The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 13, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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Henry Smith
0.1J , Leslie was in Dawson Satur
Ida Bennett went to Dawson Satur
J. T. Shrlmpton went to Fremont
Kcl May and wife were In Falls City
J. W. Dowoll loft for Oregon Wed-
Ol Wlndlo was up from St. Joe over
C. JJ. Smith moved to Pawnee City
Mrs. John Tolhen drove to Falls
City Friday.
A small child of Alfred Forakcr'a
died Saturday ,
Mrs. Whltten and Eva drove to
Falls City Monday.
Albert Adams and family wont to
ilumboldt Tuesday.
Will Gregory and wife drove lo the
county seat Saturday.
Mrs. Uay Huston was In Falls City
'between trains Fridii } ' .
MM. Albert Gentry came In from
Beaver City Thursday.
Miss May Cllft cumo down from
Ilumboldt Wednesday.
Mrs. Grlnstuad and Ila/.ol drove to
Merrill , Kan. , Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Will of Falls City visit-
toil relatives hero Friday.
Will Kcrshaw and wife came down
from Ihu-olock Tuesday.
Lon Turner and family wont lo
Fairfax , Mo. , Wednesday.
Rov. Windlo and wlfo of Toledo , la. ,
ire hero visiting relatives.
Rov. Wlndlo of Toledo , Iowapreaoh-
vcl In the G. U. church Sunday.
G. II. RuBsoll and wife and Mrs , Juno
Tlsdcll went to Alnsworth Thursday.
F. E. MiUtox lint , rented the Ranger
building and will open a restaurant
Mrs. Roy Raggett and Nell Stewart
visited Wednesday with relatives in
Dawson ,
Mrs. LUllodoll was called to Nelson
Friday on account of the serious illness
of her ton.
R. E. Clark of Stella was hero Wed
nesday attending a meeting of the
drainage board.
Quito a crowd from hero attended
Initiation services of M W. A'n .it
Humboldt Tuesday night.
Misses Florence Jones , Olive Tlldcn
and Llla Spurlock were guests of Mrs.
G. C. Jennings In Falls City Saturday.
Al Corn wont to Dawson Tuesday.
Mr. Boyd of Salem was hero Monday.
Win. Mowcry of Stella was hero
Ambrose Parsons was a St. Joe visi
tor Sunday.
George Hall and wife drove to the
county scat Tuesday.
Mrs. Otto went to Stella Friday re
maining until Sunday ,
D. A. Ramsey moved Into the Gob-
hard property last week.
The Mystic Stitching Club mot with
Miss Clotu Moran Tuesday.
C. VV. Ocamb and family moved into
the KInsoy properly last week.
Dr. James Houston and family wore
down from Nebraska City Sunday.
I. A. Hull and Arthur Chase took
some horses to Liberty Wednesday.
L. A. Kinsoy of Lincoln has boon
looking after business hero this week.
Mrs. Jcnnlo Beverage arrived from
Omaha Tuesday for a visit to relatives.
Rov. Loweny left Sunday for Beaver
Crossing whore ho will attend confer
A son was born to Will James anil
wife at Kansas City on March 4th.
D. G. Fankcll has been spending the
past wcok with relatives In Lincoln ,
Mrs. Joe Elchart has boon the guest
of friends at Talmagc since Saturday.
Ed Kroh and wife have been visiting
her parents at Hebron the past week.
Blanch and Lcla McCray are spend
ing the wcok with tholr sister in Lin
Sheriff Ennton and Paul Weaver of
Falls City were business visitors here
Two cars of horses * cro shipped
from hero last Friday by a Kansas City
horse buyer.
Mrs. J. R. Cain , jr. , will sing at a
federation of Woman's Clubs at Hum-
boldt 1st and 2nd.
Mrs. Ruby Lulkart and sou of Til-
don nro spending the week at the homo
of her father hero.
A. A. Ilendrlcks of near Barnda has
moved onto one of the McMullon ten
ant farms cast of town.
Mrs. Sid Tlmcrman Is at Nevada ,
Mo , at the Woltmur Institute taking
treatment for rheumatism.
A. H , Shellcnbargor and family and
Gertrude Shollonbarger are visiting
relatives in Lincoln this wcok.
It Is expected to have all the street
electric lights ready for use by Satur
day night. The houses will bo wired
next week for the lights.
The kitchen at the homo of Norman
Smlloy caught fire Monday from A de
fective flue. The blnzo was discovered
and extinguished bcforo much damage
was dono.
A. Jacob ? , an evangelist , in com
pany with Rov. Gould the regular
pastor have been conducting revival
nicotines at the Methodist church the
past week.
We also have Samples
and will take Special ord-
No Charge for Alterations
" - „ _ _
240 acres well improved , H miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. "Willtakc
10 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest.
200 acres ] /i miles from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land will
take -10 or 80 acres as part payment.
100 acres upland , 1 mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. 512,000.
1GO acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near JJrownvllle , Nebraska.
80 acres } { > mllc from Falls City high school.
010 acres , 88,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take ICOacrcs as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan.
Vcra ShnlTer spent Sunday with
Lulu Stump.
Miss Anna Bowers spent Sunday with
friends here.
Remona Wllcox spent Sunday with
Mrs. n. J. Prlchiml.
Herb Burk and wife spent Sunday
with her parents here.
Mr. Ilahn and wife spent Sunday
with their daughter here.
Mrs. C. P. Stump of Palls City spent
Sunday with her mother hero.
Bruce Dixon and wife spent Sunday
with G. W. Prlchard and wife.
Anna Shaffer of Falls City was u
guest of C. W. Slump's Monday.
Mrs. O. A. Hurk and children were
guests of relatives here Saturday.
Anson Knlscly and wife entertained
a number of their Iricnds Sunday.
Wm. Huottnor.and family spent Sun
day with Louis Shulor and family.
John Roischlck and family spent
Sunday with Fred Whltroek and wife.
Mrs. Noah Peek and children spent
Saturday with her mother In Fulls
John Roischlck shipped three fine
Poland China hogs to Doolson , Ks ,
last week.
George Prlchard and family and Guy
Llehty and wife spent Sunday with G.
W. Bartlett and wife.
Claude and Rubv Pratt and Ida
Ivors of Nebraska City are visiting
with A. McCann and family.
Mrs. P. E. ShafTor went to St. Joe
last week to see a specialist about her
eyes and while there will visit rela
Herman Wolck of Verdon was here
Ed Gilbert of uear Vordon was here
Clarence Cox of Barada was hero
Earl Butler of Barada was here
Mrs. Palmer visited her daughter In
Peru last week.
Dolph Krug Is enjoying a visit from
tils brother Ed of Kansas.
J. Watton and wife were business
visitors at Baradu Monday.
J. C. Shulenberg was a business visi
tor at Nebraska City Thursday.
Elmer Ray and family left this week
for their new home at Best , Neb.
Chas. Shulenburg and wife were
visiting friends at Verdon Friday.
Blram Stotts Is enjoying a visit from
his friend Tom Pope of Rapid CltyS.D.
Jake Blrdsley and George Davis of
near town were In Falls City Thursday.
Lewis Brisby and wife came from
near Stella Friday and visited friends.
Harry Leslie left last week for south
ern Kansas where he will look up a
A. L. Wiles attended the republican
congressional convention at Lincoln as
a delegate from here.
Otto Sharlnghouser and wife loft
Tuesday for Gage County where they
will reside in the future.
Lon Harmon and family of Tecumseh
took possession of Grandma Harmon's
farm near town Tuesday.
Ed Shubert and wife formerly of this
place but now of Verdon drove up
Friday and visited relatives.
Miss Minnie Hoover our hello girl Is
taking a weeks vacation and Laura
Herring Is filling her place.
Mrs. Walter Weddlo and children
and her mother left for thrlr future
homo at Curley , Neb. , this week.
Ervo James and wife of Verdon came
In Saturday to see about putting new
walks around their property here.
C. E. Lord of Oklahoma a nephew of
C. A. Lord Is now employed as elerk
with his uncle in the hardware store.
W. W. James and wife moved to
Peru last Friday. They will bo great
ly missed by their many friends here.
The M. E. Aid Society is now look
ing forward to the 18th of April when
they hold their fair and bnzaar at Tay
lor s Hall.
Henry Mitchell and family who spent
the winter here with relatives left
Monday for their new homo at Klnber-
ley , Idaho.
James Stout of Auburn was in town
last week making preparations to erect
some now monuments at Prairie Union
The many friends hero of Mr. John
Bergsma are very sorry for hlai over
the death of his mother at Eugene ,
Oregon , age 73 years.
Willard Shubert and wife who re
cently returned from several months
stay at Lincoln were guests of Henry
Flshburn and wife at dinner Sunday.
Miss Carrie Brlcker had what might
have resulted in a very serious burn
last Saturday , night while preparing
for church , she is now reported as get
ting along nicely.
The dance which was given by our
young people Saturday night was well
attended and all returned to their
homes after a lao hour feeling well
pleased with their success.
Mrs. F. N. Klnton who has been
under the doctors care for the past
year expects to undergo an operation
the first of the week. Her many
friends hope the operation proves a
Dr. Shook accompanied Ross Klnton
to Omaha Thursday where the latter
underwent an operation for rupture.
The doctor returned home Saturday
while Mr. Klnton will be confined to
the hospital for some time.
Sprin Skirts , Jackets and Petticoats Summer
HAVE just finished unpacking a splendid shipment of "Prefection" Skirts , Jackets and Petticoats , The
WE Style , Fit , the Material , the Workmanship of these Garments are the Best that brains and intelligent
manufacttirmg can make them. The Very Best of material is used in these garments and they are all
well shaped and liberally cut These Garments are truly worthy of your confidence and they are all so modest
ly priced that you can no longer afford to make your own garments at home
The "Prefectioii" garments are recognized Top Notchers in the ready-to-wear line , and a visit of inspection
will prove to you that these garments have 110 "peer" in workmanship.
i We Want You to See These Goods for Yourself
No. 1316 A very pretty 15
gored plaited front and back , black
Voile Skirt trimmed with 5 narrow
Taffetta bands a
beauty at
No. 1340 Ladies' 9 gore box
and inverted plaits , trimmed with
tabs oi Taffetta ( gQO
Full Sweep tpt. O
No. 1324 Ladies' 9 GoredC. C.
Panama trimmed with 4 Taffetta
bands , a skirt that is well worth
$10.00 , < [ > 7 CA
Special P/.3U
No1356 Ladies' n gore , full
sweep , plain tailored , box and in
verted plaits , Gray and tan striped
No. 1331 Ladies' Silk dot nov
elty , blue , Danish , box plaited ,
trimmed with two wide and one
narrow silk $3 Oft
bands . $3.70
No. 1300 Ladies' extra size 13
gore , inverted plaits with waist
bands up to 34 inches , black
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets plain
and fancy fabrics in all the Latest
Styles includimg the box back ,
semi-fitted mannish tailored effects
ranging from . . . $2.50 to $7.50
No. 1369 Misses' 9 gore plaited
effect , double box plaited front
trimmed with bias self folds , full
sweep , in blue , red
and brown , .
There are numerous other
numbers just as good as the
above mentioned , which , for
want of space , we are unable
to mention ,
Did you ever stop to think that the Cow is the most profitable animal on the
Cream farm ? And the time has come when you don't have to kill yourself making Cream
Butter to make the great profit from your cow. MATTHEWS will buy your
cream and pay you CASH and test it before your eyes so as there cannot be any mistake. You will get the full test of your own
CREAM and also the CASH. So bring your CREAM to MATTHEWS this season and see what a profit is in your cow.
The Price Killer MATTHEWS The Price Killer