THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JANUARY 10. 1908 Will Not Sell Packages Tin * National Biuunii compan gieatOMl poiln erakor I'omp'inj i th1 I'nilcd Slnli-H and a combitii ( ton that IH t filed in imp \\uli tin ; largest and moflt in the country , \\ill qml d < business in Nebraska , asit : from the nale of its bulk prod tic principally because Attorney tlei oral Thornphoti and Food Con missioner Johnson asserted tin the company had to comply wit the law , The National Bisuu company refused to brand i Input ; ] ages in accordance with ( ho Nt braska law , saying that it woul cost tlioiiHiitulH of dollars to mar the weight of each package. The local agent of the ' 'ompan notitied all retail grocers hit Tuesday afternoon that the alto ) , od tniHt would quit doing bueinet in Nebraska. It is said that th s National controlled BOVOII.eighth i of the business iu the Mate an that itH package business wii about half of its ouliro trado. Thin mennti a great opening fc other crakor factories in Nobraski From IhOHO companies , all t which have been complying wit the NebniHka law , local grocer nay that they can secure good that arc equally MB good as thoa of the National Biscuit eompan and that they can secure theno i a price about equal to what the h".vo been paying. All of th paokam oods nt the local fitoi lioune will be shipped back i Chicago. The National Biscuit compan WIIB oneof the most thorouuh-nc iny organi/ationB that entered Nc brauka. The company bought n all competitors , and moved th plants to central points. Th .louee-DouKhiBrt cracker factory c Lincoln wna one of the variou factories absorbed. The inachii k\ ery from this plant was moved t Ii Omaha. The dispute about brandin packages which has led to the n ctnt announcement followed fret the hiw passed at the last legish lure. This provided that pad ages were iniBbranded if their ai tusil weight was not plainly marl ed. The fie packngu put up b the National Biscuit company pui ported to be a half-pound package It contained from -I to ( i otiiicei says the food commissioner. A this rate the company was hole i H "I' Hi" n't" ' ! price of sod cracluTB to more than Joe pi pound , the bulk price of fiimiln oods boinn 8J , cents. The varii tion in the weight of the packag meant that the company mu- weigh each package if it woul conform to the law. From th opinion o f Attorney Generi Thompson it was understood thu variations in weight from th brand directly traceable to loss c gain by evaporation orliquescenc would not be regarded IIB infringe [ mentsof the law. I Local dealers , in selling the ! stock of National Biscuit goods have violated the law. and man of them exhibited fear of prosect tion when the branding of pact ages was moat discussed. Froi now on dealera will not be force to sell other than goods put up i accordance with the requirement of the pure food law. The boy who will wrap a wit about a poor dog's tail until cuts into the llesh , and then altac a tin can to the wire , may not L a boy who is on the road to tli penitentiary , but ho is a coward ) boy just the same. That be would strike his little sister in tl face , if he were not afraid ( fathor. It is always a coward \vl hurts a child , or a dumb anim which cannot defend itself , brave boy always tights someboi ; able to light back. Sny , boys evqii mother would be ashamed > us if she should see her boy ligh ing Bouietlmi/ } . somebody n able to tight back. Let's not ( anything to make mother tishamt of ue. Columbus Telegram. Plnoaidvu Curbollzed uuu like poultice , draws out inflammation ai poison. Antlsceptlc , hunllng. K chapped hands , lips , cuts , burns , So by A. G. Wanner , druggist. Fast Train Will Be Put On I Near Future As a direct ITMII ! < > f the recei improuMtieiit in the Missouri Pac licit i miid that u iif n the rod compleli-H the rebuild. ng work no in pi ogress on its lines in Nobra iiii , that a now schedule will I put into effect by which the tin from Lincoln to Kansas City wi be shortened to about five hour This will be a great conveniem to parties in this vicinity. The improvement in the lit will make it possible for thu ron to make bolter time on all of i lines in Nebraska. An idea of tl : amount of improvement bein made on the system , is given hen with hcnco it may bo seen how is possible to reduce the tin made by the former schedule. Through the Missouri Pacif otlices in Omaha comes the stall nieiit that George Gould , owner ( Lhc road , is now doing mote woi on improving his road and built ing another , the Western Pneif'n to the coast , than in beiny done i present on the Panama cana where I50,0JO ( men are employee Ci on Id is spending $2,000,00 per m o n t h. One-fourth th unonnt uoes for the betterment i Hie Missouri Pacific and its cot nections controlled by Gould , an the balance for the construclio of the Western Pacific. Because such a great amount t money ! H being expended b Irould in taking advantage of th > resent cheap labor market , th Vlissouri Pacific railroad was con polled Thursday to issue its sem uinunl dividend of 2A per cet payable in stock rather than i cash. cash.The The money is being held to pa aborerH and to keep construstio work going. At the division olllces in Oim : ia , it is said that $10,000 a wee 's now being spent in the improvi ment of the Nebraska division ( ; h e Missouri Pacific. Anbur lie raid. Mrs. Lettic Bellman who ha spent the past week with he mother in this city , returned U day to Kansas City to resume IK work as stenographer for tli Three Lakes Lumber Co. When thu Stomach , Heart , or ICli ticy nervi's got \\eiik , then these o nuns ulwuys full. 'Don't drug tt stomach , uir stimulate the Heart ( Kldnejs. Tills IsImply ( u nmkeshlf Got u prceoriptlon known to druygis everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Restoratlv Thu Restorative Is prepared express ! for these weak Inside nerves. Strengtl iMi these nerve.- , build them up wit Or. Snoop's Restorative tablets c liquid mid s-eo how quickly help wl come , free sample ict s-ent on r quest by I Jr. Snoop , Uaelne. Wi Your hi-iiUh is surely worth this sin pie test. Sold by all dealers. Trliil Catarrh treatments ure bein mulled out free , on request , by I ) Sheep , Kuelni ) , WIs. These testui proving to the people without penny's cost the reut vulue of th scientific prescription known to dru ; elsta everywhere as Dr. Sheep Cutnrrh Kemedy , Sold by all dealer In most eases consumption resul from u neglected or Improperly treutc cold. Foley's Honey and Tar euros U most obstlnuto coughs and proven serious results. It costs you no moi than the unknown preparations and j ( should insist upon having the genuii In the yellow packages. Kerr's FJha imiey. " Notice To Willtiiiii McDntiloU , non-roililt-ut ilefen nut : Vouiiro h n > l > y notified tluit ou the 13 day of DoooinlxT , IWl , Anna JlcOanloU tilixl rH'litiduuciiinst jou in the District Court Illclumlfconmnty ( , Nobrntkn , tlio obji > ct u pmjor ofhlch ru to obtain n tlivorco from j on the Krinuul that jou have wilfully ubaiuion the plalntitTithout too < l caun > . for the term t\M ) > i wr li > t jiakt. Von ure riMiiinHl | to nn w ordi'umr toMiil iM'tittou on or before Motuli the Mliliiy of Jiinunr ) . UViS AssMeDiMKis , I'luiiitill 11 } It. I' . JwiKf , hrr mtoriif ) . 01 Notice IN THE DIsrUUT I'OUUT ( ) ! ' C'OUN I'V. 8TATK Ol' NlillltASUA. Joseph W. Oiin . riatwtiir. i ' \n Julii\ . ( ) ii , Dofemt.iut. \ ThoiUfontlaut , Julm C. Ojia . . will uko m > t tlwt th i > luiiititT , Ji > , .ih W. O l f , ilid , mi t th tla > of November , IWl. flU hi * iwlitlow mitl court uuiuitt JOB , tlie ob ; ! t uul jirnjt'r whichistoobuiu a ilucrtwuf dlxoriv frt > m I IxHuio of luuliimouy h ivtofur > tiutl now nxUtl Mwiwu > ouimil ulil i > l iuiitf , on the uroui of tioMwtlun nut ! oruel treatmuut , ami of tajim iintl couisUut ttlect of jour iiwtrunooiHl tint tuminU will iihUutiff. Ami juu wrw furiUw uotine.1 tliat uul . } IkUul , Miiaww or lUutur Ui uiii i nlUoii IMI boJuroJuttiwryU , 1WM , tlw wiulll U. uil a tru * ml H ilwrw rwuWwl in u e4inUuc \ \ tU iWHfw Uwr t { . 1UUYIS , V JUJAVIS , Attornojsforl'hilntill THE DREAD RED DEATH Fango of the Blood Snake of Centr ; America Fatal to All Who Are Stricken. It will In1 rc'iiu'inliorcil that ISdgn Allan I'OP , in his "Masque of til Hod Di'iilh , " ( k-acribi'd plague , tli main symptom ofliich was a blow' injj from I lie poivs of thu body. In Central American I he He Jcath is personified in the. Hloo Snake , or , as the Spaniards call ii Yivorn Sanprc. ThLs sjiiiku is of rod-tinged black on thu back , whil nnderneath it is of a bright vormil ion. its deadly work is easily ret ogni/oablu in the condition of th victim. An Fndian cnttleman , find ing a cow bleeding al the nose , eyt and oars , and perspiring blood a every pore , docs not. hesitate to blnm il on Vivora Sangre. Unfortunate ly , the elfect upon the human hem is the same , and our Indian frien < quite realizes it when he lights cheroot , gathers his blanket , arouiv him , and stoically sits down to awni thu meeting with his forefathers. FOUND GREAT CAVE. The. gold prospectors recently dis covered in the Santa Susanna moun tains , about fifty miles from Lo Angeles , Cal. , the largest and mos remarkable cave in western Americii While looking for indications o cell ; ( they found an opening. Th opening led to a great cavern con sisting of many passages , some o them wide , but most of them ntir row and lofty. The passages lei into great halls , some containing ai acre , studded with stalagmites am stalacitcs , in some cases so thick ! , that it is diilieult to got through The walls of one of these halls ar covered with rude drawings , som nlomst obliterated , but others stil clear. The drawings represent inei dents of the chase , showing Indian on foot pursuing hear , deer am other animals. One wall paintin ; mows the bear pursuing the huntci PEW RIGHTS IN ENGLAND. The legality of a claim to n fain ily pew was raised at Carlisle Con sistory court yesterday. Permission was granted for alter ations to Kcskct church , Cumber land , which will necessitate the re moval from the chancel of a famil ; pew , the occupants of which ap plied for a fresh pew in its place. The applicant , Captain James , o Harrock Lodge , claimed that hi family had used the pew for ncarl ; i hundred years , and that they lm < ancestors buried beneath it. Chancellor 1'rescott ruled that th family had no legalright to th pew. The privilege had boon grant 2(1 to a former owner of Unrrocl Lodge , and could not be transform 'o subsequent owners of the estak London Daily Mail. * > CURIOSITY IN BULGARIA. 1'rof. Do Lannay says that ther is in Bulgaria a group of naturn nolumns much like the Giant' Causeway in Ireland. On the edg ) f a plateau in the open countr rises this forest of natural column : .vhich gives the impression of an an tique ruin. The columns , which ar ibout fifteen to twenty feet higl ire absolutely cylindrical , and the ire often as much as three fee thick. The stratification of the roc resembles joints , and vertical erosio lue to rain has formed Doric flut .ngs. A DUTCH "SCENE. " TOO MANY NOTES. Subscriber ( to editor ) I've gc something here 1 want you to nml a note of. Editor Can't do it. Three in tl bank now , and one gone to protest TACT. "I want to look at some fal ; hair , " said the lady to the clerk. "Hight this way , madam. Win color does your friend want ? " sai the clerk. For he knew his busines SOMETIMES. Prue Do you think it's possih for a girl to got over a love nil'a in six months ? Dolly Yes , if she marries him.- llarper's Weekly. MULES WERE REAL ONES Simple Explanation of Order That fo a Time Puzzled Guest of Hotel. "I saw a funny thing in the register tor of a hostelry in the Grand Can yon of the "Colorado , " paid u Chicagi man who had just returned from : trip through the west. "I steppet up to the desk to register when saw an entry just ahove the spac I was destined to fill. The line reai as follows : " 'Mr. and .Mrs. John Jones , Ar Icansas. Si mules. ' "The words ' 2 mules/ were not ii the same handwriting as those giv ing the names of recent arrivals. I wild idea Hashed through my mint that the hotel clerk must he in th habit of characterizing the guests My natural curiosity prompted m to make inquiries. " 'Oh , the mules ? ' replied the prc siding genius of the hotel. 'Tha means thai Mr. Jones and his wif are going to ride down the Canyoi to-morrow morning. Quite a part making the trip. Would you like t no ? ' " 'Yes , ' I said. "And I had the pleasure of scein , him write ' 1 mule' after my name. A PROSPEROUS COLONY. Ill the state of Victoria , Austrn lin , the railway revenue for 190 fiscal year was $20,050,000 , th highest on record , while the workin expenses were less than 52 per ccnl of the revenue , the lowest for 2 years. The number of savings ban depositors increased by 25,000. Foi ty per cent , of the entire populntio has deposits. The amount at the ! credit on June . ' 50 hist was $61,000 , 000 , an increase for the year o $5,1-10,000. Overseas exports , exchi sive of gold , amounted to $ G2,000 , 000 , an increase of 250 per ecu : over 100'J. The colony's oversea imports amounted to $75,000,00 ( The exports to other states wer nearly $25,000,000. The goverr ineni revenue for the year was $41 505,000 , and the expenditure enl $ : < 7,505,000 , creating a surplus c $1,0(10,000. ( WHY DICKENS LIVES. Why is it that the sales of Diet ens' works , in English alone , amour in a single year to more than thos of any later novelist during hi whole lifetime ? The readers of h : novels do not lack intelligence , an a good number of them are of sudiciently advanced culture to d < tect his faults. But whatever tli higher criticism may disclose again ; him , there still remains the fullnes of his robust human sympathy an that mastery of genius which fo ; ever holds the mind even of childre as that of Shakespeare's does.- Marper's Magazine. DANGEROUS SENSE OF HUMOI CIco. C. Morton , a machinist r < siding on ] { usell street , has vei sore ribs , and all hecause he laughe too heartily. lie was thorough ! enjoying a joke played on a con rude with garden hose , and as 1 watched the sport from a windo he laughed with great gusto , i much so that he was seized wit pains and had to he helped to seat. A medical man was calk and found that ho had fractured rib and had torn away part of tl lining about another rib. Beruuid Uoval Gazette. THE RING ON THE STEM. With the stem encircled with gold ring , which must have been c all the while the fruit was growir from bloom to maturity , a bunc of grapes was discovered in Lor Beach recently. Chas. Schwitzer , peddler , was weighing some grapi for n customer when the glitter < an object in a cluster caught his a tent ion. It was a gold bangle riu around the stem , midway in tl bunch , and with grapes both abo\ it and below it. - ASK THE STORK. Census Man Now , little boy , rn upstairs nnd tell your mother I fo got to sk her when your baby brotl cr was born. Little Boy She doesn't kno\ sir. She was away ou n visit- irnrper's Weekly. HEROIC. ' ijoiicker What do you consider it-si tor a pool ? Becker Ability to ridej Pogasi ju a hard unequivocal trot for fn miles. The linen Codec Substltue evt ; inndf , has recently been produoi-d b Dr. Hhoop of Knclnn. Wl ? . You don bttvn 10 boll U twentv or thirty mini tec. "Mitdu In u minute" suys th tloutor "Health ColTee" Isreully th cloti-f-t eouVe Imltiitloii nver yi-t pr < ihici'd , Not ti grain u' real rotTen in 1 cither. Health ColTee Imitation I ruado from puru toasted cereals c pralns. with malt , nuts , etc. Rcull.\ . 1 would fool un expert were ho to yr knowingly drink It lotcotlee' Fred E Schmltt. The time is nearly here whe ; the subscription price of thi paper goes to $1.50 per year If you want in at the old rat you will have to hurry. "I trust this may be read by man sufferers from kidney and bladder troi bio" writes Mrs Joe King of Wooi land , Texas. "I suffered four year and could find nothing to give eve temporary relief. Our druggist ut las Induced me to try your ! iO days' trea ment , of Plneules > for $1. This on bottle has cured me and money coul not buy the value It has been to im Guaranteed Sold by A. G. Wanne The Tribune will cost you Si,5 a year after January 1st , 1908. Notice to Our Customers We are pletised to announce thr Foloy's Ilocey and Tar for cough : eolds and lung troubles is not allecte by the National Pure Food and Dru law as It contains no opiates or othe harmful drugsand were commend it K a safe remedy for children and adult ! Kerr's Pharmacy. Lerfal Notice. IN THIS 1H3TUICT ( 'OUKT 1'OIt UIOHAltl SON COUNTY , STATi : OF NEBRASKA. It thu matter of the iwtnto tif ( I'onielltiH llcntran , ( lcci-a iMl. 1 OUDIilt TO SHOW OAUSI3 WHY Llor.NSET SEUi HEAIj ESTATE SHAUj NOT 1 ! QUANTED. To nil imrsoiis interestixl in the estate of Come ins Itearain , < lvcea cil : IthaviiiBbwninaile to ntiprar to me by pot tlon of the executor of thu I'stato of C'ornolii Uenuan , doconiml. that tlioro is not snllicii-nt i > e sonnl estate in liis hands to pay the dchtsou stnndlnK ORtilnst the decenni-d and thooxpensi of ndminintrutlon and that it is necessary to be the whole or some portion of the real estate l > lon inK to said estate for the pnjinont of sue debts : NOTICE IS 1IEUCBY CSIVKN to nil pcrnoi interested in taid oi-tuto to appear lx > fore moi my chnnibers in 1'awneo City , in I'awneo Count Nebraska , the amo iK-injr within the Firbt Jud ciul District of the raid state , on Jnnuary 1 HUM , ntl:00p. m. of Mild day , and showcanse , liny jou liuveh > 11 licciifo HliiiH not ) x < Kratit ( to said executor tu boll the following de.-crib ( Iiroperty , or HO much thereof us in thu JudKinei of the court is necessary to Im sold for the pn | K ) M aforesnid , towit : LotHlJ , 7 , S , and ! l nnd 1U fret extra ofblock 2J in Falls Citj , Neb. All that part of tlui we half of the east half of "onthfaot iiimrtor , of fp tion fifteen ( IS. ) town one (1) ( ) , niiiKO i-ixteen ( If Rlith I'.Jl. that lies north of A. , t N.H.U. or H. M. it. It. depot srounds nt or near Tails City.N braska , bounded as follows , towit : On tl wutli b > tlie Miiil A. A N. It. It. depot Krouni and bounded on the north b > Fallw I itj , Nebr.n ka , and bounded on tlu ciM hy the public icia that extends from the south end of Wilson btre in said FiilU Citj. to sai < l ilei > ot Krounds nnd < tlio west by a public road , that urns in front the rnnnine factory and extemN from the sou end of Morton street in MIII ! Falls City , Neb. , Kiuil depot Krounds and coutniuins 2 7-S acr moro or le-s , less 100 feet i liO feet , sold to A. ' . ( ioolsby , and . ' .0x120 feet to Hd Jlcliiever out < S. E. corner of dot-criliod tract. Of this jouill take duo notion nnd uovei jourwlves nccordinnlj. It is further union that this notice bo published in the Fullx Ci Tribune , n newspaper published in Jtichards ( County nnd of general circulation therein , f the period of six weeks , commencing ; on the 2J' ' day ut No\omler , I'.KJT. JolIX 1) ) . ItM'KIl , JlldRC. HKVVJS A IlEVM-f , Attornejb for Kxecntor. 01-71 Legvl Notice. IN THE WBTHUT COUltT FOll HICHAltl BON COUNTY , NEHUASKA : llnrton I. lleuvis , ( iraco G , I ltea > is , and Mjrtlo A. M'lnintills liearix , ) vs. The Unknown Heirs of ) Anna Heard , decttased , I The Farmeni Stale Hank ! , \nf , . | , . , , of Shubert. Nebraskii , John E > ans nnd Wilson 1:1.0 , j To the Unknown Heirs of Anna Heardloceas < You will take notice that ou the 27th day * November , 1P07 , the nhovo named plnintllTs nil a petition in the District Court aKa'.nst ) ouTI Fnrmert ) State Hank of Shubert. Nebraska , Jol E\nnsnml Wilhon Else , the object and prnjt'f ( which is to caii j payment of n note of $110 I Wilson Klso to them instead of to the pa ) named in said note , to-uit , Anna Heard , ca notohaviiiKl > eenKiTenas part pajment for tl rent of n certain tract of laud , to-wit : The nor half of the Northeast quarter of Section 1 Towiifhip 3 , ltani'o 111 , in llichardpou Count Nebra ka , upon which the said Anna Hoard he nlifoehtnte. which life estate cea ed with h death on thn 3d day of Aiigutt. 1W7. The rei for which -sud uoto was KITCHI by the Kiid El was for the current jear , to-wit : 1W7. Yon are further notified that n lestrninii order was allowed b ) the jiiilKe of thodistri court. restniiniiiK Mini runner * Stnto Hank i Shubert and bald John E\nn * from dis-pofintr wild note or parting with the pos e-fu > n theni except to deliver it to the clerk of thodistri court until further ordoml , and IIMI restrninii the snidVilioii Elnn from imjint , ' Kilil note the said Imuk or to thoKiidJol Emis or to mi ) body ew , nnd askii for a iiione ) judgment n Hini > t the s BlM < for the amount of Kiid note in default of h pa ) int ; the amount into court a praod plaintiff's iwtition. AndjriHinre further notified tluit uuloH ) > < prny , answer or demur to auid jietition on i Iwforw the lilh iky of Jiimmrj , cl'.v ' ; Hid petition will Iw taken as trueiuid a ( leer enteretl in acoordaiiro with the prajor thereof. 01. Ki\VI8 A KEAYIS. At tonic ) c for I'l THE BOWELS AH MOVE WORK OFF A COl _ WITH THE ORIGIN DEE'S LAXATIVE COUGH ? ECOUGI- BEST FOR A DR. 0. N. ALLISON ID JE1 MOM' ' S T' Phone 243 OvcrlllohartUon County U.tnk. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA \V. S. FAST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ph ° H FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA DR. H. T. HAHN VETERINARIAN Office nud residence first door north of city park. Phone 263. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA It's Your Own Fault i n ! * * if ) [ If you don't get your If 9i * money's worth. Come to my Shop and buy ifn your Mens and Boys Shoes. ROBERT F. T. PREUSSE 4 J ! ! Richardson Hank if County tlullding ; EDGAR R. MATHERS Phones : Nos. 177 , 217 SAM'L. WAHL BUILDING xixS > < JvsH4xSx)4' For Good Sales , Good ServicePCJ X Returns Ship Your Stock to < | Geo. R. Barse t LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. . $ National Stock Yards , III. Kansas City , Mo. , WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS EJE1NTIST Oflice over Kerr's Pharmacy Ofllce Phcne 260 Residenee Phone 271 The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is Bees is the original laxative cough syrnp. contains no opiates , gently moves the bowels , carrying the cold off through tha natural channels. Guaranteed to giva satisfaction or money refunded. A. G. WANNER Bees Laxative Coujrh Sjrup for coughs , eolds , croup tind whooping cough grows in favor dull } ' with young and old. Mothers stiould keep it on hand for children. It is prompt relief to croup. It is sently laxative , driv ing the poison and phlegm from the system. It is a simple remedy that gives immediate relief , guaranteed. Sold by A. G. Wanner , druggist. For Sale All of block 9S anil 5 lots ad joining in block 05 , Palls City , located one block east of Central school building : . First class im provements , also plenty of fruit. Will sell at a sacrifice or will trade for western land. Address WM. CADH , Oltf Falls City , Neb. A tickling cough , from any onuse U quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is o thoroughly harm less and safe , that Dr. Sheep tella mother * everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very youns bubes. The wholesome green leaves and ten der stems of a lung-healing mountain ous shrub , f jrnifh tlie curative proper ties to Dr. rihoop's Cough Cure. It eulir.s the cough , and heals the sore and sensitive bronlehial membranes. No opium , no chloroform , nothing harsh used to Injure or suppress. Sim ply a resinous plant extract , thul helps to hual aching lung * . The Spaniards call th ! shrub \Uiieh the Doctor uses , " 'Ihu aaerod Herb. " Demand Dr. Shoop'- . Take no other. Sold by all dealerr. Roaches ( he spot. Stops pain. The Great I'llo Rem edy. Put up In tubas with rectal nozzle. 50 cents.