The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 28, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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240 acres well improved , 1 } miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Will take
10 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest.
Smith 200 acres 1J miles from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will
enry take 40 or 80 acres as part payment.
ICO acres upland , 1 mild from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. 512,000.
160 acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownvlllc , Nebraska.
80 acres Jf-mllc from Falls City high school.
LANDS & LOANS 010 acres , 88,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan.
Mlnnlo Murphy was visiting in Dawson -
son this week.
Emma Frank went to Gaylord , ICs. ,
to vl H a sister.
Ed Epperson and family moved to
McCook this week.
Mabel Curncs visited Sunday with
friends in Tahlo Rock.
L. J. Segrlst transaotil business in
the county coat Tuetday.
Ed Dorhuul was attending a horeo
3how In Chicago this week.
Mrs. Wood of Elk Creek vlsltc-l this
week with her parents here.
Mrs. Maaon ShurtlcIT visited this
week with relatives In Lincoln.
Nolllo Reed went to York Friday to
spend a few days with home folks.
Ivn Creed spent the week with her
brother anil family In Pawnee City.
Mrs. Tom Smith U entertaining her
mother from WashingtonKsMtbls week.
Mrs. Fryberucr visited her son John
anil family in Table Rock this week.
0.1. Hall attended the press associa
tion which convened in Lincoln this
Mr > ) . Ed Uorlniul and daughter went
lo Lincoln Tuesday fora visit with her
Mason ShurtlcIT returned Monday
Irom a several weeks stay at Eureka
Springs , Ark.
The Ladles Alpha ulub gave a colon
ial luncheon at their club room Wed
nesday aficrnoon.
II. P. Marble and family attended
the meeting ol the slate press associa
tion In Lincoln this week.
A leap year party waa held In the
opera house- Thursday ovcnlne. About
40 gucstti were In attendance.
Mr * . 1'uarl Stoltv. who had been hereto
to attend thoSnothon-Bomont wedding
loft Saturday for her homo In Uoldregu.
Mrs. Lou Clark who has been hero
lor several weeks visiting her mother
loft this week for her homo in Kansas.
Mrs. Bruun and daughter Mrs. So-
grist wont to Kansas City Frldny to
attend the funeral of the formers
Mrs. Cuntrall and children arrived
Friday from Raymond. The family
are now nicely located In the Presby
terian parsonage.
C. M. Linn and wife entertained a
company of friends at their homo Wed
nesday evening complimentary to Fred
Linn anil wlfa of Grandln , Mo.
Jacob Mclster , a farmer residing 7
miles southwest of town , died Thurs
day at his homo after a short Illness.
Deceased was 03 yours of ago and was
a native of Switzerland. Funeral ser
vices wore hold Saturday from the
German Reform church , conducted by
the pastor , Rov. Vollprocht. Inter
ment was in ml o in Dry Branch ceme
George Slocum and wife spent the
week in Kansas City.
Norman Smlllo and wlfo were Au
burn visitors this week.
Rev. Luddon of Lincoln preached at
the Lutheran church Sunday night ,
Frank Hater , wife and baby of Geneva -
nova are spending the week with rela
tives here.
Charley Klzor and family are moving
to Geneva near which place ho has
rented a farm.
Dun Illnda ami wlfo left for St. Louis
Monday where they expect to make
their future homo.
W. W. Wreath and wife moved to
Antelope county this wuok where they
have purchased a ( arm.
John Phlpps of Shonundoah , Iowa ,
has been spending the past week at the
homo of his daughter here.
Roy Grllllth 11 student at Lincoln Is
homo whllo recovering fram a broken
arm sustained whllo jumping.
Cap Evans and wife are homo from
Oklahoma where they have been spend
ing the past winter with a daughter.
Charley Smith and wife , who have
been traveling with a medicine show
the past winter , are homo for a short
Mcsdamcs Adams and Martin hava
made arrangements to start n millinery
store hi the rooms over Pugh's res
Stella was given the decision over
"Nebraska City at the dcbato hold hero
last Saturday evening. Much interest
was manifested in the contest and a
largo crowd was in attendance.
John Conovcr cam'o homo from Falls
City Sunday.
Lulu Hess of Stella spent Sunday
with friends here ,
Mrs. Young and children of Stoila
visited friends hero Thursday.
Will Moran was in Kansas City last
week buying hid spring goods.
Mrs. Carrie Cox of Stella was a visi
tor hero Friday between trains.
Mcsdaincs . F. and B. F. Vcach
were county seat visitors Monday ,
Mra. Fay Simons and Miss Spaldon
wcro Falls City visitors Thursday.
Chloe Williamson returned homo
Sunday from n weeks visit at St. Joe ,
Gus Uelir/.olmun catno over from
Ilumboldt and spent Sunday at borne.
Mcsdamcs Lon Hoincman and Wm.
Chronch were Falls Cltv visitors Tues
Charles Henderson and wife return
ed homo lust week from Texas where
they spent the winter.
Churl ay Hcinzolman who has been
suffering with rheumatism was able to
bo down town Tuesday.
Blanche Armbrustor came up from
Falls Tuesday to attend the wedding of
her sister on Wednesday at Shubert.
Mlllard Goodloo and family came
down from Stella Saturday and re
mained until Sunday visiting relatives.
Mrs. Kinton la laid up with rheuma
John Hyun of near Dnradn was In
town Saturday.
And Dcndricks of Auburn was In
town Thursday.
John Imler of Stella visited his par-
rents hero Sunday.
Grandma Lewis has been quite sick
during the past week.
Do Splcklcr of Barada attended the
James sale hero Friday.
Win. Ballman of Barada was a busi
ness visitor here Wednesday.
Mr. Laucamper and family have
moved to a farm near Verdon.
Roy Adams left Saturday for Salem
where ho will spend some time.
Art , Shubort and Hank Mitchell
made a trip to Barada Thursday.
Mrs. Eb Goolsby has been entertain-
log relatives from Verdon for several
Mrs. Walter Weddlo is at the homo
of her husbands parents during his ab
Wm. Donaldson and family were In
town Saturday trading with our mer
Clyde Hill is working In a printing
olllcc at Nomalm during the illness of
yo editor.
Robert Towuley is quite sick and
was unable to tuko his part in the play
Saturday night.
Chas. Wilson and family came over
from the ra'nch Saturday evening to
take in the show.
Jake Rlttcr returned homo from
Falls City last Saturday where he
spent several days.
Wiltlo Else returned last week from
Pierce County where ho has been visit
ing for several weeks.
The public sale held at Wm. James
Saturday was well attended and every
thing brought a good price.
Wm. Albln and wife of Graf ton arrived
Thursday and will take possession of
the farm ho recently purchased.
Ed Shubort visited at Verdou last
week and while there rented n farm to
which he will move in the near future.
Mrs. Samuel Harris returned homo
Saturday from Lincoln where she has
been for the past two weeks having
her eyes treated.
The friends of Frank Townloy will
bo sorry to learn that while attending
medical school a ! Lincoln had his leg
broke last week , and is now doing
The many friends of Mr. Ogg are
sorry to learn that his recovery Is not
promising us it was. Ho has been at
St. Joe several wcnkssinco undergoing
his operation.
Miss Gladys Taylor and Mac Albln
both on tbo afllrmativo at the dcbato
the side that won , last Saturday night
will represent Shnbert at Falls City in
the near future.
Wm. Leslie is now teaching the
Fiko school , Guy Eversolo resigning as
the pupils were beyond his control and
our opinion is that it Is time for the
parents to do Bomethine.
M. L. Dowoll went to St. Joe Wed
Mrs. Will Gregory has an attack of
thu grip.
Frank Porter of Dawson was in town
Mrs. Ida Moo visited her daughter in
Chus. McDougal returned from Oak
James Gearheart was In Falls City
Rev. Opden was down from Lincoln
over Sunday.
Prof. Frulrstlon of Lcssuir Is hero
visiting friends.
J. J. Williams returned from Kansas
City Wednesday.
Mrs. Simmons entertained the Birth
day Club Tuesday.
Mr. Stewart and wife returned from
Alnsworth Monday.
Will Gregory went to Neniaha City
Tuesday on business.
Madge and Fern Whltter returned
from Shubert Saturday.
Mrs. Stavcr and daughter Lena came
homo from Rule Friday.
Mrs. Thompson returned to her
homo In Daw son Saturday.
Mrs. Ray Johnson and baby return
ed from Humboldt Monday.
Gilbert Simmons has been quite sick
with the grip the past week.
Mrs. Rachel Cox of Iowa attended
the Fouraker funeral Tuesday.
Cass Moore and family left for their
new homo in AInsworth Tuesday.
Miss Kate Upson was married to T.
L. Mofflt of Republican City Wednes
Mrs. Jess Bunker and daughter of
Dawson were hero Monday visiting
old friends.
Guy Sheeloy is using crutches on ac
count of a severe kick on the knee
from his colt.
Roe Moore ana family moved Into
their new homo recently purchasad
from his brother.
Miss Orrle French treated the 5th
and Gth grades of the schools to a
sleigh ride Wednesday night.
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. WEAVER.
If you have Catarrh , rid yoursel f of
this repulsive disease. Ask Dr. Sheep
of Racine. Wls. , to mail j-ou free , a
trial box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Rem
edy. A simple , single test , will surely
tell you a Catarrh truth well worth
your knowing. Write today. Don't
suffer longer. Sold by all dealers.
The Price Killer The Price Killer
One lot of Men's Fur Felt Hats , actually worth from $2,00 to $3,50.They are mostly sizes 6 8 , 7 and 7 # , Now
if your size is in this lot come and get a BARGAIN ! , Saturday for
Our new line of men's and boys' Spring Hats have arrived and they are the "chic" thing of the season ,
Any person making a purchase of at least $1,00 in otir store during the next ten days can have , free of charge ,
One 12x20 Carbonette Oil Enlargement from any photograph you bring us , See samples in windows ,
Note the prices below and we are sure that if you anticipate getting a new Rug this spring you'll ' see Matthews'
Fine Saxony Rugs , sizes 27 x 54 inches. Matthews'
special price ,
Smith's fine Axminster Rugs , sixes 36 x 72 inches.
Matthews' price , only
Smiths'fine Axminster Rugs , sizes 9x12. Beautiful pat
terns. Matthews' special price , while they last ,
\Ve haven't a very large quantity of these fine Rugs and as the colorings and patterns are exquisitely handsome we would advise any one anticipating getting a new Rug
to come at once to see Matthews' line. We're sure you'll buy !
Opposite the '
O'GO Falls City ,
Court House Nebraska