The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 21, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Birds Need Child Help.
On the eighteen million school
children in this country final hope
of averting the extinction of the
valuable inscctiverous birds in Am
erica has been rested todiy , What
the federal government , the state
legislatures and even the granges ,
women's clubs and national com
mercial organizations have failed
fl < fi to accomplish completely , the
\ National Association of Attdubou
* ' * * Societies have announced will be
V,1" now given to the children of the
laud to bring about. To organize -
/ * " . - ize every body of pupils , from the
. r largest public school inthe city
. " 4" to the most remote district school
* '
' on the Pacific coast , into a gener
§ al movement for housing , feeding
and protecting the wild birds that
save the country's crops is the
* - * object of the Audubon workers
General headquarters for this
F new campaign of the children are
being established in the offices of
the National Association of Audu
bon Societies at 1-11 Broadway to
day Already the organization
_ is in touch with thousands of
* 555t' ' teachers and girls' and boys'clubs
all over the country , to which it
has fegnrl.u'ly sent literature on
bird guarding and care. With
% . . these as nucleus , the children are
to push the finhl out into every
section of their locality , till the
members of each school in every
- - neighborhood is enlisted in the
work of building bird houses and
restaurants to sustain the sadly
thinned ranks of the feathered
t army of insect destroyers. Spec
ial ammunition in the form of
printed directions and suggestions
for making bird shelters and lunch
counters is being prepared for ev
ery boy and girl who will write
and ask for it.
Old kettles , boxes or milk , tomato
mate or kerosene cans are being
used by the children as emergency
bird shelters. Elaborate houses ,
rustic imitations of hollow limbs
and neatly' furnished apartments
are also being planned. All must
be made cat-proof and should face
to the south or west if possible.
. -v Like any human married couple ,
the feathered pair who are seek
ing quarters for rearing their
famil } ' are quite particular in
their tastes. If they find no prom
ising spot for a home in any lo-
calit } ' , they will pass on and leave
its fields and gardens at the
mercy of destructive insects. The
children are urged to immediate
building of houses for this sea
son's bird families , because sea
soned and weather beaten struc-
lures most quickly tempt the birds
when spring moving day comes.
The inarch of civilization has
robbed millions of useful , as well
as sightly and tuneful , birds of
their old time facilities for home
making , ornithologists here de
clared today. Sheltering tree
trunks are being laid low ever } '
year over hundreds of acres. The
old-fashioned structures , where
birds might flock under open
eaves , are being replaced by mod-
yf * ern roofs that shut out bird life.
- Whole races , like the Chimney
Swifts , are being deprived of their
shelter in the big , old-style chim
neys. Such conditions , combined
il with lax laws for spring shooting
"f and pot-hunting , will soon drive
< $ \ the valuable insect eaters to extinction -
tinction , it is agreed. It will be
' the children's work to house the
evicted birds at the time when
they not only rear their young
but eat most copiously of the in
sect crop destroyers.
si * "The children are now the
/ great factor in this great economic -
„ * " . ' nomic movement , " said William
' * Butcher , president of the Nation *
at Association of Audubon societies
ties today. "Not only their pat
's " - riotism but the self interest of ev-
„ > cry one of their parents is the
, / " motive for preventing the extinction -
, , , tion of the beautiful and highly
valuable birds of this country.
- We are calling in congress , the
. , legislatures of the entire country
. * and on every adult body to help ;
"j , but I believe the work of the
; L j " school children of the land will
accomplish more than all the oth
er methods combined. It is a line
chance for every boy and girl tc
do something for his village ,
state and country at large and 1
know they will not neglect to do
their part. 'Save the birds' is the
notto and rally cry of the school
hildren of America. "
Paul Revere House.
The old Paul-Kevore house ,
it the North End , Boston , is
being restored by the Paul Ke-
rere Memorial Association. The
old well was discovered last
week , and some curious old
coins and china have been found.
The most interesting relic that
has come to light is a soldier's
belt , which was discovered in
he walls , and is believed to
lave belonged to the Revolution
ary hero. The story ol Paul
} everets ride , as written by
Longfellow , is published this
rear for the first time in a sep
arate edition with illustrations
and decorations. -
Simple Remedy lor LaGrippe
Lajjrippo coughs nro dangerous us
hey frequently develop Into pnou-
nonin. Foloy's Honey and Tar not
only stops the cough but heals ami
strengthens the lungs so thut no seri
ous results need bo feared. The gonu-
nc Foley's tloiity aud Tar contains no
harmful drugs and is in u. yellow pack-
ago. Refube substitutes ,
Wlmt You Know Of Alaska.
The only trouble with Alaska
s that the people of the United
States do not know what a grand
country it isIt is said that a
campaign of education in the
United Slates would add to the
) opulation of Alaska by many
housands , and would soon make
t one of the great countries of
he world. The possibilities of the
erritory are beyond comprehen
Leaving out mining , for every
body knows that Alaska is rich
n gold and silver and all kinds of
precious metals the future of
he territory will be a brilliant
one in commerce , cattle raising ,
agriculture and fishing. There
s the greatest ignorance about
hat country. Some of the rich
slands of the territory are larger
han several of the small states
of the United States.
There are 2,000 miles of coast
n southern Alaska , where the
lemperature is never below S
legrces above zero , and where it
s as tnild in the dead of winter
as in half the United States.
Just think of that. Cattle and
sheep raising is a success. Only
recently 1,000 sheep were placed
on Dokiah island , which is 100
niles long and 60 miles wide.
The mild weather along the
coast is caused , it is generally
supposed , by the Japenesc cur
rent. Whatever causes it , however ,
: he coast country is one of the
most desirable spots in the world ,
and before many years will
swarm with people engaged in
cattle and sheep raising , agri
culture and commerce. As to the
agricultural possibilities of the
interior , we do not know , except
that in the summer any vege
table that grows may be raised
with ease. It is said that three
crops of radishes were grown
from the same spot of ground in
Alaska in one summer.
What Everybody Wants
Everybody desires good healthwhich
Is impossible unless the kidneys are
healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy cor
rects irregularities and cures all forms
of kidney or bladder disorders. Take
Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and
prevent Brlght's disease and diabetes.
Kerr's Pharmacy.
They Hold Passes
Considerable comment is being
indulged in over the now list of
free pass holders submitted to the
stnte railroad commission the first
of the week by the Missouri Paci
fic railroad.
Two Auburn persons arc named.
Aunio Gates heads the list IIB a
recipient of trip passes , and the
renson given why elm is entitled
to Biich transportation is that she
is the mother of a railroad clerk
Judge Stull is the other loca
holder of a pass , and he is enid tc
be entitled to one by reason of the
fact that he is the road's local at
torney. Auburn Republican.
Stamp Out the Evil
A saj-e of Pairbury asked the
other day : "Whatis this world
coming to ? " Then he supple
mented his question with the
remark ; "Just a moment ago I
passed a crowd of young fellows
on the street corner who seemed -
ed to be engrossed in conversa
tion which filled them with mer
riment. As I passed one ol Ihe
boyu passed a remark to a
Friend , addressing his friend
with a title that re Heeled on the
honor ot his mother. Kcally ,
the remark was so degrading
that it made my blood boil. "
The observations of this gen.
tlemaii are repeated in this town
and every other town of this
country every minute of each
lay. Boys seem to have lost all
espect for themselves and their
companions. In conversation it
s common to hear boys address
each other with remarks that
should cause Ihe blush of shame
.o mount to their brows. And
yet they seem to pay no allen-
; ion to it. In the olden days
when the lie was passed it
neant light. Thank heaven so
ciety has rid the country of the
old idea that it is manly to sel-
.le one's grievances with the
ist ; but has society bettered
conditions any by obviating llns
neasure ? A casual glance
around you will warrant you in
.he belief that it has not. Cus
toms have arranged matters
nowadays so that a boy can call
another most any name that
comes to his mind and the insult
nay not be resented. Boys who
learly love their mothers will
islen to a friend drag her lair
name in the dust and yet they do
not even ask their friend to de
sist. Insult alter insult is heap
ed upon the mothers of this
country and not a single hand is
raised to stop the tongues which
defame the characters of the
nothers who have defended
those over whose shoulders the
abuse is cast.
Of course , the boys do not
realize the meaning of these re-
: narks nor do not stop long enough -
ough to rellect the slander that
s cast upon their mothers when
they are addressed in this man
ner. Custom has allowed this
condition to exist for so long
.hat it is looked upon as a priv-
lege for boys to degrade their
companions' mothers in address-
ng each other. But it should
be stopped. There is no better
time to begin to suppress this
custom than right now. It does
not deed a fist light. Just a lit
tle care on the part of each will
soon stamp out this evil that is
every day fastening itself firmer
upon therisinggeneratioii. Boys
do not seem to be rude or un
couth to their mothers but cus
toms have taught them to over
look these slips on the part of
their companions and the insult
resulting from their remarks is
not now looked upon with as
much disfavor as it was years
ago. The meaning of the word
is just the same now as it was
years ago. The meaning of the
word is just the same now as it
was then and it is time to stamp
out this negligence on the part
of the thoughtless boys of the
A hand raised in resistance
will have a tendency to put a
stop to the custom. A frown of
disapproval on the part ol each
will also help in stamping out
this disrespect to mothers which
is becoming more and more com
mon every day.
Watch yourselves closely boys
and each of you appoint your
self a committee of one to see
that this custom among your
selves is slopped. It will not
take long to substilule words
that will be just as expressive
and still not cast reflections up
on your mothers.
Stop it now. Watch the re
marks and insist upon your companions -
panions watching theirs and you
will stamp out this evil in a
short lime. Pairbury News.
For Better Roads
This is the kind of weather Ihu
brings forcibly to everyone the no
of providing good roads ,
lowing lo the almost inipnsHiblo
condition of the roads in this vicin
ity , lar e loads cannot bo hauled
and trntllo between Ihe country
and this city is almost al n Blaml-
atill. I1 ho government hnu estah-
liflhed rural louten whereby the
fanners are receiving n daily mail
service and decent mads should
bo provided to facilitate the deliv
ery of the mnil. The inheritnnce
tax eollecled from PBtnlen settled
in this county provides for n per
manent load improvement. It
vould b n wise thing for the coin-
ninsionerH to une the money BO
olUvleil ii > Ihe comtnunities where
he tnx is collected. The money
rit luih been paid from estates of
) ) ) , ( ' ( in thin r > ilyBliinild
IP expended in permanent rtmcls
ending from this city. Other
nminuiiitieB that have by this
neniiH contributed to HUH fund
hould be benelilted inn like man-
ier. Permanent improvements of
he loads both in our city and this
'otinty Hhould bo undertaken at
once and in a very few years the
emilla will be shown in the in-
reaped value of the real estate and
lie facilities for tiannpui'tatiuu
mpo siblo on the ordinary dirt
oad. Let the county officials get
) usy and show our tax payers that
hey are nerving thorn wi th an eye
o our future development.
Full Line of Emblem Cards.
Cards lend an air of refinement
uid culture to a person which
cannot be attained in any other
vay. The Tribune lias just re
eivcd a fine sample line of emb-
cin cards which we will be glade
o show you. If you belong to
any secret order you need an cmb-
cm card. Come in and get our
> rices and we can furnish you the
inest line ever brought to the
city to choose from , and at prices
within the reach of all.
Town Builders.
Good advertisers are good
nerchants and Ihey liven up a
They are lown builders. Palls
Oily has been lacking in mer
chants of pith and enterprise ,
jut one named Matlhews has
come to lown and Ihe people
enow him because he is a big
adverliser. The merchant who
culs down expenses by failing
.o advertise makes a very costly
nistake. AdverUsing isn't an
expense , il is an investment.
Merrill News.
The season ol sale bills is at
land and the Tribune wishes testate
state that we are prepared to
) rint sale bills while you wait ,
and do as good work and at as
ow figures as you can get any
place. 7-tf
A Great Victory
The Auburn Canning Company
ichievecl a distinct trade triumph
the other day , that of supplying
the state institutions of Karma
with canned corn.
The company competed with
factories from Maine to California
"or the privilege and won out.
The fight wan not based on the
element of the price BO much as it
wan for canned corn of the beat
quality to be delivered at the var
ious institutions promptly on de
mand , within curtain price limi
The Auburn brands of canned
corn won out in the contest and
the contract entered into will re
quire 0 or-7 cars to fill and will bo
a profitable one for the company.
It should be a matter of great
local pride that the Auburn factory
was victorious in the fight , and the
quality was such aa to successfully
puss the test.
The first order was for the elate
hospital al Os-mwallomic , Kansas.
Auburn Republican.
Land , mine and drainage sur
veys , estimates , reports by West
ern Engineering Co. , mapping ,
draughting , designs of steel ,
masonrv and re enforced concrete ,
blue , brown and black printing ,
Drawings of patent models made ,
36. U. S. Nat'l. Hank Building ;
Omaha , Neb. 2 It.
The Falls City Nursery tha
has always sold the trees , wil
have a fine lot of trees for tin
spring trade. Itf.
s tlic W. C. T. U. Worthy of
Citizenship ?
When President Lincoln was a
oung man , fifteen women were
) rought lo trial in Clinton , Illi-
ois , for smashing a saloon
gainst which they could obtain
o redress at law. Mr. Lincoln
vas present at the trial and war *
sited to defend them , since they
lad no counsel. lie addressed
he court in the following speech
vhich brought about their rc-
ease :
"May it please the court I will
ay a few words in behalf of the
vomen , who are arraigned before
our honor and the juiy. I would
uggcHt , first , that there be a
hange in the indictment , so as to
lave it rend , 'The State against
Ur. Whiskey , " instead of 'The
Stale * against the Women. ' It
vould be far more appropriate ,
touching this question there are
hrcc laws : first , the law of self-
jrotection ; second , the law of the
jtalutc ; third , the law of God.
The law of self protection is the
aw of necessity , as shown when
our fathers threw the tea into the
3oston harbor , in asserting their
right to life , liberty ami the pur
suit of happiness.
"This is the defense of these
women. The man wlio has per
sisted in selling whiskey has had
10 regard for their well being or
he welfare of their husbands and
ions. He has had no fear of God
or regard for a man ; neither has
any regard for the laws of the
statute. No jury can fix any dam *
iges or punishment for any violation
lation of the moral law. The
course pursued by this liquor
lealcr has been for the demoral
isation of societv.
" These women , finding all
noral suasion of no avail with
: his fellow , who was oblivious to
all tender appeals and alike re
gardless of thbir prayer and tears ,
n order to protect their house-
lolds and promote the welfare of
.he communityunited to suppress
: he nuisance. The good of so
ciety demands its suppression.
They accomplished what other
wise could not have been done. "
Abraham Lincoln in one of his
ast speeches said that now that
he great question of slavery has
> een settled the next great qucs-
ion to be considered will be the
suppression of the liquor traffic.
Since these words of Lincoln ,
15 years have elapsed and Presi-
lent Roosevelt in many respects
in ideal American citizen , noted
or rugged honesty , for outright
uid downright advocacy of what
ic believes to be right , and his
levotion to the family and home ,
ic has won the everlasting ad-
niration of every true American ,
le has , however , been strangely
ilent concerning the liquor busi-
icss , and the only evidence of his
conviction along this line is an
occasional incident of the Fair *
janks cocktail and the St. Louis
hampagne type. Let us hope
that even yet Mr. Roosevelt will
recast his policy along this line ,
and will give the country some
indication that he stands for the
country's homes and against the
county's liquor trust.
And today the women are still
fighting against the rum traffic
and the battle cry is citizenship.
Is the W. C. T. U. worthy of citi
zenship ?
The development of the Wom
en's Christian Temperance Union
from the woman's crusade was the
marshalling upon the earth's
great arena a host of fresh batal-
lions of God's army.
What has she done ? She has
gone into all the highways am :
byways of the world preaching
freedom to the captive and salva
tion ior the people b } * way of the
abolition of the rum traffic. True
to her God-given mission slu
stands fearlessly proclaiming tin
message , "Prepare ye the way o :
the Lord. " If the liquor traffu
stands in the way of His cominj.
to His kingdom in the hearts o
men , destroy it. Better far tha
it should perish than a whole ua
tion shall be cast into eterna
What has she done ? Ove
yonder in the city of the lake sh
las builded a colossal temple
vhich is at once a prophesy and
fulfilment. It stands there
stupendous monument to the
upcrb and indomitable faith of
vomcti. She has established a
vonderful publishing house which
ends out annually millions of
apers and tract } ; , whose leaves
re for the healiugof the nations.
Jy means of this literature , dia-
ributcd through the various de-
artments , she is carrying on a
ampaign of education the result
irhich never can be estimated mi
ll the judgment day. She knows
liat "My people perish for Uak
f knowledge and she could
ouble her labors along cdiua-
ional lines if a sympathizing
iontingcnt should double her
neana. And these vaal cduc.i-
ional interests have been de\el-
pcd , managed and carried on by
he W. C , T. U. la she wortlij ?
By all the voices of history , by
.11 the bigus of the times God is
ailing to this nation in thunder
ones to use ever honorable means
o save our people from the ruin
vhich must inevitably come by
he unchecked power of strong
Irink , aud in the name of home
ind all true womonhood , in the
lame ol outraged and defrauded
childhood ; in the name of degrad
ed and dispairing manhood yea ,
n the name of all that is good
and pure , in the name of all that
s right and just , I plead today
hat the W. C. T. U. shall be ad-
uitted to citizenship , that with
he ballot the one deadly weap
on by which alone could she hope
o conquer she may smite to
: lcath the common enemy and foe
o all. By W. C. T. U.
Foloy's Orino Luxiittvu Is n now rorn-
ily. un Improvement on the. laxatives
f former yours , us it docs not tfrlpo or
musciilo nml IB plonsiint to tnko. It la
irmirniitecd. Kcrr'n Phnrmnoy.
Advertising During Dull Times.
Ninety-nine men out of a hun.
ilrcd think times arc dull because
ome one lold Ihem Ihey were
Some advertisers "adverlise a
part of the lime.
Some adverUsers advertise all
he limo.
When times are dull adver-
ising pays.
When limes are dull adyer.
ising pays , because , although
here may be a litlle buying ,
here is lillle advertising , and
he man who ad ver Uses is
norc conspicuous ; he slands
nore in a class by himself , and
draws from Ihose who do not
idverliso Ihe business Ihey
nighl keep if Ihey did ad ver-
II is profitable to prolil by
Ihe unprofilable aclions of olhers
People are buying all of Ihe
lime ; and because Ihey are buy.
ng , even though they may not
buy as readily , they are more
ikely to buy of the men who
advertise than of the man who
does not. Nobody wants to buy
anything from the man who does
nol appear lo want to sell H.
Man's Skin Turned to Leather
Hot Springs , S. D. Mr. George Har
ris of Hot Springs , S. D. , having a
ciuiccr of the neck involving the jugu-
ar vein was told by a local doctor that
an operation would be fatal. Hoping
to add a few more months to his life ,
Mr. Harris visited the German Spec
ialists who had cured Mr. Warrington
of Pender , Neb. , of cancer without the
knife. These doctors injected a for-
inaUlehydc around the walls of the
jugular vein and carotid artery , rcn
dcring the tissue as tough as leather ,
preventing further eating by the can
cer. Thousands of hopeless invalids
who have been pronounced incurable
by the most skillful physicians have
been restored to health by the extra
ordinary methods used by these experts.
Many were afflicted with the most
painful rheumatism , with tumors , para
lysis , blindness , asthma , eczema , con
sumption , hernia , liver trouble , epilep
tic fits , in fact all stages of chronic
diseases. Parents whose children
stiller from hip diseases , spinal ail
ment should write for card entitling
them to a free examination. To ob
tain a permanent cure for their chil
dren is the duty of all parents. It is
useless to dwell further upon the rare
gifts of these experts as they stand to
day , masters of masters without peers ,
and as healers they have no equals.
All the afflicted should write the German -
man Specialists , permanently located
at 532 Hroadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.