The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 20, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Eat Sowles' candy.
John Gilligau and wife were
St. Joe visitors the first of the
Mrs. J. G. Ranger and son
Frank spent Sunday in this city
with E. E , Scott and wife.
Hank Wolfe , the scenic artist ,
arrived in this city Sunday and
will visit for a short time.
Special attention given to the
treatment of the eye. Glasses
correctly fitted by Pr. Reneker.
Rex Oliver , our devil , spent a
few days the first of the week
visiting with friends in St. Joe.
E. S. Norton and wife of
Ilumboldt , spent Sunday in this
citj * with their daughter , Mrs.
Pr. Wolfe.
Our smallpox patients reported
last week are all getting along
nicely , and no new cases have
Pr. M. L. Wilson , Physician
and Surgeon. Office and resi
dence over McMillan's drug Btore.
Phone 329. 2tf.
Mrs. Frank Knickerbocker re
turned home Sunday from a
week's yisit with relatives in
Savannah , Mo.
C.V. . Breithaupt and wife this
week moved into the Tom Whit-
aker residence near the Central
school building.
The house chart will be opened
next Monday for the sale of seats
for the big Elk minstrel next
Thursday night.
Mrs. Georgia Cuuimings , pro
prietor of our new millinery store ,
was a business visitor to St. Joe
the first of the week.
John M. Lapp of Freeport , III , ,
spent a short time in this city
last Friday , the guest of his
brother , H. C. Lapp.
Will Pickett left Saturday for
his home in Rosalia , Wash. , after
a short but pleasant visit with
relatives in this city.
Hazel White returned Sunday
from a few days spent in Lincoln
with her sister , Porothy , a stud
ent at the university.
Miss Alice Rummel of Colorado
Springs , spent the first of the
week in this city visiting her
sister , Mrs. T. J. Spencer.
Chas. Humphrey and wife of
the Verdon Vidette , spent Sunday
in this city at the home of their
parents , Mr , and Mrs. G. A. Ab
Harry Cain , a student at the
State University , came down
Friday to spend a few days in
this city with his parents , J. R.
Cain and wife.
Win. Mohler has his nursery
Stock for sale on lots between
News office and library building.
Phone number is changed from
218 to 4 P.P.
B. E-Schlater of Meeker , Okla.
and son Phillip , of this city re
turned Friday from a weeks yisit
in Red Willow county. After a
few days visit in this" city Mr.
Schlater returned to Meeker.
Steve Miles and wife are again
at home , after several weeks
spent in Los Angeles. Cali. They
report a fine trip , and Steve says
he is now equal to an } ' kick you
want to register against his tele
phone company.
In looking over the list of
names recommended by Mayor
Barrett to the council for judges
and clerks of election ) one cannot
but admire his broad mindcdncss ,
in naming eight democrats and
seven republicans.
Miss Marie Emerson of Verdon
was in the city the latter part of
the week. Miss Marie is one of
the many who are now taking
advantage of the opportunity for
good musical instructions offered
bv our conservatory of music.
Mrs. John Rule of Lancaster ,
Kas. . and Miss Mary Buckles of
St. Louis , have been guests of R.
R. Rule and family during the
past week. The ladies went tc
Salem Monday for a short visit
eforc returning to their homes ,
Sheriff Fcnton was in St. Joe
total ay.
Win. Reigcr drove up from
'reston Sunday.
Frank Pills returned Monday
ight from St. Joe.
Henry Funk of Ilumboldt was
n the city Saturday.
The coming election promises
o be quite interesting.
Pon't fail to see the "Merry
Widow Sailors'1 at the Bon Ton.
Edwin Falloon returned Friday
rom a business trip to Omaha.
Green was very much in evi-
cnce on Tuesday , St. Patrick's
Mrs. Sam Otto came down
rom Verdon Saturda } ' on busi-
John Simms of Pawson was
ooking after business here Sat-
Jesse Nicholson visited friends
u Mound City , Mo. , over Sun-
ay ,
Win. Chapman and L. Q. Birds-
ey left Tuesday for a trip through
Mrs. Anna Bacon of Pawson
las our thanks for cash on sub-
Emerson Bowers and wife were
tnong the Verdon people in
own Saturday.
Chris Bleiholder and family
eft Tuesday for their new home
n Orange , Cali.
Ed Burris came down from
eru and spent Sunday with his
mother in this city.
Miss Nola McCool of Salem
was a guest of Miss Louise Rule
luring the week.
Buy your seats early for the
31k Minstrels and thus insure
ourself a good seat.
A swell line of pattern Hats at
he lowest prices shown at the
Bon Ton Millinery Store.
John Wiltse is building an ad-
: lition and otherwise improving
lis residence property.
Mrs. Pnnkleberger is confined
o her home suffering Irom a
ievere attack of rheumatism.
Mrs. C. W. Roberts came down
rom Salem the first of the week
ind spent a few days with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cain expect
o leave about April 1st for an
extended trip through California.
Mrs. Ephraim Withee and son ,
Don Quimby of Stella spent Sun-
lay at the home of John Hossack.
Miss Jessie Reynolds of Ches-
: er spent Sunday in this city at
.he home of her uncle. John Cox.
John Gillignn. who had been
ooking after business matters in
Columbus , returned homeFrida } ' .
Pave McCay , wife and little
son of Hiawatha , were guests at
the home of J. R. Cain during
the past week.
Mrs. Lay and two little sons
of Verdon are visiting at the
home of her brother , Lester
Leeds in this city.
Tom Whitaker is now a full
fledged , hornv handed farmer ,
having taken up his residence on
the John R. Smith farm south of
Frank Greenwald , the shoe
man from Mitchell , S. P. visited
relatives in this city a portion of
the week.
II. A. Tiehen jr. of Pawson
was in the city Friday , and took
occasion to call on this office and
square his accounts with The
A car load of people accom
panied the Auburn high school
debaters to this city Friday , and
our people knew the } were in
town too They haye the right
kind of enthusiasm.
Word was received here yester
day of the death of Mrs. Lera
Cornell Veal of Verdon. She
leaves a husband and two little
daughters. She has many friends
in this city who will be grieve (
to learn of her death. She wa&
a sister of Mrs , Ola McMannas
of this city.
Prs. Boose and Houston made
a professional visit to Salem Sun
day ,
Sam Stewart and wife of
Reserve were shopping in this
city Monday.
One of the cases of smallpox
reported last week has developed
into a case of chicken pox.
Mr. and Mrs. P. II , Jusscn left
Wednesday for a few weeks visit
with their daughters at Okmulgee
Okla. '
Sheriff Fenton and Officer
Marts made a business trip to
Wymore the latter part of the
John Mason , a University stud
ent , spent a portion of the past
week in this city with his home
Mrs. Belle Mulligan was back
at her old place in this office this
week helping us out in our big
rush of work.
J. L. Slocum left Tuesday for
Hot Springs. Ark. , where he will
spend a short time in the interest
of his health.
Mrs. James Randall and Mrs.
Chas. Maddox and children of
Preston left Wednesday for
Gordon , Nebr.
Ewing Herbert took his auto
mobile out of winter quarters on
Sunday taking a spin to this city
for his weekly visit. .
Ross Willard , who is now em-
pldyed on the Merrill News , was
circulating among his old Falls
City friends Saturday.
Tom McLane last week opened
up a jewelry store in Shubert , ac
cording to the Shubert Citizen.
We wish Tom success in his new
Harry Morrow of Pittsburg ,
Kansas returned home Sunday ,
after a few days visit in this city
with his wife at the homo of W-
S. Korner.
. C. Geo. Nttnn went to Nebras
ka City , Tuesday , where the
Elks are trying to secure his ser
vices in coaching a minstrel
show lor that place.
Mrs. Allan P. May and little
son who have been visiting rela-
ives and friends in this city for
L week or so returned to their
ionic in Auburn Friday.
Harry Pittock , who has been
i student at the Ensworth Cent
ral Medical College at St. Joe for
he past term , returned home
Monday night for his vacation.
A pair of twins was born to
John Shcehan and wife on Mon-
lay. One of the little ones , how
ever , lived but a short time , when
t was taken by Him who gave it.
Among the out of town guests
at the Fergus-Fergus wedding
Wednesday were Ernest Fergus
and wife and Frank Fergus and
wife of Ilumboldt and Mrs. Chris
Johnson of Beaver City.
We thank Editor Marsh for a
copy of the Rule Register. This
paper was launched some time
ago but this is the first lime it
has found its way to our table.
It is a bright newsy paper and
deserves a liberal patronage ,
Sidney Spence returned Friday
from Sycamore Springs , where he
lias been for the past two weeks
in the interest of his health.
Sid has great faith in the curative
powers of the water over there
and says he feels like a new man.
At the meetings of the I.O.O.
F. and Elk lodges on Friday
night , each order gave $10 to be
applied on the fund for purchas
ing artificial arms for Ed Smith.
This was a mobt liberal act and
proved the brotherly love for
which these orders stand.
Word was received by friends
this week of the death of Harold ,
the ten year old son of Mr. and
Mrs , Resell , which happened last
Wednesday at their home in In
dependence , Mo. Mr. and Mrs.
Resch were former residents of
this city having moved to their
present home only about two
years ago. Their many friends
here are sorry to hear of their
sad loss.
Glks' Allnstrcls ,
Falls City theatre goers have
often seen local talent product
ions , but the Minstrel show to be
produced by the B , P. O. Elks of
this city under the direction of
he minstrel king , C. Geo. Nunn ,
vill eclipse every thing of the
ast a hundred fold.
The scenery for the Minstrel
ccnc is a $5,000 reproduction of
Vm. K. Vanderbilt's corridors at
'The Breakers. " The costumes ,
cautiful variegated silks and
atins , make a dazzling effect a-
lid the Multi-Colored electrically
ightcd , first part setting.
The Circle will contain Falls
City's picked male singers in
Semi-Colonial costumes of mag-
ificent hue. On two raised plat-
orms one above the other , will
it 10 Madrigal Boy Sopranos in
imilar costumes , just visible
hrough the rows of electric
On the ends 6 satin bedecked
lack-faced Commcdians will
lisport Craxyismus to the delight
f their many friends.
Every song will be new , catchy
and brilliant. Every joke ab-
olutely new and from the time
he curtain rises upon the cor-
ict's first call , to its drop 2 hours
ind 20 minutes later , you will
lot sec one act or hear one song
> r joke that 3fou have cyer heard
) eforc.
New York , Boston and Phila-
lelphia papers praise Mr. Nunn's
ids in the highest terms and the
3lks congratulate themselves on
ecuring his services for this
Thursday night , March 26th is
he date set and the house should
> e packed to the doors.
The union revival meetings
jegin tonight at the Methodist
Mrs. W. W. Spurlock of Salem
was the guest of Mrs. John Holt
a portion of this week.
Mrs. S. E , Stewart of Vcr-
million , Kas. , returned to her
ionic Wednesday after two weeks
visit in this city with her brothers
ind sisters.
Miss Louise Plege leaves to
norrow for Tarkio , Mo. , where
she has accepted a position in the
uillinery establishment of Rent
ier & Xentner.
. Anna Morris , a student at the
Business college , who was called
o her home in Stella last week
by the illness of her mother , re
turned to her school work the
Irst of the week.
Elizabeth Maddox who has
nade her home with her grand
nether , Mrs. Margery Grant in
his city for a number of years
eft for Gordon , Nebr. , to make
her future home.
Harry V. Gcldcr , the champion
athclete of the Pacific coast , wil
irescnt as a special leature ai
: he Elk minstrel his famous ath-
etic act , which is the best known
to the profession
R. E. Grinstcad of Salem wa
in town Saturday. Mr. Grinstead
in speaking of the recent hog
cholera experiments , informs us
that fonr of the hogs treated
lived , and the four which were
not treated died. He has great
faith in the remedy.
C. Geo. Nunn of Bay City ,
Mich. , arrived in the city Satur
day and since that time has been
busily engaged in coaching the
Elk Minstrels for next Thursday
night. Mr. Nunn has with him
his little 10-year-old son , Pewey ,
who has a wide reputation as a
child vaudeville artist. Pewcy
will be one of the features in the
minstrel and is sure to be a draw
ing card.
The proprietors of the Sunny
Side green house started some
thing Tuesday morning when
they placed green carnations on
the market. A large supply was
placed in P. W. Sowles window
but they did not last long , and
nearly everyone you met was
wearing one of the flowers in
honor of St. Patrick. How this
enterprising firm produced the
color is their secret , but it was
certainly a success.
Millinery Announcement
Hoiiutiful Hide comprising ev
ery thing Now in Slmpes , Style
nnd Color for Ladies' , Misses1 and
Children will bo rendy for your
Friday and Saturday ,
MARCH 20 and 21
Don't miss giving UB n cnll.
Respectfully yours ,
Bon Ton Millinery.
A sou was born to Will Hltfglna anil
lfc Tuesday , March 17 , 1903.
Florence Reynolds returned Monday
rom a month's visit In Memphis anil
t Kansas City.
Kminons nuteinan , reporter on the
Jnuiha World-Herald , Is spending the
eek at home.
Odcat' Pearson and family have
novcd to McCook , where he will work
n a farm this summer.
Harvey Hogrcfc anil wife and Mrs.
rulkut of. Tilden spent several
ays this week In St. Joe.
.Mrs. O. A. Jennings of Salem ar-
ivcd last Friday for an extecdcd visit
i-lth her daughters , Mrs. Slocum and
Irs. Baldwin.
Mrs. Don Ucmarcc and little son and
'arrle ' Voungof Council Bluffs are vis
ing at tile home of their mother , Mrs.
aroline Young.
The ladies of the Rcscarcli club and
icir husbands were entertained at a
t. Patrick's supper at the homo of
Ir. and Mrs. J. K. Cain , jr. , Tuesday
The band will give an open-air con-
ert on the street tomorrow evening ,
'his is the first of the concerts which
fill be given at regular intervals Unr
ig the summer.
Hugh Thompson IMS sold his farm
; ist cast of town to George Kandall of
Vuburn , who has already taken pos-
ession , Mr. Thompson and family
rill go to Seattle to make their home.
C. C. and L , . G. Fnnkcll and Will
O'Bricn expects to leave Tuesday for
2hotcau , Montana , where they will
nakc their home for the present. In-
nun Cain , who has been in old Mexico ,
s also at Chotcau with the Jameson
The large barn , corn-cribs , windmill
nd a number of small buildings were
ntircly destroyed by fire at the home
f John vVuddlc last Thursday fore-
icon The farm is owned by Mrs.
lartha Weaver. About three thou.
and bushels of corn were burned so
iad that it is not fit for market. The
ntire loss will be about SO.OOO , with
ut 81,100 insurance. It is not known
ow the fire started.
C. V. IIoppc and wife of Prcs
on were interviewing our incr-
hants Tuesday.
WANTKD Apprentice girl to
earn millinery trade. Apply to
. \itzmari Sister * .
Herbert Hedges spent several
lays of the past week with hi
'amily in this city.
W. V. IIoppc and wife returned
o their home in Stella Saturday ,
after a visit in this city at the
ionic of Mrs. Katherinc Hoppe.
Mrs. Albert Maust and Mrs
M. Louise Rowley returned Sat
nrday from St. Joe , where they
iad spent a few days shopping
and visiting friends.
For Sale.
Reed's Yellow Pent seed corn ,
and Piamond Joe white seed con
price $1 per bushel. This is pur
bred corn.
Early Ohio seed potatoes $1.S (
per bu. Send in your orders be
fore they are all gone.
Silver Laced Wyamlottc eggs
5c each. Every egg guaranteed.
Building sand $1 per load.
II. L. Rahlf , Pleasant Hill farm ,
Falls City , Neb. 9-21
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
hvreby ( 'lvnn , Hint by virtue of an
order of oulu , imsuud out of tlio dlitiict court , In
unit for ItichnrdMin Count ) nnd State of N bra -
kd , urulur th soul of ta.ii } court.datod on tlw llth
dny of March , UO * . nnd to niu directed an nhuriff
of m < l county , to ho executed , \\ill on Mowta ) ,
the SOth dny of Ai > ril , IWJfl , at 10 o'clock u. in. , of
aid dny at the watt door of the court liouw in thu
cit ) of I'ulU City , in will county and itato , offer
for Hale lit public Veudtit ) , mid will to ( hi ) M ho t
mid iMwt bidder , the [ iroporly dtwcrllwd iu naUl
order of halt * , tuvrlt. Seroutj-two (72J ( foot olT
thowufctaiul of luU 19 , II , 15 , 16 , and tnii fuel
(10 ( f t ) off houUi kida of lot 17 , all in block W ,
City of I'ulU City , Ulohnrdwm CountyNebraska ,
in mid oocintjr , U ) wtltfy n Judgment of enld
court , with InteraeU nnd coU recovered hy
John WilUe and ono bj IMwin B. Towlu against
Daniel II. Hlukaouy nnd Iliuhara Ulnkency ,
Terms of mv , ,
Ohtm under my lianilnt TulU City , Xcbrasku ,
this llth dny of March , IVW ,
S-5t W. T. 1't MON , Bhoriir.
C *
Jewelry !
Call and see the new
patterns in
Beauty Pins
Cuff Links
Guard Chains
Rings , Etc.
We solicit your pat
"Tho Old Reliable Jcu/lcr"
Public Auction.
West Coupe will sell 25 head
of horses and mules at auction
1 mile north of Rule , March 20.
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. WISAVKK.
Employes Wanted.
Ladies or gentlemen. Good
salary guaranteed. Call Friday
or Saturday at Union house.
LUCY C. Goocn.
Take Notice.
Hunting , fishing or trespassing
in any manner on what is known
as the Gardner land south of
Falls City or about the Gulp lake
near the M. P. depot , is forbidden
and will be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law.
Lnwis PI.KGK.
To tue Public.
The Leo Cider and Vinegar Co.
of this city have been running an
article in the Tribune on "In
structions Concerning Pickle
Growing. ' * and desire to state
that they will be prepared to
handle all of this product that
can be furnished them.
For full information call on the
above company or T. J. Gist at
the State Bank.
notlier Alovinff Picture Show.
Falls City can soon boast of
wo moving picture shows , the
ew one to be opened up in the
Itrong building , and from ap
pearances will be up-to-date in
every particular.
The local manager , W. F. Prim
er , informs us that he is only
.vaiting for some electrical suo-
plies when everything will be in
readiness to begin his entertain
ments , which he says will be of
the very best that money can provide
The building has been remod
eled and an incline floor laid ,
which will make all scats desira
Watch for announcements and
change of program which will be
published each week in the Trib
une , as the manager Ttnows the
worth of printers' ink.
LOST 4 yards of silk plaiting.
Finder please return to this office.
Miss Wittrock and Miss Pat-
naude will leave Sunday to at
tend milliner } ' markets.
New goods arriving daily at
Patxman Sisters Millinery Store.
Pon't fail to see these new spring
Mrs. C. W. McCool of Salem
spent a portion ot the week in
this city with her daughter , Mrs.
R. R. Rule.
Fou SAI.K Four room house on
two corner lots , good well , cellar
and out buildings. Will be sold
cheap if taken soon , Phone 196.
The ladies of the Christian
church will give a 15c tea at the
home of Pete Restorer next
Thursday evening , March 26th ,
from 5 o'clock to 8 p. uj , All
a re cordially invited.