The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 14, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Held Up As a Model
k of fine dental work is that clone by Dr. J.
C. Yutzy. Every operation , no matter
how trivial apparently every part of the
mechanical work , is attended to by an
expert and results are correspondingly
gratifying. You arc invited to call for
free examination and estimate of charge
for necessary work.
Palls City , Nebraska
All Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
FALLS CITY osx > - = s2-e NEBRASKA
I'letnln Fissure , lilcvding , Itching , Ulccrntion , NO MONEY
Constipation mid nil Itoctnl Dlsoapoa n Specialty.
! > 2. > Itrondwny Council nitilfs , lown 111/
To the South and Gulf re
ports until April s
ist and 3d Tuesday to
Colorado , Big Horn Basin ,
> Montana and Northwest.
March and April , to Mon
tana , Washington , Oregon ,
California and Utah.
Write D. Clem Deaver ,
.t Landseekers' Information
Bureau , Omaha , for list of
farms to rent in Big Horn
Basin. Do it now ; they
are going fast.
Local Ticket Aflcnt.
L. W. WAKULEY , G. P. n. ,
Omaiia , Ncl .
For Backache ,
and the Kid-
flistnke Corrected
Correct the mistake of risking pneu
monia by neglecting a cough or cold
when Foley's Honey and Tar will uot
only stop jour cough but expel llio
cold from your system. Foley's Honey
and Tar contains no opiates and is the
best and palest throat anil lung remedy.
Kerr'e Pharmacy.
by the latef-tnnd most scientific methods known.
No injections of j > oiHonno JOSH of time ; no hos
pital ; no pain ; no Knife ; no truss. ThuuhrandH
Our patients nftcr tnkiritf treatment , liato suc
cessfully paused the most smoro nnd trsin tosts.
Cnll for consultation , or write for booklet.
52 llroudwny Council lllulls , In.
Roaches the spot.
Stops pain , The
Great I'llo Rom.
edy. IJutn > In
tubns with rectal
nozzlo. 50 conts-
Average Time to Guru
CATARACTS 3 to 10 Days
GLEET , 5 to 30 Days
CATARRI1 10 to ! ! 0 Days
GOITER GO to 00 Days
Piles , Fistula ! J to r D.iys
Ln-sof , Ural nf. . oto . . . f > to . ' ! 0 Dityg
Liquor Habit 10 to 1(0 ( Days
Prostatic Troubles 10 to . ' 50 Days
Rheumatism , Gout.10 to 'SO Duys
Nervous Debility 10 to . ' ! 0 Days
Stomach Diseases 20 to 00 Dn.vs
Kidney Diseases 20 to 00 Days-
Bladder Diseases 20 to 00 Days
Blood Poison , etc GO to 00 Dajs
Wo advertise what wo do , and do
what we advertise. No Incurables
Examinations Free to all who
write for appointment card now.
The German Specialists
Second Floor
.722 Broadway Council BluiTs , la.
etomnch trcmblo 1 j litrt a symptom of. nu-i not
In Itself a true ditwuw. We think of Dyspepsia ,
Heartburn , nml Indigestion na reel disease * , ye ;
they are symptom * only ol a certain n > * cflO
Jicrvo sickness nothing cwa.
It vi * thla fact that flnrt correctly W Dr. BhooD
In the creation of that now very popular Stomach
Usraody Vi. Ehoop's ItotomtiTs. Going direct
to tha ctotnACu nerves , alone brought that Eiioceu
anil favor to Dr. Shoopand lilj Keetorotlve. With ,
out that original tnJ highly vltnl princlpK no
such Iflstlnj fcccompllilimtius wera ever to bo bad ,
For stomach dlitreu , bloutlng , bfilonsnci , bad
breath Juvd wllow completion , try Dr. Hhoop'l
Reiterative Tablet ] or Uawd ocd HAS for your ,
tail whnt It can utid will do. Wo 6dl mid
fully rvoomjuoud
Changes Mode In the Forms of Ad
dressing the President nnd Oth- j
ere In High Position "Don- |
grfloaronn" Not Used. '
"Should I addroan him as 'Your Ex- ,
ocllcncy , ' as 'Mr. I'rosidont' or a
Just 'Prcsldout'1'
'Tin sure 1 don't know. Just mur
mur 'President , ' and 1 ' h won't
know the dlffcronco. "
This cotivpnmUon , overheard nt ono
of the Whlto House roeonUonn , ta In
dicative of the difficulty with tltl
encountered by vlsltorn to th na-
Uonnl capital. Nor Is there any print
ed guldo to follow. Thcfw thine * mu t
bo learned from well-posted friendu ,
or mistaken will bo made.
In yo oldou times no on ever
thought of addressing tha chief ox-
ocutlvo of the United Btatee lows for
mally than as "Your Eioollcncy , " but
that expression In now relegated to
the list of UihiKB that woro. "Mr. Presi
dent" la the correct form , both In
speaking and writing. Mr. Rooeerolt
has even eliminated "Tho Executive
Mansion" as the naino of the presi
dent's official reeldonoo , and his sta
tionery boars the simple Inscription :
"Tho Whlto House. "
It Is not only with the Utkj of the
chief executive that the uninitiated
find difficulty , for there are many
forms to bo learned. For Instance ,
cabinet officers are not addressed as
"Secretary Hoot , " or "Secretory Qar-
Hold , " but as "Mr. Secretary. " On the
other hand , senators are addressed by
their titles , as "Senator LodKe , " "Sen
ator Halo. " A few i > ooplo proflx "Mr. "
saying "Mr. Senator , " but It la not
considered as necessary , and by uomo
Is pronounced an affectation.
Polite usage requires , Invariably , the
prefix to the titles of members of the
supreme court For Instance , ono ad
dresses the chief justice as "Mr. Chief
Justloo , " nnd the associate Justices an
"Mr. Justloo , " although In making an
Introduction ono would add tlio name ,
as : "Mr. Justice Whlto. "
The rule which applies to the presi
dent applies also to the vice-president
and to foreign ministers , who are ad
dressed as "Mr. Minister , " but In the
case of ambassadors the form "Your
Excellency. " Is used except where ono
Is reasonably well acquainted , when
the simpler "Mr. Ambassador" Is
adopted , and In every Instance ono
or the other of these terms Is used
Instead of the diplomat's personal ti
tle of baron , count , or whatever It
may bo.
Throughout the government ser
vice , there are officials who are ad
dressed by their titles with the prefix
"Mr. , " such as the civil service com
missioners , the Interstate commerce
commissioners , the controller of the
treasury , nnd It Is always safe when
In doubt to so address a man who
holds a public office.
With members of the house the
simple "Mr. " should bo used , and
not "Congressman , " which Is regard
ed as provincial , despite pie fact that
President Roosevelt Is apt to use that
form. There are some members of the
lower house of congress who like to
lie addressed an "Congressman , " and
it Is probably In deference to such
preference that the president has
adopted that expression. The speaker
of the house Is always addressed as
"Mr. Speaker. "
Army and navy circles also present
no little confusion because of the con
flict between official titles and social' '
usage. For Instance , those who know
never address socially a lieutenant
by his title , despite the fact that he Is
so designated in the army reglstoi ,
and Is so addressed by his brother
officer when on official business. Ho
Is simply "Mr. Smith , " or whatever
his name may be , and receives his
title In the social world only when
he reaches the grade of captain. Hut.
you may object , every ono refers to
and addresses the leader of the Ma
rino Hand as "Lieutenant Santelmann. "
Very true , nnd that is because Lieu
tenant Santolmuim is not a commis
sioned officer. Ho receives the tlthj
by virtue of his position as leader
of the Marino Hand , which carries
with It the rank of lieutenant , and
therefore every officer , whether si > eak-
Ing socially or officially , Is punctilious
to use the title. And so , too , Is the
same care exercised by every officer ,
should he have occasion socially to
speak to or communicate with an en
listed man of any arm of the military
sen-ice , to address him by his rank
alone , as : "Sergeant , " "Corporal , "
"Private. "
Cat with Knowledge of Music.
At a meeting of a Washington short
story club the other evening a young
woman from the northeast section ,
whoso mind la said to run to Innova
tions , produced from her handbag a
roll of manuscript written on the
daintiest of ecru-tinted paper delicate
ly perfumed with vlolot , and read
her literary offering. It proved to bean
an account of the wonderful doings
of her pet puusy cat , "Sw et Pea , " as
she had named the animal. She read
how she had trained the cat to hlng
"Auld Lang Syne , " "Annie Laurie"
and other venerable alra in the high
falsetto volco for which the fuliiui
family Is noted. Then the young wo
man related how , In the balmy sum
mer nights , In the romantic moon
light , her pet cat would station itself
on HO mo neighboring fence and sud
denly fill the neighborhood with
strains of inuaic instead of Jho usual
caterwauling that is produced by ma
rauding pussy cats and Toms.
: ; Alarket Letter ,
Kmsas Oily Stock Yards ,
Feb. 10 , 1'JOS. The cuttle market
last week was unevoit , although
price changes were small. Heavy
steers closed steady to 10 higher
for the week , light steers 10 to 25
higher , cows and heifers 20 to 30
higher , stockcrs and feeders
about steady for the week. Supply
today is 12,000 head , market
steady on she stuff and handy
weight steers , but . weak to 10
lower on heavy steers , slockers
stockcrs and feeders about steady.
The main bad influence today is
a heavy run at Chicago and a
break in prices there. Locally
the demend and supply has been
evenly balanced , and the market
easily turned by the relative vol
ume of the receipts. Some extra
well finished steers sold today at
$5.85 , which is the highest price
paid here since before Christinas.
A fair number of steers bring
$5.30 to $5.56 , bulk $4.80 to $5.25
because of lack of finish , as most
as most feeders arc trying to
avoid further purchases of high
priced corn. is a continual
strong demand for butcher grades
which arc now selling at the top
prices of the winter , cows at
$3.25 to $4.65 and heifers $3.50
to $5. Bulls bring $3 to $4-25 ,
best veals $6. Bulk of the stuff
going to the country is stock
grades , as the same reasons that
are bringing in half finished
steers are preventing many cattle
going into feed lots. Stockcrs
bring $3.40 to $4.50 , feeders $4 to
The hog run is not as heavy
as a few weeks ago , a n d
average prices last week were
higher than the previous week ,
although the week closed with
out any net change. Supply to
day is 14,000 head , market 10 to
15 lower , under the bad influence
of a record breaking run today t
Chicago. Range of prices here
are only 5c below Chicago today
top $4.35 , bulk $4.15 to $4.30pigs
and light weights $3.50 to $4 20.
Discrimination against light and
poorly finished hogs continues.
Packers are anxious to see the
good hogs keep comingbut when
the price gels below a point that
will allow $4 to be paid in the
country , rcccpts drop off.
The mutton market was also
uneven last week , closing with
out much change for the week.
The run today is 14,000 head ,
market to 10 to 20 lower , good
lambs selling at $6.65 to $6.80
today , yearlings $6 , weathers
$4.80 to $5.35.ewes$4.50 to $4. % .
Half fatted lambs have been pur
chased for the country recently
at prices above packers bids , $6
to $6.60 , some today at $6.35.
The local situation is healthy ,
but breaks arc continually re
ported Irom the east.
I wish that I might talk with sick
ones about the actual cause ot Stomach
ach , Heart and Kidney ailment ? . To
explain person how weak Stomach
nerves leads to Stomach weakness , I
am sure would Interest all. And It Is
the same with weak 11 our Is or weak
Kidneys. This Is why my prescrip
tion Dr. Shoo p's Restorative so
promptly reaches ailments of the
Stomach , Heart or Kidneys. These
weak Inside nerves simply need more
strength. My Restorative is the only
prescription made expressly for those
nerves. Next to seeing you person
ally , will be to mall you free , my new
free , my now booklet entitled , "What
To Do. " I will also send samples of
my Restorative as well. Wrlto for the
book today. It will surely Interest
you. Address Dr. Snoop , Dox 8 , Ra
cine , WB. ! Sold by all dealers.
A Business Change
One of the most important
business transactions for months
was the dissolution on Tuesday
of the firm ol Boyd & Lyford ,
general merchants. , The busi
ness is to be continued by Mr.
Lyford of Palls Oity who pur
chased the interest of his part
ner , II. E. Boyd. Mr. Boyd has
not made public his future plans ,
but it is to be hoped he may
continue to be identified with
the business interests of Hum-
bold I , as we can ill afford to
lose this stamp of citizens.
Humboldt Leader.
A New Religion Needed
"Just nt this time the country
needs n now religion that will
innko a in tin pny hio debt , * ' snys
the Methodist Advocate. "Shout
ing doesn't settle old accounts
with God ami mnn. We bounce
right into a follow and put him
out of church if ho goes to n ball
or tlicnlur , but \vo never say n
word to n pious chop who never
pi\ya his debts. People who do
not pny their debts are doing the
church more harm than dancers
for there are more of them in the
church. Headers , are wo getting
close to you ? Then lay down ynur
paper mid go pay up and read on
with eaue. And don't stop paying
bccniiso the statute of limition ex
cuses the open account you mndo
for incut mid bread , You must
pny it in lire and brim stone ; God
knows no such excuse as 'home
stead exemption. ' When yon
rnise that excuse to keep from pny.
ing your debts you can stop sing
ing , 'When I cnn rend my title
clear to mansions in the ekies. "
You've no homo up there. "
Now is the time to subscribe.
Simple Remedy for La ( irlppc
La grippe coughs are dangerous as
they frequently dcvolop into pneumonia
Folcy'a Honey and Tar not only stops
the cough but heals and strengthens
the lungs so that no serious results
need bo feared. The genuine Foloy's
tlcney and Tar contains no harmful
drugs and Is In a yellow package. Re
fuse substitutes. Korr's Pharmacy.
Notice , Increase ol Cupltnl Stock
At n roKiilnr imnitlnuof tlio plmrrliohlors of the
Farmers Btnto Hunk , 1'roston , Nob. , hold In their
ImnkiiiK nxmiH lit 1'rrnton , Nol > . , ou thu nftor-
nnun of tlii > IMh day ut Jnmmrjr , IWM , elxty-fuur
( iJlHlnm'H ) out of thnnlxly.fuo ( rti ! ) elmri'sof the
cnpltnl stock nf tlio Intik IxjInK roiirosentoil , it
\virn nimt > lmouttlyn ri > o < l to Increase the capital
utockof the biink from jnmou to $13000.00 nml
nrtlclo tlirroof tlin Articles of Incorporation of
the until Iwink wns nmcmlpd to conform with tlio
net Ion of the Klmrchohlora.
ThoCiiHhlor of mild hank wns Instructed In
tuko the noconRnry stops nt once to comply with
Hoction U of tlin Ilimklnu Act nndvhon the
Kimn has IKOII fully complied with the notion of
tlin nhnri'holdorH Hhnll Immodiiitoly lx > como
lly W. 0. JlAiuiiKvr. , L'ronltlont.
lly t'l.VDl' TlIACKKlt , Candor. 01-lt
3U cannot afford to delay your buying
in the lines included in this sale. Our
prices are lower than can be made le
gitimately , but this is our great "Benefit
Sale" of the year and it's your opportunity.
We offer nothing but perfectly well known
brands of every day necessities. Special prices
on the following :