The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 28, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Eat Sowlcs'candy , .
Harry Pence and wife made a
business trip to St. Joe Monday.
Miss Jessie Paxton spent last
' Thursday sight seeing in St. Joe.
Ed May and wife of Salem
spent Monday in this city with
A baby boy arrived at the
home of Mr.and Mrs. Emery Fry
on Monday.
Miss ftula McCool of Salem
was in the city the latter part of
the week.
Miss Myrtle Stratton of Hum
boldt spent part of last week in
Falls City.
II. V. Fisher of Hastings spent
Sunday in this city with his
many friends.
Special attention given to the
treatment of the eye. Glasses
correctly fitted by Dr. Reneker.
Mrs. Eva Davison returned
Thursday from a ten days visit
with relatiyes at Chester and
Hebron ,
Dr. M. L. Wilson , Physician
and Surgeon. Office and resi-
v dence over McMillan's drug store.
Phone 329. 2tf.
Miss Spencer , our librarian ,
took advantage of her holiday
Saturday and visited with friends
in Hiawatha.
The Falls City Nursery that
has always sold the best trees ,
have a fine lot of trees for the
spring trade. Itf
Mrs. Dr. Kerr and Mrs. Bruno
Hansen returned Saturday from
a weeks stay at the home of the
latter in Omaha.
Rev. Dunkleberger has moved
into the James Morris property
three blocks east of the M. E-
church , phone 364.
Bruce Dixon and wife arrived
in the city Thursday for short
visit. They are on their way to
California , their future home.
FOR SAI.E One registered
French draft stallion , 7 years old.
Will sell at a bargain if taken at
once. J. Rum ? , Leona , Kas.
Mr. and Mrs. G.G. Stumbo and
son David and R. P. Thomas and
, . family are in the city the guests
of Benj. Nicholson nnd family.
Have you ever tried it ? The
" - - ' Walnut and Pecan Brittle , which
will be on sale Sat. , Feb. 29th
at the Candy Kitchen for 15c a Ib
. , . . . . . .
i.i ii i mm .1 .n I. l.i..11. I
W. D. Easley of Kansas City ,
spent a portion of the week in
our city , busily engaged in in
voicing the stock of the Roanoke
Lumber Co.
Everybody invited to go to W ,
; - H. Keeling's next Tuesday even
* ing and get a good square meal
* for Inc. served by the ladies
of the Episcopal church.
R. P. Thomas and family are
| V- moving to our city from Okla
homa City , Okla. Mr. Thomas
comes in the interest of the Gilli-
gan bridge company of this city.
rf.\ March 4th is Ash Wednesday ,
; ; the first day of Lent. Study the
true meaning of this season , take ,
; as it were , a spiritual inventory
" ' "
* * of yourself and see if it will not
"If- make 3011 better.
\-V Elder Tuttle will preach at the
" $ Brethren church next Sunday
- , ' " ? morning. There will be no service
' "V1' at night. Rev. Teeter is at
' * fc in revival
Beaver City engaged a
' in the church he dedicated re-
> * " cently.
3 % ;
% Sam Kennedy of Salem started
* us out right on Monday morning
by calling early and contributing
{ * to our cash fnnd , placing his
4 $ . name ahead on our list before the
' " * ' " subscription inspector gets
, ' tjjr' around here.
3. " Ewing Herbert is to give isn
-j % - lecture , "The Simple Life , " in
' j ' . - Merrill this evening , under the
"v" auspices of the home talent lee-
1 ture course. That it will be en-
' X joyed by all who have the pleas-
tr ure of having him is an assurec !
: fact , as Mr. Herbert has few
equals when it comes to a good )
Money ! Land !
For Rent 160 upland , Johnson
county , Neb. , 4 miles from depot.
80 rods to church and school , 120
cultivated , 5 or 6 room house ,
good corn crib , granarj * , barn ,
wind-mill , cow shed , etc , A good
chance ,
For Sale 240 acres , well im
proved , \y miles to depot ; will
take 40 or SO as part pay or a res
idence. Balance long time , low
rate. Possession given this spring.
For Sale 160 upland. Handy
to church , school and 'market ,
Might take 40 acres as part payer
or a small residence. Balance
long time , good terms.
For Sale 640 acres. $8000 00
worth of improvements. 160 ac
res alfalfa. 500 acres in cultiva
tion. Will take an SO or possibly
160 acres as part pay or a resi
dence. A good opportunity.
Other lands.
For Rent A number one store
Money to loan. Mortgages
bought. " Some good mortgages
for sale secured by farm loans. A
good place for your monej' .
Write me what you want.
Falls City , Nebr.
. . . . . n
L. L. Aldrich and Jim McFar-
land arc circulating a paper this
week asking for funds with which
to buy artificial arms for Ed
Smith , who was injured in acorn
shredder about a year ago. It is
a worthy cause and should receive
liberal response. The amount
required is $225 , and the gentle
men think that they will be able
to raise it.
Francis Martin delivered a tern
perance lecture at the court house
Friday night. Quite a crowd at
tended , composed mostly of those
personally interested in the out
come of the coming spring elec
The Citizen , a paper published
in the little town of Shubert ,
last week was compelled to issue
a supplement in order to acommo-
date their advertisers. 'Null said.
John Harshberger of Rule did ,
not want to be numbered among
the delinquents , so called at this
office Monday and placed him
self ahead on our list.
Billie Minick and Joe Wolfe
came in Monday from Merna ,
Neb. , where they have been em
ployed for some time with the
Bohrer boys.
W. M. Sebring is another o
our new subscribers this week.
I Mr. Sebring will soon move from
his present location to a farm
near Salem.
Dr. E. R. Mathers attended the
Alumnal Dental Clinic at the
Kansas City Dental college in
Kansas City last , Friday and Sat
Miss Hattie Eiting and little
Jerometta Kelley attended the
Kanaly-Tiehen wedding in Dawson -
son Tuesday.
Carl Mann and Fred Hummel ,
both of Humboldt , were transact
ing business in this city Satur
Martin Kanaly and wife went
to Dawson , Monday , to be pres
ent at the Kanaly-Tiehn wedding.
WANTKD A good girl for
general housework. Small family.
Apply to Mrs. Paul Weaver. 6-tf.
Chocolate Nut Fudge only lOc
a Ib. Sat. , Feb. 29th , at the
Candy Kitchen. Better buy a Ib Jl
M. J. Thomas of Frankfort t ,
Kans. , was a business visitor to
our city the first of the week.
The subscription inspector
will not have to scratch many
names on the Tribune list.
Albert timber returned the
last of the week from a several
months stay in New Mexico.
Have you ever noticed that it
is the grafters who are always ,
looking tor graft in others.
Earl Carothers come down from
Tecumseh Sunday for a short
visit with his old friends.
Hal Sowles came up srotn St
Joe and spent Sundav with hii
parents in this city.
Hermes Bros , are still paying
lOc for hens.
Mrs. John Gilligan has been
numbered among the sick this
week ,
The Falls City Nursery will
have a fine lot of trees for the
spring trade. Itf
We understand a new millin
ery store will be opened up in
this city soon.
Mrs. Everett Scott spent this
week visiting with relatives in
Nebraska City.
Mrs. Chas. Sliarts spent a
portion of this week with rela
tives in Humboldt.
Attend the Electric theatre
Monday evening and sec how the
voting ladies run the business.
Chas. Iluber of Rule was in
the city Friday and attended a
meeting of the I. O. O. 1 < \ in the
Ducks are beginning to 11 v and
some of our local shooters have
succeeded in bagging quite a
The members of our gun club
are getting busy with their ar
rangements for the big shoot to
be held in April.
Henry Zimmerman of Rule
called Friday and added his
name to our great family of
satisfied readers.
Little Albert Tanner came
down from Ilumboldt last Fridny
and remained over Sunday with
relatives in this city'
Mrs. Tom McLane returned
Tuesday to her home in Kansas
City , after a few davs visit in
this city with relatives.
Frank Eversole , now a resi
dent of Holdrege , spent a few
days of the past week visiting
with his many friends here.
be a special service
at the Presbyterian church next
Sunday night for young people
and men especially. Extra music ,
plenty of books , and a sermon on
suicides. Everybody invited.
The band boys have about
made a good Republican of Prof.
Harnack. By the way there
isn't a more popular man in
town than Ilarnaclc. He is a
gentleman in every sense of the
word. Hiawatha World.
After so long a time and much
coaxing , electric lights have fin
ally been installed in the depot at
Hiawatha. This is only one of
the many needed improvements
the people of that place are
clamoring for at the hands of
the railroad.
Money to Loan.
On chattle or personal secur
ity. Long or short time.
We have money in any
quantity to loan on farm
security at low rate of '
interest. Come and see
us. Clever & Sebold.
Jewelry !
Call and see the new
patterns in-
Beauty Pins
Cuff Links
Guard Chains
Rings , Etc.
We solicit your pat
. A.EJacquet
"The Old Reliable Jewler"
Mrs. Joe Griffith of Colorado
Springs , was in the city Friday ,
Mrs. Griffith was formerly Allic
Powell , daughter of Mr. and Mrs ,
Gco. Powell , who lived here a
number of years ago. Mrs. Griff
ith was on her way home from a
visit with her parents in Omaha ,
and being so near could not resist
the temptation of once more view
ing her childhood home and ex
changing greetings with the
friends who still reside here.
Our public library was closed
Saturday on account of Washing
ton's birthday , and as a result
many were compelled to go with
out their usual Sunday reading.
It is a good thing to have this
institution closed once in a while ,
as otherwise our people fail to
appreciate the great benefits to
be derived therefrom.
According to Ewing Herbert ,
our library may not be a thing of
beauty , but from a literary stand
point our people are far ahead of
those in our neighboring city ,
judging from the wide difference
in the number of books taken out
of the two libraries.
Mrs. George Dalbey and son ,
Russell , of Coin , la. , and Mrs.
Calwell of Burlington Junction ,
Mo. , mother , brother and aunt of
Mrs. J. A. Crook , were among
the out of town people in attend
ance at the Crook baby funeral.
Dr. Wolfe is in possession of
two little "Wolfes , " but he says
the bounty offered by the county
is not sufficient for this kind , and
he will keep them. They arc
twins , a girl and a boy , presented
him the first of the week.
While indulging in a game of
"one-aml-over" Jack
- - Sunday ,
Jellison had the misfortune to
sprain his ankle quite badly , and
has been compelled to use crutches
since that time.
What was that score made by
the boys in the bowling contest
at Tecumsch last Saturday even
ing. Up to date we have been
unable to find out the real truth
in the matter.
Miss Ruby Little , who made so
many friends here last fall while
with the Sisters , arrived
in the city the latter part of the
week , having again accepted her
old position.
The Patxman Sisters returned
the latter part of the week from
their visited to the eastern mar
kets , where they purchased an
elegant line of spring and summer
If there is any mistake in 3'our
coal bill it is all on account of the
nervous condition of Fred Brecht ,
caused by the arrival oi a baby
girl at his home Monday night.
The pupils in our schools have
been allowed full sway , all on
account of the splendid humor of '
Supt. Tobie , caused by the arrival
of a baby boy at his home.
Miss Marv Russell of Salem
was one of the many out of town
* people who enjoyed the musicalc
at the M. E. church last Thurs
day evening.
If the price of hats for the
coming season is to be governed
by their size , we are afraid that a
great many of us will have to gc :
bare headed.
Guy Crook went to Lincoli
Saturday , after quite an extended
staj' at home , but was called bacli :
again Monday by the death oi
his nephew.
Harry Jenne , who is in is
City taking medical treatment , is i
reported as improving and hopes
to soon be able to come home.
Jim Mendenhall , traveling
freight agent of the li. & M.
was looking after business ink
this city the first of the week.
That sign in front of "the ncv
pool hall is the work of Jak <
Reed , the best sign writer ii
this section. It's a dandy.
Tom Palmer returned to Shick
ley. Neb. . Monday night after i
lew days visit in this city will
home folks , and others.
Hermes Bros , are still paymj
lOc for hens.
The Real Thing ,
The. spirit of real Christianity
was manifested last Sunday even
ing at the Brcthcrn church when
the minister requested the men of
: he congregation to remain after
the sermon as he had a little
business with them.
They did So , and it was learned
that a family of children in this
city , who rely upon their own
efforts for support , were about to
esc their home by the foreclosure
of a mortgage given by the father
ind who later left town , leaving
iis little ones to struggle along
is best they could , the mother
laving died a few years ago.
[ t only took about fifteen min-
ites for these men to settle mat
ters by raising the required am
ount for the mortgage and also
the taxes , and but for their time
ly action this family might today
be without a roof to cover them.
This act of love , which after
all is true Christianity , is niost
commendable , and what a good
old world this would be if more
of it were displayed by those who
profess and call themselves
School Visitation and Patrons'
The teachers and pupils of the
public schools arc making an
effort to have the peopleof
Falls Oity become better ac
quaintcd with the actual work
done in the various schools of
the city. Heretoloro special
programs have been offered
from time to time , parents and
friends being invited to attend.
On this occasion , however , all
are urged to visit the rooms , in
which the regular work will be
carried on , on Friday afternoon ,
March (5. ( There will be on ex
hibition in every room samples
of the work done by the chil
dren. on arithmetic , language ,
writing , drawing and other sub-
In the evening a program will
be rendered at the High schoo'
building. This will consist of
music by various classes fron
the Kindergarten to the Higl
school. Here again there wil
be an exhibit ol the pupils
work. In .addition to this several
oral prominent citizens will give
addresses. Please remetnbe
the date visitation at all the
schools in the afternoon and L
special program by all the
grades at the High school In lh
evening of Friday , March 0.
Christian Church.
Next Sunday morning at 11
o'clock , after a short sermon ,
there will be an election of el
ders and deacons. A report of
the condition of the church will
also be given. Let every member -
ber be present.
C. E. 6:30 : p. m. Preaching at
7:30. : Snbject , "Sin and its Pun.
* ishment" in the following man-
Is there any punishment of
the wicked after death.
If there is , where does it begin
Is there a future , final judg
ment such as we have heard ofi
What is to follow after the
judgment ?
How long will it last ?
a Did My Duty
o FAU.S CITY , Nun.
Feb. 20 , 1908.
: To whom this may concern :
Last month the kind people oi
k this city placed in my hands the
f sum of $112.'J5 , to used in assist
ing and relieving a family in the
country , frightfully scourgei :
; with a pestilence.
I have faithfully tried to carrj
out the wishes of the donors.
bought and sent such things is
were dee m c d needful , am
have now turned over to tin
afflicted , all the balance in cash
Contributor ? arc welcome to cal
on me , to examine 1113' account ts
and receipts. S. MAHTS.
n Notice to Public
The sale of E. S. Blodgett , advertised
- vertised for Feb. 29th , will be
a postponed indefinately on nt
of smallpox existing in the fain
ily. By order of Chas , F.Xoeller
supervisor of district No. 5.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Legal Nqtlce
Frederick 13. Nltr.sclio , executor of tlio wtnto
of UuorKO Hcr olil rBor , deceniieil , nnd trusloo of
nn oj press trust , plaintiff , m.
The city of Arnito , Nebrnnkn , nnd the citizen *
mul InhnhltanlH thereoftlio ( nntcnown helm of
Louis AllRowahr , ilocontknl , tlio unknown holrt
of Jncoli Uclictii Jncob Hoyor mid Goorso Holler
ith , ( loconwil , who represented themnelros on
tntntooi ( or the General flernmn Colonization
Hoalctjr of IliifTnlo , Now York , n con > orntlou mid
Joseph A. Hwootnor , Joseph nincor , Ww. Mast ,
Atlnm Uinlmif , 1) . W. Cnrtl * , Joseph Hwnbnch ,
B.imnol tichncr , John Hchlolfer , QcorRo , Henry
mul Attaint I'nrchnn , heirs nt law of Win. 1'nr-
chen , doronncdi Hnriimn mul V/in. Doornto , huln
( U law of Aiujnit Doernte ; AilKtiMn It. Hacon ,
Hoihlii | 0. llurclmril , helm of K.V. . Itnrclmnl , ilp >
censeilj Amlreun Iteem , Holnrlch Sncht , A.Gorb-
hi'lile , Krnut TiiiK | | > , ICdwnrtl 1'nckert , John \Vo1 > -
ur , 1'rliMrich Bull , JIUIH-H Thornton , Honnlch
Bchpriilor , llcniy Dnhl , Phillip llnuck , Mrs.Mury
Kltticlor , Kri'ltlrlchTnppo , Hnltlmser Wlrthnor ,
Joint Horn , ( iooiRo , August Norlo , Jonopli
HclinvrntiK , I'oler lliiuliort , Kclmuml J.NV.II. lllch ,
Ijouln I'Ucheo , lloriihnril Kiile , Nlcholnn I.lppold ,
Itimry llrmin , 1'redrlek Will , I'rlrilrlch Itton-
clicolt , Chnrh-H Hilttnnm < l > ! > fonntK , Frlcdrlcli
Iinhn , Adnm Ailnmnky , lioriMiz(1rnnnnchorThoo-
dorn HiiKvr , IMnitrd Hnrott , I'otcr 1'nnlllnocn ,
John llothlmrlh , Jiicoli tJohli'lTor , Allxirt llryor ,
IVtor KlolnliiuiH , Nlcholnim Wnnnenmchcr , Hor-
innrl ICoeolTrl , W < mdoHU ! > rn , 1' , Anthony Smith ,
Jiu'oli ( lorcldo , Chnrlim'l'iitkowHky , Jacob Ilolor ,
Klhmblth 1'uwcl , 1. F. Mmwlln , ( lllllir ,
Amlnmn liei-ss , 1. M. Kiill , l''rrdrlch ' !
llllpnrlh , Jacob HchloMor ,
i Auitunt llolzlmuion , Chris I\n Kurtz-
mnti , Adnm Itnlnhnrdt , Krltxlrlchouch , Krlod-
rlcli Wuorth , Jullmm J.Bolomoti , MIchnnlDooch *
kol , Hernmu DclrltiKor , Iiotds I'ornolT , Krcdorick
I'lohclu'ck , HiTiimu Doerllol.AitKUBtus Hchrnmm ,
( IcorBotichnolilur. John (1. I'ooll , John Itoth-
burth , Joseph Hall , 1'olor NesBolhuflch , Henry M.
I'nruhun , John Nmiiimn , IMitlllp Uchwnnn , Itonrjr
Hellrlijlo , llelnrk-h Wn nor , Wllholm Wn ; nor , . 1'IcHM-l , Kritylrlch HlnibnrK , Kriodo-
rlcka Slyer , Jncob V , Hnnrtz , llolwrt Bchltntor ,
KrnnzlH A. Hiirnlmrclt , Andn-iw lti s , Ooorgo H.
Wnlthor , Kllnnlioth Klvsnl , Jncob Dolor , Joseph
O. Wirth , Jncob ( loorcrle , Aimuuti WOCKIT ,
Chnrlox TnlkowHky , Olinrh-H Itulttor , 1'hllllp
I'Vrtol.ChriHtinnllirlB , 1. M. Kull , Clmrles llolrt-
tor , ICinrlch Jlolor , Krlodrlch Tnppii , AttKUHt
Kooppun , Victor Utiptw , Mlchnol Dunnor , John
Win. Gordon , Francis F. DuVIno , .HUlus I'.Wnhl ,
Anton Bflklor , li. (1. ( leplmrt , John (1. ( Bclimldt.
Androiii < Btorr , Frlnlrlch LntitoiiHrhlnoKor , 1 * .
Anthony Bmlth , 1'oter Bchnllz , ( SeorKi ) John
llurkel , Cliiirlen F. AhnurIdinK r , I'rkxJrlch
IjittttuuBchhu'Kor , Hunry Itoliwoii , Jopoph Vod-
wnrkn , Jncob .Moltur , lluitry Nuticrt , Phillip
llcjer , Curl Wi'lih'tibnntn , ClirUtlnn 1'nrchen ,
ChrlHtlmiBtrutikur , Otto Mueller , Alnthlna Hol
lerith , ( I nw > r lliiudsor , John ( I. \ \ ' tenniina ,
Thoixloro Bolls , I. 1' . SIiicKolIu , Abrnhnm N. IMt-
ternon , Henry Hchueuuuin , Win. Ijunso , 1'Vlod-
rich /iwcli , Henry HopIUvclrar , John Bchnoldor
rhllllpU. llondor , John lli < 8n , llormun 1'nckort ,
Wllholm UiH'BO , ( JeorKu IMiumler , Win. MoHnitig ,
Frh < drlch llochsiibiich , Curl NnitMil , John U
Keinpter. Chnrlen V , Mejer , John Ii. lx > lnniinn ,
Henry W , Hnthert , JoMiph Vodwnrkn , Johiina
I' . Tnif7nrlwtrKC W.PrnkoHtinnuii II. llothorf ,
Ixinla llolzlioriti JoRoph Kortz , Win , F.iclieiil ! rt ,
Kinll BUn.'t , U. Smith , ( loorRU Herch , Hiirlmra
Hellinnu , UeorKo Kyrldo , Nlcholaud JloorHfi-hlor ,
Chnrloa V. AlttioudiiiKur , Krliilrlch CnuMir , Ho-
innii BchmlttViit. . HennliiK , Frludrlch Lutz ,
( IciorKu V. Jlot'ld , AuKtist Bchwnrz , C. I' . Ilnrlli-
miiir , B. UlliKwnld , J. Konft , Jueeph 1Inter ! , Albert -
bert Mohn , Kd H. T < iinmhnKon , l.nclen Herrlt ,
UoorKu ChrUtninnn , iKiiutz Wnppcl , Joseph
Holliniui , Ottn MIchncltH , I'rnnk Bchmldt , Win.
Uannniiclier , ( leorKU ( inextel , Frlixlrlcli Cno or ,
Baintiel K. Moiiderry : , Jncob Hclili'Hswuhl , Johti
( iiitlenliert , ltejina ; Funtnncht , Win , llollnnin ,
1'otor I'niil , Kriink l'feonil , John Wcbur , Ijoronz
Hchehlt , llouefntz Ilnrtmaii , Jncob Htrubul , Au-
Ktmt ( ' . "I'nppo , AiitfiiHt luurrk ( luorKO Lnudor ,
John C. Konclilln , John IJncobn , John H ,
HothiTt , AuKUBt Uothort , Herman 11 , Itothcrt ,
Chrbtlun Albiucht. IV(4.r ( AM > I. . . | , llcnry Spann ,
Arthur Erin ) , I'hllllp llocro , lOdwnrd lloron ,
Louisa U. lteer , 1) . llartiielo , John ( lecklcr ,
Adnm Buchs , Jniiieu Thornton , Henry C , HIIMH ,
( leorijo 1' . Ilium , Hunry A , Bcharilulnmn , Henry
M. I'mc-hou , 1'rwlrlcli (1..Manner ( , CuaiMir Wall her ,
Jncob Ittuloliih , 1' . Jl. Holnrlch , August Itothurt ,
Frkxlrieh Uochonbacli , ( leer u 1' . Haaa , Xavler
Cootz , Herman Btlofol , l lvMird Huron , Ferdi
nand Kelir , Jonn ArmliniHt , Jncob Holnmuntz.
1'reldrlch Dorhchmnnn , Joeoph Kurtz , 1'rlud-
rich Kiiehn , dufendantH.
To the unknown hi'liH of Loiiln Allfowalir , do-
CU.IHIH ! , mul tliu unknown holra of Jncob Bchiiu ,
Jacob lluor nnd ( leow Hollerith , doccnMil , and
nil of the abovu named individual deftmdantu
commencing with tlio iiamo of Jon'pli A. B irt-
HCT , and endiMK with thu iiamo of Frltxlrlch
Knehn , iion-ienidentH of tlm ttntu of Nehraxka :
NOl'lFll'l ) that Krodurlck K. NltZKcho , executor
of thoostatoof ( loorci ) IlerwldxirRer , deceantsl ,
nnd trustooof nn oxpruim trnet , did on tho-llth
day of 1'obrunry , 1WW , file Ida petition In the dln-
. trlct court of IliclmrdMin County , the object and
prajer of which IH to procure the rendition of n
- decree by wild honorable court ipilutliiK the tltlo
In him IIH the h'Katoo of the tnld ( Inorso HerKch-
horKor , deconM < d , to tint follow Ints deKcrllMxl ronl
( wtnto Hltuutod In HichardhonCo. , nnd the etute
of Nebrnaku , towif.tho ea t half of the nouth-
twtat ijuuttur of Kectlon U , township 2 , nmio 17 ,
? 12. of the 0 1' . SI , , in which snid null estuto you
npi > onr to clnim ftomn interest , nnd which > ou
nn rwjulrod by wild petition of plaintilT herein
to Hit forth jour answer thereto.
iinlettH ion mnerally 11 load , answer or ilemnr to
lliu ( million or plaintiff iilcxl heroin on or Ix-foro
th 13th ilny ( if April , 11KH , raid petition will Iw
tiikun im ei > iifeH xlnml uilecreu tumlurixl nnulnst
This tuimi'ii by publication , o far us tnohiime
rolntus to tlio unknown helm of IxuiU AllKOwiihr ,
IcceiiMil , mill tli unknown IIUITH of Jacob
Hchen , Jacoli Hejer nnd UiiorKO Hollerith , ilo-
r iiM < < l , IH niailu ptirmmut to nn onler of tlin Him.
John II. Itaper , imoof th JIKK | < ' * 'if tluxlUtrlct
court of ItlcliiirilMiu County , mmlo for tlint ) iur-
iiownml emlorwil on the petition of plaintiff
KKAVIS A IlKtvis , AttorucyM for I'laintilT.
d Poultry
' . Wanted
I will pay the
: highest market
price for Poultry
- of all kinds
Phone 290