The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 31, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Errricrr. ' r. ; . . ' i : of ffonr , | - t-
itv c. . ' . c. ; . : i .u ' n : 1110 wV. : st ,
, . .jc : i . . "try more rrpcliz-
It *
rri jj , " - - ssjIfiWjf" * A ,
f This is the only
powder made from
Grape Cream of Tartar.
it Has No Substitute
There are Alum nnd Phosplmlo ol Lima mixtures .told it
lower price , but no housekeeper regarding the health
ol her family c n ullorJ to u e them.
Republican State Convention
PurHtiant to the call of the Nu-
tionnl Committee leaned December
7 , 1007 , the Kepublican Electors
of the State of Nebraska are hereby -
by called to meet in convention in
I the City of Omaha on Thunulay ,
M-reh 12 , IMS , at two o'clock in
the afternoon , for the purpose of
selecting four delegates at largo
and four alternates to the Kepub-
Mean National Convention to beheld
held in the City of Chicago , June
10 , 1008 , for the nomination of
candidates for President and Vice
President of llio United States.
The basis of representation of
the several counties in said fitato
convention shall bo the vote cast
for Honorable III. Fl. Wilson for
Presidential Elector at the general
election held November 8 , UOJ ) ,
giving one delegate for each one
hundred fifty votes and the major
fraction ther eof ho cast for him )
O. II. Wilson , bin cnch county to
bo entitled to at li'imt om dele ,
gate. Said apportionment en
titles the several counties to ino
following representation in haul
convention :
delegates present from each of tin
respective counties be authorize !
to cast the full vote of their deh
Attention is called to the inethoi
provided for by the resolution of
the Slate Committee- giving the
Republican Eli clots in each coun
ty where desired , an opportunity
to express their preference for
candidate for President of the
United States , which plan of ex
jresHing said preference has been
orwarded to each County Chair-
Attention is also called to Sec-
ion ! 5 of Rule VI adopted by the
aid State Committee providing
or the filing of credentials and rule is as follows :
"Credentials o f delegates to
Conventions shall be tiled with the
Secretary of the State Central Com-
nitteo at least tiye days before
ho date of said Convention. "
Pursuant , lo said call of the Na-
ional Committee and the laws of
Nebraska , the several Congree-
lioniil Committees are instructed
o proceed in the usual manner to
mini' a lime and place for holding
.heir lespective district convm-
.ions for the ulection of twn di-le
gates and two alternates fromearh
of said Congressional Districts , in
lonformity with the requirement : ?
of the cull of tln > National C 'in-
miUee , the same bus B of repre
sentation being used in theseveral
counties as is herein provided foi
the State Convention. It in rec
ommended that the same place
and date bo selected by said Con-
[ regional Committees for holding
aid District Conventions as havt
been selected by thin Gommiltei
for the State Convention.
F. P. CoitiiicK , WM. HAYWAISU ,
Secretary. Chairman.
January S , 1UOS , Lincoln , Neb
A woman living in Counci
BlutTs , Iowa , has been marrici
fourteen times nnd divorced
twelve times. She has nim
husbands living1. Her last vie
tim is a prosperous farmer o
Nebraska. This is an extremi
case , but it only illustrates tin
evils of ou divorce Jaws. Di
vorces are too easily 'obtained '
It is only in rare cases when
they are justifiable at all. O
the many public evils , this di
vorce evil should be given mon
consideration by our courts am
law makers. If divorces wer
not so easily gotten there wonh
be fewer quarrels in the house
hold. The writer knows of in
stances whore the persons seek
ing divorce had already prom
ised themselves in marriage t
another. The record of tm
court for the last year show
fewer divorces granted than fo
several years. Let the numbe
be still fewer the ensuing- year
To stop that pain in the Kick , tlu
stilTnt'ts of thu joints and muscleit.ik
Plnoules. Thov are < * iiaraiitotsd. Dun
sutler from rhouinutUm , buokuul.
kidney trouble , when you ( ret 30 Unyi
treatment of IMneiiles ( or f 1 00.
olnu'le dose at bedtime proves thel
merit. Get them toduy. Sold by A
G. Wanu-M1. druggist.
dosqultoea Threaten Ruin of Tea
Planters and No Remedy Seems
To Be In Sight.
A report from Consul-Gencral W. ,
I. 3Iiehael of Calcutta , says that the
ilight of Hie tea plant , caused by'
he bile of the mosquito , is causing1' '
i good deal of alarm among the tea
) lanters of India. The situation has
( ccome much worse , and , in response
0 an urgent appeal from the plant-
rs , the scientific and entomological
illicers of the lea association will do
vhatever is possible to find relief
Irani the pest and the effect of the
) lighl caused hy it. II has long been
mown that the mosquito bite was
jroduclivc of ten blight , but it was
lot regarded seriously. The condi-
ion , however , has become so wide-
ipread and bad that something must
10 done. Spraying the bushes with
my liquid or oil is not practicable ,
) ccause of the ell'ect on the flavor
) f the tea leaves , and to cut away the
iU'eeled parts of the bush gives only
1 temporal1 } ' relief , as the persistent
if tacks of the mosquito serve to
icrpetuate the blight. The only pcr-
'iianenl ' relief seems to lie in the dcs-
ruelion of the mosquito. How this
: an be done is the question.
She I don't see one pretty slrl
icre !
lie That's because there Isn't a
ooklng glass handy !
All apartment house advertisc-
uent that has proved popular runs
iko this :
"No restrictions on piano play-
np. "
"A notice of that kind is bait , for
i great number ol' people , " said an
igcnt. "There are some mighty nice
'oik that like to play the piano late
it night. In many ncighborhnnds
i graveyard stillness is insisted npon
after 11 o'clock. J have on my list
lowcvcr , a lot of houses in good
) locks Avhcro the neighbors won't ,
cick if the music continues till 'way
wst midnight. That is the Kind of
: > lnce many tenants are looking for ,
md it pnvs to call their attention
to it. "
One of the saddening effects of
the present general advance in the
price of almost everything wo eat is
the fact that in some of the butcher
hops in the neighborhood of Forty-
second street and Fifth avenue , tur
keys , the plain domestic turkey , is
now put in the same class as game
birds and is sold at so much apiece ,
says the New York Press. This was
brought home to the housekeeper on
a marketing expedition the other
ilay , when she saw a row of the
fowls , each one of which weighed
about six pounds , labeled , "These
turkeys $2.50 each. "
The artist came in and scaled
himself with a foreign and unaccus
tomed air , a slight something of
hauteur the woman thought.
"My landlord , " he began , "came
lo me this morning and told me to
have anything I-wanted done in the
ivay of improvements in my apart
ments. Mo told me to spare no ex
pense. . "
The woman looked at him hard.
"I begin to suspect you. " she
said , "of having paid your rent. "
"You may say what you like about
old Hunks , but I know him to bo
ti man that studies to please "
"Shucks ! He's the most cross-
grained , ill conditioned old "
"Be kind enough not to interrupt
rjmc. 1 was going to sa\ I know him
llo be a man who studies to please
' himself , and nobody else on earth. "
Market Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards ,
Jan. 27 1'JOS. Following the
liberal cattle supply of 54,000
bead last week , including 4,000' '
calves , the run of 12,000 today is
fully as many as needed , and the :
markit is barely steady with the ]
close of last week. Prices were
uneven last week , but closed with i
only a net loss of 10 to 15 cents
on killing grades , while stockcrs
and feeders declined 15 to 25 cents
during the week. One feature
today that is favorable lo .sellers
is that an extra large percentage
of the supply is stock and feeding
gradesi which are being disposed
of at steady prices , thanks to the
usual good Monday market on
that class. Packers arc buying ,
killing grades frcclv , both because
of a good present demand for
fresh meats , and with a desire to
fill up coolers in anticipation of
smaller receipts soon , and strong
er prices. Should the run con
tinue liberal , the market is likely
to decline this week , but the gen
eral opinion still holds to small
supplies in the near future. Best
steers bring Irom $5.50 to $5.75.
and bulk of fed steers $4.65 to
$5.40 , cows $3 to $4.25 , heifers
$3.50 to $4.75 , bulls $2-90 to $4.10 ,
calves $3.75 to $6.75 , stockersaud
feeders $3.75 to $4.65. Demand
from the country is good , but the
price early last week reached a
height that many considered pro
hibitive , and sellers were forced
to reduce the range of prices to
effect any trading.
Hog receipts last week were
10,000 head , an increase ! of 100
per cent over the same week last
car , and the market on heavy
logs gained about 5 cents during
be week , but light weights lost
L little ground. More inferior
logs were included than usual ,
uid buyers slashed the price on
hese , so that there was percept-
ble widening of the range of bulk
of sales during the week. Supply
oday is 13,000 head , several thou
sand smaller than on recent Mon-
lay's. and the market is 5 to 10
iiigher. Top here today is $4.55.
which is 2- ! cents higher than
: op in Chicago today , bulk of
sales here $4.25 to $4 50 , > vitb the
closing nnrkct the best of the
day. Two trains nf 300 hogs
were purchased here for Old Mexico
ice last week , and this demand is
helping prices on heavy weights.
Sheep and lambs arrived freely
last week , and closing prices ot
the week .showed a loss of 10 to 15
cents as compared with best time
of the week. Run today is 10.000
bead , market weak to 10 lower ,
top lambs $6 80 , fair to good lambs
? 6.2f > to $6.60 , yearlings $5 50 to
86.10 , wethers $4.75 to $5.50 , ewes
$4.25 to $4 80. There is a good
outlet for the mutton , and future
prices depend on volume of
No home Is ro pleasant , regaidlesi-
the comforts that money will buy , us
when the entire family is in perfect
health. A bottle of Orlne Laxative
fruit Syrup costs GO i-enti. It will
cure every member of the family of
uoiibllpatlon , siclt headache or ntoinacli
trouble. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Lincoln's Birthday.
On Wednesday evening , Feb
ruary 12 , the ladies of the Epis
copal church will celebrate in a
most appropriate manner , Abra
ham Lincoln's birthday. Major
Keeling has kindly offered his
spacious home for the same and a
pleasant tune is anticipated. The
entire program will be in keeping
with the day , including an adress ,
favorite poems , music , etc , and
nice refreshments. Full par
ticulars will be given next week.
In the meantime arrange your
affairs so as to be able to attem'
this entertainment and help com
memorate this grand old man.
A tlckliiiir cough , from any cause i- >
quickly stopped" Dr. Shoop's Cough
Cure. And it is to thoroughly harm-
lesb and safe , that Dr. Sheep lulls
mother ? everywhere to "ilvo it without
hcMtutiou even to very young babe ?
The wholesome green leaves and tender
dor stems of a lung-healing : mountain
ous shrub , f jruih the curative propei
Hot. to Dr. ShoopS Couch Cure. It
calir.fc the cough , and heaU the sort ,
and sensitive hronlchittl membranes.
No opium , no chloroform , nolhirc
harsh used to injure or suppress. Sim
ply a reslnou * plant extract , that helps
to heal aching lungThu Spaniards
CH ! | this shrub which the Doctor uses ,
" 'J he Sacred Herb. " Demand Dr.
Sboop's. Take no other. Sold by all
Informs you that his Grocerie Stock , with * ?
seasonable Fruits and Vegetables , will be *
* i
complete for Ip08. The fancy China Dinnerware -
. ware and Glassware stocks , better than in
> the past. Your inspection and patronage in-
> vited.
y K
v , y
* * The business man who knows the value and * * ?
JLfo 49 \
; convenience of a Checking Account so does the i
h up to-date professional man likewise the progres , %
| ) f sive farmer and , too , the wide awake business % >
t woman. | " | *
41 * We shall be glad to initiate people into the de- * $
Y * tails of keeping a Checking Account. *
W. C. Mnrflrovc II. C. Herman L. Timelier W. A. GrccnwcIO II. C. Zocllcr *
§ * $ i * * Vi tfa * V $ * M * i *
| The Falls City Roller Mills
3 Does a general milling- business , and manufactures the
jj following brands of flour I
i The above brands are gunranteed to be of the highest possible -
? sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and
5 conduct a general
a Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
j and solicit a share of j-our patronage
| P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. f
Entire cSiange of program every Alon-
day , Wednesday and Friday.
) pen Every Night at 7 p. m.
Adults - - - SOc
Children under \2 - - .5c
We solicit the patronage of the people
of Falls City and vicinity , especially La
dies and Children.
No picture exhibited in this show that
can offend the most refined.
Beauty and Wisdom
both demand that care and attention to
the teeth which insures a charm to one's
face and good health to Hie body. Mod
ern dental methods , have attained a skill
based on scientific principles that rivals
the perfection of nature The success
achieved 1 > 3' Dr. Yuuy in the treatment
of impaired teeth guarantees , a perfect
mouth to all who will apply.
l-nlls City , Nebraska
Simple Remedy for LaGrippe
LnjrlpH | roiiiihwiv danuToroiiti a ?
they ( rtquently de.'i-lop Into pncii-
moiilu. Foley's Iloni'v and Tar not
only slops the eoiitrh but heals and
Btr 'iijtlien < tinlunsr ? * o that no seri
ous results need lie feaiu'd Th < JM-IIU-
Ine Foley's Uonoy unil Tur onntalns no
harmful drug's ana is In u ytlhuv puck-
age. Refuse sub
Pincsalvo CarbjlixaJ acts 1U \
poultice , draws out inllammation and
poison. AntUeeptiilealin - , ' . Kor
chapped hands , lips , cuts , burns. do ! l
b , A.G.Wanner , druirsrl-t.
BY/I J \ / I " WORK OF * * COLD