THE FALLS CITV TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 7 , 1908. The First and Last care of a person should be their teeth. Not only their health but their beauty de pends on it. Let us care for your child ren's teeth and tench them how to care for them , and when your teeth have been neglected and are decayed and unsightly , let us make them look as natural us in their pristine beauty by crown and bridge work J. C. YUTZY Falls City , Nebraska r LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEED , PROPRIETOR FALLS CITY a-s msNEBRASKA HECK'S FEED STORED W When in need of Coal or Wood and you have no C time to'call and see me , ring up phone 101 and let me tell you what I have , let me try and please you. O Try my Illinois Nut coal and make your wife happy - O py- pyI I give you a sack of salt with every sack of Flour , O give me your next order. I have plenty of Oil Meal , A Meat Meal , Poultry Shells , Rock Salt , Michigan barrel salt , bailed hay and straw , corn and oats. I will buy your hides , pop corn , poultry , butter and D eggs. Come and see me. Oi P. HECK- L ! FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA Fistula CURED Fissure , WITHOUT lilrodine. Itching , KNIFE Ulcorutiim , NO MONEY Pile Constipation mid nil Hoctnl Ii-canon n Speeiiilty. THE GERMAN SPECIALISTS 'Tl | B22 Hrcvuhwiy Council Hrutttr. lown 11JL/ i ' SPECIALS WINTER TOURS To the South and Gulf re sorts until April HOMESEEKERS' RATES ist and 3d Tuesday to Colorado , Big Horn Basin , Montana and Northwest. ONE WAY COLONIST March and April , to Mon tana , Washington , Oregon , California and Utah. TO FARM RENTERS Write D. Clem Deaver , Landseekers' Information Bureau , Omaha , for list of farms to rent in Big Horn Basin. Do it now ; they are going fast. E. G. WHITFORD , Local Ticket Aaent. L. W. WAKCLCY , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. For Backache , Rheumatism and tins Kid- neysandBladder fllstake Corrected Correct the- mistake of risking pneu monia by neglecting u cough or cold when Foley's Honey and Tur will not only stop your cougn but expel the eold from your system. Foloy's Honey and Tur contains no opiates and is the best and Palest throat and lung re.nedy. Kerr'e Pharmacy. RUPTURECURED IN ONE TREATMENT by thn Intost mid most scientific methods known. No injections of poihoni no JOSH of time ; no hos pital ; no pain ; no knife ; no truss. Thousand * cured. Our patients nfter tnkiiiK trnntinont , Imvo PUC- WMfiilly niiKM-d tin ! mint i-evein and mini ; tostc. CUMHTO US AND Hi ; A MAN AGAIN. Call ( or coiiftiltntion , or write for booklet. THE GERMAN SPECIALISTS ' \l'i liroailway Council lilulls , In. Pinesnlvo Cdrbollzoil nets lllfj poultice , druwb out inflammation and poison. Antisceptle. healing. For chapped hands , lips , outs , burns. Sold by A. G. Wanner , dru < 'silst. IF HOT-WHY NOT GET CURED NOW ? Average Time to Cure RUPTURE Oxi : VISIT HYDROCELE ONK VISIT VARICOCELE ONI : VISIT CATARACTS ! 1 to 10 Dny IMPOTENCV 5 to HO Days STRICTURE 5 to . ' 10 Days GLEET 5 to HO Days CANCER. . : StoMDayB CATARRH 10 to 30 Days GOITER GO to JO D.iys Piles , Fistula 3 to 5 Days Losses , Drains , etc f to 30 Duys Liquor Habit 10 to 30 Days Prostatlc Troubles 10 to 30 Days Rheumatism , Gout..10 to 30 Days Nervous Denillty . . . -.10 to 30 Days Stomach Diseases 20 to 00 Duys Kidney Diseases 20 to 00 Days Bladder Diseases 20 to CO Days Blood PoUon , etc CO to 'JO Duje Wo advertise what wo do , und do . what we advertise. No Incurables taken. NO KNIFE BLOOD OR PAIN Examinations Free to all who write for appointment card now. The German Specialists Second Floor 522 Broadway Council BluiTe , la Cougli Caution Xovor. positively never poison yourlunors. If you couuh even from a glmplo cola only you should Bhvoyglienl , soothe , nnacaiothe irrltatud bron chial tubes. Don't blindly suppress it with a itupofyinu poison. It t strange how ynrnn things finally come nbout. For twenty rears Dr. Sheep Ims constantly warned pooplonotto take cough mixtures or prcecriptiona containing Opium , Chloroform , or similar poisons. And now n IHtla late Uiouch Conwfi&s tuyj "Put It on the label , it poUons are in your Cough Mixture. " Good I YerygoodllllorcaitcrforthUvcryreasonrnnthers , nnd others , should iniist on hating Dr. Sheep i Couch Cure. No poUon marks on Dr. Bhoop's labels and none In the medicine , else it must by law > > e on Ilia label. And It's not only safe , but it is said to bo by tlioso that knowlt best , n truly re- tnarlablo cough remedy. Tiiko nochanco then , particularly with your children. Insist on having Dr. Bhoop'g Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Sheep rnckuRu with others and note the difference. No i > oUon marks there I You can bo on the safe tide by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure ( ALL DEALERS ) FATHER OF YANKEES PHRASE THAT FITLY DESCRIBES BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Difficult to Shape a Sentence That Would Characterize Him More Per fectly Than Remark Made by Thomas Carlyle. It would be dllllcult to shape n sen tence which would characterize Frank lin more perfectly than the remark Hindu by Thomas Cnrlylu when , look ing upon a portrait of Franklin , ho said : "Thcru la the father of all the Yankees. " If wo use the word Yankee to cover and surest everything that Is practical , useful , Ingenious , re sourceful , sagacious and wise , with the one exception that the character having these traits will never quite attain to the highest nnd best , the word fairly describes Benjamin Frank lin. Ho was a compendium of all the defects , faults , abilities and successes of the people of whom ho was the most conspicuous , famous and success ful representative at homo and abroad. Shakespeare might Imvo found in him a modal of at least 20 different characters , each one excel lent of Its kind or most characteristic of the class to which the typo bo- longed. Ho could not have taken liim as his model for ono who should set forth In his own person the highest at tainments of human nature with a rec ord unblemished by injurious excess or conspicuous defeat. Ho was a man of the earth earthy ; ono who warmed both hands at the flro of llfo and enjoyed - joyed through nil his physical senses whatever llfo had to give. Ho hold that pleasure greatly predominated In the lives of man and proved It In his own case by his hearty enjoyment of whatever was cheerful or capable of giving pleasure. Beginning , ns ho did , an untaught boy , rude In manners nnd unac quainted with these who had practiced the arts of the gentle llfo , but with an eager appetite for learning , with un bounded ambition and deslro to make a place for himself in the world , It was Inevitable that his first adventures should be a mixture of good nnd ill fortune , of steady Improvement checked at times by wayward lapses Into Indulgences which , because of his better training , his co-patriot Wash ington escaped. Above this earthly nature which was the wide nnd strong foundation of his character , was an In tellect second to none in his time on the level over which It ranged. That It never escaped Into the realm of spiritual life , whore prophetic nouls arc found , Is evident In his works and sayings. His was a great , practical intellect , dealing nt times , Indeed , with religion nnd the highest Interests of the soul , but always In a somewhat prosaic nnd practical way. lie owned nnd deeply regretted the errors of his early days , but at his host ho could never have been described as a saint ; and , yet from the beginning to the end ho would not bo properly described at any time ns a vicious person. His temptations and his lapses came in the ordinary course of his llfo , because ho eagerly craved the society of his fellow-creatures. Christian Register. Diamond Salesman's Secrets. "There Is no line in which more care must be exercised than In selling diamonds mends , " remarked ono of the oldest dealers in Cleveland. "For Instance , we don't dare show a man a largc > stone than he can afford to buy. "Even n diamond n carat or n carat and a half In size looks like n mighty small affair to pay so much money for , and if n man comes in expecting to pay $75 for a diamond he may got dis gusted and not buy at all If the Bales- man shows him something n little larger for $200. The salesman , if ho knows his business , will find to a cer tainty just how much a customer Is willing to pay before ho shows him anything. "Then it's better not to show a colored stone , such as a ruby or an emerald or a bluish diamond In con nection with other diamonds. If you show some customers a colored stone and then put It away and show him a good white diamond he will declare that the diamond is off color. It does not seem to bo a whim so much as the effect on the eyes of the colors In the stones. " Saved His Precious Relics. The third floor of "The Orchard , " Francis Wilson's place in New Ho- chello , is fitted out as a miniature J3 theater , and there the actor has a wonderful collection of paintings ! , books , old play bills and theatrical 1 j relics gathered In the last score of years. It Is his favorite lounging * ? place when at homo. On a recent Saturday night tire broke out in the . cottage next door. Wilson and several I guests were In his den. A score of as sistants , hurriedly summoned , suc ceeded In stripping the den of every thing of value before It became ap parent that his cottage was In no danger. The lower rooms had been utterly negloeted , not nn article being touched , the nctor prizing his relics above nil else. Keeps Them Awake. "Yes , " said the man who sometimes lets out an audible thought , "they are the biggest fakers on earth. " "Who ? " queried the party with the rubber habit. "Tho astronomers , " answered the party of the prelude. "How do you figure that out ? " asked the rubbering chap. "Why , they sit up nights trying to con the universe , " explained the noisy thinker. MISCELLANY NO , 3 2216 UNCLE SAM'S WORST SENTENCE. "Dismissal with Ignominy1' Moans the Most Absolute Disgrace. The severest sentence which the United States government can Inlllct Is undoubtedly "dismissal with Igno miny , " which Is meted out to ofllcord of the army and navy who nro guilty of grent offenses. U Is the nearest thing to ostracism that can bo reached In the modern state. When the contonco "dismissal with Ignominy" Is passed upon nn of- llccr It means that his brother oIllcorB may never spenk to him ngnln ( lining his llfo. If this , olllcer has n rolntlvo In the service , no mutter how close the connection may bo , there must never again bo communication be tween the two. * If It Is a young man who Is thus dismissed nnd ho has n father In the army or navy , they are cut off for ever unless the father should choose to quit the nation's service also. And when the sentence Is once pnssed It Is unchangeable. A mnn who simply violates the lawn of the country oven to the point of trea son has a chance for pardon , but once ho receives the document hearing the phrase "dismissal with Ignominy , " It stands just as long as there Is breath In his body. Even if ho wishes to enlist In the service as ono of the men In the ranks this would not bo Mowed. When caught ho would bo punished for "fraudulent enlistment. " In the old days the greatest punish ment was to cnshlor nn olllcer. Then he would bo taken out before an as sembled body of troops or sailors and his Insignia of rank would bo taken nnd his sword broken. Now this 1ms given way to a more complete method of exposing his shame. When an of ficer Is "dismissed with Ignominy" It In ordered by the president that no tice shall be sent to all members of the service and the crime and the punishment Is published In the news papers not only mound the hendqunr- jtois ' where ho was last on duty , but also In the state from which ho comes . or In which he usually makes his homo. A Technical Explanation. It Is said that unless ono can Impart information ono docs not really pos sess It. The late Prof. Angelo Hcllprin used to tell a story , says the Washing ton Star , illustrative of this point. The professor himself had a most learned nnd lucid mind. Not only could ho mnster a question ; ho could lay it so clearly before you that you became master of It , too. Two commercial travelers on the way from Heading to Philadelphia once got Into nn argument over the action of the vacuum brake. "It's the Inflation of the tube that stops the train , " declared the first traveler. "Wrong , wrong ! " shouted the sec ond. "It's the output of the exhaus tion. " So they wrangled for an hour. Then , when the train arrived In Philadelphia they agreed to submit the matter for settlement to the engineer. That gen tleman , leaning condescendingly from the window of his cab , listened with an attentive frown to the two travel ers' statement of their argument. Then he smiled , shook his head nnd said : "Well , gents , yo'ro both wrong about the workln' of the vacuum brake. Yet it's very simple and easy to un derstand. When wo want to stop the train wo just turn this 'ere tap , nnd then we fill the pipe with vacuum. " Working the "Rope Trick. " How the "wonder worker" of India performs his "rope trick" Is told by a correspondent who witnessed the feat In a busy street of Surat In broad daylight : "I was writing In a room overlooking this thoroughfare , on the first floor of the house , when my friend called to me. Stepping on to ' the veranda I saw a small group of people gathered round a man and n boy. The man threw a long rope straight up in the air and the boy then climbed up the rope , the lower end of which was hold by the man. Having 1reached the top of the rope , the boy balanced himself , In various postures , on the point of the rope and then ills- appeared from sight. Afterward ho ap- pcared ngaln on the ground nnd ho nnd the mnn quietly wnlkcd away. The small group of people dispersed nnd I went bnck to my writing. " When Every Man Is Coy. Feminine proposnls are nothing now In leap year or otherwise. It Is said on good authority that Eve sot the example when she bulled Adam with an apple or lemon , na certain excellent authorities claim of lato. As no man over told the truth about how ho proposed , nnd still less about how the demure damsels helped him to do it , all this must remain in obscurity. Every man some time in Ills life has had a coy proposal. In this every year seems to partake a trlflo of leap year. Contralla ( Wash. ) Chronicle , . Punctilious Etiquette. He Did you have an Informal dis cussion at your club , my dear ? She ( primly ) Our discussions arc never Informal. Wo take up no sub ject which has not been properly In troduced. Not Diminishing. "Mrs. Gadder has such a way of aV tacking people without saying any thing outright. " "Yes , I was just a-sayln * the other day lhat she always was ready with a diminuendo against somebody. " FOR PLATES AND SHEETS. ALL TOO VIGOROUS "LAMB" WAS AN EXCEPTION TO GENERAL RULE. Judge Pitman Found Out Its Characj tcr In' a Short Time Book's De- scrlptlon Not Correct In This Case. ' ludgu Pitman , a short time ngo , bought n pet lamb for his little chll- tlnm to piny with , It wns n pretty good-sized lamb , and strong and vig orous ; but the judge said ho preferred ( lint kind , becnuso the children would bo lohH likely to hurt it. On thu day Hint It cnmo homo they turned it out Into the front yard , where it strayed nbout nibbling the grass , wlillo the Judge lied up his geraniums. Mrs. Pitman had the children In the | house nnd she was rending to them from a book a description of the char acteristics of lambs. The account said that "Tho lamb Is ono of the most playful nnd Innocent of animals. So kind and meek Is It that Its name hay for centuries been the synonym of gen tleness and sweetness of disposition. It never Injures any ono , and when It IB attacked It always suffers humbly and in silence. There Is something so beautiful about the gentle little nnlmnl that " Just at this point Mm. Pitman was Interrupted by the voice of the judge coming from the front yard. It sounded as If ho were In distress of some kind. The whole family llow out upon the porch , and there they saw that pot lamb , whoso nnnio wns the synonym of gentleness , engaged In hutting the Judge. It would butt him In the rear and knock him over , nnd then it would butt him lu the legs , and batter him on the ribs , and plunge Its head Into his stomach , nnd jntn Its skull ngnlnst his chest. When ho rose it butted his shins , nnd when ho stooped over to rub . them It butted his bend. Then It butted him generally wherever a chance presented itself ; nnd when It hnd doubled the judge nil up under the norwny maple , It butted down three rose bushes , butted n plaster garden vnso to fragments , butted two pnllngs off of the fence , nnd danced ofC down the street , butting nt the tree boxes , the hitching posts and the northwest wind. Mr. Potter finally knocked It In the head with a club and brought it homo to the judge ; and subsequently , when they had the hind leg for dinner , the judge observed to Mrs. Pitman that from the manner In which that lamb cut he should bcliovo thai It was born during the war of 1812 , and that It was , In fact , a tcrrlllc old ram. Then ho said ho should go down to sco the man who sold It to him for n lamb and bung him with a club. The Pitman children will cling to klltens ns rcguinr pels. Now York Weekly. Together In Death , as In Life. Thirty years ago In nn Edinburgh school there were three pupils who woie so Intlmnlo nnd Inseparable companions Hint they wore designated Faith , Hope nnd Charity. After leav ing school they continued as warmly1 attached ns over. Indeed , the con stant appearance of the trio together "nt kirk and market" became a stand ing joke. By nnd by tlioy married within short Intervals of each other. They hnd cnch three children nnd the families grow up together In close friendship. Some three years ago ono of the three died suddenly and short ly afterward , with equal suddenness , another passed away. A few months Inter the third died nftor two or three days' Illness. Thus within one short year , In the prime of life , the three , who on earth hnd been all but Insep arable , passed uwny. A Credit to Surgery. The action of the surgeon of the steamship Pannonln of the Cunard line is a high credit to the heroism nnd skill of surgery. In mid-ocean , In a great storm , the motion of the ves sel wna suspended to enable Dr. Fraser - ser Orr to perform the operation for appendicitis on a conl-pnsscr who wan In danger of immediate death unless it bo then performed. That wns sue- cussfnlly done nnd Dr. Orr was as sisted by Dr. Hendrik , who had over sight of some of the steerage passen gers on the vessel. The notion de serves chronicling nnd will command admiration wherever the history of medicine nnd surgery shall bo held In honor among men. Beauties of Our Language. Two members of the Pilnceton fa culty , according to Harper's Weekly , during a recent hurried trip , were on an electric car when it was stopped by a blockade. As they were near their destination , tlioy decided to get out nnd walk. The block wns , how ever , BOOH lifted , nnd the car overtook - took thorn. "When wo loft the car , " said ono of them , who , by the way , has a little bit of the Colt in him , "I thought wo hhould got on bettor by gelling off. Bui , aflor all , wo should have boon boiler off if wo had stayed on. " Honored Her Memory. It wns simply a coincidence that made the unveiling of thu monument to Queen Victoria nt Keith , Scotland , take place on the same day as the pub llcntlon of her flrat volume of letters , d Hosebcry , who made the address the meeting , declared "not Uio least of the services that she rendered UP Is the effect of her training and example on the present king. " I LESSON COST HIM JUST $120. Tale of Farmer Who Lost His Head During Financial Flurry. Illustrative of the wrinkles nnd kinks developed during the financial flurry n story IB told by a central Iowa j , banker who was carrying a tlmo deposit of f 1,000 for a farmer who took t < alarm and demanded the money , although his dcpOHlt certificate did nn not require payment until January 1 next. Persuasion nnd argument prov ing futile , the banker decided lo ap pease his Iralo customer by paying his subject , of course , to forfeiture of the Interest , amounting to $80 , As n Halve to bin Injured feelings 1m handed out the money In inotal , an ticipating that when the depositor bn\v Its bulk he would relent But the depositor wn determined , nnd hliouldbrlng the hug of coin fltrodo ncrosH the nlroot to tjio post otllco and made a peremptory call for $1,000 In money orders. "I'll trust Undo Sam , and nobody else , " ho declared. Ho rocelvcd his eiders In duo tlmo , a pocketful of thorn , paying $10 for privilege of making the post olllco his custodian of funds. His total cost to protect himself , na he Imagined , was $120. "Well , I can go homo now and breathe easy , " he remarked , compla- conlly , as ho tucked the orders away. "Yes , you've got n good debtor , " assented the poHtmnstor , "but will you do me n favor ? " "Sure ! " "Well , I've gel iheumnllsm In my bnck nnd I've got to got thnt bng of money over lo the bank to doposlj. It. Just tote It over and I'll bo yours truly. " The reassured capitalist complied , but his subsequent conversation was so sulphurous In nn earnest effort to express his chagrin to HUO that Hie money wont bnck to the bank from which lie had drawn it thai Uio town mnishnl experienced Uio necessity of Inking him in hand. Ixis Angeles Times. Women Defied Church Rule. Six splendidly clnd young women , not the lensl of Iholr grandeur being represented by the latesl examples of millinery art , swept Into the First Presbyterian church one night and seated themselves in thu most advan tageous scats of this thn most select house of worship in the city , says the Seattle Times. The six did not resemble - somblo conspirators bent on revolu tionary and rebellious ladles , but they were and they won their point. "Ladles will plouso lomovo their lints , " commnndcd Hov. Dr. Matthews , when his calm glnnco over his congre gation revealed the fact that ono of the standing rules of the church was being violated right iinilor the minis terial nose. There wns no responsive action on the part of the six. The request was repeated In a still flrmor tone , but the rebels sat firm , nnd after a pause of a minute's duration the divine began his sermon while the six snt straight with their plumes Haunting a penn of vic tory. Emerson Shows Ready Wit. I hnd pnssed n score of Hummers when I first mot Hnlph Waldo Emer son , says Julln Ward Howe in the Delineator. Wo were fellow-passen gers on board the Soundboat , bound for Now York , and detained overtime by n HiunvHtorm. A mutual friend hnd made us acquainted Just- before start ing on our way. I hnd not d OH I red the Introduction , Mr. Emerson's reputa- lion being Hint of "n putter forth of strange doctrines , " much In opposi tion to Hie old Iheology which hud pre sided over my religions training. Chance had brought ns together , and I , with the mil of youth , expressed my disapproval of the new doctrines. "Do you not see , sir , " I made bold to say , "that In thrjo theories no ac count Is made of the devil , who goes about , seeking to destroy human souls ? " "Surely , " Bald Mr. Emerson , "tho angel must be stronger lhan the de mon. " His Preference. The famous coup d'etat by which Napoleon III. gained control of Franco Is vividly described In the "Memoirs of Monsieur Claude , " published by Houghton , MHIIln & Co. Among the many anecdotes of the eventful evening - ing of December 1 , 1851 , M. Claude gives the following : Comto Do Mor- ny , Hie chief spirit of Hie nocturnal drama about to bo performed , was at the Opera Comlque in order lo allay suspicions. A lady said lo him : "Monsieur Do Morny , Is It Iruo Hint Ihoy nre going to sweep out the chain- bcr ? " "Madame , I don't know any thing about It , " he replied ; "but If there Is any sweeping to bo done I shall try to bo on the side of the broom-handle. " Ingenuous. Mrs. Artless The Bloughboys have a grandfather's clock Hint's boon in the family for more thnnICO years. Mr. Artless Humph ! They didn't have It a year ngo. Mrs. Artless Oh , no ; but you see It wns stolen nearly GO years ago and Mrs. Bloughboy tolls mo It was by the merest chnnco they discovered It last week In a second-hand slore. Puck. Enigmatical. "That forward Miss Flip openly ad vocates kissing games. Hasn't she nerve ? " "Well , encouraging osculation is a. thing which does require check. "