The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 10, 1908, Page 7, Image 9

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| Furnaces , Plumbing and Hardware 1
= A First-Class Tinshop in Connection. 2
fc : We shnrpen the childronB' Skater , or the housewife's = S
t : Scissors and repair the family Umbrellas. All kinds of Gnu ss
= repairing promptly nttetulecl to Remember that \ve lire = 2
liceiiBed Plumbers and do all kinds of Plumbing. Call mid 3 !
= eee Unit Stewart Rozwood Art Ware. Something new. = 3
All Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
x- ? * * ? * S SxS > 4xe
| c. H. nARioNt
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
h Falls City , Nebraska |
Heart Strength , or Heart Weakness , means Nerve
Strength , or Ncrvo Wcnknosi nothing more. Tos-
Itively , not one. weak heart In a hundred Is. In Itself -
self , actually diseased. It Is almost always n
hidden tiny little nerve that rnnlly 1 nil at fault.
This obscure nerve the Cardie , or Heart Nerve
blmply needs , anil must Inve , more rower.more
stability , more controlling , more ( ro\enilng
strength. Without that the Heart must continue
to fail , and the stomach and kidneys also have
tlirso bnmo controlling nerves.
This clrarly explains why as a medicine , Pr.
Snoop's Restorative has In the past done M > much
for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Sheep first souitht
the cause of all this painful , palpitating , bliflocat-
Intj heart distress. Dr. Snoop's Kostoratlve this
popular prescription Is alone directed to these
> 7cak and vastlne nerve centers. It builds ;
it Etrcnuthens : It oilers real , senulno heart help.
If jou would have strong Hearts , strong di
rection , strengthen these tnirves re-establish
them as needed , with
It will he unneeest-ary for you to go
through u painful , expensive operation
for Piles if you use MtinZan. Put up In
collapsible tiibu with nozzle , ready to
apply to the soreness and inflammu
tlon. For any form of Piles , price 50
cents. Guaranteed. Sold by A. G.
Wanner , drugirli't.
111 ii i i-iHi i n i mi nut-
iD. ! S. HcCarthy \ \
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Henry E.lones of TampaFlu.writes :
'I can thank God for my present
health , due to Foley's Kidney Cure. 1
tried doctors and all kinds of kl.lney
cures , but nothing done me much gooc
till I took Foley's Kidney Cure. Four
bottles en rod me , and I have no more
pain in my back and shoulders. I am
li'2 years old. and riitlered long , bu
thanks to Foley's Kidne.v Cure. I am
well and can walk and enjoy myself. I
la a pleasure to recommend It to those
needing u kidney medicine , " Kerr'e
No need to fear coughs and coldg
this year ns you can obtain Bees Laxa
tive Cough Syrup now from you dealer.
This is good news to mothers who
fear croup and whooping couch. Ills
a penile laxative that cxpells the
poison from the system in the natural
way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the
bead. Guaranteed. Sold by A. G.
Wanner , druggUt.
Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Services at 2:30 : p. m on alter Sundays.
Foloy's Kidney Cure will cure any
case of kidney trouble that i ? not be
yond medli-al aid. Kerf's Pharmacy.
I have selected a list of irri
gated farms in the Basin for
rent ; why not rent for a
year or two and learn the
profirs from irrigated fann
ing in the Basin and become
acquainted with the climate
and desirability of settling
in that region ? We also
help you homestead irrigat
ed lands , or to buy them at
prices that will make you
money. Millions of dollars
are now being spent irrigat
ing Basin lands. Home-
seekers' excursions first and
third Tuesdays of 1908.
Write D. Clem Deaver ,
General Agent , Landseek-
ers' Information * Bureau ,
Winter Excursions :
Homcseekers' excursions first and
third Tuesdays to Colorado. Wyoming ,
Big Horn Hasin. Northwest , South
west and South. Winter Tourist rates
daily to Florada , the Gulf Country , the
South and Southern California. Ask
Agent , or the under-igned for ratc.s
and dctnil * .
Local Ticket Aflent.
L. W. WAKCLUY , G. P. A. ,
Omaha , Ned.
For Backache ,
and the Kid-
At The Gehling Honday Evening , January 13
Alarket Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards ,
January ( > , 1'JOS. Buyers predicV
ted heavy cattle receipts at all
the markets today , and the } ' were '
right , with the result that pricesn [
on hilling grades are 5 to 15
lower than the close of last week.
The market last week advanced
20 to 25 cents on killing steers ,
cows closed the week with a gain
of 20 to 40 cents , calves 25 to 50c
higher , and stockers and feeders
10 to 20c higher. The decline
today , is , therefore , not a great
handicap , as prices are still con
siderably higher than a
ago , medium to fair steers selling
at 8-1.75 to S5.25 , only a few
above the latter price , as nothing
prime is being marketed now.
The supply here today is 11000
head , fairly liberal for Monday
under the circumstances , but
light as compared with the big
run of 33,000 head at Chicago to
day. Receipts at the river mar
kets will be light for some months ,
in comparison with eastern points
because of the relatively small
number on feed in the western
territory. Cows and heifers are
lower today , but they have shown
great strength recently , and the
decline today is onlv temporary.
Cows range from $2.75 to $4.50 ,
heifers $3 to $4.75 , bulls $2.75 to
$4 , calves $4 to SO.75. Stockers
and feeders are strong to 10
higher today , as the proportion
now coming is small , and the de
mand good recentlj' , stockers $3
to $5.25 , feeders $3.75 to $4.40.
The hog market passed a fair
ly sane week ending last Satur
day , without much net change in
pi ice for the week , and' with few
violent fluctuations , The situa
tion is extraordinary today , as
the supply is 19,000 head , heav
iest ever received at Kansas City
on Monday , with a big supply at
all the m.irkets. and yet prices
closed up 5c higher than the close
Saturday. The opening was 10
owcr today , but active competi
tion from all the buyers soon
turned the loss into a gain , top
For the day $4.55 , bulk of sales
$4 25 to $4 45 Local prices have
been only slightly under Chicago
prices since the middle of last
Sheep and yearlings advanced
25c last week , and lambs gained
50 to 60c. There was a slight
re-action at the end of the week ,
but the feeling is that present
strength will be held. Run is
4500 todayi market steady , qual
ity not quite as good as last week ,
top lambs today $6.70 , fair to
good lambs $ f > . 15 to $ f ) 50 , year
lings $5.25 t o $5.60 , wethers
$4.75 , ewes $4 to $4-50. Receipts
are likely to be moderate for some
months , ahead , a n d markets
strong in the meantime.
Prof. Searson is Exonerated by
Official Body.
Treasurer Brien of the State
Board of EJucation at a recent
meeting of that body in Lincoln
read a report of the sub-coin-j
mittee appointed to investigate
the charge against Profsssor
Searson. The report reviewed
the testimony in the trial in
court and beiore the board and
closed with the statement that
L3rofessor Searson had been un
justly accused and recommend
ing that he be exonerated. The
report was adopted. |
Don't be pessimistic. Get all 1
the pleasure possible out of the
fine weather we are now having ,
and don't think about the storms
you seem so positive are coming.
Explaining the Panic
Paul Lo'oy.BfaiiliiMi , a famous
Fi'i'iu'li economiHt in an article IP-
printed in I lie United Stalefl late
luet summer predicted that
liens reaction wan imminent no-
caiiHi > of nn over demand for enpi-
till. He estimated the world'H
capital available for industrial ex
pansion ut n given amount and Jig.
ured that industrial projects were
under way which would require
an amount of capital HOIHO 50 per
cent larger than the amount ho
believed existed. Fie now returns
to the subject to point out the
veriliuation of his theory. The .
cause of the panic he niHstn , is the
industrial megalomania prevailing
in the United States and Germany
which proposed without thought
of possibilities. In this case it
was as if wo proposed to sail a
ship of 20 feet draft up a 15 foot
channel , and discovered our mis
take only when we had gone
It seems to be pretty well agreed ,
even in this country of infinite
Itmnciul theory , that nothing that
iould have been done by law
ivould have prevented the panic.
The fact that virtually all panics
are international in scope seems
to be Biifiiuient proof of this.
Neither can any law cure it or
prevent another , not if wo accept
the theory that panics arise from
the ht'atod imagination of men ,
loading them to propose impossi
ble projects , and over-expand
credit. But it is not. to be denied
that laws , rightly enforced , can
minimi/ > ) the effects of panics and
hasten the recovery. To iccept
M. Leroy-Beaulion's conclusions
is not to say that improvements in
cutreney and bankirg are not ur
gently needed in the United States.
tRlnt : ' - ' Dytiiiopila Tablet after
e.ieh niuulovi-r COUIL-H indirection , dyt-
u and oilier t-toniuch ill- . Two
trial free. Ask out'dealer. Sold
by A ( ! . W.inacrdrii i6t.
Good for 1908.
Resolved : Never to knock ;
to perform every task with a
real desire to give it a distinguishing -
tinguishing touch ; to never
shirlc a duty to be of good cheer
for that is the light that illumines -
lumines our own path and those
of our friends ; to be courteous
always , for it is a gracious
gift and a valuable asset that
increases with use ; to be abstemious -
stemious , for strong drink is a
mocker and the greatest foe to
health and happiness ; to cut
out profanity , for it betrays a
small and a mean soul ; to deal
justly with all men ; to discharge -
charge debts , for they are
sacred obligations that can not
with honor be ignored ; to treat
children with kindness , for they
are dependent creatures whose
helplessness appeals to the
best that is in us and whose
mistreatment prejudices a liv
ing soul against the existence
of justice and mercy ; to read
The Tribune , believing it con-
'jscientiously compiled , the not
void of mistakes.
A Card
Thl is lo certify that all
urn auttiorl/.ed to refund your money If
[ 'oley's Honey and Tar falls to cure
your cough or cold. It stops the cough ,
heals the lungs and prevent * serious
results from a cold. Cures la grippe ,
cough and prevents pneumonia and
conHiimptlon. Contains no opiates.
The genuine Is In a yellow package. I' j
Uefus-is subsides. Kerr'n Pharmacy.
Geo. Snydcr of Auburn spent
this week in the city the guest of1 [ | !
Prof. Hurst. ! j
Winter Wheat Acreage ,
it is a great thing to be the
biggest in something or other.
Kansas announces pride in
having the highest acreage of
winter wheat of any state.
The nine slrtes that furnish two
out of three acres of winter
wheat in the country are the
following :
Kansas , (5,5)80,080 ( )
Indiana 2,778,75)0 )
Illinois 2.381,07 ; ' )
Nebraska a.fl&O.UOO .
Missouri * 2,271,150
.Ohio 2,125,920
Pennsylvania l2rKH ( ! ) !
California l,218f > 08
Oklahoma 1178,800
Nebraska gets only fourth
place. Since in nearly every
important respect of agricultur
al bigness Nebraska has to
t ; a place below the top it
behooves. . Nebraslcans to re-
fleet that mere bigness in not a
virtue. No amount of virtue
can make any other state as
big a"s Texas. No amount of
agricultural intelligence and
enterprise will ever make Ne.
braska equal to Kansas in
wheat acreage. In fact not to
loom so large in anyone respect
is an advantage , the classic advantage -
vantage of not having one's
eggs all in a single basket.
The diversity of agricultural in
terests in Nebraska that en
ables the farmers to count on
crops every 3Tear is one of the
state's advantages. The agri
cultural statistics that deal
with excellence are those thai
tell of yields of grain and meat
and milk per acre. There
Rhode Island has the same
chance to shine as Texas.
To check a cold quickly , get from
your druggist ? ome little Gaudy Cold
Tuhlots ca'led Pivvontlcs. Druggist ?
everywhere are now dlept'iisinir Pri-
ventUv , for they are not only ftiifu , but
decidedly sfli'ctlv1 and prompt. Pro-
ventlcH contain no quinine , no laxative ,
nothing Imr.-h iur Hlckeninir. Tit I : en
ut the "sneiv.n stage" Prevontici will
prevent pneumonia , bronchi tip , la-
grippe , etc. Hence the name , Preven
tion Good for feverish chlliln'ii.
Prevcntlcs U. > cents. Trial boxes fi ct ? .
Sold by all dealers.
In the course of divorce pro
ceedings at Lincoln a letter was
read from the wife who \va
defendant , pleading for her
husband to return to her and
promising to make no more
mistakes. The husband allegec
that she would come home late
at night intoxicated. But slit
promises to reform , and the
judge urged the plaintiff to go
back to his wife and give her
another trial , refusing the
divorce until the husband had
time to consider the question.
In pressing the spirit of for
giveness , the judge concluded
j by saying : "If my wife had
sinned and had written me such
a letter as this and T loved her
and she loved me , ' said the
court , "f would take her back ;
I am sure I would. Men have
sinned and women have for
given them , and taken them
back , but when a women sins
she is spurned and cast aside ,
though her penitence may have
the ring of passionate sincerity.
I will not grant a divorce now ,
but will leave you time to con
sider.Ex. .
No homo IK PO pleasant , regardless1 of
the ' comforts that money will buy , us
when the entire family is In perfect
health. A bottle of Orlne Laxative
Kriilt Syrup odsls . " 0 penis It will
euro every member of the family of
constipation , Bick headache or stomach
trouble. Kcrr'fi Pharmucy.
Extensive Researches Made In Thor
oughly Scientific Manner by the
German Government.
In the production and control of
n pure food supply by thoroughly
Rcienlifie methods the Hermans are
disposed to keep their lend. The new
government institute for milling re-
enreh , supplementing the two insti-
ntes for research in the augur and
ermcnialion industries , is cmiippcd
villi an experimental granary , n
vhcat and rye mill and n bakery ,
ollier with administrative olliees
ind laboratories , the machinery and
ipparntus being of the mosl advane-
d kind , all driven by electricity.
The mill has ( wo distinct plants
ach milling two tons of grain in
en hours. The purpose of the insti-
nte is to carry out practical ro-
peardi and wit-ulific investigation
) n grain during storing , milling ,
vorking up and baking ; to expcri-
iit'nl with the baking of home and
mported grain ; lo conduct research
vork for the government and to cur
ry out ollleial and private analysis
if grain , Hour , fodder stuffs , etc.
ivory effort will bo made to investi-
jato thoroughly the numerous prob-
ems of milling and baking.
The lly must go. Fortunately the
) roblom of his c.xlcnnination is not
lillicult ho ifi not only a CIUIPO but
i consequence of dirt. While bo ean
ivo almost anywhere , he ean breed
nly in home form of tilth , nionl
'ommonly and chiefly in lanyard
namiro , particularly horse aianurc.
Phis ho infinitely prefers , h'nt can
imke shift with garbage barrels ,
lust bins or other accumulations of
lirt. Destroy or properly disinfect
he latter , and remove stables out
side of town limits , and ilics will
middy disappear. That this is not
oo good to be true one may satisfy
linif-elf by a practical test. Collier's
Col. Philip Heade of the Twenty-
bird United States Jnfantry is the
author of the following "epigrams"
of ( ho range :
"The ultimate of the soldier's pro
fession is to know when and whore
and how to pull the trigger ; other
thingH being equal , that soldier who
can hit with measurable accuracy
what lie aims at is the best soldier ;
the way to learn how to hit is to find
out why you miss ; brains must be
mixed with gunpowder ; soldiers who
nro not good shooters are apt to be
turned into good scooters : mast good
shots are made good shots by syste
matic instruction and practice. "
As Lew Fields used to remark so
feelingly in "About Town , " the
game of bridge is n "polite one , " but
sometimes this part of the fnshion-
nblo amiif-ement can be carried to
too great an extreme , as was illus
trated n't a family party the other
night. A husband and wife were
partners , and the husband studied
his hand overlong before be inquired
of his wife , in the prescribed phrase ,
" .May 1 play , partner ? " His better
half looked wrathfnlly across the
table at him and violated all the
traditions of the game by replying :
"For God's Fake , do ! "
"My husband promised me a
monthly allowance. "
"Yes. "
"Well , he won't give it to me at
the beginning of the month because
he nays I'd spend it all in a lump.
And he won't ghc it to me at the
end of the month because I've had
verything I've bought charged to
im ! "
The tipao of M.iDgchen , north of
Shanghai setllciin'iiih , has been Im-n-
lioocd and ordcird 10 be canguei1 r r
two months by tin Shanghai in
trate for abetting a friend BC
opium bub ros'a to former cnsto
in that market town , Strin
methods are taken by the nut' '
ties to prevent the fide of ( ho d
Shanghai Ti
"It's a good plan , " said the ex
ienccd publisher , "to write so
thing about ShaU-speuro or
bible. "
"For what resiton ? "
"Because even if your own
marks aren't ver > important you
always include enough qnotatioi
make the work \vell A orth readh