THE FALLS CIT * TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , DECEMBER 13 , 1907. BINQ ! BANG ! ! BIFF ! ! ! Prices Shot to Pieces HRISTMAS TIME is almost here ; Bells will ring : from far and near ; But before they cease their chiming , you must come to the Great Western Sale Co. and get fitted in a suit or overcoat Just a few more days of selling. Never again will you have the opportunity of buying New , High grade Clothing , Shoes and Alen's Furnish ings at such ruinous prices. It is the greatest upheaval of bar gains within the walls of this city since she came on earth. The whole town is awake. We are going to raise the roof if necessary and let the sunshine in. We will pour out to the people the remainder of this stock * for the last few days of this Gigantic Sale at PRICES NEVER BEFORE MADE BY MAN. C [ Clothing Every Suit and Overcoat cut j in two Y ' QMiOl For Men , Women and Children at less than the cost of f > < 3 \JJlLfv3 Production. Men's Hats will be sold at just % price. The date you know. COME ! COME ! ! COME ! ! ! t , No matter what you have on hand , lay it aside and COME ! * Great Western Sale Co , FALLS CITY , First Methodist Episcopal Church The following- services next Sabbath : 9:45 : Sunday school. 10:45 : preaching * . 2:00 p. in. Junior league. 7:00 : p. m. Epworth league. S:00 : p. m. , Preaching. Prayer meeting 8:00 : p. in. on Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. C. A. MASTIN. Pastor. In ino t CH-CJ coiis-umpUon results from a neu'ieeted or improperly treated cold. Kole.v'o Honey and Tar cures the .iio-a obstinate roughs aiid prevents serious resultsIt uolt > you no more than the unknown preparations and . \ou 1 ' should iriiit-t upon havin < : the genuine in tins yellow packages. Kerr's Phar- rnae. > . j SWIFT & CO. We have opened a branch office in Falls City and will pay the highest market price for Poultry , Butter and Eggs. Office at O. P. Heck's feed store. Bring us your Produce. Yours Respectfully , SWIFT & CO. Phone 101 Dr. M. L. Wilson Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended day or niglit.t Office over State Dank , Falls City , Nebraska. Office 'Phone Mouse 'Phone 329 330 ; . H. AUCTIONEER , Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike m a n n e r C. H. MARION | Falls City , Nebraska- : Don't hinder the buying power of your dollar but buy where you can get the best the mar ket affords for the tleast money. Come in and weill convince yon that we sell ' Garments Ladies'Ready-to-wear Up-to-Dote Dress GOGGS , Underwear , Blankets , Notions , Groceries , X In fact , everything sold in a first-class store , cheaper than any firm in Southeastern Ne braska. SHOES ! SHOES ! T MADEFOR We are exclusive agents for BY PETERS' Famous Shoes and you can always find a full line for Men , Women and Children on our shelves. Come in and let us fit you in Shoes. Confident that the Banks of the country at large and of this communit ) especially , arc absolutely sound , we will accept in pament for merchandise , checks signed by responsible parties on banks in this vicinity. Yours for a share of the business , GEO. S. CLEVELAND PEPASITMENT STGI2E It will be \ for . \ou to o through H puinlu1. exp nrlve operation for Plies if ion n eMmi an. 1'nt up In collapsible tube with | io-//Je , teady to apply to the aoreiiess nod IntUintna tlon. For any form of 1'Moe , | irI0e HO cents. Guuranteod $ old ' byv G Wanner , dniiitfl-'i. The Willing Workers of the Christian church will conduct their annual bazaar December 12 , and will offer for sale articles suitable for Christmas presents. The place will be iveii later. 00-ot. OF : Shorthorn and Double standard Polled Durham Cattle : AT : TECUMSEH , NEBRASKA Nelson & Morrissev's Feec ! Yard j ) , ( tea * " UteKM X B B fe * 5 Stile Begins qt S :00 O'clock. 17 Cows mid Hcifcr.s ; 15 Hulls conhlnned bJ M. Weber , W. L. Whltchend , F J. I.amb , N. O. Ilincr , K. M. Young1 .1. G. SnodL'Vass , Miner & Aitkon , C. A. Je\\ell. A closing out of foundation .stock from a couple Of herds of both Tows and bulls and the tops from a fc\\ other herds , making this a very dealt able oirerini ; of high.class Short IIoriiH Of botli beef and nillk'productng ( | uallties. , Free Accommodations at Hotel Hopkins. "T P S J l\/I 2l l' ' ' n * " 'O'1 * ' t' ' 'c on approved n < > to , with intereat at the rate of 8 per cent per annum I E IB IVIU I from date. T\\o per cent oil' for cash i'artlcs from a distance will please brintf late bank reference. Si. * nk [ * - ELMER J. LAMB , John R. Picrson , Clerk Soles Manaqer. Tecumseh , Neb. No nceil to fear conphh and cold * this year as j'ou can obtain Hues Laxa tive Cinitfh S.vrnp now from you dualur. This Is iiood news to mothers who fear croup and whooplnu couch. Ills ii penile laxative that expells the pnmm from thu Bi'Metn in the natural vuy. Put * the phleem and clears thu head. Guaranteed. Sold by A. O. Wanner , Evangelical Lutheran Clmrcli. Services Jit 2:30 : p. m on alter nate Sundays. RKV. O. II. ENGKLHKKCIIT. To 5-top thai pain in thu baek , that stitTncfS of the joints mid muscle * , take Pineulcs Thov are cuaranteed. Don't eiilTer from rhoiiiimttun , backactii' , kidney trouble , when you get 30 ( Jays' treatment of Pineule * for $1.00. A atnirlu do-u at bedtlmo proves their merit , Get them today. Sold by A. G. Wanner , * -M'H-H-8-M ' 8 M lit I 1 1 M'l t i D. S. flcCarthy i TRANSFERi Prompt attention to the removal of house hold PHONE NO. 211 t t WINTER TOURIST RATES. Winter Tourist excursion rates , to Florida , to the Gulf country and to Southwestern and Cuban resorts , HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Cheap rate e.\curf > ions the lirht and third Tuesdays of De cember to Kansas City , Ok lahoma , the Uulf country , Colorado , Utah , Wyoming , HIK Horn liasin , Montana and the j Northwest Ask your nearest I agent or write the undersigned. BIG HORN IUSIN AN ! ) YELLOWSTONE VALLEY DISTRICT : \\rc help you buy land I'er-on- ally conducted l.uidseekers ex- 1 cnr.MOiis in charge of Mr. O . Clem Deavcr , .ire nm on the lir. > t ' and third Tuesdays in December to the Kinkaid free land district in northwest Nebraska , to the Uijj Horn I'iisin , and to Yellow stone Valley near Hillings , Mon tana Put youi money in land and let us help1 you find locations at the early and ground lloor prices ; > on can homestead uiidei the fiovernment ditch , or take up land under the * 'arcyactai 0 cents per acre plus the cost ol water. There is no .section ol the West with a more active and certain ir.i atiou development than the Hitf Horn Hasin , Write D Clem Deavcr , ( iciiernl Ayciit Lundnccl < ert < Injortnation Itu rean , Omaha No charge for his E. G. wurrroRD , , Local Tlcljel A ent I. . W. WAKCLLY , G. P. A. , Omaliu , Neb. LEE D'S LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEEDj PROPRIETOR FALLS CITY o-3 = * c : c NEBRASKA The Falls City Roller Mills Doc1 * a KCiiera ! milling business , and manufactures tlic following brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brand * are tfnnranteed to be of the highest pov sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and conduct a general Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business c r and bolirit a slime of your patronage < * P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. Henry K .lone. of TampnFlu..writes : [ ean thank dot foi mproent lealth. duo to Koley'i- Kidney ( 'lire. I i-ied doctor * ! and all kiudn of kidney jiiifb" , lint nolhini ; done mo miieh uood till I tonic Koh\vV Kidney Cure. Four Kittle'- cured me , and 1 have no more i.iln in my buck and hiintildorri. 1 am 12 yearn old , and Buffered lonu , Iju' , thiuiUb to Foley'.s Kldno , ? f'uri' . I am well and ean walk and enjoy myHolf. It 's a pleiibiiiT to recommend it to tho-e needing a kidney medicine. " Kerr's I'hannaey. For Sale All of block 98 and 5 lots ad joining in block 05 , Palls City , located one block east of Central school building. First class im provements , also plenty of fruit. Will sell at a sacrifice or will trade for western land. Address WM. CADI- : , 01 tf Falls City , Neb. When the Stomach , Heart , or Kidney noy nerveo ot weak , then there or until fail. Don't dru .r the , Suimuuh. nor stimulate the Heart or I Kidney. This i f-Imply a makeshift. ! Gut a pre-uription known to drni.'i.'inti ! evprywhei-i ) as Dr. ShoopV Hestotalive , j Thu llectorutiv i ? prepared expres-ly for those weak inside tiHrve ? . .Strpnjjtli- ft ) these nervs.- . build them up wuh j Dr. Snoop's Heetorat.ivi1 tubictior j liquid and feoovt \ \ quickly hulp will come. Free aumilu [ tent sent on n qucttty \ Dr. Sheep , RuolmWin. . Your health Is surely worth this dmj j pie ti'rt. Sold by all dealers. A Card Thlis to certify that all < ars auUiorlzod to refund your monej If Foley'b Honey and Tar.fulls to cure your cou h or cold ] t stops thecou h , the lunar and pruvantb serious a irom u cold. Curus la LM'ippe , I'Uii h and provunu ] muunionlii ami consumption. Contains no opiate p. Tint sfouuin h in a yellow package llofuio tiibitita . KerrV Pharmacy. Notice to Our Customers \Vn arc pliii nil in iiintiMince that F < iley' Hoi.ny 'I'm1 for eotiL'hi" , eoldr and IIHIIJ tinnlilc- . I- iim nH'c'tcil by tin- National I'mi- \ ' ' > - irti.d \ flrnir law ah It containin ( < ipinle > > ornthi > r bin infill dru' .iind UITC iHimmi'iid It IH a t-afe icmi'dy fur et > M < lri-n uinl nilullF. KerrV Phuimaev. Le tvl Notice IN Tilt : DIHl'ltlCT fOUHT ( ) ! 'HICHAIIDSON ( ( lUNTY , HI'ATKOl' NCIIItAHKA. JnM'pli W. Oiinn , IMiiinliir , | .IiillaC , Otlnt' Dof.'niluiil f 'rii < iili > fc > iiiliiiit , Julia C. O/inx. , uill Inki ) milled that tli | > liiIuliT ( , . ) IIM > I > | IV. . O/ian. did , on llm 7tli iln > ( if NnvrmlNT , IHi7. Cln liU | K > titInii in Mild court iiKiiiiiHt 51111 , tl.onlijiK.-t mill jirnjcr of which IK tniihtain u ilc ! . < ) uf ilivorcn fnuu tlio | KIIKH of iimtninoii ) In ii'tiifnrciniiil now itxlHtlntc In'lwccii j on uinl MI | iihunliir , < ni tlm KroiiiuU of dcH rlluii mill crui'l tritatim-nl , ntiil ( if uunurul mid ( ( iiiHiniit nculcrt of jour iniitrlnionliil ilutlcs touiinlx wild iiluintilf. Anil ) < iti nrc furllicr notiluMl Unit unlcsHjou pli-iid , IIIIHUIT or ili-iiiiir to mill | > tltoti ! nil or | M-ror .laniuirrli : , I'.lOh , tin- mine will Im Inkcn UK trim niul iiilivriHi n > inlcp l in iiccoriliincd uilli tlm prnjcr Ilicrnif. l'1-r.t HHAVm .V UCAVIB. Alloriii'jH fir I'liilnliir. To check xrlr roMs or Grlrro w 1th "Provcntlcs" menus piiru dclcnt ( or I'liouinonla. To stop a cold \Utli I'rovcnlUs li Kilor tljnn to let It run and bo obliged tci euro it uUcrniinls. To bosuro. I'rc- vonllc3 lll niro ovui u < lct't > ly scntuO cold , but taken early lit tlio HUHVU rtuio ; tlior litvak. or homloll tlio u early colds 1 hut's snrely Utter , Uliut'n-Hliy they nro railed Pmontlu. l'ro\enllejaro llttla ( Suidy I old t"ures. No Qiila- Irio. no l > ) iy < Ic , notlilim tlclpiilns. Nice ( or thu children nml thoroughly MU too. K you feel c'hllly.lfyoti stiix-joiljdunilie all over , think o ( 1'rovMitlcv I'roniptno'.rt niavnlxi ave linH > our usual elckiiM * And don't ( ornt-t jour child , U thcroU ( cvfrlshnciu , nil-lit or dny. Herein prol > - nbly lUs rrcu-ntlcs' nriiitist clllilcncy. Bold In f < i boxc'4or the pnelct ulsoln i&c boxes of 4S l're\cmcs. ! Insist on > our ilrut-flsts u\\im \ jou ( ALL DEALERS ) For Backache , Rheumatism the KM-