The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 10, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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lintcrcd a sccoiicl-cla s mal' < t a. (
Falls City , Nebraska , post office. Jauu- (
ary 12,1'XU , under the Act of Congress *
of March 3 , 187" .
Published every F rldny al Tails City ,
Nebraska , by
i The Tribune Publishing Company
E , K. Slitvrls , Manner
One year 51.0
" "
Six ii'ontlis . >
Three months 40
Do you write it 1908 ?
Oklahoma is in line for Taft.
1'JOS is the young lady's oppor
tunity. Young men be modest.
The Thaw trial is again upon
us. Look out tor another expose
of New York aristocracy-
This is not very satisfactory
weather for the ice man and coal
man. The rest of us need not
chide the weather.
The strongest reason in favor
of nominating W. J. Bryan for
president on the democratic ticket
is the fact that he can not be
elected. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Have you heard any one speak
ing of spending the winter in
California ? \Ve have California
weather at home. Hurrah for
Our friends have a man party.
Mr. Bryan is to be the nominee ,
but there must be a convention
that the1 may hear him say ,
"I thank you. "
Mr. Brynn will abandon the
lecture platform until after
the presidential campaign , after
which he will have ample time to
accept all invitations for rostrun
The republican State Com
mittee in Session Wednesday de
cided to hold the state Conven
tion in Omaha. The Convention
is to name four delegates at large
to the national Convention.
Fremont is the first town in the
state to come to the front with a
Taft club , one now being organ
ized there with a large member
ship. In fact , among the repub
licans in Fremont there seems to
be a unanimity of sentiment in
favor of Taft.
r There are more than 400 con
victs in the state penitentiary.
What is wrong with modern so
ciety that compels men to shut
their neighbors within stone
walls and iron cases lest they do
harm ? Look about you and see
if you can discover the evil.
Mr. Bryan seems to devote con
siderable of his time of latepoint
ing out what he fears Mr. Taft
may do if nominated for presi
dent. We might add another
great objection for Mr. Bryan's
benefit and that is , Mr. Taft will
be elected if nominntcd.
At last Mr. Cleveland has de
clared in favor of a pension.
Not for the old soldier , however
but for ex-presidents. We have
but one ex-President. How nice
it is when we are the recipient of
a favor how wrong when \\e are
An order has been issued pro
hibiting the admission of women
to Harry Thaw's second trial
We have Justice Dowling , who
will set in the case to thank for
this ruling. Now if we could
manage to keep the reports o
the trial out of the newspapers
we would have much indeed to be
thankful for.
It is said 27,000 women in New
York support their husbands and
being the wage earners , someone
wants to know why these women
should not be permitted to vote ?
Now , perhaps , not one woman
out of eyery hundred knows any
thing about political affairs , and
does not care the least for such
but it would be a fair deal i
these non-supporting men were
not permitted to vote. That
would be a better arrangement
If a man can't provide for his
own household , he is a poor piece
of material to help support the
government. Womans Nationa
> oc < < > e * > aoo < x > > CNX >
Are you saving money by purchasing your goods
now at LYFORD'S ? He is selling winter goods ,
some domestics and some groceries , at great cuts
from regular legitimate prices. Only high grade ,
perfect merchandise is offered , no inferior , off stuff
bought for sale purposes , are to be found in his es =
tablishment. Cut this "ad"'out and put it in your
purse that you may not miss the substantial sav =
ing which the following discounts and specials
offer :
Very Special prices on Outings , Flannelettes ,
some muslins , short ends and odd lots of all kinds.
These discounts and prices are only good until the 18th of January.
Charlie Caver/agio went to Falls
City Tuesday to spend u few day ? with
Mrs. Loul ? Letihcroft of Highland
station cunic to Uulo the day before
Christmas to v'sit ' her daughter Mrs
Ada Hubcr. She was taken sick the
day after. Christmas and died New
Year * day. The body was taken to
her old home at Highland Thursday
for interment. Although a stranger
to all except a few people here , the
community extend their sympathy to
the bereaved family.
The public school opened Monday
after a two week ? holiday.
Frank Hrown was a Falls City visitor
Dtive and Isrial Cotton of Forlcsuuo
were visitors Here Sunday.
Wm. VuBllnu was a business visitor
to Salem Thursday.
.11 in Mattox of Preston was a visitor
hure Monday.
Mr. Jackson the bridge watchman
has been very ; ck since New Years
day with a complication of diseases.
Charlie Uuber was a Falls City visi
tor Thursday.
Ed Buckhanen of Kansas was here
one day last week.
Friends of Mrs. Kern have received
word that she will have to have an
operation performed on one of her
eyes. All join in the hope that It will
bo successful and that her sight maybe
bo perfectly restored.
Floyd Christian of Lungdon , Mo , has
purchased the Koehler farm and mov
ed onto the same last week
Mr Vunvaulklnbug aud wife with
tholr daughter and gon-tn-huv pent
New Years day with Marlon Nobles
and wlfo at Falls City.
Anna Mahan returned from Dawson
last week eutlerlng from a severe cold
but has recovered her usual health.
John Young and family arrived Sat
urday from Mississippi. They expect
to locate in this vicinity in the near
Ed Sparks of Highland visited with
friends here Sunday. He was on his
way to business college at Grand Is
Monday night the Workman lodge
installed olHcers for the coming year.
Mrs. Charles Cuverzagle , jr. , weut to
Falls City last Friday lor a week's
Mrs. Frank visited her sisters ID
Falls City one day last week.
Mrs. Horace Miller and children ot
Pllloy returned homo Thursday after a
visit with friends here.
C. J. Huber made a business trip to
Salem last week.
Alice Ti'iton returned from u visit
with Falls City friends Saturday.
Mabel Koeler of Fargo visited with
friends here last week.
Garnet Wilson of Pn-ston was a visi
tor hee Sunday.
Steve Cunningham shipped a car
load of cattle to St. Joseph last week.
James Wllte is buck on his mall
route after u two weeks vacation
Turn Humof Kansas was here one
day hist week.
Th > % I. O. O. F. lodge gave public In
stallation at their hull 011 New Years
night which was highly appreciated by
those who attended after which a
bountiful supper was served by the
members wive- , which was voted a
grand success in every particular.
Mr. Uundv and wife of Mailland.Mo. ,
visited relatives here recently.
Frank Robinson and wife visited
relatives at Falls City last week.
Ellas Packet moved Saturday into
the Joe lioyd house in Skunk Ridge
Mrs. John Chancy and children visit
ed friends In Missouri oundiiy.
Mrs. Harry Maun returned last week
from Wilbur to superintend the pack
ing of thc'r ' household goods prepara
tory to moving.
Mrs. A. C. Graves was a Falls City
visitor Saturday.
Mrs. S. T. Easter visited her daugh
ter at Hutnboldt last week.
Isaui Bryant of Missouri visited hero
Miss Addle Bowker has been quite
sick for several day * but is improving
Henry Smith ha < charge o f the
bridge work since the departure of Mr.
Frank Blair o f Highland visited
friends here last week.
Fred Morgan of Stella visited rela
tives here last * eek.
E. C. WulbridRe of Fall * City was
looking after business Interests here
W. A. Young and wife of Atchison
were called hero last week ou account
of the serious illness of her father
1. P. Weeks of Lincoln was here lust
Ella Goolsby of Missouri was here on
F. E. Culp of Wymore wns here Fri
day looking after the work on the
river bridge.
Grandpa True of Union , Neb. , is
visiting his son Will here this week.
John Kunuly , wife und daughter
Cecil visited In St. Joe last week.
Mr ? . Bessie Hrinepar resumed he :
school work Monday although not verj
strong yet.
Bert McWain returned from Oraah ;
a few days ago where he has beei
learning the barber trade. He com
meuced work with Phil Horan Monday
Mrs. Mary Plumb has been visltins
in Atchison the past few days.
Ernest Gagnon of Falls City vlsitei
here last week.
Mrs. Frank Morgan of Stella return
ed home lust week from u visit wit !
her parents here
Ellas Martin und family drove ti
Preston last Sunday.
Charles Grlset of Fortesoue visitei
friends here last week.
C. .1 Huber WHS a St. Joe visitor las
Earl Shepherd entertained the Ow
club Tuesday evening at his parent
home in this city. About 150 invltei
guests watched the old year out un <
ushered in the new. Games were play
ed and all enjoyed the hours spen
with the club. An oyster supper wa
served and the company retired earl
on the first morning of the year , wish
Ing the Owls happiness and prosperity
Emmet and Helen Hlnkle of Fortes
cue visited their brother here Thurs
day.W. *
W. K. Knight of Falls City was
Rule visitor last week.
Harry Mono and wife departed fo
Holdridge Wednesday. May healt
and happiness attend them In their net
home is the wish of their many friends
Max Gesser attended a meeting c
the Odd Fellows at Falls City last week
Grandma Thompson of Falls Cit
is visiting relatives here.
Llojd Mitchell whohasbeen vlslttn
relatives in Kansas for some time re
turned home Monday.
Chits. Sehulenburg and wife of Shi
bert were visiting her parents her
Jacob Peters and father were Fall
City visitors Monday.
Herman Voltmer of Uockport is vh
Uing relatives here.
.lake Peters and Rolla Franklin
Verdon visitors on New Year's Uaj
f V ? rdu Williamson speut severu
I days In Falls City visiting relatives.
j Rev. Shoup , presiding elder for th
I Evangelical church of this district wa
here this week und Sunday conducte
quarterly conference.
The oltiz'ns of Barada met Jat th
school house Tuesday evening for th
purpose of organizing a lyceum.
Wish to thank their many friends for the
success of the past year. \Ve are planning' a
campaign the coming year that will go ahead
of any undertaking we. have yet entered upon.
To commence the year we wish to announce
to all music lovers that we have
The entire catalogue of Sheet Music Published
by the McKinley Music Company ice per copy.
Orders filled by mail same day as received
and a complete catalogue sent on request. A
Postal Card will bring it.
If you are a beginner on Organ , Piano.
Violin , Mandolin , or a graduate , we have the
Music for you.
Ed Locaraper and Klrt Ogg of St.
Derlon were here Monday.
Wilson Lowe was a Falls City visitor
D. E Spickler and wife aud Otis
Spickler returned Saturday from their
visit to the north.
Dr. Van Osdel reports u new boy at
the home of Sam Cain which arrived
Jan. 7.
Little John Spiekler met with an ac
cident Sunday that came near result-
I ing fatally : he fell from the haymow
striking his bead on the manger and
laying open a gush about two inches
long , the .vound was carefully dressed
and he is now doing nicely.
Miss Pearl McClain of Shubert visit
ed friends here this week
R. H. Dunn was in Shubert Wednes
Wm. Siemering of Stillwater who
came to attend the funeral of his sister
but arrived too late is visiting rela
tives here.
G. A. Jorn , county assessor of Ver-
don was here Fridaj.
\Vm. Bellman and wife visited lust
week with friends In Falls City.
France Shatter and Miss Anna of
Falls City were guests at Frank Shaff
er's Wednesday.
The lyceum which is held atlhe Cen
ter school every Thursday evening is
very Interesting with good programs
and a crowded house.
Mr * . Guy Lichty wa ? quite sick last
week but is Improving.
Mrs. Miller of Falls City was a guest
of Perry Shaffer's last week.
John Stump visited with Guy Stump
the first of the week.
Fred HarkendortT was a guest of
Win. Peck Sunday.
Chas. MoWain and wlfo spent Sun
day with H. A. Burk and wife.
Maude McCann was a guest ot her
sister a part of last week.
Mrs. Earl Shaffer and little daugh
ter are spending a few days with her
mother in Manley , Neb
F. M. Shaffer was sick last week
with tonsllltls.
John Nolto and family were guests
ofVm. . Huettner's Sunday.
Frank Liohty shipped three ears of
cattle Monday night to Kansas City.
Mrs. Wm. Huettner Is sick with the
Earl Clark was a guest of Mrs. Geo.
Shouse last week.
Mrs. H. A. Burk and Maude Me
Cann were guests of Mrs. N. Peck last
Frank Lichty and family aud Edsou
Hark Ins spent last Thursday at Kan
Chester Stump and wife were guests
of her parents in Falls City Monday.
O. A. Burk and wife were guests of
their daughter Mrs.F. Chesley Monday
Wm. Bowman came home from Cal.
ifornia last week.
Frank Boutz moved Monday south of
A. Ketterer and family left Saturday
for their new home near Horton , Kas.
Mrs. n. Schrlober accompanied them
and .vill stay a few days with them.
Mrs. George Peck aud Miss Edith
suent Tuesday afternoon with Mr ? . N.
Fred Chnsloy and wlfo were guests
ot O. A. Burk and family Wednesday.
Mrs. F. S. Lichty and children were
guests of Guy Lichty and wife Tuesday.
Of all that's Worth Laughing
With that Lovable Little
Assisted by Mary Jane "Tige"
40 OTHERS 40
Positively Entirely New this
Season. Gorgeous
Scenic Invest
Now if you Don't Want
to Laugh , Stay Home.
$1.00 75c 50c
Falls City , Neb.
We will pay the following-
prices for Poultry delivered to
us at Falls City. These prices
JANUARY 10 , ii and i3
Hens and Pullets - 8c
Springs , all sizes - 7c
Roosters - - 3c
We want 2 car loads of
Poultry oh these dates. Bring
in your poultry while you can
get these prices.
Phone 35
Senator Burkett has introduced
a grazing bill , which we give to
our readers in another column. A
bill intended to promote home
stead entrv and to protect the
homesteader and small cattlemen.
It is a conceded fact that the KOV-
ernment land is not beitiy utiliz
ed for the best interests of the
federal government , Or the state ,
or the people of the communities ,
and instead or being a source of
income to the state are an ex
pense. The bill is one of merit
and it is hoped will be passed and
thus be instrumental in settling
the controversy over public lands
that has waged so long.