The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 31, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Phone 243 Over Richardson County
R'JResldenco 1GO
Office and residence first door
north of city park. Phone 263.
* It's Your Own Fault II
* 41
) i
If you don't get your
T *
| money's worth. Come \ \
to my Shop and buy ! |
your Mens and Boys II
Shoes. ll
Richardson County Bank liulldlnz
iaKiiioifc ; ) [ ) * * * * * * * *
ID EL ra TI © T
Phones : No ? , 177 , 217
( iFor Good Sales , Good Service , PCJ
; Returns Ship Your Stock to
I Qeo. R. Barse
< J > Write us for Alarkct Reports
y Kansas City , Mo. ,
Oflice over Kerr's Pharmacy
Ofliee Phcne 200 Residence Phone 271
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is
Bees is the original laxative cough syrup ,
contains no opiates , gently moves the
bowels , carrying the- cold oT ( through the
natural channels , Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
Registered Percberon Stallions
and Mares For Sale
* I expected to have a sale of
Registered Perclieron Stallions
and mares for sale in February ,
but owing to the financial dis
turbance , have concluded to sell
> the stallions at private sale , save
the cost and expense of the sale ,
and give the buyer the ben fit of
that expense and have put the
prices on them according. I will
give those who wish to buy good
registered Percheron stallions.the
chance to buy them right. I will
sell them from $350 up to the im
ported kind for $1200 , I have no
apology to make for the quality
and breeding o f these horses
Th03 * have the very best of breed
ing and will develop into good
horses , all are young coming 3
years old this spring. They are
out of imported horses of the
most noted breeding. Come and
see them or write if you are in
the market for something good
at right prices. I will also sell
several good registered mares. '
This is your opportunity Mr.
Horseman , for they will be sold
at right prices. D.E.RiJuKK ,
Merrill , Kansas.
The season of sale bills is at
hand and the Tribune wishes testate
state that we are prepared to
print sale bills while you wait ,
and do as good work and at as
low figures as you can get any
place. 7-tf
Eat Sowles' candy.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Poultry wanted at Ilccks feed
Dr. Bailey was in Bennet last
week on business.
Bring your Poultry to Swift &
Co. , at Hecks feed store.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Crook is quite ill this week.
Emtnett Satterwhite , wife and
baby were Dawson visitors Mon
Mrs N. P. Connely of Kansas
City , is visiting relations in this
Dr. Morris of Humboldt was a
business visitor in this city Tues
Miss Mary Gehling visited in
St. Joe one day the first of the
When you sell your poultry
bring it to bwift & Co. , Hecks
feed store.
We are all anxiously awaiting
the movements of Mr. Ground
hog on Sunday. '
The Falls City Nursery will
haye a fine lot of trees for the
spring trade. 1 tf.
Win. Pretrashek came down
from Humboldt on a short busi
ness trip Monday.
John D. Beck of Pawnee City ,
spent Sunday in this city the
guest of his sister.
Simon Da vies was looking after
business interests at Diller , Neb. ,
the first of the week.
Roscoe Anderson of Humboldt ,
was attending court in this city
the first of the week.
J. G. Ranger and famib' of
Salem , spent Sunday in this city
at the home of Evertt Scott and
Guy Williamson and family of
Humboldt are spending the week
with the Wamsley family near
John Vogle and wife went to
Vermillion , Kas. , the first of the
week and will remain a month
with relatives.
Dr. M. L. Wilson , Physician
and Surgeon. Office and resi
dence over McMillan's drug store.
Phone 32'J. ' 2tf.
The Falls City Nursery that
has always sold the trees , will
have a fine bt of trees for the
spring trade. Itf.
Judge Pemberton of Beatrice ,
our new jud''e , is steering the
wheels of justice at the court
house this week.
Will Tanner and wife , who
have spent the past week with
relatives in this city , returned
Wednesday to their home in
A deal was made this week
whereby George Schmelzel be
came the owner of the Dan Blake-
ney property in the northeast
part of town.
Miss. Marie Emerson of Dawson -
son is in the city taking treat
ment from Dr. Burchard for an
injured foot- She is staying at
the home of Win. Cade and wife.
On account of the big ad of V.
G. Lyford's which appears in
this issue our editorial page has
been transferred to page 6 , while
you will find the local news on
page 3-
Mr. Littie returned Tuesday
from a short visit in Omaha. He
was accompanied home by his
wife , who lias been spending the
past two weeks with friends in
that city.
Porter Randolph , one of our
rural mail carriers , reports the
family of Win. Sebring , out on
Route 3 , under quarantine for
diptheria , a number of the family
being quite HI.
V. G. Lyford. one of the most
enterprising merchants to be
found anywhere , knows tlie value
of printer's infc and tells his
patrons a good story in this issue.
Read every word of it and profit
Miss Nan Hutchings is num-
jercd among our sick this week.
Judge Broady came down from
Lincoln the first of the week to
ittend court.
Miss Bessie Bohrer went to
Auburn last Friday for a weeks
visit witli friends.
Dr Ed. Hays was among the
Dawson people at the Gehling
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Charley Sharts returned
Tuesday from a few days visit
witli relatives in Humboldt.
Al Tanner came down from
Humboldt and spent Sunday
with his mother in this city.
Mrs. John Martin of Lincoln ,
is a guest at the home of her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. M. Gia-
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilligan
: iave fully recovered from the in
juries received in a runaway last
Don't tell your troubles to the
ice man , as he has about all
ic can manage of his own , just
Dan Sullivan has returned
from his Texas trip , where he
iiad been looking after his land
W. W. Abbey was confined to
his home several days during the
past week a victim of the grip ,
tnit is now improving.
The Matthews-store was about
the busiest place in town this
week , getting ready for their big
sale which opens today.
Mrs. Alex Tiehen of Dawsou ,
was a business visitor in our city
Friday. The Tribune acknowl
edges a very pleasant call.
Tuesday was about the most
disagreeable day we have ex
perience ; ! this winter. The wind
blew a perfect gale while the
dust was the worst ever.
Rex Oliver , his satanic majesty
of this office , was unable to attend
to his duties here Saturday on
account of illness , but was on
hand again Monday morning.
J. L. Redwood spent Sunday
afternoon with his friend , Lieu
tenant Robt. Grinstead , who will
soon leave with his company for
three years service in the Philip
When ! Feb. 4. What ! A lec
ture , "Mormon Pledge making
and Pledge Breaking" . Where !
At the Presbyterian church Falls
City. Don't miss it ! Particulars
next week.
George Cleveland went to
Nebraska City , Sunday , for the
sole purpose of getting acquaint
ed with his new neice which
made its appearance at the home
of Fred Cleveland last week.
W. L. White left Monday to
again resume his duties on the
road. This will be Mr. White's
last trip for the present and he
will return soon and get ready
for his usual big run of work.
W. H. While chaperoned a
crowd of young people on a
skating expedition Saturday af
ternoon. They report a very
pleasant time , and feel greatly
indebted to Mr. White for his
Martin Gehling , with all the
men and teams he could hire , be
gan cutting ice on Pony Creek
last * Friday , and succeeded in
putting away a goodly quantity
of as fine 10-inch ice as was ever
Fred Cleveland , jr. and wile of
of Nebraska City , are the proud
parents of a baby girl which
made its appearance at their
home Tuesday of last week.
Their many friends here con
gratul'ite them in their happiness-
A hack load of young ladies
spent Saturday afternoon on the
ice at Brush lake. Skating lias
been rather scarce this season
and lovers of the sport never los <
an opportunity of enjoying them
selves whenever the ice is safe
They report the skating good ot
this occasion.
Dr. Davis was up from Rule
Wednesday ,
Mis. C. IS. Elliott was called
to Onedia , Kas. , last week by the
illness of her mother.
F. M Williamson of Humboldt
was in the city Tuesday attend
ing to business matters.
We arc sorry to learn of the
serious illness of our old towns
man , Joe Coupe , at his hottic in
Eflingham. Kas.
Will Cunningham and wife of
Rule were among the many out
of town people at the Gehling
Wednesday evening.
Ed Hammond and family of
Stella spent a few days of this
week in this city guests at the
home of Albert Norris.
Miss Meeker Cain is absent
from her post of duty in the
county clerk's office this week , on
account of her seige of grip.
Dr. C. L Kerr came up from
Kansas City , Wednesday just for
i short visit with the members of
the "Little Dolly Dimple's'1 Co.
C. Ruch on Thursday morning
shipped his household goods to
Deweesc , Neb. , where he and his
family will reside in the future.
Scott Stump , Jim McKeiver ,
Misses Genevievc Katon and
Melva Curran drove to Rule Mon
day and spent a very pleasant
Bruno Ilansen visited at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Kerr a
portion of the week , arriving in
time to enjoy "Little Dolly
Dimples. '
Frank McDermett and wife
came up from Kansas City Wed
nesday on a short business trip ,
and incidently to see "Little
Dolly Dimples. "
Mrs Wai Say loras called to
her home in Cincinnati , Ohio , the
first of the week bv the sad news
of the death of her father. She
was accompanied by her mother ,
who has been visiting here.
Max Werner has accepted a
position with The Newscommenc-
ing work there this week. Max
is a capable 301111 g man and no
doubt will soon be numbered
among the best in the business.
Word has been received in this
city announcing the arrival of a
baby girl at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Ilagensick of Iowa
Falls. Iowa. Mrs. Ilagensick was
formerly Miss Nellie Abbey-of
this city.
Mrs. Sol Mettz and Mrs. Chas.
Boyle of Sabetha , were among
the out "of town visitors who wit
nessed "Little Dolly Dimples" at
the Gehling Wednesday evening.
They were guests of Mrs. John
Powell while in the city.
Look out for the special sen ice
for voting people at the Presby
terian church next Sunday night.
There will be special music , and
a sermon appropriate to the oc
casion by the pastor Rev. Bailey.
You are most cordially invited to
be in attendance.
All the members and friends of
the Presbyterian church are re
quested to be in attendance next
Sabbath morning as a congrega
tional meeting will be held follow
ing the sermon to take formal
action on the new church project ,
and to appoint suitable commit
tees etc. Tlie pastor desires a
representative attendance.
The Falls City Tribune , one of
the best papers published in the
southern p.irt of the state , carries
a half page for Matthews , The
Price Killer , who can always be
depended upon , for he knows the
value of advertising and pa-
troimes the newspapers at all
seasons of the year. Omaha
Trade Review.
A number ot people came ovei
from Hiawatha to attend the
" " altractiot
"Little Dolly Dimples"
at the Gehling , Wednesday even
ing. How fortunate for oui
sister city that they have a firs' '
class opera house and the best o
entertainments within such eas }
distance. You can always bi
sure of the best at the Gehling.
C. Ruch of Dcwecsci Neb , , is
utiong our new subscribers this
vcek. | _
The Falls City String Trio has
been secured for the Farmers' In-
titute. They are. in a class by
hi'inselves. Do not fail to hear
"Manda" Vandevcnter , w h o
s employed on the telephone line
n this city , left Thursday on a
visit to his parents at Union Star ,
The big white sale at Wahl's
store will interest all. This sale
s full of the best of bargains in
his line. Look up the ad in this
ssuc and learn all about it.
Rev. J. R , Gettys , A. M. , of
University Place , will spend Sun-
lay with his old time friend , the
pastor of the First Methodist
church , and will preach for him.
The people of Falls City arc
especially invited to attend the
of the Institute either
lay or night sessions. We extend
i hearty welcome and will try to
entertain you.
The most delicious candy made
s the vanilla and strawberry nut
lougat made at the Candy Kit
chen. and 15c buys a full pound
of it Saturday , Feb. 1st. A
chance for you.
The monthly union prayer
neetingof the churches will be
icld in the German Evangelical
church next Wednesday evening ,
? ab. 5th. Rev. Dunkleberger
will lead. All are invited.
Having sold my farm T will sell
at public sale Feb. 4 , 1908 , at the
'arm 1 miles northwest of Falls
City all my cattle , horses , hogs ,
grain , hay and farm implements.
09-2t MKS. A. C. KUIM.
Have you ever tried the vanilla
or strawberry nut nougat made
it the Candy Kitchen ? A whole
pound of this delicacy for only
15c , Saturday , Feb. 1st. You
will be sorry if you miss this
Rev. G. L. Ncidc , will deliver
a sermon in St. Thomas church
next Sunday night on the sub-
iect "The Saints in Nero's Pal-
ice. " Excellent music will be
furnished by the vested choir ,
LOST. Ladies gold watch ,
Waltham jewelseries No.4523853.
Roy 14 K. case No. 367908.
Watch was lost between opera
louse and the east part of town
on Wednesday night. Liberal
repaid for return to this office.
Mrs. Robert McMahan was the
victim of a very pleasant surprise
Wednesday evening , perpetrated
by a number of the K. L. of S.No.
filO , in honor of her birthday.
About eight couples were present
UK ! spent a most pleasant time.
Mrs. McMahan was presented
with some pieces in silver as a
slight token of the high regard
in which she is held by her
The IIiK-Rt t'otfeo Substltuc ever
mule , has recently been produced l > y
Dr. Sheep of Riiclnc. Wls. You don't
vo to boll It twenty op thlrtv minu
tes "Miult In u minute" says the
loetor. "Health Colleo" la reiilly the
closest coffee Imitation over yet pro-
ilucfd. Not u grain o' ' reul colleo In It
either. Heulth ColTuo Imitation 1&
iiiiidu from pure loustcd cereals or
trains , with mull , mil * , etc. Really It
woulu fool itn expert were ho 'o tin-
knowingly drink It tor cotfee * Fred 13.
We have money in any
quantity to loan on farm
security at low rate of
interest. Come and see
us. Clever & Sebold.
When the Stomach , llcitrt , or Kid
ney news get weak , then these or
trans always fail. Uon't drug ttiL
- > iomnch , cor stimulate the Heart 01
Kidneys. This I ? simply u makeshift ,
da a prescription known to druui-'lett
i-vi'n where as Or , dhoop's Ktbtoratlve
The Restorative \ prepared expres-sly
for IhCbC weak Inside nci ves. Strength
en these nervs * . liutld them up wltl
Dr. Snoop's ! Itcrtoratlvc tablets o
liquid and see ho * quickly help wll
come. Free sumplu test bent on re
quett by Dr. Sheep , Racine. Wls
Your health Is surely wortti this slra
plo teat. Sold by all dealers.
I have my Hour and feed , v/ood
uul coal business and residence
or sale. 2 tf O. P , HKCK ,
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank all those
who so kindly assisted us during
1m illness and at the death of our
icicc , Miss Emma Brccht.
J , F. MACK AND i'AMirv.
Trial Catarrh treatments are being
nailed out free , on request , by Dr.
hoop , Rnolno , Wle. Those testa uro
> rovlng to the people with out a
lenny's ' coat the crcat value ot this
olonilfle prescription-known to drug-
Ista every where as Dr. S hoop'a
Catarrh Remedy , Sold by all dealer * .
Fixtures for Sale.
As we will positively leave
his city in March we offer for
ale all our store fixtures includ-
Gas Plant
Show Cases , Etc.
v _ _
Sbortborn Bull For Sale
Royal Alpine , the richly bred
Shorthorn bull owned by W. F.
ieschick , will be offered for sale
at the Wittrock-Wyatt-Ricschick
Poland-China hog sale at the
Chapman feed yards in this city
Wednesday , Feb. 12.
For Sale
All of block" 98 and 5 lots ad-
oining in block 95 , Falls City ,
ocatcd one block cast of Central
school building. First class im
provements , also plenty of fruit.
Will sell at a sacrifice or will
rade for western land. Address
Oltf Falls City , Neb.
Foley'a OrinoLnxutlvo Is u now rein-
> dy. an Improvement on the laxatives
) f former j care , as It does not gripe or
iHUsuuta and Is pleasant to take. It Is
'uuruntccd. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Land , mine and drainage sur
veys , estimates , reports by West
ern Engineering Co. , mapping ,
Iraughting , designs of steel ,
masonry and re-enforced concrete ,
blue , brown and black printing ,
Drawings of patent models made.
30. U. S. Nat'l. Bank Building ,
Omaha , Neb. _ 2 4t.
What Everybody Wants
Kvurybody desires good health , which
5 impossible utilurs tlio kldnejs uro
it-alUiy. Foley's Kldnej RerneJy cor
rects Irregularities and cure * all forms
ot kidney or bladder disorders. Tuko
ol-y'r. Kidney Remedy at once and
ircuMil lirlght'b d incase and diabetes.
{ crr's Pharmacy.
Duroc Jersey Hog Sale
At Chapman's Sale Pavilion ,
Falls City , Neb. , on Thursday ,
Feb. 0 , 1)08 ! ) , at 1 o'clock , 85
lead of Duroc-Jersey bred sows ,
unexcelled for size , quality and
Come early and hear R. S. Mc-
elvie speak on pork production
at the Institute at 11:30 : o'clock
a. m. as he speaks at this hour
nstead of 2:30 : as given in the
institute program.
Bees Laxullvo Cough Syrup for
coughs , colds , croup and whooping
cough grows in favor dully with young
and old. Mothers should keep ll on
hand for children. It Is prompt relief
to croup. It Is cently laxative , drlv-
ng the polton and phlegm from the
system. It is u Dimple remedy that
gives Immediate relief , guaranteed.
Sold by A. G. Wanner , druggist.
Poland-China Sale.
February 12 is the date of the
big Poland-China bred sow sale
bv Wittrock , Wyatt & Rieschick
at the Chapman feed yards , and
as in all past sales b3 * these gen
tlemen is sure to be a success , as
they breed nothing but the best.
They never lose an opportunity
to build up their herds with the
best to be obtained , which fact is
known to all breeders in this vi
cinity , and draws crowds from all
parts. Remember the date , and
if you want to improve your
herds take advantage of this sale.
A Rmir's Dyspepsia Tablet after
etch mo. lover comus indigestion , dye-
pepslu ii'iil oilier stomach illr. Two
days' trl tl free. Ask our dealer. Sold
by A. G. Wannerdruggi6t.
* >