The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 28, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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( Copyright. )
"I 'low nothln' can't hurt Tobln no
more1 Cold ways nn' looks cnn'thurt
poor Tobla no inorol It's Jest two
years to-day nonce lie died ; but I
lia'n't forgot of otbors cs onght'or ro-
tnotnber hov.
" \Vnntln1 to trim up tbo nioctln'-
house ! Fur my part , I think It'd look
more like grlevln * an' romomlM-rln' to
Iny them nlr HHos oa a offcrln' o' love
on Tobias' grave than to hov "om a
noddln' ftn' n-uwnyln' nforo llio nilnln-
tor , dlBtrnctln1 bla mind on UnHtor. "
"Hut I iiromlaod thorn In tbo win
ter , " boRtui tbo other woman , a do-
apnlrlng look coming Into her oyoB. "t
won't Btny , mother. I'll joist take 'om
over to the nicotln'-hotmo an' filvo 'cm
to Mrs. Lackey , and then I'll como
right back. "
Mrs. Teen icutcd bor head ngnlnot
the hard brown back of the old rock-
cr and closed lior eyes as If the
sight of tbo woman before her waa
more than aho could endure.
Her face was aa homely and brown J
ns the old rocker Itself. Hard , un
yielding lines had formed a network
around tbo month and between tbn
cold , pnlo oycB that bad never looked
with anything but suspicion and no-
vorlty upon her daughtcr-ln-law , who
had married her stupid son Tobla out
of Kratltmlo for tbo homo ho had
given her. Her BOH , Tobla , was tbo only
creature the hard old woman had
over loved and whoso grave lay cov
ered with a winding sheet of snow thin
The younger woman stood flllontly
before this mii.'iist presence , nervously
clasping mid unclasping her thin
whlto bands , from which she bad re
moved her wedding ring a few hours
previously. She felt an she stood
theio that she would gladly lay down
her life If she might stay just llvo min
utes In tbo little church that lay llko
a black patch In a silver Hood fnr
down tbo road.
She must see her heart beat so
loud she was afraid tbo statue In the
motionless chair would hoar It. Bho
took aovetal stops toward tbo door.
Mrs. Teen suddenly opened her eyes
and sat bolt upright.
"So you air goln' , Saropty ? " she
said , raising her bard old volco till It
cracked In her throat and brought on
a coughing ( It. Saropty suddenly knelt
by her side and took the hard old
hands caressingly between her own.
"Ob , mother ! " she said , "don't you
think I'd bettor go ? I promised , an'
I'd llko to keep my word ; an' then
Mrs. Lackoy'ri countln' on 'om so. "
" 1 b'aln't got nothln' to say I'm
llko dear Tobla tbataway , " whimpered
the old woman. "I reckon you'd best
keep your word , though , " aho contin
ued , "but hurry along , fur the sun will
soon bo down , an' don't stay an' mlnglo
In the frollckln' . I never did b'llovo
In frollckln' myself , an' thou thero'u
poor , dear Toblu "
Hut Surcpty did not bear ; she was
Placed a Lily on the Snow-Covered
fast speeding down the road , wafted
along by the wind llko a thistle , she
was BO slight a thing.
She seemed In her somber dress like
a wraith as she sped along the desert
ed road that lay llko a silver ribbon
In the gathering gloom. When Bho
had gone about a quarter of a mile ,
she put her hand Into her bosom and
drew out a bit of looking-glass wrapped
In a piece of paper. She lot her shawl
slip from her head onto her shoulders
and , turning her face toward the set
ting sun , held up the glass.
The wind caught her rich brown
hair that seemed too heavy for her
small head and blow It Into Ilttlo ring
lets around her pale faco. Her wide ,
brown eyes had a hungry , frightened
look and seemed full of unshod tears.
She gazed Into the glass for several
minutes with a questioning , Imploring
look , then with a sudden , desperate
movement , she Hung It far from her '
and sped along.
Tbo unclosed windows of the church > ,
sending rich , warm radlanco out Into
the gloom , seemed to Sarepty like the
gateway of heaven. Some of the beam *
fell on the graves that clustered
around tbo old church , and Hooded
with gold one far removed from all
the rest.
- Saropty opened the gate and almost
flow toward that golden grave. She
fell on her knees In the snow and
placed a Illy on the snow-covored
Kravo of the sloopcr. A niomont later
oho had entered the church.
"Horo'n Bnropty with the UlicB , " ex
claimed iMrfi. Lackey , as Saropty Klldod
In and stood tremblingly by the old
nhoettron Htovo. The lights hllndcd
her at first , then will ) returning vision
two llKiires nlono hecnmo visible to
her. A man \vns ( Handing on n stepladder -
ladder looking down Into the oyon of
n beautiful fdrl who was reaching n
tnillliiK vine toward him.
The man , altracted by Saropty's
- " > O"- " , V..J. . U..S..J . . . . . .
naw a slight , dark-robed figure holding
a bunch of HlloH to her breast.
Snropty'B heart gave a hot leap
along her breast and then Htuod still.
It seemed to her that It would never
move again. She foil only n Front
calmnosH after the bmnlng fovt.r of
tbo past few days.
"Thoy'ro Just lovely , " commented
Mrs. Lnckoy , taking tbo llllos from
Snrepty'a trembling hands. "Prudence
and Mr. Do an air a-goln' to nrinugo
them. Did you know John Dean 'ud
como homo for good an' all ? You used
to bo lovers like , didn't you , afore you
took up with Tobla Teen ? Hut surely
you're not goln' now , Saropty ? " aho '
oxclnlmed. no Saropty , without reply.
Ing , gathered her shawl closely around
her and turned toward the door. I
"Yes mother's alone , an * I guess I'd |
butter go , " she softly replied , wonderIng -
Ing the wbllo how It was possible to
talk with that awful weight on her
breast. It Boomed as though Tobla
bad laid his cold dead hand on her ,
heart. |
"I wish you'd JlBt dust thorn hooka
an' pllo 'cm up In the corner , " Mrs , }
Lackey continued. "Tho young folks
nlr a-goln' to arrange the flowers , an * ]
tbo dunlin' an' slch like falls to UB 03
air married an' settled down. "
Saropty took up the old dust brush
and commenced to dust and nrtango
tbo books. 1'rudonco Lackey's laughIng -
Ing tones and tbo questioning ones of
the man on the ladder fell on her ear
UH her trembling hands busied thorn *
selves among the books. When tba
last one had been carefully gone over ,
she lay the brush on a chair and quiet
ly stole out.
It was quite dark when she passed
out Into the cool air , and she shivered
as she reached the churchyard , uncon-
sclouBly quickening her steps.
She walked quickly along , saying to
herself ever and over again that she
was glad ho was happy ; It was but
natural that ho had forgotten her ; she
hadn't expected him to remember , It
all happened so long ago. She bad
never realized before how beautiful
Prudence Lackey was , nor how palo
and faded she must acorn In compari
An ovormnaterlng quietude took
possession of her ; with such oppres
sion It was Impossible to think clearly.
She was only conscious of n dazed
feeling and a dcslio to bo alone.
She had gone about a quarter of a
mile when tbo sound ns of some OHO
running smote on her oar. She grew
afraid , terrified at she know not what.
Perhaps It was Tobia como to upbraid
her !
The wind caught bor shawl and bore
It away ; she turned to pursue It , when
tbo flguto of a man running at full
speed became visible. Ho was holding
In his hand some white thing that
waved and fluttered In the wind.
She felt her strength going and tbo
solitary lamp In her mothor-ln-law'a
window scorned so far away. She
managed to reach a big thorn tree
growing by tbo rondsldo and sank
down , unable to move or apeak.
A faint moon bad risen and Sarepty
could see the man but n few yards
nwny. It was Tobla with the Illy she
had laid on his breast ! The next min
ute she had fainted.
When she cnmo to she was lying on
Homo one's breast wrapped In a man'B
Boft overcoat , and a volco that sent
the blood leaping through her veins
WIIH murmuring :
"Hotta , darling , Kettrt ! why did you
run away from mo ? When I tnckei !
that vine I went to Hud you and you
had gono. " He hold a bunch of lilies
before her happy eyes , exclaiming :
"Soe , here are your lilies. I stole thuin
bocauflo they wore youra. "
There was a wedding on Easter am !
the brldo were a bunch of warm , fra >
grant lilies on her breast that her hus
band had stolen from the meeting
house , while the solitary Illy on Tobla
Toon'a grave waa aa cold aa the hoar
that lay beneath.
Little Girl's Idea of the Punlshmen
Visited on Adam.
In the latest number of "Helmgnr
ten , " which hns Just been published at
Ornz , Pastor Uoseggor tells this story :
"I visited a school ono day wbero Dl-
bio Instruction was a part of the dally
course , and In order to test the chil
dren's knowledge asked some ques
tions. Ono class of Ilttlo girls looked
particularly bright , and I asked the
. tallest one : 'What Bin did Adam com-
' "Ho ate forbidden fruit. '
" 'Ulgbt Who tempted Adam ? '
' ' ' '
" 'Not really Eve. bnl the serpent
And how was Adam punished ? '
"Tho girl hesitated and looked con-
. fused. Uchlnd her sat a Ilttlo el hl-
yonr-old , who raised her hand and
' said : 'Please pastor , I know. '
" 'Well , toll ns ; how was Adam pun-
Ished ? '
it I He had to marry Eve. ' " Ex-
| change.
Pensions for French Actors.
The French Comodlo Francalso la
the only theater which pensions Its
actors and actresses. After 20 years1
service they are entitled to $1,000 a
Homely and Strong Smelling Vegeta
ble Not Without Virtue.
The ancients frowned on the onion
tia a food and classed It with garlic
and leeks , as of an acrid nature , of
unwholesome Juices. "When twice
hnllnd they give1 Ilttlo nourishment ,
but when unboiled they do not nour
ish at all , " snyH Paulus Aeglneta , and
Hurton , advising ns to the diet of
the melancholy , dismisses the onion
as troublesome to the head , The people - '
plo at largo pay no heed to these Hay- ] '
Ingn. ' To the man who smiles at the j
I , conflicting ' opinion of dletlstn , the
onion ' Is healthful , when plainly |
boiled. ' AH a child ho was taught that
It ' wan good for a cold. These same ,
ancients ' thought highly of It ns a '
medicine. ' It occasions a rapid growth
| of ' hair , It bicaks hard tumors ;
chewed ' , It la beneficial In paralysis !
of ' the tongue ; It is eminently rube- I
faclont ' ; Its juice Is useful In suffusion
and ' dlmm'KH of vision from thick hu-
mors. ' Dlscordles recommends It as a i !
cataplasm ' with salt , mo and bonoy I '
for ' the blto of a mad dog. There are j I
many j to-day who bellcvo that onion
julco Is of assistance In deafness , j I
Itnllami In the north end cat the Insides - j
sides ' of little onions and stuff them I
In aching ears of their children. They
leave them there for weeks. An i
union ' put under the pillow will bring
dreams ' of the loved ono. The thick1
ness ' of the skin determines the mild-1
ness or severity of the coming win1 ) I
tor. Hut to dream of onions Is a bad 1
sign. In some countries It presages '
Possibly He Had Often Computed the ,
Water He Carried. I
It was by no means n holiday task
for Amos Hoggs to carry pnll after pall
of water from the old well through the
orchard and across the henyard to tbo
kitchen , where Mrs. Hoggs washed for
the family and it dozen or so of cus
tomers. Therefore ho was In no mood
to enjoy questions.
"How many years have you been at
this sort of things ? " asked the elderly
person of wealth , on whose whlto
sklrtH Mrs. Uoggr. was thuii expending
her energy and the heat of a heavy
"Ten years , " responded Mr. Hoggs ,
striding on with his palls.
"Dear , dear ! " said the woman , In n
commiserating tone. "Why , how much
water do you suppose you've carried
in that time ? "
"I've carried all that's been In the
well during that time , and Isn't there
now , ma'am , " and Mr. Hoggs entered
the kitchen and act the palls down
with as near a thump as the nature of
their contents would permit. Youth's
Only Mortal , After All.
"When I went to church last Sun
day , " said a young woman visiting
in Washington , "I sat directly behind
n high executive ofllcer whom 1 have
regarded as almost more than mortal.
I tried not to bo rude and stare at him
lee much , but I could not help my
eyes wandering toward him occasion
ally. I glanced at him just once , near
the end of the sermon , and what do
you think he was doing ? Ho was
yn\\nlng , and ho yawned n largo and
vigorous yawn , which came on him so
suddenly that ho did not have time to
hldo it behind bis band. I must con
fess that I was delighted. My venera
tion for the executive ofllccr la just
as great as It ever was , but 1 am glad
I found out with my own eyes that
bo Is subject to ordinary human weak
nesses and cannot help yawning dur
ing a sermon. "
German Shipping Trade.
The activity of the German shipping
trade Is demonstrated by the fact that
the number of vessels built In the em
pire In 190G was 700 , of 398,151 reg
istered tons , against fi-IG of 810,771 reg
istered tons In 1905 , and 535 of 207-
991 registered tons In 1901. Among
tbo vessels built In 190G were 11 men-
of-war of 30.S31 registered tons. In
addition to the foregoing , there were
built In foreign countries , on orders
for German flrma , 119 vessels of 122-
S45 registered tons.
Children's Favorite Toys.
A hundred and thirty-two school
boys of Paris and 72 girls wore Invited
to describe their preferences In the
way of toys. Among the former 31
voted for a railway train , 23 for tin
soldiers , ten for steam engines , nine
for building bricks and eight each for
toy typewriters and mechanical horses.
Forty girls a aolld majority de
clared without hesitation that a doll
was superior to any other Implement
of recreation. The super-child seems ,
happily , a long way off.
I Historical Fragment.
P. T. liarnum had just added the
woolly horse to hla wonderful collec
tion of curiosities.
"That's an entirely new kink In
horses , " ho said.
Hogrottlng that the animal's wool
was not liner , so It could show fur ,
and thus bo to some extent a forerun
ner of tbo automobile , ho instructed
his press agent to send the news of
his find to his friend , the editor of
the Now York Ilorald.
When the Band Played "Dixie. "
Judge Snm Whlto of linker City , the
Tom Taggart of Oregon Democracy , a
few years ago throw a five-dollar'lint
through a skylight 75 feet from the
ground In Daker City when the band
j started up the tune of "Dixie.11 Pen
1 dlptpn East Orogoalan.
! ,
Miss Margaret's
Wedding Dress
( Copyright. )
Except for the twittering of the
birds the Ilttlo country churchyard
was very still ns Miss Margaret laid
the wreath she had brought upon her
lover's grave ,
Twonty-flvo years had gene by slnco
John ' Orant had closed his eyes In her
arms , and In that time his sweetheart
had ' allowed no anniversary of hla
death to pass without placing flowers
on the greeii mound that marked the
spot which hold all that was earthly
of the man she loved. -
"Miss Margaret Is faithful , " said the
older people In the village , who re
membered her ns a gentle , lovely girl
with the light of a happy love In her
blue ' eyes , and after the loss that end-
ed her pretty romance , as a still , sad-
faced woman.
Only two days In the year did she
consecrate to her sorrow the mini-
vorsary of John's death and , follow
ing I It , the day that was to have seen
her ' : married.
On the former she placed flowers on
her 1 lover's grave ; on the latter Miss
Mnrgarot took from tholr tissue wrap-
pings the wedding gown of sheeny
satin , the fllmy veil , the snowy gloves
and slippers sbo had never worn.
If the day were flno Bho hung the
dross ] before nn open window to let
the spring breeze smooth out any
wrinkles. Then , lovingly and careful
ly . , she wrapped the things again , In
fresh paper , with a bit of wax In each
package to keep Its contents white.
It was of the morrow's labor of love
that Miss Margaret was thinking ns
she paused In the quiet churchyard ,
where the setting sun shone with serene -
rene splendor and n faint breeze sway
ed the grass that between the graves
was blue with periwinkle , and hero
and there a Into vlolot.
"It's hard to have to bo married In
muBlIn , and not fine muslin at that , "
the volco said. "I don't often mind be
ing poor ; oven nt graduation I didn't
complain at being the worst dressed
person In the class , but It does seem
as If when n girl Is married she ought
to have pretty clothes for once In her
life. "
"Yes , It does , " replied another
volco , llko the first ono , and yet differ
ent ; Miss Margaret guessed that the
speakers were sisters. "If the crops
hadn't turned out so badly last fall
you might have a silk dress. Why
don't you wait another year ? Wo
mightn't bo so poor then ? "
"I we ho doesn't want to wait , "
said the first speaker. "Uosldes , you
"Why Don't You Pray for What You
Want ? "
know I would not buy a lot of things
I could never wear afterward cvon If
I had the money In my hand. Do you
think I could bo extravagant with fath
er and mother's hard-earned dollars ?
No , Indeed. But If I could only have
a whlto satin dress and n veil , and
white gloves and slippers. " Tbo words
were followed by a sigh.
Miss Margaret leaned forward a Ilt
tlo and , peering between the trees ,
managed without being seen by them ,
to get a gllmpso of the two girls. She
recognized them ns Farmer Edge-
comb's daughters , and remembered
having heard that Margaret , the
younger , was shortly to bo married.
"Why don't you pray for what you
want ? " the older slstor said at this
moment. "That's what mother says to
do , and that's If It's best for us , our
desires arc always granted. "
"Oh , I know , " returned the other
somewhat Impatiently. "Hut I'd bo just
ns likely to got It as the things I want.
Nothing short of a miracle could get
mo that dress and veil and those
gloves and slippers. And the day of
miracles Is over. "
v "I'd pray just the same If I were
you , " maintained the older slstor
stoutly. "I always do , and I've had the
things that seemed just ns unattain
able come to mo in the most uno.v
pectod way. "
"Well , 1 won't , " declared the brldo-
oloct. "I can't help wanting those
things , but I can help praying for
what I know I ought not to have.
Come , wo must go. I'm glad wo llvo
near the cemetery , aron't you ? It's
such a nice place to como to think
things over. Or to talk them over , "
the speaker concluded as she tucked
her arm In her sister's and the two
moved away.
Miss Margaret responded somewhat-
absently to the salutations of the people
ple she passed as she drove homo. She
was pondering the mysterious ways of
the Providence which had glvon
dainty wedding flnery to her who was
never to wear It , and had denied It
to the ether Margaret.
"Sho Is the ono who should have
had these things , " Miss Margaret
thought , "and yqt , " she asked herself ,
"what would I have done without
thorn , how berne the long , lof.cly
years ? "
Her wedding gown had secmcnl In
Borne Indefinable way to keep In mind
the thought that she and John were
to meet again. She had loft instruc
tions that she was to bo drensed In It
for her burial.
As she touched Its shining folds
next day Miss Margaret's thoughts
kept recurring to the conversation
nhe had overheard In the churchyard.
It fretted her to think that the other
Mnrgarot must do without the things
aho longed for. A brldo ought to have
her every wish gratified , should bo
mndo the happiest of God's creatures.
An hour later Mlas Margaret dress-
d for the street. Her mind during this
nterval had been tbo scene of a quiet ,
liter combat , n struggle between bor
nsolflsh desire to do a beautiful act
nd a fooling that she could not bear
.o have olhor hands touch tbo treas
ures she had kept so long. The pari
ng with her wedding clothes was a
ragedy In the lonely woman's life.
Pleased with the Invltallon lo spend
i day In the "great house , " although
i lltllo surprised al 11 , Margarol Edge-
comb dialled gayly as she drove by
UBS Margarel's side along the conn-
ry roads and through the village.
Ever afterward that visit seemed
Ike a dream to the girl. The dim twl-
Ight of the stately rooms , the quaint
ilvor and clilna , the highbred charm
of her hostess , all contrlbuled lo an
almosphero she fell , but could not
mvo described.
When , aflor luncheon was over ,
Mlas Margarel took her guest Into her
own room , It seemed to the young girl
.hat she was entering a sanctuary ,
and that It was another person than
icrsolf who wnlchod her hoslesa un-
ock a cedar chest that stood against
ho wall and from many layers of
whlto paper take oul a long lullo veil ,
vhilo gloves and slippers and a dress
of satin , to which ago had given the
tint of ivory.
Dazed and bewildered , the ono Mar-
: arel listened while the olher Mar-
? nrol told the story of the twilight
lour in the churchyard , and after
wards in a maze of wonder tried to
realize that the things were to bo
icrs If they would III. Holh pairs of
lands trembled as llio old maid helped
the young ono to don Iho bridal array.
Strange enough , the things fitted.
And yet , not strange ellher ; what
miracle was ever Incomplete ?
The robing finished , the girl stood ,
shy and blushing before the pier mlr
ror , scarcely daring to lift her eyes to
the vision In the glass.
"You look very lovely , and I am glad
you are to have these things , " Miss
Margaret said softly.
The girl did not speak , and a ler-
rlblo fear seized Miss Margaret's
heart. Were her bitter struggle and
cheerful sacrifice to go for naught ?
"Perhaps after all you may not care
to have them , " she said gently. "It
may be Ihat to you they seem ill
omened. "
The brlde-elecl forgol her shyness ,
and moving forward , took the older
woman's hands in hers. "Ill-omened ! "
she exclaimed. "Consecrated , rather.
The wearing of them will aecm a
blessing on my marriage. "
A deep peace fell upon Miss Mar
garet's spirit as she returned the pres
sure of the youthful fingers.
"Of course the dress Is old style , "
she remarked tremulously , "but the
pattern Is large , BO alterations can
easily bo made , and with now bows
on the slippers "
The other Margaret looked at her
with something that was almost an
ger In her eyes.
"Alterations ! " she exclaimed. "Do
yon think I would have a Ihlng chang
ed , a ribbon allered ? Why , It would
seem llko profaning something sa
cred. "
As she helped the girl lake off Iho
finery and Iho two packed 11 to bo
sent to the homo of its now owner ,
Miss Margaret's heart waa full of
gratlludo and lenderness loward the
woman who had accepted her gift as
gracefully and graciously aa she had
proffered It.
As she said good-bye the young Mar
garel kissed Iho older ono. "It all
seems too good lo bo true , " she mur
mured. "And to think I said the day of
miracles was over. "
Snubbed Completely.
Among the guests at a wedding
breakfast In the country was one
whose continued rudeness made bin
extremely objectionable to Iho resl o
the company.
Hla conduct , though nigh unbear
able , was put up with for some time ,
until ho held up on his fork a piece
of meat which had been served to
him , and remarked In n volco of in
tended humor :
"Is this pig ? "
This immediately drew forth the
query from a quiet-looking Individual
sitting nt the ether end of the lablo :
"Which end of Iho fork do you re
fer lo ? "
Deaf and Dumb Dlble Class.
Probably Iho mosl curious Bible
class in the weal of England Is that
of deaf-mutes which moots near dial-
ford , Gloucestershire. All the members
bors are deprived of tholr senses of
hearing and speech , and have to com
munlcate and "talk" to each other by
means of the deaf-mute r. ' . ' ' > ' > * .
It's Your Own Fault f ff it
If you don't get your n )
money's worth. Come Hf 96 )
to my Shop and buy tt
your Mens and Boys
Richardson County liank Ilnlldlnf :
| D. S. flcCarthy |
Prompt attention pivon
to the removal of house-
bold goods.
Sales conducted in
scientiljc and busi
nesslike manner
v / Falls City , Nebraska |
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For flood Salc.s , flood Service , Pro
Returns Ship Your Stock to
Qeo. R. Barse
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? Kansas City , Ato. ,
" ' "WmTSR
7V / "I'VAI'NrTZ ? 1XT"P "V
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Ofllco over Korr'e Pharmacy
Ollice Phone 200 Residence Phone 271
Phones . J Residence 100
: j Offlco M
Phone 2 18 Over Richardson County
Office and remduucc first door
north of city pnrk. Phone 263.
Phones : Nos. 177 , 217
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels ia
Beea ia the original laxativa cough syrup ,
contains no opiates , gently moves the
bowels , carrying the cold off through tha
natural channels. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.