THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 21 , 1908. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second-class matter at Falls City , Nebraska , post office , Janu ary 12 , 1W4 , under the Act of Congress of March 3,1879. Published every Friday at Falls City , Nebraska , by The Tribune Publltliinrf Compuny E. F. Shtvrii , MantXer One year Six n'onths Three months . TELEPHONE 226. Republicans Attention The republicans of 2ml ward Falls City are requested to meet in caucus at court house Feb. 28 , at 8 p. in. * for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention to be held March 2d , and for the transaction of any other business that may conic be fore the caucus. II. A. PUNCH , Committecmm. The republicans af Arago pre cinct are requested to meet in caucus at the Arago town hall Feb. 28 , at 2 p. in. for the pur pose of electing delegates to the county convention to be held March 2nd , and for the trans action of any other business that may come before the caucus. Louis Siwsu , Committecman. The republicans of the first ward are called to meet at the court house at 8 o'clock p. in. sharp , Thursday evening , Feb. 27 , for the purpose of selecting delegates to the county conven tion. Preferential vote on pres idential candidate will be taken. All republicans of the first ward should be present. P. B. WKAVKU , Committeeman. The republican voters of Liber ty Precinct are requested to meet in Caucus in the Parson's Hall in Verdon , on SaturdajFeb. . 29 , at 2 o'clork p. m. for the purpose of electing 9 delegates to the county convcntion-to be held in Falls City on March 2nd , 1'JOS , and to express a choice for president by secret ballot and to transact any other business that may come before the caucus. G. A. JOHN , Committeeman. The republican electors of Falls City township are request ed to meet at the town hall in said precinct on Saturday , Feb. 21) ) , 1908 , at 2HO : p. m. for the purpose of selecting 8 delegates to the republican county con vention to be held in Falls City , Neb. , on March 2 , 11)08 ) , and for the transaction of any other business which may properly come before said meeting. JOHN W. Cuooic , Committeeman. The republican electors of the 3d ward ol Falls City , Neb. , are requested to meet in caucus in the election room of the Na. tional Ilotel on Friday evening Feb. 28 , 1908 , at 7:30 p. in. for > the purpose of selecting 8 dele gates to the republican county convention to be hold at Falls City , Neb. , on March 2 , 1908aud , for the transaction ot any other business which may properly come before said meeting. Bit. II. T. HAHN , Committeeman 3d ward. How would Taft and cs suit you for the head of the t Keep the republican caucuses and primaries in mind. Attem them. Note February 18th as tin date of the first large snow ill in Richardson County in white of 1'JOS. The Verdon Vedette goes on the "early bird" theory and ha commenced talking Fourth o July celebration. The Mississippi senate passei the statutory prohibition bill b. a vote of 3d to 4 on February 13. The bill is effective December 51. Be patient. In nine month more , the country will be save again as promised in every pres dential election , and the electio will be over. Ten years ago last Saturday the Battleship Maine was blown up in Havana harbor and 226 of Uucle Sam's gallant sailors went to the bottom of the sea. With the democratic central committee in other counties in the state taking upon themselves the power of selecting the dele gates to the congressional conven tions , it does not become our democratic friends to howl about "The rule of the people. " The Kentucky legislature has now spent more than four weeks trying to elect a United States senator , \\ith no present prospect of a break in the dead lock. An other point in favor of the Nebr aska plan of permitting the voters to express the preference for senator. The Panama canal engineers compute tliat over twelve car loads of earth were dug out of that canal every working minute during the month of December. The amount removed every day would fill 5)868 cars , and would make a train thirty-three and one third miles long- Uncle Samuel is a power at throwing dirt as well as in other enterprises. The city of Detroit within the last year made a profit of $35,000 from its city prison. All prison ers who were able , were compelled to workIf more cities followed the example of Detroit and com pelled the lawless element to work , while in the custody of'the law instead of allowing them to lay around and consume rations , our prisons could be made to bear a portion of the expense required to maintain them. The Standard Oil Company has recently declared a quarterly dividend of $15 per share. With such evidence of prosperity on the part of that concern , the fine of $29,000,000 imposed on it by Judge Landis of Chicago will only tend to cut down its annual dividend. It will require more than a fine to compel these crim inals to obey the law. A few weeks or months behind the bars would be a better remedy. A Chinese editor , while lectur ing at the Y. M. C. A. associa tion in San Francisco , stated that "The United States is the only nation on earth with a conscience. " Quite a compliment this , but then Uncle Sam hns always been an advocate of the "square deal. " It is now but a few years since he turned down the proposition which was made him , asking him to be a party to the plan of pay ing off creditors with fifty-cent dollars , under the guise of free coinage of silver at the ratio of > 16 to 1. . Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman , state , president of the Missouri W. C. r T. U. , died last Friday at the ; home of her son in Kansas City. Mrs. Hoffman has always been a prominent worker in the temper ance cause , was the Missouri state president for twenty-five years , and national recording secretary for twelyc 3 ears. In 1S % she was delegate to the world's convention at London , and spent months lecturing in Great Britan , Germany , France ? ; and Switzerland. The success ol the temperance cause for the past quarter of a century especl ally in Missouri , has been practl ; cally due to the efforts of Mrs Hoffman. Simple Remedy for Ln flrlppo Lu grippe coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop into pnemnonli Foley's Honey und Tur not only stop as the connh but heals und strengthen of the lungs so ttiut no berlous result need bo feared. The genuine Foloy' Honey and Tiir contains no harinfu drugs and Is in n yellow package. HD fuse substitutes. Ivorr's Pharmacy. . . If you have Catarrh , rla yourself o this repulsive disease. Ask Dr. Shoo bs of Ruclne.Vls. . , to mall you tree , ed trial box of Dr. Shoop's Cutarrh Roiu si- edy. A simple , single test , will sure ) , tell you u Caturrh truth well wort ! on your knowing.Vrlto today. Don1 ' suffer longer. Sold by all dealers. RULO. Mrs. L. R. Record la very sick. Cbas. Uodgo IB very elck with typhoid fover. J , S. Pope was a St. Joseph visitor Saturday. Clem Davis was a St. Joe visitor one day last week. D. Vanvaulkcnburg was on the sick list last week. Mrs. Enoch Zelglenwas on the sick list last week. Grace Cronln visited friends in Falls C ty last week. Will Fulton is visiting friends in Rule this week. Em'l Saal was a Tarkio visitor the flr t of last week. J. J. Cavcrzagio spent a day in St. Joseph last week. Jake Wilton , of Kansas , visited here one day last week. Jim Haler was a Hiawatha visitor one day last week. Al Doeriier , of Falls City , was a Rule visitor last Sunday. Mrs. B. F. Jarrott Is quite 111 this week with la grippe. K. L. Walbrldpc. of Falls City , was n Rule visitor Monday. Mrs. Ida Brown is visiting with her mother , Mrs. Jcfferlcs. Mrs. Belplcr and daughter , Eva , went to Preston Monday. Jim Mcndcnhull , of Heatrlce , was a Utile visitor last Friday. Mis. John Chancy has been on the sick list for several days. Isorn Bryant , of Rush Bottom , was n Rule visitor last Friday. Mrs. Win. Kclley is visiting relatives in Nebraska City this week. Jacobt Wiggins returned Monday from a trip to King City , Mo. EJ Mathers , of Rush Bottom , was a business visitor here Monday. C. B. Rodgers was n business caller in this city one day last week. Mrs. Clarence Simons , of St. Joseph , is visiting her parents in Rulo. Charlie Boomer's mother , who lives at Hiawatha , Kan. , is very sick. Will Anderson , ot Kansas City , Is visiting lila father at this place. Marion Nobles , of Falls City , was a Rule visitor one day last week. Si Bunker , of Missouri , was a bus ! ness visitor In this city recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Young returned to their homo in Atchisou Saturday. Ray Hart went to St. Joseph Sunday for a few days visit with relatives. Ella Carpenter and Anna Mahan were Preston visitors last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehlcr and wife visited Rule friends last , week. Tom Wlntcrbottom , of White Cloud visited Rule friends one day last week Grace Harding went to North Bor- ron , Iowa , last week to remain for some time. Mrs. Lelghhigh , of Highland fetation visited relatives in Rule a few days labt week. Jiiko Ilooly received an Injury on the ohln while chopping wood one day last week. D.tvo Anderson and family , of Hum bolt , are visiting Rule relatives thl week. Lizzie Alkmau , of McCook , arrived in Rule Friday morning to visit he parents. Will Young and Sherman Alexander were Falls City visitors Thursday o last week. Lemon Brettorlc returned last week from a weeks visit with relatives a Pres'.ou. F. E. Krilp , of Wymore , was lookln after Burlington work hero one day last week. R. E. Shepherd , of Ccntralia , Kan. attended the funeral of Grandma She ] : herd Sunday. Engineer Joe Morris drew the auto . matlc rltlo which was rallied off her Saturday night. Harry Shepherd , of Billings , Mont is in Rule , called homo by the death o f his grandmother. Mrs. Goolsby and daughter Ella , < Missouri , were ylaltlug Rule friends a few days this week. Archie Kelly's wife and baby are , both quite eick , though baby Isiuiprov- ing at this writing. George Anderson , of Kansas City , was called here by the serious sickness of his father last week. Mable Long returned to her homo In Kansas last week , alter a two weeks - visit with Rule friends. . Wayne Richardson bought grain at the 1 > Y" while his uncle was uuablo to attend to business there. Win. Johnston has been night watch man at the Missouri river bridge since the death of Mr. Jackson. Mrs. J. M. Pope and children depart ed Saturday morning for a visit with friends at Marysvlllo , Mo. Evan Dunn and family departed for St. Joseph last week. Evan expects to - work in that place for awhile. The Missouri river has been giving the ferryman and the pump man all of kinds of trouble the past week. The pupils In the third room wore al it lowed a letter box on Valentine day - and all shared in tbo good time. The men working on he river bridge completed the work Saturday evening and will probably go to Fremont to work soon. Five deaths In less than a week , and all old residents of this city , is a record which no hope will not have to bo re corded again. Mra * John Anderson returned Thurs day of last week from North Burrow , Iowa , where she has been visiting for several weeks. John Threlkold , of Rlvcrton , 111. , ar rived here Thursday. Sickness pre vented bis coming until after his mother was dead. Steve Cunningham held a sale at his farm across the Missouri river Satur day which was a success. Everything was sold and brought good prices. Wess Coupe and James Mooney re turned Thursday of last week from Ef- flngham , Kansas , where they went to attend the funeral of Joseph Coupe. PRESTON Grandpa and Grandma Prlbbcno arc reported on the sick list. Miss Olllit Bain paid a visit to her parents in Stella a few days ago. Cecil and Willie McCutuber spent Sunday with their grandparents. Mr. Kaiser and children wore visited by an attack of the grip the last week. Amiel Pllunder went to Kansas City with a car load of stock Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zoeller spent Sunday at the homo of Mrs. Ellen Dyke. Mr. Johnie Morris and family spent Sunday with Mr. Charles Zouller and family. Mius Beulah Zoeller spent Sunday in town with her friend , Miss Flora Ha- solton. Quite a number of our citizens at tended the sale of Herman wolf's last Monday Miss Agnes Shroeder went to Rule Friday night to visit over Sunday with her folks. Mrs. A. L. Larrabcc , of Craig , Mo. , U visiting her mother. Mrs. Dykes , this week. Mrs. Bowersox and children have been quite sick with the la grippe the past week. Miss Ida Meyers , of Falls City , spent several days of last weeic with her par cuts in the city. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris spent Sat urduy night at the home of his brother , north of town. Mr. Eyersolo and son , of Holdredge , Nebr. , were transacting business here the first of the week. Grandma Shelby and daughter , Mrs. L. A. Meyers , have been in the clutches of the grip for several days. W. A. Margrave and the other ship pers shipped several loads of stock to Kansas City Monday night. Mrs. Frederick and children spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Story , of near Rulo. Carrie Neitzel , who has spent severa months with her sister in Beatrice , re turned to her hnniL in this city last week. The pascengers to Falls City Satur day were : L. E Simons , C. U. Shelby Roy Djkes.Sam MartinlAmel Pllunder Ed Doety and Arble Duncan. Little Verna anil Florence Rieger who have been sick for many weeks with typhoid fever , wore able to return to school again Monday. Mrs. M. J. Gains returned to Rule Friday evening , afterjhaving spent aev oral days with her sister , Mrs. Dyker , vho has been quite sick .vita the grip The many friends of the Sebing fam lly will bo glad to learn that they ar all once inoro enjoying peed health after their recent siege of dlptherlu and that they are no longer under quar antinc. Misses Minnie and Gertrude Kanaly Maggie and Anna Mann , Grace Croni uui Ella Carpenter and Messrs. Law rencc and Ed Murphy and John Me- Cullau , of Uulo , attended the party at Prokards Friday night. Earl Meyers came homo from the hospital in St. Joe Monday afternoon. The llttlo follow happened to rather a peculiar accident. Whllo walking up the railroad towards his homo ho pick- ed up a broken Insulator and threw it against the rail and a pleco of the glass How into his eye. Dr. Henderson was immediately called and on examination decided that an operation would bo necessary and ho was taken to St. Joe on the evening train where it was found necessary to remove the injured i yo. Friday , the 14th. bclug Claud Prok ards birthday , his mother and sister planned a pleasant surprise in his honor. A crowd of his young friends were invited and on the evening' men tioned went together to his his home. To eay that Claud was surprised would be putting It mildly. However , ho soon recovered enough to assist in en tertaining his guests. After a most enjoyable - joyablo evening refreshments were served and all departed for their homo wishing Claude many happy returns. oluo Ed Guilliams is a victim of the grip. Kato Shouso returned to her home Saturday. Harvey Peck visited with Ivan Kel- IcrS-inday. Mrs. John Strauss is visiting her par ents in Verdon. John Relschlck went to St. Joe last week on business. Mrs. Alllo Doroty spent Monday with Mrs. Geo. Sturms. Frank Houtz is much improved from his recent sickness. Lola Sturms was a guest of Lydln Dowty Sunday night. Mrs. Clem Stump , who has been quite ill is improving. Mrs. Guy Llchty returned homo last week from Kansas City. H. A. Burk and wlfo spent Sunday ivlth the formers parents. DnrrynndGuy Prichard visited at hencas Fishers Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Dawson , of Rule visited with her mother last week. Mrs. Henry Meyers spent last Thurs day with Mrs. Wcs Nedrow. H. A. Burk and wlfo spent last Thursday with the lattor's parents. Mrs. Henry Meyers spent a portion of lat week with Mrs. P. E. Shaffer. " Geo. Prichard and wlfo wcro guests ot Mrs. Noah Peck last Wednesday. Mrs. Perry Shaffer was a guest of her son Earl and wife one day last week , Chas. McWain and wife , of Rule , spent Sunday with the latters parent ? . Mrs. Earl Shaffer and mother spent aat Thursday with Mrs. Chester Stump. Frank Brecht and wife were guests of the former's parents in. Falls City Sunday. Geo. Prichard , wife and Mrs. A. A. Gulron spent Monday with Guy Llchty and wife. Fred Gilbert and wife , of Stella , came down Frldav and visited with co. Prichnrd and wife. Mrs. Wm. Bartlett returned horns last week from Rule , where she was visiting with her parents. Anson Kinsley and wlfo spent Sun day near Hamllu , Kan. , with the lat- ters parents , Mr. Bruin and wife. Mrs. Thos. Keckler left Saturday for her home in Manloy , after a weeks visIt - It with her daughter , Mrs. Earl Shaf fer. Ellis Houlz and Chas. Diamond , of Omaha , opened up a barber shop with two chairs In Strausville last Saturday. Success to you boys. Will HorUman lost a valuable horse last week. It was caused by choking to death. Bill will have to pound harder on the back after this. Some from this city drove up to Ba- rada Sunday evening to attend the re vival meetings going on up there now with Evangelist O. H. Parrish as speaker. SALEM Miss Zulu McCool is on the sick list L. L. Kinsey is down from Dawson. Mrs. D. C Simmons has an attack ol the grip. Roe Moore returned from St. Joe Saturday. Jim Metz and children spent Sunday in Salem. Roe Moore is reported on the sick list Monday. Mrs. J. A. Taylor returned Tuesday from Lincoln. Miss Lena Staver returned from Atchison - chison Wednesday. Miss Helen McCool spent Saturday and Sunday In Falls City. Mr. C. H. McDowell and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. Meredith. MM. Nancy Fouraker died Sunday evening at her homo in Salem. Prof. Sargent visited relatives in Humboldt Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Roy Dupgett and children are visiting C. W. Stewarts in the country. Miss Iva Meredith has accepted a po sition in a milliner shop in Scottsvlllo , Kan. Kan.Mrs. Mrs. Jane Stewart died Sunday eve ning at tbo homo of her son James Stewart. Fred Wlndlo and wlfo of Wymore , spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wlndle. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gist , of Humboldt , were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Gist over Sunday. Miss May Morgan and daughter , of Colorado , tire guests of Joe Windlcs this week. Oil Wlndlo , of St. Joe , visited with his parents over Saturday , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wlndlo. Mrs. Bessie O'Donnall and children , of Stella , spout last week with Mr , and Mr ? . R. C. Brown. Mr ? . Lev ! Cllpplnger and children started on Thursday for tholr now homo in Houston , Texas. Mrs. Speence entertained the ladies of the M. E. Aid society at dinner with their husbands on Wednesday. Mr. Win. Gentry mot with a serious accident while cutting saw logs last Friday which resulted in a broken leg. Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Cass Moore were treated to a surprise by some twenty of tholr old friends who congregated at the Moore homo with well filled baskets. The surprise was a farewell party as Mr. and Mrs. Moore expect to leave for their now homo soon , STELLA. Charley Paradise and family have moved to Summcrficld. Kan. , at which place lie recently bought a billiard hall. J. M , Young and family left for their future home at Arapahoc Tuesday , uenr which place Mr. Young purchased a farm recently. Dr. Boal , of Auburn , was here a number of times the past week in con sultation with Dr. Moiigomery in re gards to J. D. Curtis' condition. A tenant house is being built on the Pritts farm , just south of town. Guy Goldsberry and family , of Lincoln , will occupy it and work for Mr. Pritts. The ladies of the Cemetery auxiliary cleared about sixty dollars at their sup per last Saturday evening. The pro ceeds will be used for beautifying the cemetery. Fred Gilbert and wife were the guests of friends at Falls City , Satur day and Sunday. L. G. Fankell car" ried the mail on route one during Mr. Gilbert's absence. Dr. Andrews and wife , former resi dents of Stella but now of Cordell , Ok lahoma , arrived here Sunday for an extended visit at the home of their son , Dr G. M. Andrews. C. C. Fankell has been the guest of relatives at Lincoln this week. He , in company with his brother , expect to leave for Montana soon , where they have taken homesteads. J. L. Hays , aged about sixt3'-five. died at his home south of town , Tues day morning from lung trouble , and was buried in the Prairie Union cem etery Wednesday morning. Mr. Hays was one of the earliest settlers in this vicinity , having lived here for fifty- seven years. W. S. Bain and family moved to Kearney 1-mt wcnk , whore Mr , Rain , in company with his son , who has been in Lincoln , will engage in the cement business. Eli Knupp , who took Mr. Bain's place as carrier ou route two , lias purchased the Bain residence in the east part of town. NOTICE TO RURAL FREE DELIVERY PATRONS ! To the Patrons of Rural Free Delivery , Falls City , Neb.-- Pursuant to recent orders from the Post Office Department , box holders are required to have their box number and name plainly and durably Inscribed on the outside of their mall box. If you have not already done so , or if you have and for any reason the same has been obliterated or erased , kindly have your name and box number Inscribed thereon , in a conspicuous place. I Would suggest that you direct your correspondents to Include route and box number In their addresses. At the suggestion of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General I desire to call attention to the practice of some patrons , of placing loose coins in their boxes each time they desire to dispatch letters , Instead of supplying themselves with postage in advance of their needs. The practice imposes undue hardship on rural carriers , in removing loose coins from boxes , and delays them In the service of their routes. You are therefore urgently requested to provide and keep on hand a supply of stamps , consistent with and In advance ol your needs. It is also very desirable that rural patrons place in their mail boxes , small detachable cups of wood or tin , In which to place coins when necessary in purchasing supplies of stamps. G. J. CROOK , Postmaster. Money otten lies idle awaiting opportunity for invest ment , but these opportunities do not come every day , or week or even month. In the meantime this money should be earning something , and it can , if placed m this bank. Will explain it to you on application. FALLS CITY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus , $70,000.00