THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MARCH 13 , 1908. SPRING 4c9ic ? * y * OUR NEW SPRING LINE of Mens' and Boys' Clothing , consisting of a fine line of the VERY LATEST STYLES in SUITS , SHOES and FURNISHINGS , is now on hand and ready for your in spection. Our Line of Trunks and VALISES is most complete and if in need of anything of that nature you can't mistake if you come here. Come In and LOOK at the different lines , even if you are not ready to buy. Makers Weil Pflaum & Co. Chicago Wahl & Parchen A New Appendicitis Cure If a newly discovered cure for appendicitis turns out to be ns certain ns it appears to be the knife of the surgeon will BOOH have lost another of its uses and humanity may keep possession of its appendices forever. By pure accident Dr. Archibald of this city has discovered that appendicitis yields to the applica tion of the X-ray pretty nearly as quickly as mists are dissipated by the sun. He declares lie has cured many cases in his private practice and today announced his discov ery publicly and offered to prove his cure before any clinic of medi cal experts in the country. When a case of appendicitis cornea into Dr. Archibald's ofilee the physician does not sharpen up Irit'cutlery and begin making in- cieious to take the appendix away. All he does is to sit his pp.Heut down in front of a Roentgen ma chine. Then he trains the powerfully - fully penetrating ray upon the sore spot. The swelling goes down at once and the excruciat ing pain stops short. And 5 or ( vdays laterafter , from 1 to 0 appl cations the cure is al ways complete , Dr. Archibald says. "The new cure is so childishly simple that I never would have come upon it except by the merest luck , " the physician said. "It is nothing more or less than tlie process - cess of bombarding the congestion about the appendix with violent electric rays and a high frequency current. T h e treatment causes the blood to return to the central circulation system , the congestion departs from the simple reason that the cause of the congestion has been removed and that's the end of the appendicitis. ' ' Remember that when the Stomach nerves full or weaken , Dyspepsia or Indigestion must always follow , But , strengthen these same weak inside nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative , and then see how quickly health will again return. Weak Heart and Kid ney nerves can also bo strengthened with the Restorative , where Heart pains , palpitation , or Kidney weak ness is found. Don't drug the stoin. acb , nor stimulate the heart or kid neys. That is wrong. Go to the cause of these ailments. Strengthen these weak inside nerves with Dr Shoop'a Restorative and get well. A simple , single test will surely tell. Sold by all dealers. Money ! to loan on good farm , security , Call on or write Office Over Kornor's Hardware Store Nebraska Bold Robbery. Shirley & Buerstetta's cloth ing store was entered "Wednes day night by some unknown person , or persons and a quan. ity of clothing1 stolen. The robbery was not discovered un til the following1 morning1 when a party coming1 up from the depot found a glove with the trade mark of Shirley & Buer- stetta upon it , and returned it to the proprietors , an investi gation followed and it was found that about fifteen over coats were missing1 , twenty hats and a number of shirts , ties and smaller articles of apparel had been conliscated , the loss amounting to near three hun dred dollars , f It is presumed that the theif entered with a pass key , secured the loot and left town during the night. The detective force in Lincoln and surrounding cities and towns were notified of the theft , but so far no clue of the burglary has been obtained. A similar robbery was reported in Table Rock recently , about fifty pairs of shoes being stolen from a shoe dealer of that city , the empty boxes were replaced on the shelves after the shoes had been removed , and thus so clev erly ffid their theft , that the guilty parties are still at larg-e. Ilumboldt Standard. A Big Farmer. * . David Rankin , the big million aire farmer at Tarkio , Mo. , farms nearly 20,000 acres of land and his men plow 2,500 acres of corn a day. He sells no corn , feeds it all. He says lie owes much of the millions he has made to the republican party that the things contended for and gained by republicans have increased the value of his land and products , lie says he lost money under democratic rule but made $100,000 , the lirst year after Cleveland q u i t. Ilia- watha World. Food For Thought A now enemy IMS arisen to tight the prohibitionists. This is the federation of liquor dealers which has recently been planned , and which is to have its headquarters at Chicago , Heretofore all that the prohibitionists had to contend with was the apathy of the masseo of the people , supplemented by the platouic opposition of the per sons in each of the big parties who objected to "sumptuary legis lation. " But now they will have to light men whoso financial interests - torests aio assailed by the cold water wave which io swooping over the country. Every organi zation which is connected , directly or indirectly , with the liquor trade is to uuilo in the aggregation of BJciotioH which is at ranging to do battle with the prohibition hostb. Eloie is a light which may crcalo n now political parly. The feder ation of liquor societies represent ? , it is said , an investment of $3- 1550,000,0000 , which pays licenses of one sort and another amount ing to $2(58,000,000 ( annually , and which pays a yearly tax of over $70,000,000. , On the rolls of the federation are said to bo 1,200,000 voters. As this is a larger poll than any of the prohibition lead ers have been claiming for 1008 , it is plain that the federation could put up a haul light , if it should stick together. The federation already has affiliated societies in 28 states , and it says it will cover the other 18 states before the na tional conventions of the- great political parties meet. Thus a new element of interest will bo injected - jected into the politics of 1908. The convention of the political prohibitionists will meet in Co lumbus , Ohio , on July 15 , and if their opponents intend to put up a fight as a separate organization in the political field they may be relied on to select a ticket soon afterward. Heretofore there has been a steady gain in the vole of the big parlies , except that there was a slighl dec-lino in 1900 and 1901 from the combined total of the first Bryan canvass of 190(5. ( But with the prohibitionists , the liquor interests , the socialists and Hearst's now national party cutting - ting into the vote of the great or- gani'/ations , the combined repub lican-democratic total of 1908 may drop to a lower level than has re cently been touched. Incidental ly , this ought to draw out a larger aggregate vole than has ever yet been polled. Alchison Globe. Give Him A Chance. Don't let the boy have to ask , or , worse yet , tease , for every cent of spending money. Every child should contribute his share to the work of the farm , simply because it is right , and by no means should he expect pay for doing his duty. How ever , to cultivate a spirit of thrift and independence , the orphan lamb , tlieJpet | pig , or a few hens , may well be made the property of the small boy , and any money accruing therefrom , his also. The larger boy may cultivate a parcel of the farm ( small or large , according to circumstances ) on shares , with results satisfactory to lather and son alike. It will be found that the average boy will be as careful and wise in expending his own money as his father's money. Philadelphia Farm Journal. Frank Granted New Trial. The motion for a new trial in the case wherein Ernest Frank was convicted of manslaughter , at the February term of the district court , came up for hear ing before Judge Raper Wednes day.The The counsel for the defense asked that a new trial be grant ed on the grounds of insufficient evidence , improper evidence , faulty instructions to the jury and other reasons , and the judge alter listening to the arguments took the matter under advise ment until the following day when he sustained the motion , and the case will be tried anew at the next jury session of the court. Instructions Concerning Pickle Crowing RHAD OAKKFULI.Y ! Good corn ground is good pickle ground. The richer the better. It will pay to plow under a thick coat of manure the previous fall ; but hill fertilising is best if properly done. Put the manure into deep furrows and cover well with mellow soil upon which 10 to 12 seeds should be placed and covered not over one and one-half inches with mellow dirt. Be sure to have all of the manure well covered to prevent drying out. If ground is not fall plowed it .should be plowed in the spring when in the right condition to .stir well , then be cnltivtaed occasionally till time for planting when it should be clean and in good mellow condition. Too much .stress cannot be laid upon the richness of the soil and a thorough preparation , for which your reward will be a bountiful As many as live hun dred bushels have been grown on one acre. Plant from 1st to 10th of June , when bugs do not trouble. Mark the ground about IIJ feet one way and 7 foot the other , having the wide rows run the way yon want to go in picking. Cultivate both ways the same us with corn , and when the vines urc 15 to 8 inches high hoc out any weeds in hill and thin out plants , leaving four of the best in a hill. It is a common error to make machinery do all the work. There is not an acre of corn grown which if hoed by hand , at least once , would not make abundant returns for the labor. Use your hoe. When yon begin to pick be careful not to step on the vines and remember yon do not lose anything by picking small pickles , even as small as one inch long , for several more will start for every one you pick , and the more you pick the more bushels they will bear. When yon see a two-inch pickle pick it , for it will be too large next time. Do not expect everything that grows to make pickles. Knots , chunks and yellow ones will not and arc not figured in your estimated yield. Vines should be picked every ! K5 hours ; therefore when possible pick over greater part of the patch on Saturday and Monday ; if growing rapidly better pick every day. Do not hold pickles over Sunday. The pickles must be thoroughly sorted and put in clean sack before delivering. Good pickles four inches long and under , picked so as to count not less than seven hundred to the bushel , are of first grade and worth.lift } ' cents per bushel of fifty pounds. Those not soft , seedy , chunky or yellowish that will count not less than 250 to the bushel and do not exceed 5 inches in length are second grade and worth fifteen cents per bushel. Beyond , these two grades there is no commercial value as pickles. The profit in pickle raising is in the first grade , and by thorough , careful work in picking there need be but a few of the second grade and practically none of the third. The plant vi tality required to grow fifty bushels of second grade , netting the producer ยง 7.50 , will easily produce one hundred and fifty bushels of first grade , netting $75.00. Draw your own conclusions as to which pays. One large pickle , if left to grow , uses up so much vitality of the vine as to prevent others from setting , hence it is of the utmost importance that all large pickles should be at once removed. The growth of the large pickle seriously interferes both with the setting of other pickles , as well as their develop ment into a merchantable article. The Leo. Cider and Vinegar Co. wants to buy a largo quantity of Cucumbers for the purpose of making pickles. We understand the same law yers will be retained , and a good hard fought battle will result. Pawnee Chief. Amazing Bloodless Cures As great as were recent cures in Kit- rope they arc greater in America to day. The cure of Rupture and other diseases without the knife is now an accomplished fact as can be proved by the German Specialists , of Council Jlluffs , Iowa. With special instruments used by no other doctor they can diagnose diseases so accurately that patients are aston ished , especially because they tlo not ask n .single question In finding the cause of diseases. The validity of their claims can he tested by all who write for appoint ment card. Their adstating time to cure various diseases appears else where in this paper. " * Lally Held For Killing. James Lally has been held to the criminal court by Justice Mitchell , on the charge of kill ing Herbert Jordan , the Seneca , Kas. , newspaper man on Febru ary l-l. Jordan was shot down at night on the street , and from bedind. Lally is known to have had a"real estate deal on with Jordan. A Card Thla la to certify that all druggists arc authorl/.cd to refund your money If Poloy'a Flonoy und Tur falls to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough hculs the lungs nnd provi'nts eerlous results from n cold. Cures lugrlppc , coughs und prevents pneumonia und consumption. Contains no harmful drugs and Is In a yellow package- Re fuse substitutes. Korr's Pharmacy. Farmers : Our goods need no introduction as they have been handled in this city for years , and as to quality they are the Best SVSoney Can Buy The guarantee on every piece of machinery is backed up by the manufacturers and by Werner , /Ylosiman / & Company. Our stock of goods is new and the latest models. A close inspection will convince you. YOU are cordially invited to come in and sec us , whether you buy or not. Remember , we carry the Largest Stock of Implements Buggies , Wagons , Engines , Windmills and Lightning Rods in the city. We can save you money on any of the above mentioned goods. Werner , Mosimaiv AND COMPANY