The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 28, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Government Expert Treats
Cholera Hogs.
Upon .in invitation from Mr.
Grinstead , extended through
Congressman Pollard , W. B.
Niles , a government expertv
stationed at Ames , la. , was in
Salem Sunday , and while here
made some very interesting experiments -
periments with a new serum
which it is believed , will prevent -
vent hog cholura in much the
same way "that vaccination pre.
vents smallpox.
It is a new discovery in which
the government has become ind
teresled to the extent of purchas-
ing the patent from the disa
coverer. The treatment cont'
sists of an injection into the art
eries of the hog treated , a quantity -
tity of blood taken from a sick
This injection gives the well
hog cholera in a very mild form
and renders it forever immune
from that disease. Mr. Niles
believes the proper time to ap
ply the remedy is as soon after
the herd has been exposed as pos
sible or after the first take sick ,
and he thinks that practically
all well hogs so treated will
survive. He figures that the
expense of the treatment will
be less than one dollar perhead.
Mr. Niles visited the herd of
"W. B. Kelley on Mr. Grinstead's
farm , but as the disease had
prevailed in that herd for aoout
three weeks , he doubted that if
any benefit would be derived
from the treatment ; then , Mr.
Grinstead proposed buying well
hogs from unexposed herds to
make the experiment on , and
did buy 8 perfectly healthy
shoats from W. P. Boyd ; of
these 8. four were treated with
this new serum and the other
four marked so they could be
identified and all 8 were taken
to Kellys and turned loose in a
pen of sick hogs.
Mr Niles expressed" it as his
opinion that the four treated
would live and that the other
four would die.
At J. T. Shrimpton's , where
his hogs have been dying for
some three or four weeks , a big
healthy brood sow was taken
from an unexposed pen and
after being dosed with serum
was turned into a pen of infect
ed hogs.
The results of these experi
ments will make themselves
known in about ten days and
will be watched with much in
terest and will be chronicled in
our next issue. Salem Index.
I wish that I might talk with sick
ones about the actual cause of Stomach
ach , Heart and Kidney ailments To
explain person how weak Stomach
nerves leads to Stomach weakness , I
am sure would Interest all. And It Is
the same with weak Hearts or-weuk
Kidneys. This is why my prescrip
tion Dr. Shoo p'a Restorative so
promptly reaches ailments of the
Stomach , Heart or Kidneys. These
weak insldo nerves simply need more
strength. My Restorative is the only
prescription made expressly for these
uerves. Next to seeing you personally -
ally , will be to mail you free , my new
free , my now booklet entitled , "What
To Do. " I will also send samples of
my Restorative as well. Write /or the
book today. It v.ill surely interest
you. Address Dr. Sheep , Box 8 , Ra
cine , WIs. Sold by all dealers.
A Sermon On Advertising.
The merchants of this city arc
not patronizing the advertising
! columns of the local papers in a
manner consistent with the ser.
vice the newspapers render to.
the public and incidentally to
them. It is the province of the
newspaper to exert its influence
for the upbuilding of the city ;
to aid in the development of all 1
local enterprises and promote
the interests of the community
in which the paper circulates.
The clientage 9 ! a newspaper is
made up of people desiring to
keep abreast ol the times and
cognizant of the local happen
ings. Ju order to furnish such
news the local paper invests in
machinery to produce the paper ;
in competent help to secure the
local happenings and labor to
put them into type ; and for
wire and plate service to secure
the outside news. By furnish
ing i such news they acquire an
audience to which every busi
ness man may speak , and if he
has anything to sell at the right
price , his talk to the people
will mean additional trade.
The merchants of this city arc
prone to let the people lind out
for themselves where goods may
be bought at a price they are
willing to pay and as a con
sequence < the platforms at our'
freight stations are daily testi
mony that our residents are
buying goods from the mail or
der houses , who haye BOicited !
the business and made the prices ;
all of which is proof positive
that ' advertising'pays. . This
paper can fill its pages with ad
vertising from houses in Omaha
and Chicago without effort. In
the past six months this one
paper has refused over $500.00
worth of advertising merely for
the reason that we considered it
detrimental to the business in
terests of our city. We have a
right to expect that our mer.
chants will treat us with the
consideration consistent to such
a policy. Legitimate competi
tion among our merchants would
not only mean increased busi
ness for them but also the
means of bringing our city as a
trading point to many that
would otherwise patronize
houses who value their business
enough to send them advertis
ing soliciting their trade.
Nebraska City Press.
No homo is so pleasant , regardless of
the comforts that money will buj' , ns
when the entire family is in perfect
health. A bottle of Orlno Laxative
Fruit Syrup costs 50 cents. It will
cure every member of the family of
constipation , sick headache or stomach
trouble. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Forsakes Sign Advertising.
Henry W. Savage , theatrical
manager , announced recently
through the New York Herald
that he has abandonhd all in
door advertising of his many
attractions while they play in
the metropolis. This includes
painted signboards , stands of
printed paper , electrical signs
and window lithographs. "He
will confine his advertising to
the newspapers , from which he
finds the great bulk of his pat
ronage is drawn. He is con
vinced that if this be true in
his case it is equally true of all
other advertisers who still em
ploy signboards. His example
is exactly the opposite of that
set by a prominent actor-man
ager , who at the beginning of
the season stated he would
make all his public announce
ments on signs and printed
sheets. His experiment was
not a success. Ilis new man
agers now utilize the news
papers. " Ex.
That Sycamore Springs
The question of a railroad lor
Sycamore Springs is again
being agitated. The line pro
posed for Sabetha is the Kansas
Southern and Gulf Railroad a
northeast and southwest bound
trunk line. It will run through
the eastern one third of the
richest parts of Kansas and
Nebraska. In this portion of
those great agricultural states ,
the crops are always dependable
hence ample business is assured.
The compan } ' was organized
under the laws of the state of
Maine , with a most liberal char
ter , and was domesticated under
the laws of the stale of Kansas ,
and has full authority to do busi
ness in the state of Kansas. It
will construct a railroad , built
on modern lines with low grades
and easy curves , from Falls
City , Nebraska , in a southwest
erly direction through Sycamore
Springs Kansas , and thence
through Sabotha , "Woodlawn ,
Kelly , Centralia to Elaine
where the line will connect with
the company's present railroad
now in operation from Elaine
through Mopdyville Springs to
Westmoreland , the line will run
through Flush to the city of
Manhattan , the end of the first
section. Merrill News.
U. S. Tars In Tow
( .New York , Feb. 2 ( > th , 1S )
That the 15,000 jackics
Pacific ilcct are slipping along
the far coast of South America *
hale and hearty with ever an eye
to old home folks , was reported in
( his city today. From their five
branch 'stations along the route
about the Horn the workers of
the American Seamen's Friend
Society arc sending word to head
quarters hereof the eventful days
of shore leave in which Uncle
Sam's sailors swarmed ashore to
their quarters for sight of a good
American face ami the rare chance1
of a quiet smoke , a talk and a
long letter home. Stamps , sou
venir postals , reading material
from home and stacks of letter
paper are today exhautcd at these
branches , the society's officers dc-
clnre , ami thousands of carefully
scrawled missives have left their
writing rooms for homes in every
part of this country.
At Rio dc Janeiro , Montevideo ,
Buenos Ayres , Rosario and Val
paraiso , where headquarters for
sailors have been maintained for
years by this organization , the
navy tars have been welcomed ,
entertained and piloted pretty
clear of the shoals that lie par
ticularly foul of the course of the
foreign sailor in these parts. Hu
man life , vice and bad liquor are
valued cheaply in these teeming
South American ports and goes
hard and often fatally with the
seafaring man if he gets into the
hands of the natives. Not even
his U. S- navy uniform has saved
many a jacky from bodily harm
in remote quarters of such cities ,
and today the workers of the so
ciety throughout the lower conti
nent feel relieved and gratified
that the fleet has finally stood off
toward its own shores once more
with ever } ' man-jack aboard and
From Rio dc Jancrio a report
has just arrived telling of the ad
vent of the Yankee sailors there.
With other local organizations the
American Seamen's Friend So
ciety's branch at this port organ
ized a constant entertainment for
the men of the licet. An information
mation bureau was equipped , to
which the sailors went on their
arrival to have their money hon
estly changed and embark on ex
cursions conducted about the
place for their benefit. Every
square foot of the rooms of this
station of the society was packed ,
each hour of the stay of the bat
tle ships , by the American crews ,
smoking , yearning or reading and
writing home letters , Before the
squadron weighed anchor a large
meeting of the men was arranged
by the society's workers. Yellow
fever has stunted the growth of
the seamen's local organization
in Brazil since it began the strug
gle to help the sailors of the port
25 years ago ; but , for all this
handicap , its workers feel todaj
that they have been able to do a
great deal in giving a hand to
this regiment of their own nav
On the River Plate the Amcri
can Seamen's Friend Society hat
three stations ready for Admira
Evans' men. Here everything
was thrown open to the
sailors and their path kept as
straight as possible. The blood }
violence of the crimps of Rosario
and tlris entire region has fallci
on manv a defenseless seaman ii
the past , and after seven years o
hard effort the workers in these
branches have only just succeed
ed in becoming a buffer betweei
them and the visiting1 sailors
That the American jackies lef
Buenos Ayrcs in good order ii
recognized as a welcome result o
this long campaign. To th
friendly offices of this , as well a
the other branches of the Ameri
can Seamen's Friend Society , th
navy tars had been commended
long before they sailed , by oh
friends in the active branches o
the organization a t Brooklyi
Nayy Yard and Newport News
Five large institutes of this or
ganization arc on the lookout fo
the men of the fleet when the
touch home soil again at Seattle
Tacotna , Portland , Astora o
j Port Townscnd , There arc some
145 | of these branches keeping
I watch over the sailor man all
, over the world , the officers of the
society said today. That such
close touch could have been kept
of the Pacific fleet in its continent
girdling cruise is regarded by
them as good test of this world's
Alarkct Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards ,
Attempts were made to depress
prices on heavy steers last week ,
ttt were without success , that
lass selling better during the
cck than they have heretofore ,
iujht steers closed the week 10
o 15 higher , and cows and hcil-
rs advanced 15 to 25 cents. Best
tockcrs and feeders met a ready
ale at 10 to 15 cents higher
rices. The supply is only 7,000
attic , market strong to 10 high-
r , in spite of a big run and a
> reak of 10 cents at Chicago to-
ay. No fancy steers are here to-
ay , top $5.55 , although many
ales lately have been at $5.50 to
' 5.75 , and prime steers would
jring close to $6. Bulk of steers
ell at $4.80 to $5.30 , as a good
troportion arc in only fair flesh ,
jeing pushed forward because of
he advance in corn prices. There
s a brisk demand for she stuff ,
ome choice Ilerford heifers sell-
ng last Friday at $5.65 , and
our loads of choice heifers today
it $5.15. cows at $3.25 to $4.65 ,
ulk of heifers $3.75 to $4,75 ,
bulls $3 to $4.25. calves 25 to 50
cents above a week ago , top veals
6.50. There is a limited demand
rom the country for good fleshy
ecders at $4.50 to $5 , plain feed
ers $4 to $4.50 , stockcrs $3.75 to
4.50 , common stockers $3 to
$3.50 , with a fairly large accum-
ilation of the latter class on hand
ate last week. Total shipments
o the country last week 300 car
Lower provisions last week
were the excuse for a lower ten-
lencv in the hog market. Several
thousand hogs accumulated in
the yards last few days of the
week , whose owners refused to
accept the reduced prices , but the
situation revived a little baturday
and everything was cleaned up at
a shade above the low point of
he week. Lower prices have cut
lown the run today , as expected ,
o 8.000 head , and the market is
5 to 10 higher , top $4.37 # , bulk
,15 , to $4.32/4. Reports indicate
> leuty of matured hogs to come ,
iiid slightly better prices are
ooked for , as packers arc making
jood money on the present basis ,
and desire to keep them coming.
Light hogs made the biggest
gain today.
The mutton market closed at
the best point of the week on
Friday , but is weak to 10 lower
today , supply 12,000 head. Buyers -
ers take them freelv , and the
situation is healthy. Top lamb
today Sold at $6.85 , 011)3' ) 15 cent !
below top at Chicago today , urn. .
fair to good lambs bring $6,40 to
$6.75 , wethers $5 to $5.25 , vear-
lings $5.50 to $6.25 , ewes $4.60 to
$5. A big string of half fat feed
ing yearlings , 93 Ibs , sold toda }
at $5.35.
And now comes the report that
a labor saving machine has in
vaded the consecrated realm ol
sport calculated to do away witl
the baseball pitcher. It is a ser
of breech loading , rapid fire gur
with which a mere amateur cat
deliver any kind of shoot , curve
drop , dead , slow or fast bal
known to the vocation. Let us
hope that the machine will be a
decided failure , as many ol on
local fans would much prefer see
ing a game with Regge or Ilea
cock in the l ox and Poteet behinc
the bat , than witness the work
ings of the best devised machine
ever made.
. . . .
The season ot sale bills is at
hand and the Tribune wishes testate
state thatwe are prepared to
print sale bills while you wait ,
and do as good work and at as
low figures as you can gel any
place. 7-tf
The Falls City Nursery that
has always sold the trees , will
have a fine lot of trees for the
spring trade. Itf.
" "
Absent Minded
the maiMiiiiHt be who will lose hit teeth
that nature lias given him , when wr
could 8.ivc them by our up-to-date meth
ods of crowning and bridging them.
Don't lose your tcoth by carelessness , but
have them attended to in time by a first-
class artist tike
Polls City , Nebraska
All Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
o-rsaKJ-ssz-o NEBRASKA
ViHtnhi KinHiiro , lllwxlltitf , IlclittiKi Ulcnrntton , NO MONEY
CoiiHtiimtlon mid nil llcctril Dluwwu n Hjiocliilty.
r J2llroailHiiy ( 'omiclllllnlK IOUH 1 I JUNO
iy tlin Intnstmul inoHt t > cli > iillio ( ini'lhodt known.
{ it inji-ctliinn of polwnii no lot > H of time ; no IIOH-
lit.ihim iiiiln ; no knlfo ; no tniBH. Tlimistmilii
Our ii.itlonts nftiT tiikliiK Irwiliiioiit , lm\o sue-
CCH fllllj IPIlHRrxl til" must KIIVITII 1111(1 tmilK tontH.
( "nil for roiiBiillutlim , or wrlto for bonklnt.
21 lluuulwuy ( ' ( Hindi Illullp , In ,
Reaches ( ho spot.
Slops pain. Tito
Great I'llo Rom-
ody. Put vip lr
tubes with roctnl
nozzlo. 50 cents-
Average Time to Cure
CATARACTS I ! to 10 Days
IMPOTENCV fi to : tO Days
GLliHT H to . ' 50 Days
CANCER nto.'tODajs
CATARHU 10 to JH ) Days
I'iles , Fhtuln It to fi D.vys
Lostos , Drains , etc f to ! 10 Days
Liquor Uitblt 10 lu : ; 0 ! ) uj
Prostatic Troubles 10 to . ' 10 Days
RhoumatUm , Gout 10 to HO Days
Nervous Doolllty 10 to . ' 10 Days
Stomach Diseases 'JO to f0 ! Duys
Kldnoj Discuses 20 to 00 Days
Hladdor Dibcusps 20 to 00 Days
IJood ] PoUon , etc 00 to HO Dajfi
Wo advertlbo what v.-o do , act ! do
what wo advertise. No Incurables
Examinations Frco to all who
write for appointment card now/ .
The German Specialists
Second Floor
522 Hroadway Council HhilK la.
Weak Kidney * . Buraly point to vroak kldnoy
Nerves Tba Kidneys. Ilka the JHoart. and the
Btornach , find their uoaLneH , not In the organ
lUtill , but In the nerve * thnt control and sulde
drill strengthen them. Dr. Shoop'3 lletoratwe U
a medicine specifically prepared to roach these
controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone ,
U iutlo. ! it Is a waste ot time , and of money s
It'yo'ir back ache * or Ii weak , If the urine
EoaMs , or Is dark and strong. II you have symptoms
o ! Heights or other distressing or dangerous kid
ney d1 taj , try Dr. Shoop's Bostoratlve a month
Qul Ii la or Llauld uud s o what U can anil will
do for you. Druggist recommend and sell
To the South and Gulf re
sorts until April 3oth.
ist and 3d Tuesday to
Colorado , BigHorn Basin ,
Montana * and Northwest.
March and April , to Mon
tana , Washington , Oregon ,
California and Utah.
Write D. Clem Deaver ,
Landseekers * Information
Bureau , Omaha , for list of
farms to rent in Big1 Horn
Basin. Do it now ; they
are going fast.
Local Ticket Aflcnt.
L. W. WAKCI-CY , 0. P. A. ,
Omulia , Neb.
For Backache ,
aiid the Kid-
nistake Corrected
Correct the mistake of risking pneu
monia by neglecting n cough or cold
when Folcy's Ilonoy anil Tar will not
only stop your cough but expel the
cold from your system. Foloy's Ilonoy
and Tar contains no opiates and is the
best and cafcst throat and lung reoiedy.
Kerr'e Pharmacy.