The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 13, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Well-Known Explorer Brings Forward
Many Arguments to Prove Clalm
of Dark Continent to
Dr. Carl Peters , so well known In
connection with the opening up of
Africa , 1ms started on a lecturing
tour In Germany with two objects
In view first , to win recruits to the
cause of German expansion In the
dark continent ; second , to provo that
he has found the famous gold land
of Ophlr.
The reader who has forgotten where-
the word "Ophlr" occurs will find It
In the biblical books of Kings and
Chronicles. Ono thousand years be
fore Christ King David and the wise
Solomon , his son , sent to Ophlr ships
which brought back from thence gold
and precious stones , Ivory and valu
able timber , which these magnificent
rulers employed In building their gor
geous temples and palaces.
Peters began to think of this sub
ject after he had discovered an old
Flemish map of the eighteenth cen
tury on which he saw the word
" " of the
"Ophlr" printed across one
least-known districts of southern Cen
tral Africa. The first thing that
struck him was the similarity of the
names Africa and Ophlr. There was
first the Arabic word Aflr ( Ophlr ) ,
which when Latinized became Afer.
It was an easy translation fromxAfer
to Africa. Ho thought further and
deeper and began to read Christian
tradition. All pointed to South Af
The ancient literature ho read made
Peters also acquainted with the fact
that at all ages since Solomon's time
Ophlr had been sought In numerous
parts of the world In Arabia , Persia ,
Mesopotamia , India ; It had even been
sought In America , and there are ancient -
cient Spanish records which state
that among the early conqulstadores
of Peru and Mexico were not a few
who believed that they had found not
only El Dorado but Ophlr as well.
Suddenly It occurred to Peters that
the famous gold land must be In the
neighborhood of Slmbabje in southeast
Africa. It was an Inspiration.
He was attacked for this belief , and
theologians and others with a different
theory cast on him the reproach that
ho was not a Semitic scholar.
But he maintained that ho was
right. The ships of Solomon , ho said ,
passed through the lied sea and
skirted the coast of Africa until they
arrived at their port. And they cer
tainly must have brought back mil
lions in gold.
Only Africa could have produced
that quantity of gold. Arabia and In
dia have never produced gold in re
markable quantities.
In his description of the Zambesi
territory Peters says ho has seen in
numerable traces which compel him to
believe that there and nowhere else
was the land of Ophlr. Forsaken
mines by the score are there , and no
less than 75,000 places whore gold has
been dug at depths of from 30 to 40
feet , llulus of towns and villages , re
mains of temples and palaces speak
eloquently of the past glories of the
They point moreover to Phoenician
origin. Mighty terraces and towers
raised by the hand of man are still
traceable. These builders were cer
tainly of a race superior to the negro.
Ono still finds in the graves remnants
of things which point to the worship
of Baal.
But Peters' weightiest argument Is
that In the Septuagint translation of
the Blblo Ophlr Is called Sofala , and
the Arabs to the present day call the
Zambesi district Indifferently Sofala
and "the land of gold. "
Diana of Philadelphia.
At the mint In Philadelphia there
ore to be seen coins far more precious
than any which find their way Into cir
culation. These form a collection of
curios , and many of them date from
times of great antiquity.
Perhaps the most Interesting of
them is a handsome coin bearing on
Its face the profile of a woman , which
has a striking resemblance to the
Goddess of Liberty of our own coun
try. Underneath Is the single word
"Demos , " which is the Greek for
"tho people. "
On the reverse side of the coin
is a beautiful figure of the Goddess
Dlanna , arching her bow , and the
Inscription , translated Into English ,
reads , Dlanna , Friend of the Phlladel-
phlans. "
This coin was minted some 2,000
years ago at the city of Philadelphia ,
In Asia Minor , where , as wo know ,
there grew up In later years one of
the seven churches of which St. John
writes. The prize was discovered
some -years ago In Europe by a Mr.
Mlckley of Philadelphia. By him it
was appropriately presented to the
mint at Philadelphia.
Just Naturally Lazy.
"Do you mean to tell mo you have
lived In this out-of-the-way place for
20 years ? "
"That's right , stranger ; 20 years. "
"But I don't see what you find to ;
keep you busy ? "
"Nothing , stranger. That's tbo rea-
Bon I llko It. "
Willing to Elope.
Said She If wo appear together so
much people will talk about us.
Said He Well , suppose wo disap
pear together.
Eat Smvlcs' candy.
V. G. Lyford went to Lincoln
Monday night.
Dr. Kerr made a business trip
to Kansas City Monday.
Hermes Bros , are still paying1
10 cents per pound for liens.
Bruno Ilansen of Omaha Sun-
daycd with his wife at Dr.Kerr's.
Mrs. Paul of Kulo was in the
city visiting her friends Tuesday.
Frank Werner has been having
a hard tussle with the grip this
Friday the 13th. Of course
something fearful is bound to
George Hall of Verdon was
transacting business in this city
Sheriff Fenton was a business
visitor in Humboldt the first of
the week.
Wonder if II. C. Smith will
inaugurate another lawn contest
this summer.
The Falls City Nursery will
have a fine lot of trees for the
spring trade. Itf
Dr. II Brandon the piano tuner
made a professional trip to Bar-
ada Monday.
About 500 people visited the
various departments in our public
schools , last Friday , patron's day.
: I . -
Our street commissioner with a
gang of men has been doing some
very effective work with his road
drag this week.
Mrs. J. G. Ranger returned
home Monday after a week spent
in this city with her daughter
Mrs. E. E. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. T , G. Genne and
daughter Georgea and Dr. Huff
of Kansas City spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Leyda.
Mrs. Ella E. J. Paten of
Fullerton. Neb. , came down to
attend the Dr. McMillan funeral.
She is an old time friend of the
Ducks hayc been very plentiful
during the past week , so if you
can't find the man you are look
ing for , you can make up your
mind he is hunting.
Ferd Harlow returned Monday
from quite an extended trip
through New Mexico. He visited
many points of interest while
away and reports a very pleasant
The season ol sale bills is at
hand and the Tribune wishes testate
state that we are prepared to
print sale bills while you wait ,
and do as good work and at as
low figures as you can get any
place. 7-tf
Salem citizens are up in arms.
They have a ' 'Peeping Tom''who
amuses bimself by looking" in
windows. A number of the men
gave chase one evening last week
but did not succeed in catching
the offender. When they do , well
look out.
Mr , Glaze of the firm of Me-
Cumber & Glaze of Preston , was
in town Friday. This firm have
embarked in the implement busi
ness in Preston , and being good
business men , realize they cannot
hope to succeed without adver
tising , so will tell the farmers all
about their stock of goods
through the Tribune. They
want 3'our trade and are asking
for it.
Anton Smith and son Ed went
to St. Paul , Minn. , last Thursday
night , for the purpose of inter
viewing specialists in regard to
artificial arms for the latter. At
the last report the arms had been
fitted and were very satisfactory ,
but Ed will remain with the
specialists for a time until he be
comes thoroughly versed in the
use of these artificial members.
That Ed will return home with
two good , practical arms is sin 1"
cerely hoped by his many friends
Private Aloney.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. WKAVKK.
John Ross is still confined to
his ' home with a very sore arm.
About two weeks ago Mr. Ross
crushed one of his fingers but did
not anticipate any trouble from
it , but in a few days a very bad
case : of blood poison developed ,
which at this time has affected
his whole arm. While everything
possible is being done to check
the terrible disease , Mr. Ross is
at this time undergoing a great
deal of suffering.
Let everybody get busy now
and clean up their yard of the
winter accumulation of tin cans ,
ashes and all other rubbish so tin-
sightly. Let's have a nice clean
city. There is nothing which
gives a stranger such a good
impression of a town as pretty
Henry Patterson > formerly of
Humboldt , but now of Grand
Junction , Colo. , has been spending
ing a short time with friends at
his old home. Being so near , he
could ( not resist a visit to this city
Wednesday. The Tribune acknowledges -
knowledges a pleasant call.
Rev. R. Cooper Bailey , Ph. D.
is making some very substantial
improvements on his property Jon
North Stone street in the way of
ISv ISa addition , porches , etc. , and
when completed will have one of
the nicest residence properties in
our city.
Max Werner last week severed
his connection with the News.
Max says he is not sorry he learn
ed the trade , but has decided
to stick to his music , and
left this week for Seneca , Kan. ,
where he has accepted a lucrative
position in a music store.
Charley Sharts and wife return
ed to their home in Kansas City
today after several weeks visit in
this city with their parents Mr.
and MrsE. . F. Sharts. Charley
will again take up his work on
the Kansas City Star , after his
much needed rest.
Mrs. Georgie Cummings is the
proprietor of the new millinery
store opened in our city. She
will succeed as she realises the
value of printers ink and talks to
the people through the Tribune
this week.
O. C. Avers of Humboldt call-
cd while in the city Friday and
contributed materially to our
cash fund. He can read the Tribune -
bune with a clear conscience for
the next two years.
As a mark of esteem , all busi
ness houses were closed from 2 to
3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon
the hour for the funeral of Dr. T.
Don't fail to see the display of
all the latest styles in Spring
Millinery at the Patzman bisters ,
Thursdav and Friday , March 12
and 13.
Win. Brandow of Humboldt
was a business visitor in our city
last Friday and made the Tribune
a pleasant call.
The Falls City Nursery that
has always sold the best trees ,
have a fine lot of trees for the
spring trade. Itf
Tom McLane returned Monday
night from Kansas City , where
he had been visiting his wife for
a few days.
Rev. Teeter returned Monday
night from Beaver City where he
assisted in revival meetings.
Levi McBride of Champion ,
Neb. , is another who added his
name to our list this week.
Asa Rodders is one of the many
to add their name to our list during -
ing the past week. Next.
W. D. Easley , the lumberman
from Kansas City , is spending a
few days in this city.
Reavis Gist returned Sunday
from a few days yisit with relatives -
tives in Lincoln.
Mrs. E. E. Scott is much better
after quite a serious sick spell
last week.
It is about time to commence
our annual good roads talk.
Hermes Bros , are still paying
10 cents per pound for hens.
Mrs. D. W. Reid was among
the sick this week.
Jack White of Fortescue , Mo. .
spent Friday in this city.
We understand another moving
picture show is soon to be opened
in our city.
Everett Scott bagged a couple
of geese as the result of a few
hours shooting Friday.
Miss Jessie Paxton will sing
the offertory solo at the Episcopal
church on Sunday evening.
Special attention given to the
treatment of the eye. Glasses
correctly fitted by Dr. Reneker.
Mrs. James Davis of Humboldt
spent ' the past week in this city
the guest of Mrs. George Schmcl-
xel. (
Mrs. Joy Beyette and children
of Nebraska City are in the city
visiting at the home of L- BeasNS
, .
Dr. M. L. Wilson , Physician
and Surgeon. Office and residence
dence over McMillan's drug store.
Phone 329. 2tf.
Mr. Nunn , the minstrel man ,
will arrive in the city today and
commence work at once on the
big Elk minstel show.
Harry Jenne and wife returned
Tuesday from Kansas City where
they have been for some time in
the ' interest of his health.
The Tribune has received mail } *
favorable comments on the Len
ten article which was contributed
to these columns last week. '
Don't miss the treat offered by
the Candy Kitchen Saturday ,
March 14th of chocolate nut and
cream fudge at IOC a pound.
About a gentlemen came
down from Verdon Friday night
to witness degree work with the
I. O. O. F. goat in this city.
Little Petie Ilarnack came
over from Hiawatha Saturday
and remained over Sunday with
his grandparents in this city.
It is no great credit to a man
when he says he never worries.
Perhaps if he worried a little
some one else might have a rest.
The Patzman Sisters invite you
to see the display of everything ,
up-to-date J , in Spiing Millinery ,
Thursday and Friday , March 12
and 13.
Chocolate Nut and Cream
Fudge lOc a pound Saturday ,
March 14that the Candy Kitchen.
Don't forget and then regret that
you didn't get some.
Brethren Church Next Sunday
morning Rev. R. R. Teeter will
preach upon the subject , Making
Salvation Sure. His subject for
Sunday evening will be. Modern
preaching , its weakness and its
strength. The public is invited
to all these services.
Rev. R. R. Teeter returned
home from Beaver City Tuesday
where he conducted a very suc
cessful two week's revival meet
ing in the Brethren church. His
meeting for men only on Sunday
afternoon , March 1st , was pro
nounced the largest and best of
its kind ever held in Beaver City.
Salem people are organising a
base ball team for the coining
summer , and expect to have at
least one game a week. The
business men came to the front
and made this an assured fact by
pledging enough cash to meet
the expenses. Is Falls City go
ing to set idly by and see little
old Salem support a ball team ,
and we do nothing with all the
talent we have at hand ? Get
Humboldt now boasts of a
"Good Citizens' League , " a club
having for its purpose the pro
motion of civic righteousness in
that town and community. It [
has a membership of about 40 ) ,
including some of the best citizens i-
zens , and expect to make the or
ganization a permanent thing ry
electing officers and carrying
on such work as is advisable.
The club is sure to do much good
work as they have a large field to
draw from. They might include
Falls City in their jurisdiction.
At Tlic Christian Churcli.
Remember the "Business
Meeting" and election of officers
next Sunday , March 15th at 11
a. m. In the evening at 7:30 : a
lecture sermon , "The coming
woman , what she is coming to
what she will be when she comes , "
Hear about her.
Marriage License
Elbcrt Belong , Barada . 20
Fannie Shafer , Barada . 10
E. Shopley , Richardson Co. . 20
EmmaStaufTcr , " " . .20
Roy Adams , Stella . 20
Elbcabeth.larreU. Stella . 10
Herman Ruck , Falls City. . . . 2-1
Kate \Veitclr , Barada . 17
Will Pickctt arrived from Ros
alia , Wash. , on Monday for a
vi with relatives and his many
ol friends in this city. Will is
one of the many Falls City boys
who is making a mark for him
self , being bookkeeper in ono of
the , banks at Rosalia , which posi
tion he has held for some time.
This is his first visit to his old
home in a number of years and
he is much surprised at the many
changes. He is enjoying every
minute . of his stay , talking over
the good old school boy days
with his old friends.
If you look over the many bar
gains offered by our merchants
in : the Tribune this week , you
can readily see there is no excuse
for sending to mail order houses
for anything. Our merchants
can furnish you anything you
want , and quality considered' ,
cheaper ' than you can buy it in
any city. _
Grant Goolsby of Verdon , who
is just like clock work when it
comes ( to paying his subscription ,
made his annual visit Monday.
Mr. Goolsby says he couldn't get
along without the Tribune , hence
his promptness. The satisfied
subscriber is the one to tie to.
Everyone should attend the de
bate at the court house this even
ing. The subject is a good one ,
and as the young people have1
given it a great deal of study * no
doubt they can give the older
ones much food for thought.
Bruce Dixon and family who
moved to Rosalia , Ks. , about a
year ago , but came back here recently -
cently for a short visit , left Wed
nesday for Modcsta , Calif. , where
they will make their future home.
L. Knickerbocker went to Sa
vannah , Mo. , Monday. He was
accompanied by Mrs. Frank
Knickerbocker , who will spend a
week with old friends and rela
Orric Ross and wife spent Mon
day in this city as guests of the
former's piirents. Mr. Ross is
is now waxing ricli as manager
of a newspaper in Nelson , Neb.
G. M.Ellis of Preston is among
the large list of satisfied sub
scribers who remembered us in a
substantial way during the past
week. _ _
A new and complete line of
spring and summer Millinery
on display at Miss Wittrock's
store. .
This weather has been pretty
nice but we would advise you to
keep your base burners going for
a short time yet.
Rob Gantt came down from the
State University Saturday and
spent Sunday with his father in
this city.
John Gilligan went to Colum
bus , Neb. , Monday to look after
business matters.
Mrs. Henry Mejcrs visited rela
tives in Auburn this week.
Rev. George Hawley of Auburn
was in our city Tuesday.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Notion U hereby given , thnt by vlrtuoofiin
onlorof wile , iwmudoutof the district court , in
and for lllclianlfiou County nnd Bluto of Nebras
ka , nuder the wml of wild court.d.ited on the llth
da > of March , 1WS , nnd to mo directed as lierllT
of wild county , to IMJ executed , I will on Mimdiiy I ,
tliu 2Wh day of April , 1WK at 10 o'clock a. in. , of
Mild day at the west door of thucourt hotibo In the
city of 1'ulls City , in mild county nnd fctiitu. offer
for Halo ut public vendue , and w > ll to thohlKhent
nnd Ixmt bidder , the property dtwcriUil in lid
order of MII > , towit : Borenty-two (72) ( ) foot off
the et end of lot * 13 , II , 15. 18 , and ton feet
(10 ( ft ) off nouth eido of lot 17 , all In block 18 ,
City of Kails City , UiclmnUon County.Nebrnaku ,
In mid county , to tatisfy n Judnmeut of wild
court , with interest * and costs recovered by !
John WiltM ) and ono by lilwin B. Towlo u ulu&t
IJanlel II. Illukeney nnd llarlxira lllakeney.
Ternik of halo , dish.
( liven under my hand at Fall. City , Xcbrnikn ,
this llth day of March , 1WH ,
8-5t W. T. FKNTOS , I.
Jewelry !
Call and see the new
patterns in
Beauty Pins
Cuff Links
Guard Chains
Rings , Etc.
We solicit your pat
"The Old Reliable Jowler"
When Stuff Steals Away Man's Senses
It Was Time to Quit.
"I'm through with tlio drink thing
forever , " remarked the amonth-fucod
man with the little nub of n clgnr In
that Biiuio tone Hint the hero uses
down at the Clnvnlnnd theater when
ho says : "Yen. I'm goln * nwny from
hynh forovah ! " The Bmooth-faccd
man was Just that positive njimit It.
"Nope , " ho auld , aH ho brushed the
ashes off his coat lapel , "tho rum prop-
osltlon leadB only to mortlllcntlon , and
ruin. When a man gets so ho pushes
the hotton and don't know It when It
comoB to n situation like that. It's
time "
"Wnlt ! " broke In the little chop with
the Hat-top soft hat. "Just pauao and
slip back up the track about a car
length ! When you tell any thing kindly
begin at the table of contents ; then go
to chapter one , and BO on , will yuhT
You talk llko a busted down phone
graph. "
"As I was about to say , " wont on
the man with the nub of n cigar , Just
as If no one had stopped him , "when
wo got through settling the street railway -
way question and a few other matters
of moment that had to bo disposed of
before the bunch broke nway last
night , It was lacking Just a few min
utes of being 2:30 : o'clock. Whoa I
got homo I says to myself : 'Why wnko
up little wlfey when she needs the
sleep ? '
"ActliiR on that suggestion , I took
off my Rhocs Just before I started to
climb iij ) the stops to our front porch ,
wondering to myself all the tlmo how
much of n discount I'd bo able to de
duct from the tlmo I came homo when
I spoke of It at the breakfast table
next morning.
"I walked up to the door Just as
quietly as ft cat and then rang the
doorbell. Yep , I Just pressed the
dinky little electric button , and then
I came to. I had my key la ray pocket
all the tlmo ! It wasn't moro'n a min
ute till my wife opened the door and
saw me standing there , shoes In hand.
"Without going Into nay more de
tails , Is It any wonder I'm sore on the
stuff that steals ' "
away men's senses ?
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Maybe So. !
Squlggs Why do they call these la-l
tcrurban cars "limited ? " '
Squaggs Uecauso such ft small )
number of people who travel on them !
get to their destination alive. " To
ledo Hlade.
Having decided to locate in
Falls City , I will on
Saturday ,
MARCH 14th
open for inspection one of the
most complete lines of Spring
and Summer Millinery ever
brought to this city.
Kemcmber every thing is New ,
Up-to-Date mid includes the
Latest Styles from the elegant
Pattern Hats to the more mod
est ones for street wear.
Our Prices Are
We invite you to call on us
and we know we can please
3 doors south Richardson Co. Bank