The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 28, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. V FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 28 , 1908. Number 6
The Sound of a Voice That is Still
The ghostly fingers of the rain
and sleet were tapping on the
windows ; the lights of the vil
lage flashed and were gone as
the train sped into the darkness
and the night ; the sleepy passen
gers drowsed uncomfortably ; the
wheels clicked a dreary monotony
on the rails which sung itself in
to the rhyme "A voice that is
still that is still that is still. "
I had heard over the wire that
a little boy at home , a ver3' little
boy in fact , was dead. The fever
had been upon him for weeks and
he had struggled for life so
wonderfully that those who
watched forgot that he was a
little boy , a very little boy. The
brave heart had throbbed to the
point of bursting until those who
loved him alternated between
hope and despair. But there
came a time when he could en
dure no more , when the heat of
fever left him and the flushed
face went ashen white , for then
it was that the "finger of God
touched him and he slept. "
John Dalbey Crook , who lived
two years and a half , died at the
home of his parents , Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Crook , in this city ,
on Monday morning , February
24th , 1908. The span of his life
was short , but long enough to
permit him to do his work , to ac
complish the purpose of his cre
ation. It matters little whether
one lives three score and ten
years or lives but two years and
a half , the good God has set for
each a set task and in his wisdom
waits until the task has been
prepared then comes the night
and the darkness.
" '
- This baby boy was a remark
able child. There was that about
him that was different but in
describable. There was in his
eyes a shadow that inspired the
question : "What is the child
thinking of ? " He loved company
all children do but at times
' not even his little sister "Conny '
was his companion , when the
spirit of prophec3' seemed brood
ing over the form of an infant.
I wonder , now that I see more
: clearly , if in such moments he
did not hear the wash of the
waters on the other shore and
j-v over all there did not come to him
the gentle voice saying , "Suffer
/ little children to come unto Me. "
* * I knew this little boy in his
? sweet endearing wa3rs. I knew
him as he seemed to see and know
of things that were denied to
those about him. I had heard
his childish prattle in which he
, always used his letter "H" wrong.
I remember when his father returned -
turned from a long journey that
he had said , "papa will stay wif
me now. " And so , when after a
long day's work , the word come
to me that he was dead , and I
was on m3r wa3' home , and the
rain and the sleet tapped drearily
on the windows , that the wheels
on the rails chicked and sung of
a voice that is still that is still
that is still.
A Substantial Institution.
Not many years ago an insti
tution known as the Farmer's
State Bank was launched in the
little village of Preston , by a few
enterprising gentlemen , eyen
against , as the majority thought ,
the good advice of older heads.
-/The capital stock was only $ f > ,500.
The business however has grown
until now it is one of the best
and most substantial of its kind
in this section , and a few weeks
ago , right in the midst of the fi
nancial flurry , a meeting of the
stockholders was called and it
was decided to double the capital
stock. This is a fine showing
and the gentlemen are to be con
gratulated upon the fine business
success they have made.
Basket Ball Game
The last basket ball game of
the season was played at the high
school "gym" Friday evening be
tween the local girls and the team
from the Peru normal. The home
team won by ; a score of 27 to 19
and to say the large crowd pres
ent was delighted but faintly ex
presses the enthusiam with which
the score was received.
The girls of the local high
school are not quitters. They
started the season by being "easy
marks'1 for every team they
placed. Perserverance and hard
work have accomplished wonders ,
however , and Friday night they
beat the team that has triumphed
over every other girl team in the
country including the famous
team from the Wesleyan univer
sity of Lincoln.
It is hard to pick the member
who did the best Friday night.
Maud Davis was eveo' where and
always to good advantage. Lillie
Voeghne , despite her dignity ,
showed the Peru goal thrower up ,
and Lucille Leyda , an eight
grade youngster , had the crowd
3'elling half the time. It didn't
make much difference whether it
was scientific team play or just
"rough house" Lucille was al
ways "Johnny on the spot" and
alwa3s doing business in a way
that made partial manaics out of
the gang of rooters on the stage
and in the gallaries.
The victory was a fitting close
for the season and is an indica
tion of what ma3r be expected of
our girls next year.
Council Let Contract
As stated in last week's Tri
bune the mayor appointed G. L.
Windle , George FallsteadFrench
McDonald , John A. Crook and
War Hutchings to compose a
committee to investigate the various -
ious bids of dealers in electric
light machinery.
After spending the best part of
a week considering the different
propositions the committee , on
Monday evening , recommended
that in their estimation Jos. A.
Bortenlangerof Omaha had made
the best bid. The bid calls for a
Warren generator and an Erie
engine and boiler the complete
outfit , all set up and in first class
running order to cost $10,600.
After listening to several kicks
trom a few citizens the council
deliberated a short time and then
decided that Falls City had wait
ed long enough for good lights
and they accepted the above
named bid.
The successful bidder has en
tered into a contract with the
city to have the plant in running
order in four months. The ma
chinery will be installed upon any
site the city might name.
Tecumseli Wins Again.
A few of our bowlers went to
Tecumseh last Saturday to bowl
a return game with the team at
that place , but if all reports are
true , it was an off night for our
bo3s , as tliC3' did not make a very
favorable showing. They say ,
however , that they did not mind
the defeat so much , as the Tecum
seh boys treated them so nicely
as to make them forget for the
time , that the3' wasn't in the
A Case of Smallpox.
On Thursday evening what
proved to be a case of smallpox
developed in the Konobe family.
A son , Will Kouobe , who had
been working in Atchison , came
home Wednesday and the next
day was taken ill. A physician
was called and found it a fully
developed case of smallpox. The
family was quarantined at once
and no spread of the disease is
apprehended. The present case
is in ver3r light form.
The Benefit Concert
The high class concert given
in the First M. E. church last
Thursday night for the building
fund of the new Presbyterian
church was a decided success , and
incidentally , a great surprise to
some of our townspeople. The
large audience which had gather
ed was in a state uncertainty for
the most partwondering whether
the Falls City orchestra would or
could make good when it was so
extensive advertised , and the
charge for admission was set at
SOc. At the close of the splendid
ly rendered program , doubts had
Vanished , and not only had the
orchestra made go d , but cver3'-
body seems delighted with the
talent of our city. Where ever3'-
body did so well , it would be in
vidious to make particular com
ment on the program. The gen
eral concensus of opinion was
that we had been favored with a
rare musical treat , and that in
one of our own churches , by our
own citizens. Doubtless the fact
that the money was for one of
onr churches induced many to go ,
but in the future , it is the guess
of this paper that our people will
attend any event promised by the
orchestra , and do so with assur
ance that a pleasant and profita
ble evening is assured them. It
is hinted that the promoters are
contemplating a concert of vocal
and less instrumental musici with
other numbers that will give
greater variety , such concert to
presented 1 in the near future. In
the 1 absence of a clean lecture
course in the city , let us have
such concerts ) they entertain usf
and also help a good cause.
The pastor , with his official
board of the First Presbyterian
church desires to take this meth
od of expressing their appreciation
tion of the public spirit of the
people of Falls Cit3r in supporting
the Falls City orchestra by at
tending the benefit concert in the
M. E. church last week.
The very kind and generous
expressions made to us by vari
ous people lead us to think that
our canvass for assistance in
building our much needed new
church structure will receive a
liberal response from the resi
dents of our cit3' .
For the regular maintainencc
of the institutions of the church
we are responsible , and can cany
such duty , but we feel that many
of our people in the city would
really be glad and willing to help
us erect such a sanctuary as will
be a comfort to the church , and
albo an ornament to our city for
all time to come.
With due regard to efficiency ,
and good judgment , we are
hastening our preparations for
the canvass of the city , which will
be made b3' the men of our
church and accomplished in a
business and systematic way.
Just as soon as the matter of a
proper location for the building
has been secured and settledthen
the solicitation will begin. With
thanks for past favors , and antic
ipating your continued kindly
help in this new and greatest un
dertaking in our history , we are ,
as ever , most cordially yours , the
building committee.
Marriage License
George Arnold , Falls City 23
Emma Kart , Falls City 21
Arthur Proyo , Reserve , Kas. . .21
Rebecca Hale , Reserve , Kas. . . 18
John Kentopp , Verdon 22
Anna Yole , Verdon 20
Robert Kanaly , Falls City 31
Angela Tiehen , Dawson 24
Lawrence Long , Falls City 24
Bertha Armbuster , Verdon..20
John Freas , Rule 23
Helena Haunhs , Rule 21
One of the prettiest weddings
ever solemnized in this vicinity ,
was that at St. Mary's Catholic
church at Dawson , on Tuesday
of this week , when Miss Angela
Tiehen of that place , and Rob.
ert Kanaly of this city , in the
presence of a few friends and
relatives , plighted their troth.
Father Lohren assisted by Fath
er Kclley of Indiauola , per
formed the ceremony.
Promptly at 9 o'clock , to the
soft strains of the wedding
inarch , played by Miss Mamie
Rilcy , the bridal party entered
the church , led by liltlo Jcro-
inetta Kelley of this city , who
acted as Jlower girl , carrying a
huge boquet of roses and lilies
of the valley. Attached to her
by white ribbons came the little
sister of the bride , KatioTiehen ,
carrying the wedding ring em
bedded in a beautiful calla lily.
Both little tots were visions in
pure white. The bridesmaid ,
Miss Minnie Tiehen , wore n
beautiful blue silk and large
picture hat and carried pink
roses. The bride , supported by
her brother , Ambrose , looked
most beautiful in a gown of tan
silk , picture hat and an abund
ance of bride's roses. The
groom attended by his brother ,
John , met the bridal party at
the altar , where the solemn
vows were taken.
Immediately after the cere ,
mony the oridal party with a
few friends , went to the home
of the bride's parents , where an
elegant 8-course dinner was
Tfe ) house had been converted
into a veritable bower of roses
ind other cut flowers. In the
parlors were used American
Beauty roses , ferns and palms ,
while the dining room was a
.lung of beauty in lilies and
'cms. It is impossible to do
ustice to the affair , but suffice
t to say it was a typical wed
The happy couple left imme
diately on a short wedding trip
ind will be at home in this city
ifter April 1st. }
The bride is the oldest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tiehen
of Dawson , is a beautiful and
accomplished young lady and
numbers her friends by the
As to the groom , we all
know Bob , and know that he is
one of the best fellows in the
land. He is the oldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kanaly of
this city , and is possessed of
all those traits that go to make
a real man.
We welcome them in our
midst and join with their many
friends in extending congratula
Business to Change Hands.
The Electric Theatre is to
change hands in this city next
week , but just for Monday night ,
as on that evening Messrs. Bower
& Waller will turn the business
over to the young ladies of the
Episcopal church , who will man
age the same , the proceeds to go
! nto their treasury to be used in
paying a small debt on the rector3\
This is a commendable act on
Lhe part of Messrs. Bower &
Waller , and it is hoped every body
will turn our and help the young
ladies in their efforts.
Broke Her Arm.
Eyeline , tlie little daughter
of T. O'Gorman , manager of the
Matthews store , fell off the
counter Wednesday , breaking
a bone in the left fore arm.
While the injury is very painful
to the little one , she will soon
be herself again.
John Dalbey , the little son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Crook died in
this city Monday , Feb. 24 , 1908 ,
aged 2 ycars,6 months and 2 days.
This was the sad news which
brou'ght sorrow to so many of on
people on Monday morning. No
sorrow for the little one who liac
gone to his rest , after such a
long hard battle , but for the lov
ing parents left behind , who had
hoped against hope through it
all , but now were forced to sub
mit to the will of the All Wise
and return to the One who gave ,
it the son on whom they have
lavished so much affection , and
for whom they had planned sucl
a bright future. Their grief cai
be realised only l > 3' those who
have passed through a like ex
perience , and time alone can
lessen the pangs of sorrow whicl
they are now experiencing.
Little Johnnie was taken ill
about four weeks ago , and from
the first it was apparent thai
more than the ordinary skill
would be required to save him.
All that it was possible lor mor
tal man to do was done , but tone
no avail.
It is hard to understand why it
is for the best , but the loved ones
have for their assurance that this
is not the end , but the beginning
of a better and purer life , where
there will be a meeting of loved
The funeral was conducted
from the family residence Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 : , by Rev.
Neide of St. Thomas church , as
sisted by Rev. Mastin. The
floral offerings wcro many and
beautiful , given as silent tokens
of love and pit3r felt by the many
Interment was in the Stecle
Dan Sullivan Shot
Word was received in this city
last Friday that Dan Sullivan had
been shot at Artesia , N. M. , on
that day.
The injured man is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Murty Sullivan of
this cit3' , and has been agent for
Slew Mexico land for some time ,
taking several hind seeking par
ties to that section.
The trouble which resulted in
iiis injury grew out of a contro
versy over commission due him
from the sale of land , and which
he was trying to collect. The
weapon used was a shot gun , the
assailant firing three shots at
Dan , two taking effect , one in the
right side of the face and the
other in the right shoulder. The
wounded man was taken to Roswell -
well and placed in a hospital.
We understand that the right
eye was removed and it is feared
the arm cannot be saved.
These are the facts as near as
we have been able to get them.
At this writing ( Wcdnesda3' ) the
injured man is considered to be
in a dangerous condition.
Dan has many friends here , all
of whom are ver3'anxious about
him , and sincerely hope his con
dition is not as bad as reported.
A Vivid Imagination.
In the account of the council
meeting held Monday night of
last week , the Journal , in speak
ing of the electric light proceed
ings , says a new boiler , engine
and dynamo were purchased ,
when the fact of the matter is no
bids were let.
We realize that a strong im
agination is one of the essentials
of the newspaper business , but
the above is beyond us.
MOKAL , Subscribe for the Tri
bune and get all the news and
get it straight.
Dr. Ed Hays of Dawson was in
the city Sunday.
Society News.
Sorosis met Wcdnestlay with
Mrs. A. E. Hill. An excellent
paper , "Needs of Our Oity and
What | Shall We do to Meet
Them , " was ably discussed by
by Mrs. Frances Morris. All
agreed that what the city needs
is officials with courage to en
force the law. An excellent
paper on "William Vaughn
Moody with a critique on the
Fire Bringer"was ably handled
by Mrs. T. J. Gist. Mrs. Banks
gave a short sketch of the man ,
Mr. Moody , and what prompted
him to write "The Fire Bring-
er" and the "Masque of Judg
ment. "
During the social half hour ex
cellent refreshments were served
by the hostess assisted by Mrs.
The club adjourned 'to meet
with Mrs. Jussen , March 11.
Mrs. J. S. Jobe and daughter
invited about forty friends to
their home Friday evening to
assist in impressing upon her
husband the fact that he had
reach another mile stone in his
life , it was a complete surprise
as well as a pleasant one. Af
ter a time devoted to music and
games a fine lunch was served.
Mr. Jobe received a number of
useful and valuable gifts.
Mrs. Rev. Manshardt was the
victim of a very pleasant surprise
Thursday afternoon , when the
members of the W. M. S. of the
German Evangelical church called
and took possession of her home.
The guests were armed with well
filled baskets and an elegant
lunch was served. A splendid
time was had andjust . , departing -
parting the guests" presented the
lostcss with many prctt3r gifts.
The regular monthb' social
nceting of the St. Agnes Guild
was held Monday evening with
Mrs. Morsman as hostess. De
spite the bad weather , nearl3r all
tjie members were present and a
fine time was the result. The
irogram consisted of various
games and mutic , and at an
appropriate Inxir a splendid lunch
was served.
The last meeting of the W. C.
r. U. was held with Mrs. Gra-
lam. A Frances E. Willard
irogram pn/ved very interest-
ng , bringing out the amount
of good done by that saintly
woman in her chosen work. The
next meeting will be at the
loine of Mrs. II. 0. Davis next
Wednesday at 5 ! p. in.
The members of the German
society had a very pleasant dance
at their hall Monday evening.
It was a masquerade and furn
ished great amusement to those
present. Refreshment : ; were served
and the evening proved one of
the most enjoyable of the season.
The ladies of the Episcopal
church will serve a 15c tea at the
ionic of Major Keeling on Shrove
Tuesday , March 3 , from 5 to 8
o'clock. Everybody invited ,
Remember you can get all you
want to cat for 15 cents , and a
good time thrown in.
Miss Slocum was hostess to
the Kaffee Klautch girls Tues
day afternoon. Look up the
meaning of the club name and
you can imagine the pleasures
of this session.
There will be u 0 o'clock sup
per served by the W. R. 0. in
their hall Monday , March 2.
Everybody invited , the proceeds
to go for the benefit of the W.
II. 0.
Mrs. 0. Schoenheit enter
tained a few friends at a neigh
borhood whist party Saturday