The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 07, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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1 It's Your Own Fault jj
If you don't get your
JI it I money's worth. Come
to my Shop and buy
II your Mens and Boys
II Shoes.
j- Richardson County Unnk Building
i : D. S. flcCarthy ! !
s >
Prompt attention plvon
to the removal of house-
bold goods.
H 8 l'l" ' > 'H'l-M-M-M-t' ' '
* C. H. flARION
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City , Nebraska
X For Good Sales , Good Service ,
j Return ! Ship Your Stock to
I Qeo. R. Barse
Write us for Market Reports
Kansas City , Mo. ,
Practice ni Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Kotary Public. FALLS CITY
Oilioe over Korr's Pharmacy
OUice Phcne 200 Residence Phone 271
Phone. , : J Residence ICO
j -
Ollcc ) 6-
Z ) JB1 NT * I' S T
Phone 218 OvcrKIclmrdson County
Office and residence firht door
north of city park. Phone 2(38. (
JD El N T I © OT
Phones : Nos. 177 , 217
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
fcy acting aa n cathartic on the
towels is
Dees is the original laxative cough syrup ,
contains no opiates , gently moves the
bowels , carrying the cold off through the
natural channels , Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
Divorce In England.
There seeras to be an agree
ment un the part of the bench
and bar of England that the ex
isting statutes relating to di
vorce and separation need re
vision. Legal separations in
that country arc frequent , but
it is only in rare cases that the
parties are permitted to marry
other persons. Inllucntial mag
istrates have dwelt on the risk
to public morality involved in
the separation orders which
they are now compelled to grant
a married woman if she can
show that a slight offense has
been committed by her husband.
There is as yet no agreement ,
however , concerning the reme
dies that ought to be applied.
It has been suggested that
assize judges should hnve the
divorce jurisdiction , so that the
cost of the proceedings might
be lessened , and also that magistrates -
istrates who are now empow
ered to impose the disabilities
of divorce should likewise have
power to grant the correspond
ing relief , namely , the right to
remarry. To each of these pro
posals , however , objections
have been offered and it looks
as ii a royal commission would
be needed to devise an accept
able plan of reform.
The fact that in 1905 only 025
decrees of absolute divorce were
granted in England may well
seem surprising to American
readers. Here in St. Joseph
during the last month 1G5divor
ces were granted and all the
parties may remarry. Some of
them have already done so. It
.is true that in England and
Wales there are only 2.5 divorces
ces to every 1,000 marriages ,
while in Scotland there are C ;
in Belgium , 14.5 ; m Denmark ,
21.5 ; in France , 23.9 ; in Austria ,
24.1 ; in Germany , 30 , and in
Switzerlanb , 40. In these
countries , however , there is no
such thing as a separation by a
magistrate. If separated
couples were to be reckoned as
divorced as they are for all
purposes except as regards the
right to marry again England's
proportion of divorces would
become 27.9 instead of 2.5 and
would be much higher than the
rtverage European figures , St.
Joe News.
- -
Hanged Man May Be AHye.
A report has been received in
Bristol from Greendale , Va. ,
to the effect that Noah Fulton ,
who \\as-luuiged at Abington
December 13 for the murder of
John Johnson , is still alive.
Although pronounced dead ,
it is stated that Fulton's neck
was not broken by the fall.
When life was supposed to be
extinct the body was turned
over to relatives , who hmriedly
left Abington for their home
near Greendale. The matter is
being investigated by the author
The crime for which Pulton
was hanged was the murder of
Johnson , whom he called into
his yard and shot dead in the
presence of relatives. The kill
ing was the result of a moun
tain feud.
Let The Brifiut Side Shine.
There are some wise sayings
in the Talmud. This is one of
them : "Where there is no peace ,
nothing nourishes. " This is an
other : "Peace is the wisp of
straw that binds the sheaf of
blessings. " And there is still
another , which is this : "Discord
is like a leak in a cistern. Drop
by drop all the water escapes. "
New Nebraska Depots Order ,
The state railroad commission
passed a resolution declaring
that it had power to compel the
building of railway depots and
adopted a resolution ordering
the Chicago , Rock Island &
Pacific railroad to buiid a depoi
at University place. The com
mission went further in its dc
cision and declared that it hat
the power to compel construct
ion whether the improvement ii
remunerative to the railroad 01
A Sence of Duty that Defeated
When it bccnmo known early in
the summer of 1862 that nu eman
cipation policy nuifit bo adopted
nt nn enrly tiny , I spent ecvornl
evening with Lincoln until long
after the midnight hour , discuss
ing the question and earnestly
protesting against an cnmncipn-
lion proclamation , for the reason
that it would certainly defeat ( ho
administration party in New York ,
Now Jersey , Pennsylvania , Ohio ,
Indiana and Illinois , and without
the support of those states I could
not see how the war policy was to
be maintained. Lincoln was n
patient listener , and he did not
dispute that the political disasters
I predicted might follow such pro-
clauiation. Ho gave no indica
tion of his purpose , iiltho ho talk
ed freely and listened most pa
tiently and attentively. 1 urged
him to issue an order , as eomman-
der-iu-chiof of the army , that ev
ery slave brought within our lines
would he forever free , and that
slavery should bo terminated in
every part of the son thorn con
federacy occupied by our army. I
urged upon him that a mere paper
proclamation o f emancipation
would not free a single slave , as
all would have to be freed by the
army. In answer to my declara
tion that the proclamation would
not fteo any slaves except as the
army carried it into effect , he
made this remark , "Well , it might
seem like the Pope's bull against
the comet. " lie knew that T was
interested only iu supporting linn-
self and his administration , and I
left him finally without any idea
as to Lis probable action.
The proclamation was issued ,
and New York elected Horatio
Seymour governor , New Jersey
elected Parker governor , and the
states of Pennsylvania. Ohio , Illi
nois and Indiana voted democratic ,
but the south not being represen
ted , the republican majority , altho
greatly reduced , was not destroyed
in either branch of congress. Lin
coln understood what the procla
mation meant ; he knew that a
military order would not abolish
slavery ; he had faith that a pro
clamation would in some way finally -
ly absolutely end slavery in the re
public. Ho appreciated the fact
that a high and enc-ed duty was
before him to be performed , while
I was pleading with him from the
standpoint of mere political ex
pediency against his strong sense
of right and duty. From "Lin
coln as a Politician , " by Col. A K ,
McClure , in The Ciiele for Fobru-
' > '
Full Line of Emblem Cards.
Cards lend an air of refinement
and culture to a person which
cannot be attained in any other
way. The Tribune has just re
ceived a fine sample line of emb
lem cards which we will be glad
to show you. If you belong1 to
any secret order you need an emb
lem card. Come in and get our
prices and we can furnish you the
finest line ever brought to the
city to choose from , and at prices
within the reach of all.
Amivzin ; , ' Bloodless Cures
As threat a& were recetit cures in 15u-
rope they are greater in America to-
duy. The cure of Rupture and other
discuses \\itliout tile knife is now an
accomplished fiict at. can be proved by
the German Specialists , of Council
Bluffs , lowu.
With special instruments used by no
other doctor they can diagnose diseases
so accurately that patients arc aston
ished , especially bec.ut = e they do not
ask a single question in finding the
cause of diseases ,
The validity of their claims can be
tested by all who write for appoint
ment card. Their tul stating time to
cure various disease appears else
where in tliis paper.
No homo ib cu pluuMint , rcgaid less o !
the comforts that money will buy , nt
when the cntlic family is in per fee1
health. A bottle of Orine Laxiitlvt
Fruit Syrup costo 30 cents. Itvll
cure every member of the family o
constipation , sick hcadncho or stonmcl
trouble. Kerr's Pharmacy.
No need to fear cou ho und colds
this year us you can obtuin Bees Lu.xa
live Cough Syrup now from you dealer
This is good news to mothers wh <
feur croup and whooping couch. It i
a gentle luxutlvu thitt expells thi
pouon from thosjatem in the nuttini
wuy. Cuts the phlegm und clears tin
head. Guaranteed. Sold by A. G
Wunner , druggist.
First Poland China Bred Sows
Quality Sale
WWfiraBWw < ' * W 7 * ' '
WM felC trt > * ' , , * , *
iWK > wvl5tN'Vws'7iis-Ai's r'lU" ; > > & $ $ s&
Falls City , Neb. , Wednesday , Feb. 12
Mr. Bryan's Comment.
William Jennings Bryan Fri
day night issued a statement
earing1 on the president's mess-
ige sent to congress Friday ,
n prefacing the statement , lie
aid he recognized the moral
: ourage of Roosevelt in fighting
[ gainst the opposition he has to
: ontend with. Referring to the
Vall street methods , the speak-
r said it would be a safe bet
; hat after the president's mess-
ige the financiers would see that
hey could place no dependence
on Roosevelt as a friend of the
ystem. His statemeut on the
president's message follows :
' 'It is a brave message and
needed at this time. All friends
of reform have reason to rejoice
, hat the president has used his
ligh position to call attention to
, he wrongs that need to be
emedied. lie has discovered
he running sore in our national
if p. He has pointed out the
corrupting influences that How
rom prediatory wealth and
rom the monopolistic enter
prises which have given unearn
ed riches to the few who , by
controlling the greit industries
of the nation have levied tribute
ipon the whole country.
"The president lifts issued a
call to arms. Now let the battle
jegin and we shall soon be able
to pick out the purchased legis
lators described by the pros-
dent butnot specifically named '
Clyde Baldwin and Ingrain
Gain have disposed of their
office supply house at Torreon ,
Mexico , and each will take a
position as bookkeeper for diff
erent firms at different places.
Mr. Baldwin goes to Tahuahue-
to , in western Mexico , part of
the journey requiring a five-day
burro ride over a mountain
trail. Stella Press.
What Everybody Wants
Every body desires good healthwhich
is impossible unless the kidneys are
healthy. Foloy's Kidney KemeJy cor
rects IrrcKuhuitics and cures all forma
of kidney or bladder dibordcro. Take
Foloy's Kidney Remedy at once and
prevent Height's disease and diabetes ,
Korr's Pharmacy.
The season of sale bills is al
hand and the Tribune wishes tc
state that we are prepared tc
print sale bills while you wait ,
and do as good work and at a *
low figures as you can get anj
place. 7-tf
Simple Remedy for LaGrippe
Ln < 'rippu coughs are dangeious u :
they frequently develop into pueu
inonla. Foley'a Honey and Tar no
only btops the cough but liculo am
strengthens the limps so that no serl
ous results need be feared. The gcnu
no Foloy's Honey and Tar contains IK
harmful drugs and is in a yellow pack
age. Refuse substitutes.
The Righteousness That Exalt-
ctu a Nation
On behalf of all our people , on
behalf no less of the honest man
of means than the honest man who
earns each day's livelihood by
that day's sweat of his brow , it is
necessary to insist upon honesty
in business and politics alike , in
all walks of life , iu big things and
in little things ; upon just and fair
dealing as between man and man ,
Those who demand this are striv
ing for the right in the spirit of
ibraliam Lincoln vrhon ho said :
"Fondly do we hope , fervently
do we pray , that this mighty
scourge may speedily pass away.
Yet , if God wills that it continue
until all the wealth piled by the
bondsmen in 250 years of unre
quited toil shall be sunk , and
until every drop of blood drawn
with the lash shall be paid with
another drawn with the sword , iu )
was said u,000 years ago , 'The
judgments of the Lord are true
and righteous altogether.1
"With malice towaitl none ; with
chanty for all ; with firmness in
the right , aa God gives us to see
the right , let us ulriyo to finish
the work wo aie in. "
In the work we ol this genetn-
tiun aie in thuiu id , thanks ou to
the Almighty , no danger ut' blood
shed and no use for the bwoul , but
tl.eie IB giavts need for those stem
qualities shown alike by the men
of the North and the men of the
youth in the dark days when each
valiantly battled for the light as
it was given each tu see the light.
Then spirit bhould bo our spirit ,
as we stiive to bung neaiur the
day \\hon gri-i'd and trickery and
cunning shall lju trampled under
foot by those who tight for the
righteousness that extileth the na
tion. From the Message ol Presi
dent Koosevolt.
Land , mine and drainage sur
veys , estimates' , reports by West
ern Engineering Co. , mapping ,
draughting , designs of steel ,
masonrv and re enforced concrete ,
blue , brown and black printing ,
Drawings of patent models made.
3fi. U. S. Nat'l. Bank Building ,
Omaha , Neb. 2 U.
llees Laxative Cough Syrup for
coughs , colds , croup and whooping
cough grows in fa\or daily with young
und old. Mothers should keep it on
hand for children , ft la prompt relief
to croup , ft la gently laxative , driv
ing the poleon und phlegm from the
system. It is a simple remedy that
gives Immediate relief , guaranteed.
Sold by A. G. Wanner , druggist.
I have my flour and feed , wood
and coal business and residence
for sale. 2 tf O. P. linen.
Foley's Orino Laxative Is u now reni'
cdy. an improvement on the laxatives
of former years , us it docs not gripe ot
nauseuto and is pleasant to take. It If
guaranteed. Kerr's Pharmacy.
We have money in any
quantity to loan on farm
security at low rate of
interest. Come and see
us. Clever & Sebold.
To Bar Negroes From Voting
A suffrage amendment to the
onstitution , designed to eliminate
H far as possible the negro vote in
Maryland , was introduced in the
egishiture recently. The moas-
iso probably will pass without
nnterial change. White voters of
itlior foreign or native birth are
xlmitted to suffrage without re-
tniint thru special piovisions.
? ho amendment was drafted by ti
ommitteo of democratic lawyera.
\ . majority vote at the polls is
leceesary before it become part of
ho constitution.
Besides the edti"ational qualili-
atiotis the amendment prescribes
hat every man mote than 21 years
Id will bo entitled to regiaterjwho ,
n January 1 , 38(5' ( ) , was entitled
o vole in any stale of the Union ,
r the descendant of such person ,
vho , being 11 foreign born citizen ,
VMS natmali'/ed between January
, ISO' ) , and the adoption of the
meiulnieiit , or a descendant of
uch person and who for t\\o jours
HIS paid taxes on $300 worth of
n-opeily , or ia the husband of H
) erson pnying such taxes.
The year 18(50 ( , given in the first
wo clauses , was selected because
he negro had no vote prior to tlmt
Shorthorn Bull For Sale
Royal Alpine , the richly bred
Shorthorn bull owned by W. F.
ilicscliick , will be offered for sale ,
it the Wittrock-Wyatt-Ricschick
Poland China hog sale at the
hapman feed yards in this city
Wednesday , Feb. 12.
Poland-China Sale.
February 12 is the date of the
big Poland-China bred sow sale
bv Witt rock , Wyatt & Rieschick
at the Chapman feed yards , and
as in all past sales by these gen
tlemen is sure to be a success , as
thev breed nothing but the best.
They never lose an opportunity
to build up their herds with the
best to be obtainedi which fact is
known to all breeders in this vi
cinity , and draws crowds from all
parts , Remember the datci and
if you want to improve your
herds take advantage of this sale.
"I trust this may bo read by many
sufferers from kldnoy and bladder ttou-
bio" writes Mrs. Joe King of Wood
land , Texas. "I suiTered four years
and could find nothing to give oven
temporary relief. Our druggist at last
induced mo to try your 30 days' treat
ment of Pinoules for 81. This one
bottle has cured me and money could
not buy the value it has been to mo.
Guaranteed. Sold by A. G. Wanner ,