Sears ; and
the large mail order coffin that
I ordered in advance , to contain
my mortal fragments ne'er , it
seems , will have a chance.
That languid , lifeless feeling that
comes with sprlncr and early summer ,
can be quickly changed to a feeling of
buoyancy and energy by the judicious
use of Dr. Snoop's Restorative.
The Restoratlvo Is u genuine tonic
to tired , run-down nerves , and but a
few doses Is needed to satisfy the user
that Dr. Snoop's Restorative Is actually
reaching that tired spot. The Indoor
life of winter nearly always leads to
sluggish bowels , and to sluggish circu
lation in general. The customary lack
of exercise and out-door air tics up the
liver , stagnates the kidneys , and oft-
times weakens the Heart's action. UFO
Dr. Snoop's Restorative a few weeks
and all will be changed. A few days
test will tell you that you are using the
right remedy. You will easily and
surely note the change Irom toda } * .
Sold by all dealers.
The Tribun's columns is a good
place to put 3'our advertisement.
Campbell's Stain and Floor Finish ii
the most durable finish for lloors and
surfaces that are walked upon. Made
transparent and in colors imitating
natural woods Morstnan Drug Co.
upon request will show u sample of old
flooring co.ited with this finish. It
wears longer than regular floor varnish.
to loan on good farm security ,
Call on or write
Office Otfcr Korner's Hardware Store
for Pickles for the
Leo Cider and Vinegar Go.
and make $50.00 to $75.00 per acre
' "
* Any quantity will be taken at the
factory at So cents per bushel for
first grade ( under four inches long ) .
Call at the State Bank for sheet
of instructions telling how to raise ,
pick and market them. : - : : :
You also can get seed
for choice varieties at the
I Market Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards ,
j March 30 , 1WS.
I Cattle receipts last week were
41)000 head , mi increase of 10,000
, head over the supply previous
week , but demand was keen , and
sellers again had all the advan
tage. Allowing for a reaction of
10 to 25 cents after Wednesday ,
vhich was the high day last week ,
steers made a net''advance of 30
o 40 cents , cows held about
steady , hcilcrs shade lower for
he week , stockcrs and feeders 10
o 25 cents lower. The run is
16,000 here today , and fairly lib
eral elsewhere ) and the market is
10 to 15 lower than close of last
week. The advance in price of
neat to retailers last week , in-
nuguratcd by the packers , will
lave a tendency to curtail con
sumption , which together , with
he strong desire of many feeders
o liquidate while prices arc high ,
ind before the active opening of
spring work on the farms , will
ikely bring a lower leyel of prices
'or a week or so , but the impres
sion prevails that prices will aver-
ige high for the next two mouths
or more , and cattle continue to
ook like money in the bank. A
top of $7.15 was paid for a full
oad last week , odd head at $7.25 ,
ind numerous lots at $7.00. Top
price today is $6.90 , other good
sales at $6.75 and $6.85 , bulk of
steers $6.00 to $6.60 , top heifers
$6.35 , bulk $4.25 to $6.00 , cows
$3.25 to $5.50 , bulls $3.50 to $5.25.
calves $4.00 to $6.00 , feeders $4.75
to $5.75 , stockcrs $3.75 to $5.50 ,
attle receipts will show a short
age for the month , as compared
with March last year , less than
5 per cent.
Hog receipts fell off 6,000 head
last week , from previous week ,
and prices jumped up rapidly ,
finally settling 75 to 80 cents above
the close of the week before , Run
is 9.000 head today , market 5
higher , closing at the best point
of the dag , top $5.90 , bulk $5.65
to $5.85 , light hogs $5.50 to $5 70 ,
pigs generally in without sorting.
March receipts will aggregate
290,000 head , greatest number
ever received at Kansas City dur
ing that 'month. Dealers are at
sea as to the luture prospects ,
except that lighter receipts are
almost a certainty. Trend of
prices will depend on whether or
not the rise in prices cuts down
consumption appreciably.
A hot market prevailed in the
sheep yards all of last week , prices
showing a net advance of 20 to
30 cents on all kinds. Supply
was 32,000 head , about the same
as previous week , but 6,000 head
short of same week last year
Run is 8,000 today , market strong
and sales at the top notch of the
season , lambs $8.00 , ewes $6.50 ,
yearlings worth $7.40 , wethers of
the season , lambs $8.00 , ewes $650 ,
yearlings worth $7.40 , wether :
$6 SO , bulk of sales 5 to 30 cents
under these top prices , and clipped
stock , which has not yet started
freely , 40 to 75 cents less than
wooled offerings.
Puln , anywherecun be quickly
stopped by otio of Dr. Shoop'u Pink
Pain Tablets. Pain always means cot >
( 'estionunnatural blood pressure Dr.
Shoop's Plnlc Pain Tablets simply coax
congested blood away from puln con-
tens. These Tablets-Itnown by drug
gists us Dr. Snoop's Hcadaeho Tablets
simply equalize the blood circulation
and tben pain always departs in 20
minutes. 20 Tablctb 2. " > cents. Wrlto
Dr. Snoop , Kaclne , WU. , for free pack
age. Sold by all dealers.
To Graduates.
The Tribune this week received
u beautiful sample line of gradu
ating cards , which we will be
pleased to show to all interested.
It is only a short time until the
class of 1908 will be before the
foot lights and you will want to
tell your friends about it in the
proper way , which is by a neat
and beautiful invitation , and
which we can furnish at a moder
ate cost. Co in e iu and sece our
line and get our prices.
Foley'a Orlno Laxative it belt for
women * nd children , Itt mild action
and pleniHpt U l makes U preferable
to violent purgftliv , suck HI pill * , ta\ } <
loti , etc. Cures eon tlpaHon. Kerr'i
The Office Cost Too Altich.
On Wednesday morning of
thisweclc the county commission *
ers nloppcd the pay ol Deputy
Sheriff 13. J. Henderson.
The retirement of the deputy
came in the shape of an order
that was issued by the county
board and was a rather un
pleasant surprise to him.
During the past year there
has been but very little work
connected with the sheriff's
ollicc , and Sheriff Rohrs , under
the new law , is drawing a salary
of § 1,500 per year , The county
commissioners have figured
that a man drawing that much
salary should perform the rout.
ine duties of that office with
such help from balilTs in times
of court as the commissioners
would allow and they certainly
have been liberal in that regard
with all sheriffs that have tilled
the ollice.
It is contended by those who
are in a position to know that
ie sheriff's ollice has been cost-
ng the county , in excess of fees
hat have been paid in , at least
1,200 a j'ear , and it is in an
ffort to save this that the
onunissioners have taken the
action they did.
The new law gives to the
onunissioners discretionary
power in the matter of the employment -
ployment of deputies and the
iction of the county board is
cgal , although it is intimated
hat Mr. Henderson has hinted
hat he will hang on despite
heir action.
It is said that in the past the
board has had trouble in adjust-
ng the expense accounts that
: iave been turned in by Mr.
Henderson and that in some in-
tances they have seen ( it to
cale them d o w n. Neiniiha
Bounty Republican.
Plica are easily and quickly cheeked
vlth Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To
irovo It I will mail a small trial box
, a a convincing test. Simply address
Dr. Sheep , Raclno. VVls. 1 surely would
ot bend U frco unless I was certain
hat Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would
land the test. Remember It is made
3xprcssly and alone for swollen , pain-
ul , bleeding or itching piles , either
xtornal or internal. Large jur Ti
Sold by all dealers
4 * -
llinois Alan Takes up the Work.
A meeting of the stockholders
n the Peru Drainage ditch pro-
ect , was held at Peru. Satur
An advertisement had been
mblishcd for bids on the work ,
the stockholders having come
o the conclusion that the Gillian -
an company would be unable
o complete the work.
There was only one bidder
present , a Mr. Martin , who
conies faom Illinois and who
ias a similar project to the one
of straightening the Nctnaha , in
the vicinity of Maitland , Mo.
lie was informed that if he
could come to any agreement
with the Gilligan company , ii
taking over their machinery or
contract that the board would
stand by the action.
The stockholders have been
unfortunate in their dealing.
with the surety company whicl
guaranteed the Gilligan com
pany bond , the surety company
claiming that the drainag
people have slept on their right
and that the bond company can
not be held ior the performanc
and completion of the Gilligan
contract. It is said that the
latter corporation is about
ready to quit the job.
The stockholders will not
lose anything by Ibis procedure
although they will suffer damage
by the delay. Nemaua County
A Common Mistake.
Many women mistake kidney gad
bladder trouble * for tome irregularity
peculiar to the Bex. Foley'u Kidney
Remedy corrects irregulariUe * and
makes women well. MUa Carrie Har
den , Rowling Crten , Ky , write * : " I
uttered much paiu Irom kidney and
blrdder trouble until i startad to u e
Foley'n Kidney Kennedy , The first
bottle gave coo great relief , and after
taking the second bottle I was entirely
well. Korr's Pharmacy.
5 Poland China gilts.
Division Of Profits
This bank has been highly favored. Its earnings have
been satisfactory lo the stockholder ! the depositor 1ms also
liiul a fair division of the profits , and otherwise enjoyed the * * '
prosperity of the bank. All of which fjocs to show that the
interests of the bank and the people arc identical ; and that
the two are so closely interwoven that they cannot be sep
Comparative Statement of Resources *
February aSth , 1903 $18,418.40
February 2 7th , 1904 19,466.64
February 28th , 1905 29,642.70
February 28th , 1906 30,179.49
February 28th , 1907 36,279.80
February 28th , 1908 54,414.16 *
PKCSTON , NlimiASliA "fr
Operating Under State Inspection and Control. fc
i * * j j J < j < ft j * j * > J
Pittsburg Electric
We carry a full line
of this celebrated
Fencing1 in the Ornamental -
mental , Field a n d
Chicken Mesh.
The Electric Weld makes this the acknoweledg-
ed peer of Woven Wire Fencing1.
We also have a nice line of "Sure Hatch" Incubators -
bators , which we will be pleased to explain to those
interested. Give us a call before purchasing.
Ouro Arc "Dopcndablo" Goods FALLS CITY , NEB.
J i * * J f $ \J isJ S < $ f
* & 4 * DON'T FORGET J
CIIAS. M. WILSON'S is headquarters for Cut Glass , 5
" " Fancy China , Dinnerware , Lamps , Glassware J [
4" and in fact everything1 that goes to make a * fy
$ Complete China Store j |
We also have a complete stock of Good Groc
eries , Fruits and Vegetables. Minnesota
Early Ohio Seed Potatoes at
cf e * ' !
t H UU
I The Falls City Roller Mills
Does a milling business , and manufactures the
following1 brands of flour
The above brands arc tfunrnnlccd to be of the highest pot-
siblc quality. We albo manufacture nil mill products and
conduct .1 tonural
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
and solicit a share of your patronage
| P. S. lieacock & So , Falls City , Nebr. |
We want to call your attention to
one of the most complete and up-to-
date stocks of Farm Implements just
from the factories. Remember , we
do not change to a new line , every
year we carry the Hest Makes money
can buy , Moline and Canton line , they
need no introduction. We also carry
the mostcomplete and largest stock of
Buggies , we have the celebrated Moon
Bros. Buggies and Surries and also
Hennex and Keys. Remember , we have
the Buggie Business , and if you need
a Buggy or Surry call and see iii > , we
can save you money. Remember , we
carry in stock at all times Gas En
gines , Manure Spreaders , Windmills ,
Pumps , Tanks , Pipe and everythin in
the Implement line.
Don't forget to have us put on
your house and barn W. C. Shinn's
Copper Cable Lightning Rod.
Yours truly , for business.
Werner , Mosimasi