The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 21, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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> rt.r.i MtX&t tiM
fr 240 acres well improved , H miles from Depot in Kan. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
10 acres as part payment , balance lotitf time at low interest.
200 acres \i \ miles from depot , Kich.irdson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
ICO acres upland , 1 mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. $12,000.
ICO acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownvillc , Nebraska.
80 acres # -mllc from falls City high school.
010 acres , $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100acres ns part payment.
Pine running writer. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to lonn.
Wmlo Toncykc , of Uaradu , WIIH In
town Saturday.
Newton Jnrvls , ol Notmiha , was In
lown last Monday.
Walter Lewis waa a Falls City visitor
n tow days last week.
Chas. Shulonborir waa a business vis
itor at Barada Monday.
Mrs. F. N. Ktnton spent Wednesday
at tbo homo of Mrs. Jno. Harmon.
Mrs. Ora Ross was the jue t of rela
tives at Falls City a few days last week.
Mrs. Ell Kupart was entertained at
tbo homo of Mrs. F. N. Klnton last
Mrs. Walter Weddlo ftpcnt last week
with her sister-in-law. Mrs. F. COR- !
lazlur and family.
Mrs. Spence and llttlo ( Inughlor were
guebta of Mrs. A. M. Shubort u few
days last week.
C. A. Lord attended the etato con
vention ot retail hardware dealers at
Lincoln last week.
Mr. Imlor , who has been at Nelson
and Beatrice visiting old time friends ,
returned homo Tuesday.
Miss Dora Morten of Natnaha , Is now
enjoying a few days stay with her
friend Mrs. M. n. Taylor.
M. T. 11111 , accompanied by his
daughter , Miss lid III ) , were Omaha vis
itors a few days last week.
Wurron Diitohlnn , of Falls City ,
ejiont the llrst of last week visiting
with his son Guy and family.
Miss Marie HlggB. who la employed
as teacher at Verdon , came up to Bpond
Saturday and Sunday with home folks.
Uov. Sapp eamo down Saturday eve
ning from Natnaha to 1111 his appoint
ment at the Christian church Sunday.
Ell Hnparl was a business visitor at
SlruusvUlc , Salem and Falls City a few
days la l week , returning homo Friday
ThoM K. Aid society mot at the
homo of Mre. Walter Lewis last Wed
nesday afternoon and accomplished a
good work.
George Klggs and Miss Gladys Tay
lor had charge of Misses Imlcr and
NiiBbhaum'fl rooms during their absence
last Monday.
Jake Peters and Anthony Hnchol/ ,
two noted farmers of near Darada , ac
companied a car load of hogs to Kan
sas City last Monday night.
Mrs. Frank Pearson , of Lincoln , who
Is now enjoying a short stay with homo
folks , Mr. Ruck and family , was calling
on old frlcndR hero Saturday
Mrs. Win. Hrunson , of near town ,
was called to Falls City the latter part
of last week by the serious Illness of
her mother , Mrs. Ralmel of that place.
Mrs. J. C. and Mrs. Chas. Shulen-
berg wont down to Falls City Wednes
day where they took In the opera and
visited with relatives , returning homo
Friday morning.
Jtmmlo Shubort and family have ar
rived hero with their household goods
from Oklahoma , where they have made
their homo about a year. There IB no
place like Shubort.
The M. 1C. Sunday school social met
at the homo of Miss Cora Hill last
Monday. The evening was spent In
niUBlo and games , also speaking , after
which light rofroshtnontB wore served.
The llve-months-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. Glen llargor passed away Feb. 7
and was laid to rest in the Prairie Un
ion cemetery Fob 8. In the alllictlon
the parents have the sympathy of a
largo circle of friends.
Mrs. Harvey Hall and Mrs. James
Shivoly went up to Omaha last week to
visit Mrs. Hall's daughter , who is at
tending the Deaf and [ Dumb Institute.
She Is more than pleased with the rapid
progress Miss Lulu is making In her
Now is the time to subscribe.
C. U. Martin was in Falls City on
Mrs G. W. Frazeo Is quite ill with
la grippe.
Mr. Lloyd Mitchell and wlfo visited
Jacob Peters on Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. Wlleman visited Mrs.
Jacob Peters on Sunday.
Mrs. Monle Allen , of Rosalie , Is vis
iting relatives and friends hero.
C. II. Martin and family spent Sun
day with A. G. Uutler and tatnlly.
B. F. U end ricks has now moved his
family to the Crotty farm , just west of
Grandma Thompson returned to Falls
City after an extended visit with friends
Joseph Surrnoir IB EO far recovered
from his attack of la grippe as to visit
Mrs. Lamcda Raines Is again able to
bo about after a severe attack of the
la grippe.
Mrs. Elliott , of Falls City , Is visiting
Mrs. I. A. Dunn and other friends In
this vicinity.
Mr. Paul Smith and wife spent Sat
urday and Sunday with her mother ,
Mrs. Jas Stophcnson.
Mrs. Mary Eisonhand , nee Parchon ,
of Fort Morgan , Colorado , la visiting
her mother and brothers.
Wllford Orr has moved his family
from the farm , cast ot town , on the
farm owned by the cannlns : company ,
west of town.
Messrs. Fisher , Taylor Stcarn and
Prltchard and Mcsdamcs Stcarn and
Prltchard attended evangelist services
ut Barada Sunday evening.
Charlie Mitchell , who has been as
sisting his brother in the barber busi
ness In St. Joe , has returned to Barada
and Is visiting relatives hero.
W. E. Slaglc accompanied his brother
John Single , who lives near Shubort to
Rochester , Minn. , that ho may there
rccclvo skilled medical attention.
The meetings begun last week by the
evangelist , II. O. Parrlsh , are creating
much Interest. Largo numbers are at
tending and already results are evident.
On Tuesday , Feb. 11 , at the court
house In Falls Olty , occurred the mar
riage of Delta Mao Williamson and
Leon Vnssar , Judge Gagnon olllclat-
Ing. They hayo gone to housekeeping
In Mrs. Olive Kukcr'a neat little cot
tage on First street. This estimable
couple enjoy a largo circle of frlenus
who join In extending beat wishes fora
happy and prosperous voyage through
- . . . . . - , . „ .
Leon Barnes , of Salem , was a visitor
here Monday.
Miss Olive Wilkinson left Monday
for St. Joseph.
D. G. Grllllths and wife spent Sunday
with Gco. Knapp.
Jake Bloom and family were Falls
City visitors Saturday.
Amrot Hart wont to St. Joe Saturday
to buy his spring goods.
Tom Quiggle , of Shubcrt , was a busi
ness visitor hero Wednesday.
Mra. W. C. Sloan and son returned
from a short visit to Falls City.
Mrs. John Strauss , of Strauaylllo Is
visiting her mother this week.
I. A. Hull and Jim Russel made n
business trip to Barada Saturday.
Charlie Holnzelman and Fred Heine-
man were Falls City visitors Satnrday.
J. A. Dletricks and family loft Satur
day for their now homo in Council
Grove , Kan.
Mrs. Shaw and children came up
from Kansas , Saturday , on a visit to
relatives here.
Will Estcs left Monday for his homo
in Grant , Nabr. , after an extended visit
with friends and relatives hero.
Ed Unland was down from Lincoln
the fore part of the week.
Mary Gandy entertained n company
at her homo Friday night.
Mrs. Frank Dorland Is In Peru this
week visiting her parents.
Orin Shrauger , of Pawnee City , was
a Sunday visitor in the city.
J. M. Ford left Monday for a visit
with relatives at Waverly , 111.
Mrs. Ben Stramer Is visiting this
week with her sister in St. Joe.
John Smith and wife have lately re
turned from n six months visit in Idaho.
Fred Linn and family , of Grandln ,
Mo. , are in the city visiting relatives.
Knowlton Carpenter and family are
making plans to move to Kansas City
Madge Ford entertained eight of her
friends at a "bunking party" Monday
Mrs. Walter Unland returned Sun
day from a several weeks visit in Tc-
Harry Philpot left Friday for Kear
ney , whore ho will enter the military
Lulu Hummel was down from Lin
coln from Friday until Sunday visiting
her parents.
The union Francis Willard services
at the Presbyterian church Sun-lay
evening was well attended.
Geo. Grlnstead came up from Malt-
land , Mo. , the llrst of the week to re
main a few days with friends.
The Comenlus club gave a play and
dance at the Bohemian hull Friday
evening , which was well attended.
A musical at the Christian church
parsonage Friday evening was numb
ered among the social events of the
past week.
Rev. Cantrall arrived this week from
Raymond , Ncbr. , and will preach hie
first sermon in the Presbyterian church
Sabbath morning.
Lllllth Waggoner , a teacher In the
schools at Douglass , Nebr. , visited over
Sunday with her parents , Dr. J. A.
Waggoner and wife.
Mra. Chas. Ross , who has been here
for some tlmo visiting her sister , Mrs.
S. B. Bobst , returned to her homo In
Goodland , Kan. , Saturday.
A surprise party at the homo of Joy
Moycra , northwest of town , Thursday ,
evening was attended by a large
number of young people from this com
Reports state that Mre. Minnie Un-
kofor is recovering nicely from the ef
fects of an operation performed in Ens-
worth hospital In St. Joe , Monday
Mrs. J. M. Revole , who has been
spending several months with relatives
In thh vicinity , left the first of the
week for Peacock , Canada , whore her
husband is now located.
Mrs. W J. Davis waa called to Falls
City Sunday by the serious Illness of
her mother , Mrs. Fred Unland , who
was taken sick while visiting at the
homo of her daughter , Mrs. Amos
The marrlago of Guy Snothen , n son
of Jake Sncnthon and wife , and Llnnic
licmont , only daughter of Horace Be-
mcnt and wlfo , occurred at the home of
the bride's parents in the cast part of
town , Wednesday e\cning at six
o'clock , the Rev. Cantrall perlormlng
the ceremony. The young couple will
reside on a farm , south of town , owned
by the groom's father.
No homo Is BO pleasant , regardless of
the comforts that money will buy , ns
when the entire family is in perfect
health. A bottle of Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrup costs 50 cents. It will
cure every member of the family of
constipation , sick headache or stomach
trouble. Kcrr's Pharmacy.
The Pric@ Killer
'E certainly appreciate the confidence shown us during our big Loom End Sale , which closed last week ,
as we are practically strangers among you. But we assure you that when Matthews advertises any
thing he certainly has the goods and you can buy them exactly as advertised , Our new Spring Goods
are daily arriving , We make special note of otir new Royal Worcester Corsets and our line of new Petticoats ,
Style 419
A dainty model , designed
especially for the tall , slen
der figure. Has medium
high bust and 'lengthening'
waist. The very short hip ,
cut away below the waist ,
allows perfect ease and
freedom. Made from fine ,
white Batiste. Sizes 18 to 26
Style 453
An exceptionally popular
model for the average fig
ure with long waist. Strict
ly in accord with existing
fashions. Medium high
bust and Princess hip. A
very desirable garment for
Summer wear. Unequalled
for style , fit , comfort and
durability. Sizes 18 to 30 ,
Price , $1.00
Si/es 31 to 36 ,
Price , $1.25
Style 506
A recent design for the long
waist figure. Has high bust ,
long back , and "lengthen
ing" waist effect. Made
from fine , white Batiste.
Style 502
is the same as Style 506 ,
but made from Coutille , in
white or drab. Sizes 18 to 30
Style 610
Royal Worcester Adjusto
for the full stout figure.
Has medium low bust , long
hips and back.
Made from durable Cou
tille , in white or drab.
Sizes 20 to 26 ,
Coffee will be served FREE
Wednesday and Saturday.
Everybody invited to a good
cup of Coffee.
Style 541
A splendid new Corset for
the woman of stout figure ,
the long hip and back com
pletely encase the over
developed porcions , and
mould superfluous flesh into
lines of perfect Symmetry.
It has a low qust and is long
and flat over the abdomen.
Made from Coutille in
white or drab. Sizes 181030
Price , $1.50
Sizes 31 to 36 ,
Price , $1.75
' / take orders for the celebrated Bon Ton Corsets. Prices from 1 ' CORSETS
We have just received a lot of fine.Axminster Rugs. These are high grade iu *
i l i & T r
Rugs and will be sold at cut prices while they last. J B n 1II I 3 > ( L s
Fine Saxony Rugs , sizes 27 x 54 inches. Matthews' Smith's fine Axminster Rugs , sizes 36 x 72 inches. Smiths' fine Axminster Rugs , sizes 9x12. Beautiful pat
special price , Matthews' price , only terns. Matthews' special price , while they last ,
Wi 0
We haven't a very large quantity of these fine Rugs and as the colorings and patterns are exquisitely handsome we would advise any one anticipating getting a new Rug
to come at once to see Matthews' line. We're sure you'll buy !
We Invite Everybody to Have a Cup of Our Delicious Coffee , "Our Pride , " Which will Be Served FREE , Saturday , February 22d.
We Will Also Serve Loose-Wiles' Fine Wafers.
Opposite the Falls City ,
Court House Nebraska m