IT 8 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 14 , 1908 1 iifr * miBiJiM t. iAt. , 240 acres well improved , 1 } miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Will take 10 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest. Smith 200 acres \ } miles from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will Henry take -10 or 80 acres as part payment. 100 acres upland , 1 mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. 512,000. 160 acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Urowtivillc , Nebraska. 80 acres ? { -mile from Falls City high school. . LANDS & LOANS 010 acres , 88,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take lOOncrcs tia part payment. . Pine running Money to water. loan. A No. 1 opportunity. HUA\BOLDT. J. C IlorwijfB wus ii Lincoln visitor this week. Ben Creed was over from PaWnee City Tuesday. Mnmlo Fen ton of DHWBOU was shop ping hero Mondiiy , A. A. Tanner wiis a business visitor In Pawnee City Tuesday. Mrs. Win. Arnold was critically 111 last week with heart trouble. Hex Crulj , ' WHS up from Hopubllcan , Kan. , Sunday vislMni ; friends. Ash ford Kdlo has purchased the J.T. Patterson farm south of town. Mrs. Avery and Katherine Hudson wore In Kansas City this week. Mrs Stout returned Saturday from a visit with relatives in Lincoln. Mrs. Roy 15aln and daughter of Ta ble Rock are visiting In this city. Blanche Emnions of Tocumsuh Is In the city visiting her grandparents. A. G. Prey and family were up from St. Joe Sunday visiting his parents. Ilarry Flleon of Orange , Texas , was hero this week the guest of friends. Nolllo Loekard of Clarks , Nob. , ar rived Monday on a visit to her aunt. Robert Power left Tuesday for a visit with his brother In Kansas Oily. The Ilumboldt Farmers' Institute convened hero Wednesday and Thurs day. Nannie Challln returned this week from a visit with relatives in Falls City. City.Will Will Brandow attended a sale of Duroc-Jcrsoy swlno In Lincoln this week. A. D. Sargent was up from Salem Sunday visiting his parents north of town , Mrs. Dalboy and daughter of Ft. Pierre , S. D. . are hero guests of friends. Mrs. Becm him returned from an ex tended visit to relatives In Uio western pnrt of the state. L. M. Billings and wlfo were down from Lincoln this week visiting her parents south of town. Mrs. Smith of Uawson and ton Karl Sterns of Riiclno , WIs. , were hero this week visiting relatives. O. L. Bant/ has traded hla stock of groceries to W. II. Garth for -10-acro tract of land north of town. Lib Wilson 1st Buffering from a broken arm the result of a fall receiv ed during the sleet storm of last week. B. F. Furrow and Mrs. Mary Furrow worn marred at the Christian parson age Tuesday , Uov. Aydclott oIllciatlrR Bert Keller and wlfo have moved to Dawson and will hu In charge of the restaurant at that place In the future. Bon Ilordlltehka and wlfo who were down from Lincoln to attend the funer al of a relative , returned homo Friday. Mrs. John Lutz Is eoHouslv 111 at her home In this city. Her daughter Lena was summoned from Lincoln this week. Al Brunn and wlfo moved to the country this week and will reside on their farm west of town the coming year. Mrs. Minnie Unkcfor was taken to St. Joe Friday by her son whuro she will be operated on this week at the Hnbworth hospital. Peter Gergons and wlfo wore pleas antly surprised Monday by 100 of their friends assembling at their homo to assist them In celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. T h o guests presented them with u handsome china closet. W. F. Gut/.mor and family who are making plans to move to Kansas in the near future , were given a larowell re ception at tholr home north of town Friday , by the members of the Gorman M. K. church. They were presented wltti a fine dining room table. 11. E. Bnyd has sold his Interests in thu general merchandise Rtoro of Boyd & Lyford , to his partner. V. O. Lyford , of Falls City. Mr. Lyford will con. tlnuo the business. Mr. Boyd has no- ccptcd a position In the National bank of this city , and commenced his new duties Monday. VERDON I. A. Hull drove to Stella Friday. Clyde Gates was over from Dawson Thursday. Henry and Al Corn were Salem visi tors Sunday , Miss Quigga spent Saturday with re latives atShubert. John Goolsby of Barada visited rela tives here Tuesday. S. A. Stout of Auburn was In town Monday on business. Myrtle Edmunds returned to her homo ut Stella Thursday. Mary Ilanloy came down from Stella and spent Sunday at homo. Jake Bloom made a business trip lethe the county seat Wednesday. George Hall and Walter Voach were Cltv visitors Wednesday. Mcsdamcs Kroh and Weaver of Stella visited relatives hero Friday. Frank Clark and family loft last week for tholr now homo in Oklahoma. Miss Mabel Bollar and Mrs. Ode Saylors were In Falls City Wednesday. Eugene Holmlck and wife of Stella were hero Saturday visiting relatives. Guy Goldsborry came down from Lincoln Thursday on a visit to his pa rents. Will Estos and Chloe Wilkinson wit nessed the play at Stella Thursday night. Mcsdamcs Chris Jorn and Fred QolT- man and Miss Amelia Sehrador were Falls City visitors Monday. Claude Saylors and Fred Douglas ac companied by tholr ladles took In the opera at Stella Thursday night. STELLA. J. D. Curtis has been seriously sick with lung trouble for the past week. Uaxel Ilogrefo who 1 a attending school at Atchlsou spent Sunday at homo. The electric light for the streets were turned on for the first time Sat- day night. George Benson of Geneva has been spending the past week hero with his two daughters Grace Hoppo of Falls City has been the guest of the EIoppo and Hedge families hero this week. Wesley Vaught has boon In Lincoln this week attending a convention of State Hardware Dealers. John Thomas and family expect to move to near McCook soon , near which place ho has purchased a ranch. Hamilton Brown left Tuesday for n , month's visit a t Wnrronburg , Mo. From there ho will go to Idahp to live. Mort and Ed Gilbert returned Sat urday from Gonesee , 111. , where they had been called by the death of a nephew. J. A. Nutter of Kansas City has been hero the past week overseeing the shelling of his corn stored on his differ ent farms. The Elks at this place will attend a banquet at Falls City this evening. J. R. Cain , jr. , Is on the program for a short speech. Mrs. Will Wrlghton , a former resi dent of Stella but now of Lenapab , Oklahoma , was the guest of friends hero this week. J. T. Curtis and eon Bert have pur chased a quarter section of land near McCook , and the latter will go there to live after this year. L. N. Mills , a pioneer resident of Stella , died at his home Tuesday night after but a days' Illness. Ho will bo buried today by the Masonic lodge. Mrs. John Newell left for her homo nt Colorado Springs , Colo. . Thursday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Frank Withee , who will visit there for n month. The members of the Out Door Art Club enjoyed a party at the homo of Mrs. Montgomery last Friday ovenlnir there bolrg about 35 of the members present. Ira Martin has purchased a half In terest In the drug business of A. L. Adame , and has already taken charge. It is their Intention to move into the Camblln building as soon as vacated by thu saloon. The 3'oung people attending the Methodist church had a party at the home of Lawrence Elllnger Thursday evening. The party was given for the Elllnger girls , who expect to move to Council Grove , Kan. , soon. SHUBERT Gus Jorn of Barada was in town Sat urday. Win. Brown was a Stella visitor Sat urday. Otis Splcklcr waa over from Barada Saturday. Dr. Stong was hero 'rom Barada Saturday. Fred Stotts was a Falls City visitor last week. C. T. Burns removed to a farm near Lincoln this week. Mrs. E. D. King went to Stella re cently to consult u doctor. Charles Heintzclmnn ol Verdon was hero this week on business. Mrs. Chas. Wilson of near Stella was visiting friends hero Sunday. Charley Hall and wife of near Stella are hero visiting her parents. Mrs. Win. Mackinlch of Stella visit ed last week with friends here. Frank McMullen of near Stella was a business visitor hero Saturday. Samuel Davis of Pruirlo Union was the guest of friends here Sunday. Mrs. Chns. Felt returned home from nor visit with a sister In Oklahoma. Mesdamca Shulenburg and Shubert were shopping In Falls City Friday. Mrs. Tow nicy has been enjoying a visit from her sister of DesMotnes , IP. Walkup Wcddlo and Mrs. Wm. Raper were Falls City visitors last week. Mcsdamcs Dolph Krng and J. M. Wheeler visited relatives In Lincoln last week. Marlon West and wlfo of Auburn were called hero Monday by the death of her nephew. Audly Hendrlcks and family who are visiting relatives near Stella was fc In town Saturday. ' M John Ahorn , sr. , and George Lewis T attended the democratic convention In Falls City last Friday. Jessie Ballard of Oklahoma who Is visiting relatives her spent Sunday with George and John Rltter. The Farmers Institute which was held hero Saturday was not very well attended owing to the bad weather. Frank Brlcker was hurt quite bad Monday by Stotts team running away with him , but is thought no permanent injury. Joseph Harper and wife of Auburn who are spending a few days-wlth their son spent Saturday with M. H. Taylor. Mr. Howard and wife left last week for their now home in western Kansas. They will be greatly missed by their many friends. Ell Rupart and wife returned home recently from a visit with relatives at Straussvllle where they witnessed the | wedding of a nephew. The many friends of Clarence Crews and wlfo are sorry for them over the loss of their little 7 months old baby which died very suddenly Monday from heart failure The little one was laid to rest in Prairie Union cemetery on Tuesday. 'E certainly appreciate the confidence shown us during our big Loom End Sale , which closed last week , as we are practically strangers among you. But we assure you that when Matthews advertises any thing he certainly has the goods and you can buy them exactly as advertised. Our new Spring Goods are daily arriving. We make special note of our new Royal Worcester Corsets and our line of new Petticoats. S Style 419 A dainty model , designed especially for the tall , slen der figure. Has medium high bust and 'lengthening' waist. The very short hip , cut away below the waist , allows perfect ease and freedom. Made from fine , white Batiste. Sizes 18 to 26 Style 453 An exceptionally popular model for the average fig ure with long waist. Strict ly in accord with existing fashions. Medium high bust and Princess hip. A very desirable garment for Summer wear. Unequalled for style , fit , comfort and durability. Sizes 18 to 30 , Price , $1.00 Sizes 31 to 36 , Price , $1.25 Style 506 A recent design for the long waist figure. Has high bust , long back and "lengthen ing" waist effect. Made from fine , white Batiste. Style 502 is the same as Style 506 , but made from Coutille , in white or drab. Sizes 18 to 30 Style 610 Royal Worcester Adjusto for the full stout figure. Has medium low bust , long hips and back. Made from durable Cou tille , in white or drab. Sizes 20 to 26 , Coffee- will bo son/cd FREE Wednesday and Saturday. Everybody invited to a good cup of Coffee. Style 541 A splendid new Corset lor the woman of stout figure , the long hip and back com pletely encase the over developed porcions , and mould superfluous flesh into lines of perfect Symmetry. " " * It lias a low fjust and is long and fiat over the abdomen. Made from Coutille in white or drab. Sizes 181030 Price , $1.50 Sizes 31 to 36 , Price , $1.75 ORSETS Wc take orders for the celebrated Bon Ton Corsets. Prices from $3.00 to $8.00 ' We have just received our new and complete line of black Petti- coats. Because of the great improvement in the manufacture of Petticoats there are less of the garments made at home than ever before. The advantages of purchasing a Skirt already made are so numerous that we need not emphasize them here. You will be interested to know that we secured this line through a most fortunate purchase , and in order that you may have an early opportunity to examine them we will place the cnlire assortment on sale at some very interesting prices. .25 Petticoats , 98c Three styles to select from in Satteen and Rena cloths , tucked and $ $ & / * shirred. Special at O < u $1.50 Serca Skirt , $1.19 This is a full width Skirt , with deep shirred flounce. Special ( ft at $ 1 "Bloomsilk , " $1.69 This is an extra width Skirt with deep , tucked flounce and a beauty , $ * "jj $ | $3.00 Heatherbloorn , $2.49 You ull know this celebrated fabric. An extra wide Skirt , shirred and tucked. Special at $3.50 HeatherfoSoom , $2898 In two and three deep ruffles and one j that will please any one. Special ( i at. $4.00 Heath@rblom , $3.25 A beautiful , tucked and shirred number , with deep dust protector. Special - ( ial at * 00 Black Silk , $4.98 A very pretty taffeta Skirt. In this new line offering , specially priced at Space will not permit us to mention all the good things in this sale. A visit of inspection will convince you that these are RARE values. Opposite the Falls City , Court House Nebraska