The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 20, 1908, Image 1

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Two More to His Credit-
Ufliccr Marts lias succeeded in
landing two more dangerous char
acters. OH last Thursday after
noon two men appeared at the
second hand store of Win. Sears
and tried to dispose of sonic shoes ,
lie became suspicious and immedi
ately notified Mr. Marts , who
started after the men , taking
with him the deputy sheriff , Jim
McFarlnnd. They succeeded in
overtaking one of the fellows
only a few blocks south , while
the other was found in the yards
at the M , P. depot. A search
was made and seven pairs of
shoes were found in a box car
nearby , while on tljeir persons
were found 9 knives , 1 razor , and
1 revolver together with a bunch
of skeleton keys.
The men gave their names as
Ed Johnson atul Zanoia Glen ,
aged 35 and 18 years. After
undergoing the sweating process
for a time young Glen told the
whole story , telling that the
goods were secured in the Ocanib
dry goods store and the Winter-
bottom hardware store at Rule ,
to which they had gained en
trance by use of the skeleton
keys. He also confessed that
they were the parties who burg
larized the store in Humboldt a
couple of weeks ago , and that
they belong to a gang of thieves
who work between Wymore and
St. Joe.
Both men waived examination
and were placed in jail to await
trial at the next session of tire
district court. Much credit is
due Officer Marts in landing
these two fellows , and he only
hopes to be able to get others of
the gang. 'it'is a'sure thing
that he will get them if anybody
can , for he was never known to
shirk his duty , no matter how
hazardous. It is the public safety
he thinks of and goes where duty
calls him.
Anti-Saloon Caucus.
The anti-salcon element of this
city met at the court house Tues
day eyening for the purpose of
placing in nomination a com
plete city ticket-
Dr. Miner called the meeting to
order. Prof. Oliver was made
chairman , who upon taking the
chair made a few appropriate re
marks along the line of temper
ance. The platform setting
forth the stand taken against the
open saloon was read and adopted.
W. W- Abbey was chosen for
mayor by the unanimous voice of
the convention , and following is
the balance of the ticket as nom
inated :
Treasurer Guy Greenwald.
Clerk Will Schmelzel.
Councilmen George Reichers ,
John Benschoter , Jas. Nauslar.
School Board John Lichty
and Fred Brecht.
Police Judge J. D. Spragins.
City Engineer John Crook.
Farm Buildings Burned.
Stelln , Neb. , March 13. The
worst country fire thnt hns been
experienced in this vicinity oc
curred yesterday nt the farm homo
of Mrs. Martha Weaver. The
farm is exceptionally well im
proved and the value of the prop ,
erty destroyed is estimated at
$5,000 , and was protected by a
small amount of insurance. The
fire started in the barn , which with
hog-house , niilk-houBC , windmill
and cribs , was entirely destroyed.
Over 5,000 bushels of corn were
in the cribs , and while all of this
grain did not burn , it is likely that
every bushel is now unfit for mar-
ket. Three small calves were
burned to death in the barn.
The son-in-law of Mrs. Weaver ,
John Weddle , lives on the farm ,
and he and his wife were at the
time in town ,
House Raiders Again Busy.
Steve Miles and wife , who
have been in Los Angeles for
some time , returned home Satur
day night. On Sunday after
going through their belongings
they noticed that a great many
tilings had been tampered with.
This led to further investigation
and it was soon found that most
oi Steve's clothing was gone ,
together with his shot gun and
some table linen.
At the barn where Steve had
a good supply of hay and grain
when he lelt , there was nothing ,
the thieves having emptied all
the grain sacks and hauled the
contents away , likewise all the
baled hay.
Fortunately , before leaving
home Mr. Miles had placed all
their silverware and other valu
ables in the bank , or undoubt
edly it would have gone with
the balance.
There is a slight clew , which
Officer Marts is following up ,
and hopes to be able to land the
man , and if successful it is
thought it will be the means of
unearthing a gang who have
been doing so much petty thiev
ing in these parts of late.
New Party Launched.
Friday , the ] 3th , had no ter
rors ior about twenty-five or
thirty of our young men when
they met last Friday evening
and launched a new political
party , calling themselves the
"YoungMen's Progressive
Party of Falls City , Nebraska , "
After the platform was read ,
which in part set iorth as its
principles their earnest wish to
bury the hatchet and to blot out
all factionalism , and also to put
forth their best efforts for a
better city , the following ticket
was nominated :
Mayor G. L. Windle.
Treasurer Guy P. Greenwald
Clerk W. H. Schmelzel.
Councilmen Albert M a u s t ,
John Benschoter , Sidney P.
Police Ju'lge J. D. Spragins.
City Engineer John A. brook
School Board Fred Brecht ,
H. R. Miner.
Falls City Wins.
Last Friday evening at ths
court house the State League de
bate took place between Falls
City and Auburn high schools.
Both schools had looked forward
to this as the event of the season
in debating and consequently had
made thorough preparation on
the question. When Mr. Edwin
Falloon , the presiding officer ,
called the meeting to or.der , he
faced a room crowded with en
thusiastic supporters of the two
debating squads. Fifty students
from Auburn alone , cheered their
The question for debate was ,
' 'Resolved , that the Federal gov
eminent should own and oper
ate the railway systems of the
country. " Jean Cain , Alice Yoder
and Elaine Yoder argued for the
affirmative and Mr. Armstrong ,
Miss Ilanna and Mr. Tyler for
the negative. The judges decided
in fayor of the affirmative.
The participants on both sides
should be commended for their
excellent work. The argument
presented by the students from
the local high school was es
pecially clear and the delivery
was so forceful that when Elaine
Yoder had finished , the support
ers of Falls City felt confident
that their team had won , even
before the judges had rendered
their decision.
W. S. Korner left Wednesday
morning for Kingman , Kansas ,
where he goes to look after his
landed interests.
Our City Dads.
The adjoilrned meeting of the
city council which met on Mon-
: lay evening was a busy one.
The contract of the city with
Joseph A. Bortenlangcr of Oma-
lia , Nebr. , for the furnishing of
the boilers and electrical machin
ery was signed and Bortenlangcr's
bond to the city for $6,000 was
approved. Nearly an hour was
spent by the council in discussing
the terms of the contract. After
going over all of the details care
fully it was signed.
The city clerk was instructed
to advertise for bids for the con
struction of sidewalks along the
lark property in Crook and
Towlc's addition , and along the
south and west sides of the South
ard property near the Ilarlan
school building.
Prof. T. J. Oliver appeared be
fore the council and in quite an
extended address , asked the coun
cil to submit to the voters in the
coming election the liquor ques
tion bv permitting them to vote
For Saloon License , " or
"Against Saloon License. " As
a ticket was already in the field ,
the council decided that the re
quest came at too late an hour
and voted the motion down.
Several other propositions came
before the council for their con
sideration but no action was
The Mayor offered the follow
ing recommendations.
Falls City. Neb. , March 16 , 1908
To the Honorable City Council ,
Falls City , Neb. ,
Gentlemen :
I would recommend that the
following places be designated as
voting places for the coming mu
nicipal election to be held Tues
day , April 7th , 1908.
First Ward Hose Room in rear
of Library Building.
Second Ward County Clerk's
office in Court House.
Third Ward Sample Room in
rear of National Hotel.
I would further recommend that
the following named gentlemen
be appointed Judges and Clerks
of said election , and that the city
clerk is hereby instructed to issue
to each the proper notice , and
make all other necessary arrange
ments for holding said municipal
First Ward : A.W. Southard , John
Cox , Robert Ncizel Judges.
First Ward : Geo. Riechers , Gco.
Holt Clerks.
Second Ward : Sam Mower , L. L.
Aldrich , Lewis Hill Judges.
Second Ward : II. P. Custer , Fred
Sebold Clerks.
Third Ward : Con Horn , James
Nausler , George McFarland
Third Ward : Howard Linsacum ,
Frank Smith Clerks.
Respectfully submitted ,
G. M. BAKKKTT , Mayor.
Motion made by Windle and
seconded by Hahn , that the May
or's recommendation relative to
the municipal election to be held
April 7th , 1908. be approved.
The roll call was as follows :
W. S. Fast , I. C. Maust , M. Geh-
ling , I. B. Whitaker , II. Hahn ,
G. L. Windle.
Successful Operation.
Mrs. Louis Plege underwent an
operation at the hands of Drs.
Houston , Boose and Reneker on
Wednesday , for a trouble of long
standing , and at present is get
ting along nicely with all symp
toms pointing to a complete re
A Card of Thanks.
We desire to publicly express
our appreciation and gratitude to
the people of Falls City for their
helpful attitude and fraternal
spirit toward us during our recenl
and family
In Memoriiim.
At the close of the church scr-
'ices on last Sabbath morning , at
he Presbyterian church , the pas
tor very feelingly and tenderly
ipoke of the departure of the late
Dr. McMillan. He spoke of his un
swerving fidelity to the church , of
liis untiring faithfulness , his inde
fatigable energy in behalf of all
that pertained to the church's
best interests. Jn order that the
ndividual members , as well a
: he church and congregation as a
body might give expression to the
'celing that they had lost a dear
'riend and one of their most loyal
workers , there was a motion to
the effect that we extend the be-
eavcd family our heartfelt sym
pathies in this their affliction , and
as a fitting mark of respect for
; he deceased , it was ordered that
our church should bear the em
blems of mourning for a period of
thirty days. It was the expres
sion of tlje whole congregation
that these tokens of our regard
should be printed in the city
papers and that a copy of each
should be presented to the family.
At a regular meeting of Falls
ity lodge No. 18 , K. of P. , held
on the 18th day of March , 1908 ,
the following preamble and resolu
tions were unanimously adopted :
Whereas , our Brother Thomas
Charles McMillan has been called
from this lodge to the Grand
Lodge above , having departed
this life on the 9th day of March ,
Whereas , it is but just that a
fitting recognition of his many
virtues he had : therefore be it
Resolved by Falls City Lodge
No. IS , K. of P ; of the domain oi
the State of Nebraska that , while
we bow with humble submission
to the will of the Most High , we
lo not the less mourn for our
jrother who lias been taken from
Resolved , that in the death of
our brother this lodge laments
the loss of a brother who was
ever ready to proffer the hand of
aid and the voice of sympathy to
the needy and distressed oi the
raternity ; an active member of
this society whose utmost endeav
ors were exerted for its welfare
and prosperity , a friend and com-
lanion who was dear to us all , a
citizen whose upright and noble
ifc was a standard of emulation
to his fellows.
Resolved , that the heartfelt
sympathy of this be extended to
liis family in their affliction.
Resolved , that these resolutions
be spread upon the records of the
lodge , and an engrossed copy
thereof be transmitted to the
family of our deceased brother ,
and the charter of the lodge be
draped for a period of thirty days.
J. C. Yimv , 1
, J-Com-
Only one week more remains
in which our delinguents can
square their subscription ac
counts with the Tribune. All
are familiar with the new ruling
of the postal law , that all who
are in arrears more than one
year must be taken off the list era
a 1-ccnt stamp placed on papers
otherwise sent out. This latter
the Tribune nor any other coun
try newspaper cannot afford to
do. Now it is up to you. We do
not want to lose a hinplc sub
scriber , neither do we want a
dissatisfied one , so if you want
the paper pay up.
We believe all understand the
position in which the newspaper
man is placed by this law , anil
will take this final notice in the
spirit in which it is given , that
of the very best feeling , and that
all will come to the Iront and paj
Alarrlage License
C.C.Fergus , Humboldt 27
Maggie Fergus , Falls City..23
Mr. Joseph Thompson and
Miss Mabel A. Macomber were
narried a the residence of the
groom's parents , Mr. and Mrs.
\Vm. Thompsonlive miles south.
, vest of Falls City , Wednesday
eveningMarch 18th , at8o'clock
p. in. , Rev. Elza Martin , grand-
athcr of the bride , officiating.
The bride was attired in a
beautiful white silk , while the
jroom wore the usual black.
The ceremony was witnessed by
large assemblage ol relatives
ind friends , who join in wishing
them a long life of happiness
and prosperity , after which they
partook of an elegant dinner ,
: or which Mrs. Thompson and
Jer daughters are famous.
The presents are many and
beautiful and this was an occa
sion long to be remembered by
ill who were present.
The groom is a prosperous
young farmer who has grown to
manhood in this county. The
uride has resided in this city for
years and is a successful teacher
in the county. Her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Macomber ,
moved toOklahomasome months
The young people will be at
liome to their numerous friends
in .Salem precinct after April
1st , where they locate on a farm.
A very pretty home wedding
was celebrated Wednesday ,
March 18 , at the home of the
jride's parents , Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Fergus , west ot the city ,
when Miss Maggie May Fergus
became Mrs. Clarence C. Fergus
Kev. C. A. Mastin , celebrating
; he nuptuals.
At high noon the contracting
parties presented themselves
under a bower of evergreen and
took the vows which made them
nan and wife.
Miss Una Snidow sang a beau-
iful solo , in her wonted good
/oice , and in low tones played a
vedding inarch during the cere-
After the marriage a colla-
ion of rare excellence was
; erved.
The bridal offerings were pret-
y , costly and well suited to the
Those present from abroad
were Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Fer-
s and Mr. and Mrs. F. F.
Fergus of Humboldt , Mrs. C. I.
Johnston of Beaver City , Mrs.
3II. . Lenders and children of
Gronde , New Mexico. From the
city , Miss Annie Lowler , Mrs ,
Henry RiegcrMiss UnaSnidow ,
Mr. Ernest Gagnon , Miss Bessie
Mr. Fergus is a well to do and
prosperous fanner , living north
of Humboldt , and Miss Maggie
May Fergus'grew up to woman
hood here , graduated from our
schools and was one of the lead ,
ing young ladies of our city.
Many friends unite in wishing
them a long and useful life.
Mrs. Beauchamp and daughter ,
came up from Hiawatha Friday
afternoon , and were the guests at
the homes of Al Doerner and
Sidney Spence and family over
Saturday and Sunday.
Orrie Ross , manager of the
Nelson Herald , is in the city ,
having been called here by the
serious illness of his father , John
Ross who is reported some better
at this time.
Mrs. Amos Stetler of Pawnee
City , is in the city the guests of
R. P. Thomas and David Stum
bo made a business triptoDunba
the latter part of last week.
Family Reunion.
The home of W. S. Korner was
he scene of a happy gathering
on Tuesday evening , when the
Schock brothers and sisters gath
ered together in a family reunion.
The family consists of G. W. and
\V. A. Schock , Mrs. A. R. Stet-
cr of Pawnee , Mrs. S. E. Stew-
irt of Vermillion , Kas. , and
Mrs. Gco. Holland and Mrs. W.
Korner of this city , and it is
he first time they have all been
ogethcr in six years. The
youngest of them is 48 years old
while the oldest is 68.
After a pleasant visit an cle-
ant supper , such as the Schpcks
arc noted for , was served , after
which the evening was spent in
recalling the pranks indulged in
n their childhood home.
It was an occasion long to be
remembered , and all present sin
cerely hope these' meetings will
be more frequent in the future.
An Important Decision.
The case of Schaiblc against
llieger was decided by the
supreme court of this state last
week in favor of the plaintiff.
The case involved about $17,000 ,
ind turned on the question of
the validity of an anti-nuptial
contract. The rule of the su.
preine court had been that such
contracts would not dispose of
the willow's dower , but that she
was entitled to her dower inter
est in the lands of her husband
notwithstanding she should con
tract before marriage that she
would claim no interest in his
estate should she survive him.
Fudge Reavis wrote the brief
ind argued the case in the su
preme court and succeeded in
convincing the court that its
brmer rulings were wrong.
LMiere are many such contracts
existingm this county and this
lecision gives full force to their
) rovisions.
Ed May was down from Salem
311 Tuesday.
Mrs- Annie C. Johnson was
uite sick a few days last week.
A baby girl was bor" to Frank
Davis and wife , who live near
his city ,
G. G. Stumbo made a business
rip to Craig , Mo. , the latter
part of last week.
Frank Wilson , who lives west
of town , has been quite ill the
> ast few days.
Nut Lovct 15c. a pound , and
? eanut Bar lOc. a pound at the
Dandy Kitchen , Saturday , March
21. Don't miss itl
Fred and Ed Lawrence of
Fairbury are in the city hav-
ng been called here by the
serious illness of their mother ,
Mrs. L. D. Lawrence.
Mrs. L. D. Lawrence is very
ill at her home on North Ilarlan
street , but at this writing ( Thurs
day evening" ) she is reported a
little better.
Mrs. Woods of Table Rock is
the guest of Miss Nellie Schock
this week. Mrs. Woods was
formerly Miss Nellie Don Carlos ,
a very successful music teacher
in this city.
Rev. Elza Martin of Peru , is
visiting relatives in this city.
He came down to officiate at the
marriage of his grand daughter ,
Mable Macomber , to Joseph
Thompson on Wednesday.
Mrs. James Powell returned
Wednesday from a week's visit
with relatives in Seneca , Ivans.
She was accompanied home by
her little jiiece , Evelyn Morton ,
who will spend some time with
'her. '