The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 31, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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5 ii
g Furnaces , Plumbing and Hardware |
A First-Class Tinshop in Connection. = 2
We Blmrpeii tin * child rens1 Skates , or ( lie housewife's 1
5 = Scissors and repair tlie family Umbrellas. All kindn of Gun
= repairing promptly attended to Kemembi'i1 that we are S
liceiiHod numbers and do till kinds of Plumbing. Call and
5- Z see that Stewart lloxwood Art Ware. Something new.
All Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
I C. H.
Falls City , Nebraska
Never , rosltivoljrnovcrpoisonyonrlunes. Hyou
couKh oven from a shmilo colil only youshould
ntwo ys heal , Boothe. encl rnSo the Irritated bton.
clilal tubes. Don't blindly suppress It with a
flupetylng poison. It's strange liowjpmrmthliiBi
finally corao nbouf. For twenty ycrxrs Jr. Snoop
has constantly warned people not to take cough
mixtures or prescriptions containing Opium ,
Chloroform , or similar poisons. And now ft llttlo
Into though-Congress says 'Tut It on tholnbei.
If poisons are In your Cough Mixture. " Good I
Very good 11 Hereafterforthlbvcryrcnsoninotlierg ,
niul others , should Insist on liavlnifDr. Sheep
Coimli Cure , No poison nmrlrs on Dr. Sheep a
labels and none In the medicine , else It must by
law lQ on the label. And It's not only safe , but It
lg said to bo by these that know It best , a truly ro-
murkablo cough remedy. Tpko nochnnco then ,
particularly with your children. Insist on having
Ir. Shoop's Cougli Cure. Compare carefully the
] lr. Sheep pnckago with others and note tlio
difference ) . No pxiison marks therol You can
lunya bo on the tafo sldo by demanding
Dr. Siioop's
Cough Cure
It will be unnecessary you to po
through a painful , expensive operation
for Piles if you ueo ManZun. Put up In
collapsible tube with nozzle , ready to
apply to the soreness and iiilltimma
lion. For any form of Piles , prlco 50
cents. Guaranteed. Sold by \ . G.
Wanner , drugiii-t.
M 111 H n n 111111 i 11
! ! D. S. ncCarthy !
Prompt attention pivun
to the removal of house
hold { 'nods.
PHONE NO. 21 !
"I trust thli miiy ln > rear ! by iniinj
sulTerers from kidriu.v and liladder iron
bio" writes Mrs Joe KIIIJJ of Wood
land , Tcxaf. "I sullert'd four iillira
and could find nothing to uive evet
temporary relief. onrdruj ; ribt at las
induced me to try your 'tO dajf' treat
inent of Pineulu for 91. Thu one
bottle has i-urt'd me and monc.\ could
not buy the value it has- been to mo
Guaranteed. Sold by A. G. Wanner
No need to fear couphft and cold ?
this year as you can obtain Hecs Luxa-
tivo Couch S\rup now from you dealer.
This is good news to mothers who
fear croup and whooping conch. It is
a penile laxative that expclls the
poison from the system in the natural
way. Cuts the phli'cm and clears the
head. Guaranteed. Sold by A. G.
Wanner ,
Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Services at 2:30 : p. in on alter
nate Sundays.
Roaches the spot.
Stops pain. TKo
Great Pile Rom-
ody. Put \jp In
tubes with rectal
nozzlo. 50 cotits-
The WonderfojS
Big Horn Bcasin
I have selected a list of irri
gated farms in the Basin "for
rent ; why not rent for a
year or two and learn the
profirs from irrigated farm
ing in the Basin and become
acquainted with the climate
and desirability of settling
in that region ? We also
help you homestead irrigat
ed lands , or to buy them at
prices that will make you
money. Millions of dollars
are now being spent irrigat
ing Basin lands. Home-
seekers' excursions first and
third Tuesdays of 1908.
Write D. Clem Deaver ,
General Agent , Landseek-
ers1 Information Bureau ,
Winter Excursions :
Homeseekers' excursions first and
third Tuesdays to Colorado. W } anting ,
Big Horn Ilasin. Northwest , South
west mid South. Winter Tourist rates
daily to Florada , the Oulf Country , the
south and Southern Cnliforuia AsVt
Agent , or the undersigned for rateh
and dctitils
Local Ticket Aycnt.
L. W. WAKELUY , G. P. . ,
Oimiho , Neb.
For Backache ,
and neysandBladdei the Kid'
John Mann of Kansas was bete last
.lake Miller Is learning the printers
Delia Martin hit * been * lck for sever
al days.
Mr Nolaiul WHS. a PalU-Clty visitor
Monday. '
Rev. Mn/.e of DawMin preached here
Ivlder ShiilYer of Mirudu wn < here
Henry Smith was a Pulls ( " 31 ty vliltor
J. H. Merrlam of Llneoln wi here
Henry GiiL'non of Kails City was here
J A ninlclo waa countv M-ut visitor
lust week.
Wesloj Hentley of ForlCiCiie wu- . here
lust week.
Gladys Hart of St. Joe Is veiling
relatives here.
H. A. Smfdt is on ih" jury at Palls
City this wrek.
Greoly Hunt of Hunker mill
town Siit ni ilny.
Gcort'e Peabody made n trip to Vec-
dnn bt-t Prlday ,
Vangh MeVey vUited relatives in
St. Joe la t , we k.
Nate Carpenter wu < a Portescnc
visitor lu t week.
John CliHncv visited rrlativf * ut
Biglow bjt week
Charley Scott and family of Kansas
were here Tuesday.
A. C. Graves night operator was on
the -iiek list l.i-t week
Klla Goolrbv ot Missouri visited with
friends here last weeK.
John Harris' cMldron wen * sick with
sore throat lust week.
EUlc Wilson of Preston viMted
friends here last , week
11. 13 Noland ' pent lust , week with
relatives at Fortescue.
Mr. Ink- , and wlfu of Salem visited
relatives here tecently ,
James C'ronin of Full- City vNiteil
friends here last week.
Grace Jenkins of Fiilib City vl-ited
relatlvi s here Saturday.
S. W. rnnnitigbam shipped a ear ol
logs to St. Mm thlweek. .
John Mllliii1 hut til-en on the > iek 11.- '
but Is now much improved.
, T < i ! n llitii i- went ID Highland , Kr.
o.idHy to work on the grade.
Mr. Pnltno and wife of lnml > < > ldt
visited friends hero last week.
Miv. 1'lutnb returned .from a \\t\l \ \
with Palls City friends last week.
John Kanaly shipped four ear loads
of alfalfa to Kansas City last week.
Alice Gilbert has been quite sick
with sore throat the past two weck * > .
Mrs. Irvln Mathers and childVen o !
Napier visited relatives here last week.
Mrs. Julius Bippls returned recently
from a visit with friends ut CrosbyMo
Kdward and Leon Leeds of Palls Citj
visited their grandparents here last
Henry Haler , sr , and grandson
Henry visited relatives at Salem this
Mr ? . A. C. Graves returned Wed ties
'Jay Irom a two weeks vUit with friend
in Heatrice.
Mr- . Fred Stonhanr : and littU
daughter of Hum boh ] t veiled friend
hero this weot : .
Presiding Kldcr Wright of Xebra-k :
City preached in the Hollnens chnrcl
hist Sunday night.
The 5th and ( ! th grades held a siell |
Ing contest last Prlday. The ( lib grad
winning the honors.
James Angelo and futnlly moved t
Miltonvale , Ks. , Wcdnetduy whore Ii
expects toaim the coming year.
Ted Majuniam1 family uhohav
been living near Leavenworth , Kan
for the past jt-ar have como back her
to live.
Tom Hudson was called lo Viilllc
Neb , last week l y a teleiM'.un announc
ing hl brother very low with pneu
Con Sllckrod of Itockport , Mo. . ui <
has been visiting rcdatlves here fur tin
putt week returned liunie Monday , fit
" as accompanied by hla two nlece
At their regular meeting hot Prlduj
night the D , of H. lodge Initiate !
three new mombuis. Mrs. Pope served
refreshments , jollj ganif > were played
and u M'jlnl limn cnjo.ted until nl tie
Mrs. MnudVeavor , aged 'Jll jears ,
died on Jan. 2M at her home In Kan
sas City Thu remain * were taken to
St. Joe where the fnni'rul was held
Sunday. She was formerly Miss Maud
Kelly of this city and IIIIK many friends
hero who are Mirr.v to hear of her
death. Slu had only been married to
Mr. Weaver a few months , lior first
hn > lmnd was killed a few jeiirs ago by
fulling from a bridge on which ho was
working In St. Joa. Her father Is
also hurled at that , place. She Is sur
vived by u mother and two brothers
Ml-sos Emma Shepherd and Mary
lulling entertained about 10 ! of their
ouiiL' frlimdc In a delightful manner
t the home of the former one evening
st week. Caids and other games
vere played. Not Jciist among the
veilings sport was n written proposal
f marriage from each joung lady pre-
ent to otiie genlleinan In ihc company ,
V reply of acceptance was a red heart ,
ejection a small red mltti'i . Wo hnto
o tell It but. every lady with one ex-
eplion received the mitten , IJnt
on't be dlfcconraged glrla for you know
' .i fulnt heurt never won fair laf.y''so
why not the reverse ? And you still
ave 11 months to practice. Eiegant
ofreshment- ) were served and at a late
our the company reluctantly said good
oping for further pleasant times with
ho hostess of the evening.
Clara Laugh ry is on the sick list.
.Vra. Coon rpi'nt last week with Mr * .
George Stnrms was orrthe rk'k list
list week.
Mrs H. Meyerspent a few days in
his viclnii.v this week.
Ira Dunn and wife ( -pent Sunday with
Jeorge Prlcliard and wife.
Marv Deucliler and Emma Wul/.tl
peiit Sunday with Lvdla Dowty.
Guy L'eliiy ' and wife and Mrt. Gnlnn
pent Monday with his brolher
P. S Liebly was down to ExceUlor
Spring last ivcel < to sou hifather. .
Mrs. Houtv. and ' daughter-in-law
vein guests of Mr" . ShalTer this week
Mr ( icoigc Sinims atid tlangh'.er of
Strunssvill spent Sunday with Mtv.
Everett Hlggins.
H. .1. HII > | wife HI id Miss
A'lleox t-pent H.itiinl ly ev < 'iiing wltli
teorgo Pricinrd ! ami tvlfe.
Uev. Howiniin of Philadelphia de-
ivered a good i-ci moil to a large audi
ence hid Sunday at ttio Silver Creel'
church at 'I o'clock p in.
* * M.
nistnkc Corrected
Correct the mistake of risking pneu-
nonia by neglecting a cough or cold
when Foley'a Honey and Tar will not
only stop your cough nut expel the
cold from your system. Poley's Honey
and Tar contains no opiates and is the
best and Fittest throat and lung re.nedy.
Kerr's Pharmacy.
Miss Illggs wits a Shubiirt visitor
Win. Mowery of Stella was in towi
J. O Stout of Auburn was in towi
Tom Qulgirloof Shnbert was Ii , town
Joe E-tefi and wife werti Sli Ha viol-
tors Monday.
Al Sloven * and Jim Avers left Tues
day for 'JVxui.
Henry Kelt and daughter went t < i
Lincoln Tuesday.
Mrs. G S. Hughes of Stbi'tha , KS.IH
visiting friend-i here
Mis. ijrillith enjoyed a \lslt from
h"r mother of Wjinore last week.
Mrs. Llllle William-- moved into hci
properti on east m tin street bVlduy.
Mis. HoA'ard arrived Monday fron
liroken How on u visit to her nu > lhcr
MitsOs Viva and Loyottu Klnne
wont to Wjiimro Prlday returnln ; .
No Case on Record
There is no ctiecon record of a cougl
or cold resulting In pneumonia or con
rumptlon after Poley's Honey and Tai
hus been titkcn. It Mop ? the eougl I
and breaks up the cold quickly , lie
fu o any but the genuine Poley's Hone ;
and Tur In a yellow package , Kerr' '
John Key of Auburn wn * here Mot-
du\ .
Mr. Stlnubi'lnk of Uiinulu wup hero
I'Ni Klnton was in Stollu oiiu day
lust week.
Nina Shubtrtu.s on the sick list
hist wi-ek.
Mr. Peabudy of Neniaha WHS hero
Stoltrt lltos. pot In u UUP loml of liny
during the wei-K.
Mrs. J , ( ' . ishulcnburj : wan u Itni'i.ilii
visitor Saturday.
A In other of Dr. Shook has a broth *
or vIMling him this week.
Lev I UrL'lit and Klder Sipp visited
frientUjnt Slolla Tuesdin.
Hardy llajHand wife WLM-O uno-sU of
friomls ul Vurdon Sunday ,
Lowln Shulo.iberj ; of Harada visited
with home folk : * Saturday.
Klmcr ( lain rctiirnud Thursday from
u two wt-eks stay at , Omalm
Mr ? . Tom Spo.nco and daughteruru
Isitintf relatives In Vn\\i \ \ City.
II. H. Williams and wlfu vUlti-d IIIHI
veult with her parent.nt ! Ncniiiha.
Krnuel lvitinuiih | > h who lias boon
'isltlntf relatives at iianula was hurt )
Ulur's ) & Lowl ? creoted a frteol wind
nlll for George. Flsihpr north o ( town
McFilami' * Fred Hnitnmn and John
larmon vlsltfd recently with relatives
icur S'llutn.
Mrs. Ghas Felt left Sunday for In-
lanTurrllory to visit her daughter for
overal weeks.
As there is M ) much tick not : our
chools and the protracted meeting
losed lafit week.
Wlllurd Shnberl and wlfu left Tuos-
lay for several months visit nt Llneoln
ind other points.
Mr ? . Goolsby's household goods have
irrlvcd and she Is no AT at homo In the
Thacker property.
Daniel MeGlnty p-spi'Cls to leave
eon for Hot Spring , Ark. for the
ii-nclU of his health.
Grandma Hill and daughter Mips
Corn entertained their con and brother
if Llneoln over Snndiij.
Mlis Dora Flehburr. who Is fculT'iring
under a stroke of paralysis Is at An
Jiirn under the doctors care.
Gerald Chester has purchased tlm
mlcr p-iopcrty and he and bis brother
Fob u will keep biiuhcli'r * hall.
Clarence Crew and family now oe-
cnpy the Dunlel McDunlal propcr'.y.
Von can all guet < n what Dan IK going to
Otto and Dulos Splckler were over
'rom Harada Thursday Irjlng their
low antomobilo which they purchased
it Omaha recently.
Crete Sp'cklcr who has been very
ilck with the scarli t fever Is now dong -
ng nicely and It IB expected ho will
boon bo able to bo out again.
Oecur Pond left Monday for hie now
ionic ill Gett bberg , S. D. lie was
iccoinpanled as far as Stell.i by a nuin-
icr of frlendb who regret to t > i-e him
Cliarluy and lta.\ Lord ul CKlahumu
Dit.s aeeompitnied In Mies VIMM Loid
if Palls City spent litr-l wi-ek i\tth rclu-
tlv hero. It has been 18 years slnco
they have visited hcie.
Tlii-public siilo li"hl itl Hie homo of
Thomas Howard Thursday was onr of
the lnr ect hales In thltcnmmunit )
and ii large crowd wn * present and ev
erything brought a good price.
.lolin Cholu's spent 1 ibt wuek ut mo
George- Smith will boon muvu to
DllWMMl ,
Mrs. Mik < : Stutfor vlsltcil In Auburn
Sunday with relatives.
Churluy Farad isu hue bought u pool
hall ut Sntnmerficlil , Kunsus.
[ 'rank Swihurt o ( Jowoll County ,
Kan , vlsitid here thlt week.
Jou McGona > > lti of Ord apunt lutt
wcuk with Mlbj Lulu l''iuiktll. :
l''rank Brown and hUnnulu II. Drown
will have a liltf sulonext Thnreouy.
Kll Kniii | | > will take W.S. Huln'rf plae. :
at , carriur on rural route two tomorrow.
II. M. Iliiys entered tlio fn-lnnan
class of the stain university this wi > k.
Mra Noih Alliiii and uhlldntn ie-
turned to ( ) mah.i Wedni'i-day alr ( n
ivc'iika visit here.
.lohn Sa > er was reoentlv mnrriinl ti (
Miss Kil nil Jiihnbon of Navlna , OUla
They will Hvo on this I. W. Hurrl'
Kvuti''tiUnl CJruuu Ii still hoMliij ; re <
vlvul mooting * at the Olirlftlan ishnieh
A number were liiipti/'sd Saturditj
Dlek Curti' has oM hU elevator t (
Lafo Iliujjln- Auburn. W.D.Dryjw
of Auhnrn will l.iko ehdrgo of lln
Joe Mart ? had n public sale TiisJa ;
and Tom Higelns on Wcdijesdiiy Tin
latter will eoun movu to a farm ueai
Klk Creek.
h .lohn Holland , jr , has biiun at St
i. . Louis the pa t two week * . Ho intend
r I to take up hU former occupation in i
, o'l'noirraplier. '
i-i The cemetery association is iiiuKin
y I ni'iny plans lo raUo money for in
's ! provomunts to bo made at theceuitor
the comlnc summer.
Make Your Choice.
There are three or four hun
dred Farmers' IJullelins'published
by the Agriculture Department ,
As it is impossible for me to tell
just which of UK-M ; bulletins will
be of interest to my constituents
I will give a list of ihose that
seeurto me will be of general in
terest. I shall be glad H. send
one or more of these bulletins to
any of my constituents upon re
No. Name.
51 Standard Varieties of
5'J ' Bee Keeping.
fi3 Care of Milk on the Kami.
71 Kbsentials of Hecf
01 Potatoes Diseases and
lOfi Breeds of Dairy Cattle.
Ill Banner's Interest in
Good Seed ,
15-1 The Home Fruit Garden.
lM Practical Suggestions for
Fruit Grower .
183 Meat on the Farm , Butcher
ing , Curing and Keeping.
185 Beautifying the Home
194 Alfalfa Seed.
199 Corn Prow ing.
201 Cream Separators on
Western Farms.
205 Pig Management.
215-Alfalfa Growing.
229 The Production of Good
Seed Corn.
235 Preparation of Portland
240 Inoculation of Legumes.
241 Butter making on the Farm.
243 Fungicides and their use in
Fruit Diseases.
247 The Control of the Codling
Moth and Apple Scab.
253 The Germination of
Seed Corn.
255 The Home Vegetable
26G The Management of Soils
to Conserve Moisture.
270 Modern Conveniences for
the Farm Home.
272 A Successful Hog and
Seed Corn Farm.
283 Spraying for Apple Diseases
and the Codling Moth in
the Ozarks.
If you want some free advice
as to what the republican party
should do , or as to whom they
should nominate for the various
oflices , ask some of our democratic -
cratic friends. They will advise -
vise you. Do not forget , how
ever , to disregard their advice ,
and seek council among our
party friends.
Mr. Ketervi died at the home
of his daughter , Mrs. Fred Volz.
He is an old settler of Richardson
Countv. Ilis age is 92 years. He
leaves a son , two daughters ,
twenty-six grand children , and
sixteen great grand children
Miss Km in a Seitx is at home
again after staying four months
with her brother , Herman Seitx.
Mr. and Mrs. August Meinxci
were visiting at the home of Mr.
Lewis Seitz one day last week.
Mrs. Fred Fink is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Volss.
Friday of last week a boy was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Volz.
Miss Clara Meinxer is staying
with her aunt , 'Mrs. George
Ilessler. .
To chi-i'k u culil quickly , gut from
your driiL'til-i MIIUU ttttlu U.indy C-ild
l * ca'led PiwenllcH. Drn.'S'Irits
wlinn- are now dlspiMipin ; . ' Pre-
ventlcfe , for they are not only wtf * * . but
di-oidedly "flVctlvu mid piompt. Pre-
, vcntlcB contitln no quinine , no ln.xalive ,
nothing liarnh n ir hii-kenlni : . Taken
at , the 'Vni'rz'i htii ) , ' ! ) ' ' Piwt'iiiics will
pri'vni pneu mmtii , brnnchitl.-1 , It-
u-ripiio , oic. Hone. , the n uno , Pn'v "n-
tlc CiMid lor fuvi'rlnh childn-n. 48
Prt'vi'ntii1" - < i rcnN. Trial boxes 5 els.
Sold liy ali
Full Line of Emblem Cards
Cards lend an air of refinement
and culture to a person which
cannot be attained in any other
way. The Tribune has just re
ceived a line sample line of emb
lem cards which we will be gl ul
to show you. If you belong to
any secret order you need an IMU' > -
lem card. Come in and ge1 ir
prices and we can furnish yon t ie
finest line ever brought tt 'ne
city to choose from , and at pris
within the reach of all.