THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , DECEMBER 20 , 1907 Smoking His One Fault. Kobcrt C. Lucas , soviMily-om years old , resigned liis pu.sitiot in the oflke of the America ! Express Company hero las ni'Jit , ending forty five yean of service for lliu compatn , ii which time lie never has ini set a day's pay. For seventy years Mr. Lucai had no need of the attention o a physical ! . Less than a yea : ago he felt a decline in hcaltl and began treatment. llii throat has become affected b\ smoking. Overwork also ii credited for his general falling off in health. Mr. Lucas began work fo : the American Express Company as an express messenger. He gives the following advic < to those who wouUl emulate his example : "Good health is as great ; requisite of a good worker a * brains. 1 have observed tin men who got highest , arc those who were not complniners am who did not watch the clock toe closely. "Young man , do not smoke tc excess. 11 Iliad dropped smok ing when I could , my bank ac count would be $ F > ,00 ( larger "Pass up the drinks. I'vi seen booze put more men out o jobs than hard times. "A man should have eigh hours sleep out of every twenty four. That docs not mean foui one night and twelve the next "Consult your wife and follow her advice. If she tells yon tc wrap up your throat in a reel Jlannel rag soaked in kerosene do it. " "I trust this nut } ' bo reuii by iiiun ; BiifTorers from kldnny uml 1)1 nil dor troti bio" wrltos Mrs Joe Klnc of Wood huiri , Texas. " 1 suffered four your and could II ml nothing to ( jlvu evci temporary relief , our clru ist ul his induced mo to try your 'tO diiys1 treiu muni of I'liioulos for $1. Thla om bottle hue cured me and uionuy cou'i ' not buy the value it has boon to mu Guar.intocd. Sold by A. G. Waonci In the lobby of a Washingtoi hotel Mr. Bryan and Senate Daniels met. "Good morning , ' said Mr. Bryan. "Good morn ing , " said Senator Daniels And the conversation wentmer rily on until a slight disagree ment arose. Then Mr. Brya : said he thought when sue things were said it was time t end the conversation , and Mi Daniels agreed with him. 1 seems to have been simply disagreement between gentk men. who knew when and ho to terminate it. No doubt the were both a little Hushed an they may have spoken a littl short but there is nothing i the conversation to iudicat that either had any hostile ii tention. Hut there were sotn little cheap fellows standing b who wished to make themselvi conspicuous and perhaps 1 inako the appearance of doing service for the great men who ; words would doubtless get inl the newspapers. These b ; 'slanders gathered hurried around the principals at : officiously hurried them awi as though there were danger i a physical encounter and fe ; that one or both of them migl suffer bodily harm. The officious interference was supe lluous and made a slight di agreement between friends a pear like a challenge betwei bullies. Mr. Bryan and Senat Daniels know how to met how to disagree and how part without any cheap oflicioi ness and without disgraci themselves.Ex , Alade $900 From Eight Acre ; Cyrus Milan has the recc in this vicinity for raisi vegetables. During the p : summer , with one horse and delivery wagon he plant * cultivated and marketed t product of eight acres of lai which brought him in mon $900. This means that he rea ed from these eight acres land : ? 112.50 per acre in a summer. Auburn Herald. The Invites you to call and see their complete line of WINTER FOOTWEAR Useful and appropriate Christmas Gifts for all. We ask your attention to our unusual display of HOUSE SLIPPERS , WARM SHOES of all kinds , and Novelties in Swell , Snappy Foot wear. WATCH OUR WINDOWS ! At the end of this season America will send at leasl $ (5,000,000 ( to Europe as a token of her appreciation of musical art. The estimate is conserva tive and probably too low. The opera companies -the Me tropolitan and Manhattan- are composed cheilly of for eigners who will go to Europe next spring with $1,250,000 in their , poukets. The concerl singers pianists and violinist , excluding lnderewski and Kubelik , will carry away an. other $2oO,000. The royaltie.- paid to foreigners for operas and sheet music by American ? in Europe mean $500,000 more , The $0,000,000 tribute tc musical art , too , is quite in' dependent of the hundreds o thousands of dollars paid bj Americans for musical comedies and "popular" songs of foreigi origin. Ex. Trliil Cutitrrli treatments are bcini tuulli'd out frue , on ru.que&t , by Dr Shuup , Hucliio , WIs. TtiL'eo tests an proving to the people without i ponny'u coat thu cruiu vuluc of thi golontlltu prescription known tn drug dlsta uverywhuru us Dr. Shoop1 Cntnrrli Kuincdy. Sold by nil deuler : Panic Hints to Ordinary Men. Money that can be spare' ' from immediate tvants shoul be put in tlie banks as usual It is not likely that those wh have debts to pay and ban credits will suffer for means t discharge their obligations The most harmful course tha could be pursued is tu keep on of circulation the money tha has been usually deposited This proceeding is decided ! opposed to sclf-intcrcst. ] adds a new difficulty to see tl : case. Take sliort views , Cor sider the requirements of th day and the week.and not thos for long periods ahead. Kee on the even tenor of the wa } with a levelheaded faith i clear skies when a storm blow over , and there never yet w ; one that failed to blow itse out in a comparatively she time. Hiawatha World. Hun ? It On to Falls City. Roll Meisenheimer broke i f blue rocks at Reserve without 1 miss. Phil Albee broke 8 y mark Walker 39. Iliawatl f boys got 10 turkeys. The Fal City crack shots 3 Iliawatl World. The time and place has be < decided upon for the republic ; national convention. It will * ' held in Chicago , June 1 u Kansas City made a hag 'r ' struggle for the big show , b 4 the windy city delegates we 0 too much for them. The Ka sas City people will now tu g their efforts toward securii the democratic national convc tion. Work lias already be started on remodeling the b convention hall in Chicago , g < ting ready for the large cro < expected. Oscar II , King of Sweden , dead. Uis death occurred i Monday of last week at t royal apartment of the pala in Stockholm. The deceas Qf king was 78 years of age a ic had been on the throne sin 1872. The Illicit i I'llfi- Siiti-titui' ever Hindu , haniMMith bei-ii produced by Dr. Sheep ( if Uin-iii" . WN. You don't hnvu to hell I t -iitv ii * thlrtv inlnu- ten. "Muili" HI u iHimi'i' ' iHVri the doctor. "Ilriiith GtilK-t' " i- really the closest , onllVf liiiUitlliiii ever vet , pro duced. Not ( .TH tn o' renl eolTeu In It either Flu.ilth ' HTeij Imlttillnn Is. . made from pure i .ited ct'reiiM or irratiH. with mull , nutetc. . Iluully It would foul an oxpur1 wem he * o un knowingly drink It lor eolfee' Fred E. Sen ml U. The time is nearly here when the subscription price of this paper goes to § 1.50 per year. If you want in at the old rate you will have to hurry. Notice. IN THU DISTINCT COUItT FOIl HUJHAltP- SON COUNTY , STATE OF NKIWASKA. It the iiiiittur of the oHtutn of I Cornollun KcuKan , docoaooil. 1 OUDKUTO SHOW ( 'AUDI ? WHY IJCliNBETC SKI. ! * UEAlj KBTATE B1IALL NQT HI (11IANTKO. To all pflttuiiiH intcri'stitl la the estate of Cornel' lax Hi'iiniui , ( loccuHcd ; ItliaTltiKlioon iiaiilo to npiwnr to mo by put I tloa of thonxpcutor of the twtato of Cornollui ItoaKan , ( loci-awl. that thorn in notHiilllclont i > or nomil I'stiito In hla hnnilfl to pay the di'liUout standing nsaiust the ( li-ceaMil uml the oxt'iotiHoi of lulialalHtrntlon aail that it IH iiecoHsary to nol thouholoor porno portion of the real iwtato IH < loiiKinK to tmld i-stato for the payment of BIIO ! debts : NOTIOKISIIKIIEHY OIYHN to nil ponton interested in * nhl estate to npprnr Ix'foro aioa my clminWa in I'nwiuia City , In Pawned Count ; Nebraska , the BUM HI IwlnK within the 1'lret Judl eial Dmtrk't of the wild ntato , oa Jaauiiryll 1108 * , at l.KJU | > , in , of Hnlil < luy , mid t-lnnv ciius-o , 1 any you linvo , uhy a llcoiihu Khali not bo itrnutei to said nxecntor to t-ull the following property , or HO anich thnroof us In the of the court is nocoKwary to ho Bold for the put POM > S uforoMild , ti\\it : Ixit U , 7 , 8 , and U and 10 foil extra ot.hlnck 22' , In Fiilln Cit ) , Nob. All that jmrt of the uw hnlf of the cast half of xouthwiHt qaurtor , of HI ttoa liftiru (15 ( , ) town ono (1) ( ) , raiiKoHixlotMi dl ! ' K.tllh I'.M. that Hi's north of A. .V N.U.It , or 1 ! . , M. It , It. ih'pot Kroandx at or near Kails CitX < htaska , lioandixl as follows , towit ; On tl H < > uthlytho H id A. > V N. 11. II. depot ( jroinu ! and Ixuindod oa the north by Falls City , Nobrtti ka , and bounded on the cast by the public rou : that cxloiids from thi' smith end of Wilson Htm la i-ald 1'allH C'ily , to said depot grounds and o thniMt lixu iiulilli ; road , that runs in front t the I'iinaiiiK factory anil extends from tlmscml i'inl of Morton ntnvt iai-uitl Falls City , Neb. , t Haiti depot KioamU anil containiiu ; 2 7-8 nrn nioro or IWH , loss HX ) feet x 120 fiM > t , nolil to A. 1 ( loolHb ) , nail TiOxl-O feet to 1M McHIe\er out t S. i : . corner of dofcrilxxl tnict , OfthUjou will tiikn dao notiro and Kov r joarcol\i > s neccmllnily. It IB further ordun that thUiiotico U > publixhtHl in the I'alls ( Mi TribaiiK , a newspuper pnlilished in Hieliards. County and of general clrcahitioa therein , ft the perind of HXviH > kn , coiaiat'nciai ; on the 'I'M of NoM'tnlxT , HH17. Joux It , HM'Kii , UKVVIH A UK.\\I- < , , Attonu < ) for HxiMiutor. 01-7t Notice. IN T11IJ DlHTIllCT COU11T KOll ItlrilAlll SON COUNTY , NIvllllAHKA : Q lliirton I. Hoavi8. draco 0 I. | I Iteavis , and Mjrtlo A. Vl'Inlutiff * HoariH , i vs. 1 Tlio Unknown llolrtt ot\ \ ilAnna lii < ard , doci < asxl , I ilS The Farmers Blnto Hank ' S of Hlntbort , Nebraska , John i\ans : and Wilnou a To the Unknown Helm of Anna Hoard , Decent. You will take notice that on the 27th day November , HH)7 , the abovn nanitMl pliiinttlTs til n potittim in the District Court tma'.nst > ou , T Karniern State Hank of 8hutx > rt. Nebraska , Jol KTan * < and Wilson Hlce , the. object nnd prajer o cau o payment of n note of $110 to tliT'in instead of to thu IKIJ , nnnutl in w\td note , to-vsit , Anna llturd , en 11 note ImrinK Ixvn Kivonns.part pa > mont for t t rent of a certain tract of laud , to-wlt. The nor half of thn Northeast quarter of Section To\Mii > hlp 3 , UmiKO II ) , in Iltclmrdsoa C'onn U Xohnwka , upon which the mid Anna Heard hi allfiMVtnto , which life OKtato ct > a odlth I n di'Uth on the 3d day of AiiK'ii t , l'J7. ' Th ru S for \\litch Mild uotuiis mvi'ii l > y the natd 1C WHS for tho. current ) t < ar , tivwit : 1JU7. i- Vou are further notifuxl that n rcMnmil in n order \vw allouod by tire jndco of thodmtrj court , ri'-tndnln catd Farmers State ll.uik r r > Hhidiort and t-aid John ICvanu from dUpoMiig t- eor parthiK with the povoswton then , except to deliver it to the clerk of thndintri " court until further ordered , nnd nlno reotraiui the wild WiUon Kl o from | tin < : Bald note thu raid di > feml nt Uink or to tliOKildJo IS Evati or to mibo < ly ol o , and n ki ISn for n mono ) ] uiltnu > nt against the M n Kl o for the nniount of said note in default of I the amount into court lu imiji < l ice : Audjouaro further tiotifuxl that unlran y d pray , auawer or dt'inur to taid i titlou on JK > fore the 13th day of January , U'J ' d aiJ petition will bo taken a * true and a dtvi : e entcnxl in accordauco with the pmjer thereof , 01. HE\YIS A ltE.\Y18 , Attoraeyt for I'laiutifft Grading Outfit Here. A large grading gang that has been doing surfacing work on the Missouri Pacific between here and Nebraska City , pitched its tents in the flats near the coal chutes the latter part of last week. The outfit consists of a number of men and teams and wiM remain here for some time. Auburn Re publican. Foli.v's Kidney Cure will uurc uny castof kltlmiv iroublu thut I * not be yond mi'dlciil iitd. KurrN Pharmucy. Pur Good Sales , Good Service , Pro Return * Ship Your Stock to Qeo. R. Barse ; LIVB STOCK COMMISSION CO. . National Stock Yards , III. Kansas City , Mo. , WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS . IP. Olllco over Kerr'8 Pharmacy Onico Phone 200 Hcaldcnco Phone 271 DR. H. T. HAHN VETERINARIAN Office nud residence first door north of eity park. Phone 2G3. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA I It's Your Own Fault I ) If you don't get your ! money's worth. Come II # ' ) I to my Shop and buy } l H i your Mens and Boys | ; II Shoes. $ . , ROBERT , F. T. PREUSSE { ! J Richardson County Uank Uulldlnjf T EDGAR R. MATHERS ! ) EX Phones : Nos. 177 , 217 SAM'L. WAUL BUILDING Roaches the spot , ; J Slops pain. The H Great Pile Rom. ' edy. Put vip in I tubes with rectal tiozzio. 50 cents. DR. 0. N. ALLISON Hi NOM' © T Phone 213 OvtrKlchtmlton County Bank. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA W. S. FAST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . j Residence 100 f nones , - - -j Offlcc 5- FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is Dees is the original laxative cough syrup , contains no opiates , gently moves the bowels , carrying the cold off through tha natural channels. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. A. G. WANNER l XMAS SHOPPING There is an advantage irv doin Xmas Shopping at exclusive store Better Qualities"Lower Prices---No WaitingNo Crowding --Buying known goods from regular stocks med below a number of articles to-be had here suitable W and appropriate for gifts to relatives or friends. Articles of a practical nature that will be used for months or years always make very welcome gifts. In buying for men , it is always advisable - visable to make your purchases at a men's store , rrther than to take chances in buying special holiday goods. 4 [ Aside from suits and overcoats there is a great variet. priced articles ranging from Twenty-five cents to Five dollai will solve the perplexing problem of what to buy. You \vill find advantage , also , to shop where there is no crowding of aisles , nor long waits. We submit a list of articles as Common Sense and Appropriate Gifts Shirts Ties Collars Gloves Mittens Mufflers Underwear Hosiery Hats and Caps that are Up = to = Date LION BRAND LION BRAND TRADE MARK TRADE MARK Everything in FOOTWEAR for MEN AND BOYS FRONT iM IN. BACK tK IN. WONT s IN. BACK ii IN. LION1CK. STAYSO. Store every Gifts that men like open PARCHENStore until 9 p.m. come from a store WAHL < a PARCHEN Plenty of room No patronized by men waiting - : - - : - - : -