The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 06, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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( CoiyrlslU. )
That baby again 1 Htclmrd Tnt'a
thoughts heaUntoil between the flrnt
two wonls , but ho vns not guilty of
profanity. Ho only groaned. Ho could
hear the baby'u crown and Miss Aud
rey's little high , falsetto croonlngfl. It
was jiiflt n It had been yesterday , day
before day before that Heavens and
earth , when hadn't the baby crowed
and Audrey crooned !
Richard's hotel wan a mile away
from thlH pleasant uuinmor i > lace of.
the Unhy , and on the way down this
afternoon there- had boon plenty of
time for him to face the desporatonosn
of hla situation. The Items stood out
In Indigo lettering before him. Item
one : no hope of Ilnhy'a mother return
ing. Item two : no hope of devoted
young aunt's extraction from Ilaby ,
even for a minute's blessed space.
Item three : the transatlantic steamer ,
City of Baltimore , would leave her
dock tomorrow morning , six o'clock.
Pitying angels , could It bo worse ?
Item four Richard hid In his heart ,
but It outweighed all the real. If ho
did not get the chance to take the Httlo
whlto hands of that slender slip of a
girl , crooning love songs to a baby
down there , Into his hands and hold' '
thorn prisoners thqro while ho said
what ho had como to say nix days tffco
well , how do you think ho was to go
seas over without that chance ? And
that only a wisp of a baby should
stand In the way ! It was maddening.
Ho strode on till ho came Into the
Immediate radius of crows and croons ,
lie had murder In his heart.
"Oh , Richard , Is that you ? You've
como Just In timeto trot the Jlnby
on your knee. She wants to 'go to
Uoston , go to Lynn , then to Salem and
"Where's the Dnby ? "
home again , ' doesn't she , Heart c
Sunshine ? She's ( lied of Aunt Aui
rey ; yes , she Is. There , won't she hoi
out her little hannlea to the nice HI
Man ? "
Hut the nlco Hlg Man drew ixwnj
with hta hands behind him. This thin
had happened , too , on yesterday , da
before day before that. This was th
regular program. If It might pave tb
way to his opportunity but
wouldn't. She would only sit there o ]
poslto and trot her knees , too , I
sympathy , and make sweet nonaons
faces at the undeserving llabyl A
ways the Haby !
The little aunt's face took on 1
Jurcd lines. She caught up the lln
little heap of dimity and trotted
herself with exaggerated fervor.
"There , there , hero wo go trottlr
to Iloston , trotting to Lynn trottli
to Salem and homo again ! We'll g
won't we , ICyoB o' IJluoVo know tl
way don't need any horrid , cross H
Man to take us ; no , wo don't ! L
horrid Hlg Mans go right away. "
Ah , but It was torture to BOO h
crush the llttlo face against her faci
It was awful to stand by and see tl
waste of her precious klsvsos ! Wi
there no help for a man ? gods
pity , take that gurgling child and tr
it to Boston and give a man a shov
"Audrey , " ho began tentatively , "y <
know the "
"Miss Audrey. "
"Miss Audrey , you know the choc
lates I promised you ? If you'll put th
blast or blest baby down I'll pi
duce them. I think I never saw nlc
chocolates. So fresh so choice seer
"Oh , give them to mo quick ! I' '
Bolng to give Klosa o' Gold one s
wants a chocolate right on her lltt
red tonsuo , doesn't she ? "
"Pitying gods ! " muttered Rlcha
Taft. Ho strode away from thorn a :
made his plans. They were not d <
nlto , but they were deep-hucd , despi
nto. Ho meant to eliminate the Hal
Coming back across the lawn , hla oy
were Used on the llttlo purple fa
crushed against Audrey's breast ,
look of alarm dawned In them. ]
tried to Introduce Into It the tend
ness that ho know would count.
"Great heavens , look at the chili
face , Audrey ! " ho exclaimed.V1
makes It so red ? Walt ; I know ,
wants water. Hables require freque
or watering In hot weather. " 1
stood before her , peering down at t
baby. "Hayo you given It water la
ly ? " ho dejimnded stonily. "Tho d
tors say the mortality-of babies
the summer IB duo "
"QuIcV ! get her a drink ! Are y
to stand there and sco n bios-
Bed llttlo child perlslv be/ore your
She sped awar with ft aott swirl of
flftlnly sklrta , and his heart wont with
her. But ho called It bach an < l steeled -
od It tfhoro woo work to bo done , and
ljulckly. No tlmo for coiiHctenco now.
Carefully laying the baby down , ho put
his hands to his lips Itko a trumpet
"Audrey Miss Audrey ! " ho called ,
and hailed the llttlo flying figure.
"Well , what ID It ? Quick ! " c/uno
faintly back.
"Warm It wa-arm It ! Cold water-
wont * do-ool" For ho needed tlmo.
Picking up the baby , ho clutched tho'
dimity bundle firmly at arm's langtli ,
casting about for the right hldlna
JUnwn yonder , thcro hi the mlddlo of
two of HID paths , the gardener had loft
hid wheelbarrow loaded with atraw
for mulching. The nit ? Man darted
toward It and thrunt the Haby Into the
fragrant , yielding mass In , In , out of
sight. At the last moment ho hex
thought him of Audrey's clmcolntoa ,
and crowded the moist llttlo fists and
the little red cavern of the llaby's
mouth full of the luscious-tasting mor-
Dol. O-r-r-r , they wore good ! Heart o'
Sunahluo gurgled appreciatively. Then
ho drew the thin cover of straw acrotw
his victim and was off , sauntering neg
ligently up the path. Ho mot Audrey
half way. She had a cup of water In
her hand.
"What have you done with the
Baby ? " she puffed. "Where's the Haby ,
Richard Taft ? "
"Sr the what ? Oh , the Haby ? He's
all right , back there , " waving over his
ojjpulder Indefinitely. "Lot mo take the
dtl'p , Miss Audrey. " Ho was guiltily
anxious to conciliate.
"Tho Uaby Is a girl , " she retorted
stiffly , "and she Is not all right If yon
have loft her alone ! The poor llttlo de
serted Lamb o' Innocence yes , hero's
Auntie ! Auntie's coming sweet ! " And
she was gliding swiftly away from
him. Ho could only follow , but sud
den fear for the success of hla ruse
had engulfed his soul. Ho hurriedly
overtook her and laid his hand on-
treatlngly on her sleeve.
"Audrey , wait for the Lord's sake
give mo Just a minute ! There la some
thing I must say , dear "
She wasnot listening. Her eyes
wore searching for the gleam of a llt
tlo whlto slip against the green of
the shrubbery. When they failed to
find It she turned upon him donounc-
"I don't BOO her toll mo this mln
ute where you loft that Innocent child
Dick ! "
" 'Dick' oh , Audrey , that la music-
wait a mlnuto , wait ! " ho besought her
"I must have a chance 1 toll you the
llttlo rascal Is all right. He's enjoy In ?
hlmsolf. You will not deny mo my lasl
chance , Audrey ? " Something In hit
face hold her there before him , rosj
and shy. Her hands lluttorcd In hla
but aho did not draw them away. Po :
the apace of those few wondrous mln
utes , did oho forget the Haby , too
And yon will , Andiey ? I am waltlni
for my answer , dear. " '
She tried to meet the look In hli
eyes , and wonmn-llko , because sh <
could not , she sought refuge In mlu
"Oh , how can I toll ? " she murmur
ed. rebellloualy , "perhaps I well , I-
mlght , If If well , If you If yoi
found the Haby Dick ! "
She remembered the Haby then , a
any rate , and In sudden compunctloi
darted away to find her. Ho went , toe
hla fate hanging on the Issue of th
hunt. Hut ho was not afraid. Straw I
easy enough to breathe through , aiv
there wore a good many chocolntei
It waa not far down the path to god
and men , whore was the wheelbarrow
There wasn't any. Nor north nor soutl
nor cast nor west. The pretty ground
3 stretched away on all aides of bin
wheolbarrowloss !
Hldmrd Taft uttered a sharp exch
matlon of horror. What did this moan
l > Had the "pitying gods" taken him t
his word and wheeled the llttlo luni
cent to Salem , or Hoston. or Lynn ?
"Oh. what shall wo do ! Whore ca
the darling bo ! " walled poor Andre ;
' * too distracted to remember to r
preach him.
* ? "There , tho-ero , don't worr
darling , " ho murmured tenderly. "Ho
all right somewhere , depend upon I
I've only or misplaced him. "
Hut la the end ho had to confes
"I i'vo put my foot In It , " ho sa
humbly ; "both feet , dear. I dronpt
him Into the straw , In the whoolbn
row. It was necessary I had to i
It Hut It was a nlco , soft bed ar
there were chocolates enough '
lust "
"Tho wheelbarrow ! Dick ! Y <
didn't ! " She laughed hysterically a )
ho Joined In a deep , mirthless boom.
"I'm afraid I did , dear. "
"Then whcro Is that whoolbarrov
Toll mo qulcU ! "
I can't ho groaned ; "tho garden
must have wheeled It away. "
Then suddenly , In the midst of the
dread , a llttlo Bound cumo to thoi
and Audrey laughed exultant !
Through the trees the gardener w ,
coming toward them with the crowli
Haby In his arms ! They could see t :
small flats and the yellow glimmer
the llttlo head. Audrey would ha
sprung away to meet them , but Illc
I ard held her back.
lo "No dear , " ho whispered. "It's ovi
We're saved ! See , ho Is all right
the llttlo rascal ! And I need you tl
last mlnuto. You belong to me. "
"Hut you did not find Haby ! " BIt
It laughed softly.
There was tlmo Just to taka her
[ It
le his arms , and to thank the nltyl
cods once for befriending him , then
hurry away to his train but ho cai
back again and Msaed the Daby.
'C- '
Men drink least In February It h
) U only 28 day a.
An Apparatus for Resuscitation
AD nppnrnliiB for producing nr-
tilicinl respiration h n a recently
been devised , whereby , in coses of
suspended nninmtion , the notion of
the henrt mid lungs cnn bo renew-
The inventor of the apparatus
does not insist that with its URO
life cnn bo brought bnclc , but
clnimp , according to the Scientific
Amoricnn , Unit by nrtilicinl menus
applied through the instrumental
ity of the respirator persons killed
by asphyxiation , poison or drown
ing can bo resuscitated ; that the
death of persons under the influ
ence of anesthetics while being
operated upon can bo prevented ;
that its use will prevent infant as
phyxia at birth ; that n drunken
person cnn bo sobered in n few
minutes ; Hint persons electrocuted
hanged in the latter cnso where
the neck has not boon broken can
be revived , and thnt the freezing
to death of Arctic explorers cnn
be obviated. These results are
accomplished by stimulating nor-
Mini respiration through artificial
A demonstration was made on a
rabbit. QTwo grains of morphine
were injected into the leg , after
which four ounces of other were
administered. It was believed by
the experimenters thnt life was
positively extinct , as the npplicn-
lion of every known test fniled to
'eveal nny sign of life. In this
condition the tubes of the nppnrn-
LiiH were applied to the rabbit's
nostrils , and on pumping oxygen
into the lungs withn simultaneous
movement of the valves , within
lliree minutes the rabbit.but late
ly pronounced dead , was breath
ing naturally , and within six
minutes it was running around
the room. The ether wns entirely
out of the system , as there was nc
indication of nnusea.
borne people stop advertising
during dull seasons and that u
what makes dull seasons foi
The Palls City Nursery thai
has always sold the trees , wil
have a fine lot of trees for tin
spriiifif trade. Itf.
How Cough Germs Multiply
When you have u cold the miieou :
membrane Is Inllumcd and the dlneitst
germs wdloh you breathe find lodge
ment" and multiply , especially the
pneumonia Rorm. Foley's Honey aiu
Tar toothus and heals the inllumcd all
I > its8uie , stops the cou h and expeli
the cold from your by stem. Kefusi
substitutes. ICerr's Pharmacy.
Market Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards ,
Cattle prices advanced slightly
last week , but not as much
strength was shown as was hoped
for. in view of the moderate
receipts , 34,000 for the week.
Reports from Chicago indicate
the continued unpopularity of
heavy steers there , and this class
made the smallest gain here last
week , closing strong to 10 higher
for the week , while other killing
cattle advanced 10 to IS cents.
Light steers arc selling good , as
the high price of cows and heifers
induces buyers lo take the lighter
weight steers when the net cost
is not much different. The low
price of pork is the main bearish
feature in the cattle market now ,
although the opproach of Lent is
also having a hidden inilucnce
against much advance. The
supply today is 10,000 head , and
as all the markets arc lightly
supplied , prices arc stronger ,
steers 10 higher in many cases ,
butcher stuff and stockcrs and
feeders a shade stronger. Top
licre" today on steers is $5.55 , al
though $5.60 was paid on three
days last week , and fancy steers
would easily reach $5.80. Bulk
of the steers sell at $4.90 to $5.20.
Fed Colorados sold at $5.55 todays
the second installment of the
Lockhart steers , as compared
with $5-25 for the first shipment
last Monday. Cows bring $3-25
to $4,75 , heifers $3.50 to $5.25 ,
bulls $3.25 to $4.50 , calves $4 to
$6.50 , stockcrs $3-40 to $4.60 ,
feeders $4.25 to $4.90. February
cattle receipts exhibit a shortage
of 10 per cent from same month
last year , but total receipts of all
kinds of live stock received here
were heaviest on record for any
February , 10,939 car loads. In
crease in hog receipts was re
sponsible for the big total.
Hog prices made a net gain oi
19 cents per cwt. Last week ,
receipts 74,000 head. Run is
10,000 , today , and market is
higher , medium and light weight ;
making.the most gain. Packer ;
compete lively for weights suit
able for fresh meat trade , porl
being the most popular line o
meats on the list with consumers
account of cheapness. Top to
clay is $4.55 , bulk of sales $4.30 t (
$4.50vcights from 180 to 24 (
Ibs. selling at $4.40 to $4.5 (
mainly. February receipts in
created 80,000 head over sami
month last year , or 30 per cent.
Sheep have held about steady
during the last week , but lambs
declined 15 to 20 cents , although
they closed the week firm. Supply
today is 8500 head , market steady
on lambs , most sales at $6.50 to
$6.65 , but sheep and yearlings
are 10 higher. Fed western
wethers sold today at $5.40 > year
lings at $5.90 to $6.15 , ewes$4.75
to $5. Heavy western ewes sold
last week at $2.35 , wethers $5-50 ,
consignment of the Western Meat
& Live Stock Company , Alniena ,
Thousands Perish
Thousands perish every year from
consumption resulting from n cold.
Foloy's Ilonoy and Tnr cures the most
obstinate racking coughs and expels
the cold from your system and pre
vents consumption and pneumonia. It
has cured nmn3- cases of Incipient con
sumption. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Union Revival Meetings
After a great union revival
meeting in Grinnell , Iowa , closed
the Iowa Baptist Record gave a
lengthy report from which the
following is quoted.
"From the ver3' first service
crowds waited upon Dr. Earl's
ministry. On every side could
be heard , 'We have never seen
the like of this in Grinnell,1 and
vet no sensational means ' were
used or even permitted , but the
crowds continued to grow. More
than 500 were converted and as
many more members of churches
came forward confessing that
they had been following Christ
afar off , but were now ready to
consecrate their lite all anew to
Christ. Dr. Earl ia a great
preacher. lie preaches the old
time gospel with power. He is
sane and safe , and truly a pastor's
helper. " Great results arc ex
pected from his work with the
Falls City churches beginning
March 22d.
New Jewelry Store
Thos. McLane wns in the city
Wednesday making arrangements
to open n jewelery store nud watch
and clock repairing establishment
here. lie hns made nmmgements
with Taylor & Leslie for room ir
their store , and will bo ready for
business within the next ten dnye
This is something we need badly
and wo hnvo no doubt but wha
he will mnke n success of his veu
hire. Shubert Citizen.
Pain can be quickly stopped. A 2.
cent box of Dr. Snoop's Headache
Tablets will kill nny pain , everywhere
in 20 minutes' Besides they are thor
oughly safe. Painful periods with
women , neuralgia , etc , quickly cease
after one tablet. Sold by all dealers
the publication of our last statement our Capital Stock has been doubled , as shown
SINCE statement given below. This makes the amount of our Capital Stock and Surplus
Fund now $14,500.00 ; and in addition to this , under the laws of the state of Nebraska , by
vhicli we are controlled , all stockholders are held liable for double the amount of their stock ,
hereby giving" us a total responsibility of $27,500.00.
This increase was considered necessary by reason of the increase in our business , and AVC
eel that with the increased security to depositors and a better ability to meet the wants of the
borrower by reason of our larger capital and improved facilities , we will be able to handle the
business entrusted to us in a manner still more satisfactory than heretofore.
The Farmers' Bank
Our business being1 confined principally to the farmer , we feel that we are particularly
adapted to this class of trade. Open an account NOW and when buying1 feeders or at any time
when accommodations are needed do not hesitate to ask for them.
Statement of Condition February 24th , 1908
Loans and Discounts $21,994.74 Capital Stock $ 13,000.00
Cash and Sight Exchange $30,556.85 Surplus and Profits $ 1,587.57
Furniture and Fixtures $ 650.00 Deposits $38,677.62
Expense $ 63.60
$53,265.19 $53,265.19
Comparative Table of Resources
February 24th , 1903 $ 17,220.52 February 24th , 1906 $33,055.29
February 24th , 1904 $20,210.42 February 23d , 1907 $38,408.15
Ir February 24th , 1905 $29,570.09 February 24th , 1908 $53,265.19
n ,
y.s Grow With a Growing Bank
> sg We regard the stead } ' continued growth of this institution as a credit to the enterprise of
of 10 our business community as well as an evidence of the esteem in which our business policies and
methods held. We invite to make this bank the ' for
re are you clearing'-house your linancial affairs.
h We receive the small accounts of individuals as well as the larger business of llrms and corpor
ations. The wage earner has need of the bank as well as the business man. Open an account
ir ,
with even a small amount , add to it regularly , and see how much better you get along.
10 Operating Under State Inspection and Control
ig W. G. MARGRAVE. President LEVI THACKER. Vice President CLYDE THACKER , Cashier
It's Your Own Fault IKr )
If you don't get your H *
money's worth. Come ifn
to my Shop and buy
your Mens and Boys
Shoes. It
Richardson County Hank Uulldlnj ; CK )
S. IlcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
C. H. flARiON
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City , Nebraska
Per Uood Sales , Good 5er\ Ice , Pro
Returns Ship Your Stock to
Geo. R. Barse
Write us for Market Report *
Kansas City , Mo. ,
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Ofllco over Kerr'a Pharmacy
OIHco Phone 200 Residence Phone 271
. ( Residence ICO
Phonp , , -
-j omco 55
Phone 2 18 Over Richardson County
DR. H. T. HflHN
Office nnd residence first door
north of city park. Phone 203.
ID EL K T 3 ! © T
Phones : Nos. 177 , 217
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is
Bees Is the original laxative cough syrup ,
contains no opiates , gently moves the
bcwels , carrying the cold off through the
natural channels , Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
BEE'S T * v * vn -