THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 2p , 1907 40 acre farm upland , 2 tnllep of Rulo. for sale. -f * i ! 5 acres wall Improved , Richardson county , lejf tliun forty-live dollar ? ( $15.00) ) per acre C. Smith -40 acres , Juckcun Kansas Well . Henry - count } Improved. Pine sprlnir Be-lot terms Might c in . sider an eighty in purl pay. One nod one-half miles of depot. flood homo , 0 mums. 4 In' * , well located , $2uX ( ) Five-room hou2 lot , i-lose In , $1.,500. Five room hou-e. I lots auod condition , 31,750 ; pantr.N , cellar , wood und coal notice. LOANS The /Ion CUy property near Central school und 2 lots. Receiver'"nlc. . S& & 12lO-acrc ranch , Phillip * eountj , Kansas. Will take $10.000 to $15,000 , of pn > pertin exchange ii" part pu\ . 1'rlvnte inonev M loan on land- * . SALOAt Laura Kelley IH reported seriously ill. Leo Snydur was In Kali" City Tue - day I' ColToe drove to Palls City Wed- m "dny. I . L. Kiti'oy wont to Fall * City Wed- ncMluy. Lloyd Klnsey WIIB over from Duw on Siindny. Ed Oraham of Shubcrt was here on Tuesday. ' H. E StouiTcr and wife were In Falls City Tuesday. 12. S. Davis transacted business In Peru Monday. Cuss Moore and wife wore Falls Oily visitors Tuesday. M. L. Dowell and wife visited friends In Vordon Monday. G. 13. Russell trammeled business In Fnlls City Tuesday. Virgil Orinstead roturnnd h o m o from Lincoln Tuesday. George Pcn.ilncton was In Dawson botwcon trains Tuesday. Born to Charllo Ulnton and wife Tuesday , Nov. 10 , a boy. II. Hc8cr of Stlllwater. Okln. , visit ed relatives hero last week , Ruth Moore and Ruby StouiTcr visit ed at Hen Kelly's Monday. Vcra Lord and Vlrglo Mead drove up from Falls City Tuesday. MM. J. T. Adams and hon Albert drove to Falls City Tuesday. George Grlnstead and John Ward of Falla City were In town Monday. John Tclhnand wife and Mrs. Frank McCool drova to Falls City Monday. Eil May and Eugene Meredith wont to Omaha Sunday returning Tuesday. W.W.Wortzund wife and Mrs. S. E. Smith returned home from Lincoln on Saturday. Clay Wagner and wlfo returned from a few weeks visit with relatives at Sabelha Monday. Mrs. J. A. Tynor wont to Kansas City Wednesday to visit relatives and consult an oculist. - - Foltiy's Kidney Cure will euro any case of kidney trouble that l not be yond medical aid. KerrS Pharmacy. oiilo Lela Gibblo Is quite nick with pm u- monla. Win. Hutchison visited Albert Burk Sunday. Guy Burk wai a guest of Rule rela tive ! ' Sunday. Kate and Ida Shou o spent Sunday at their home. Vera ShatTer was a vlcltor at George Shouso's Sunday. Ida Burk was a guest at H. A.Murk's one day recently. Mrs. Frank.Cook Sent | ) Tuesday with Mrs. Onus. Xcntner. Mrs. John Youniii was a guest of her daughter last week. Frank Cook and family spent Sun day with his parents. George Shoubo and wife spent Frl day with Mrs. N. Peck. . Mrs. Clay Peck spent Tuesday with her Ustor Mrs. E. T. Peck. Mrs. George J'richard spent Wed nesday with Mrs. N. Peck. Frank Snuffer and family spent Sun day with Earl ShatTer and wife. Chas. Stump and family visited wltl : George Prlchard and wlfo Sunday. John Stump and Karl Clark wcr guests at George Shouso'a Sunday. Oliver Helkcs and wife spent Sun day with George Prlchurd and wife. Mrt. P. E. Shatter and Donna wor guests of her son Eurl and wlfo Sunday Martin Nolto and family were guest of Wm. Huoltnor and family Sunday Mrs. N. Peck and two youngest clil dren were guests at George Johnston's . Sunday. Bert Dodds has returned from homo to take up his school work again as teacher , after a vacation. Frank Houtz and daughter Mrs. Everett lllgtrlns left Monday ( or Colorado rado Springs for the benelit of their health. Mr ? . O. A. Giunn returned from Huraboldt Saturday after a short visit with relatives. Shu will spend a few weeks with her sister before returning to her home at St. Anthony , Idaho Your skin should bo clear and bright If your liver U In normal condition. Rings Little Liver Pill * act on the live ) ; and headache , coiutlputlon and biliousness disappear. Price 2oc'jnU. Sold by A. G. Wanner , oruggiet. VEKDON Have Dalles of Full ? ) City was here Snndav. . ! . A. Mark was a Falls City visitor Wednesday. Henry Corn made a trip to Fall ? City Wednesday. 1. A. Hull and family have moved hero from Liberty. Ross Goolcby of Falls City spent Friday with A. D. Goolsby and wife , j John Allenbaugh of Falls City spent Sunday with his mother Mrs.Boatman. | Mrs. Mary Conover returned home | Sunday from a visit with relatives at Liberty. , ' Mrs Merrltt Ltirn returned home Friday from a visit to her mother at Fnlls City. W. II. Mark and granddaughter re turned homo Tuesday after a ten days stay at Crelphton. Mrs. Millard Goodloe and chlldr"n came down from Stella Friday to her father A. D. Goolsby. Mr . Rowcn Veal and baby returned to their homo at Chnmp'on ' , Nob. , after a visit with relatives here. i Mrs. Sue DoWald returned to her I homo at Falls City Sunday after a visit to her daughter Mrs. M. D. Lum. The remains of Fred Swlsgood wore I shipped from Council BlulTs Sunday. The funeral was held from the Congre gational church Tuesday , Rov. Jones olllclutlng. Interment ut V e r d o n cemetery. StiUBERT I Mut Shulonberg of Barndu was hero I Tuesday. M. T. Hill spent Sunday with his pa rents at Ncmaha. i Mrs.Elmer Else was a Burudu visitor , one ilny recently. Walter Lewis returned homo from last Friday. Grandma Evans spent hist week with j her daughter at Stella. Mrs. F. N. Klnton was a Falls City . visitor one day last week. Mcsdamcs Rupard and Spccco were Auburn visitors last Friday Gerald Chester Is now at homo and very sick with typhoid lever. Mrs. Williams living near town is having her residence painted. Mrs. Davis of Stollu was the guest of Mrs. E L Evans lust Friday. G minium Hunt of Auburn spent last Thursday with Grandma Evans. Warren Hutchlngs of Falls City is visiting his son Guy and family. O R Ross came down from Nelson and spent Sunday with his family. Jake Blrdslev and wlfo were visiting h'.H parents in Falls Cltv la t Friday. Mrs Lewis Brlsby visited at the home ol Dr. Stong of Burudu Tuesday. Walt Lewis left Monday to attend the Implement dealers convention at Omaha. Mrs. Arthur Shook returned to her homo at Omaha Thursday after a few weeks visit at the home of Dr. Shook. Mrs. Hull and daughter uccompunicd by Miss Chloe Wilkinson of Vordon were visiting relatives hero last week. Rov. Gould who Is holding revival meetings at the M. E. church took dinner at the home of Mrs. H. Shubcrt Sunday. Col. Joe Harper und wife of Auburn and M. II. Taylor of this place were guests f Mrs. Jesse Rlttor last Sunday evening. Charley Pound und wife left last week for their new homo at Gettysburg , South Dakota. Our best wishes go with them to tholr now home. Luther Slaglo of Hubbol but who bus been visiting with relatives at Au burn arrived hero Wednesday for a visit 'with relatives before returning home. Those who hud the pleasure of en joying dinner at the homy of Mrs. J.M. Lewis last Friday were Rev. Gould , Will Leslie and mother and Clark Lundy. The small son of Mrs. M. Cline hud the misfortune of being kicked by a horse last Friday. No bonus wore broken and U is thought he will soon be able to bo out again. Clydo Harper who has been prepar ing lor the past month to move with his family on the Bolejaek farm east of town , which he has rented for the coming year , moved Monday. Churls Jsluglo and family drove to Auburn Tuesday to bo present at the family reunion which took place at the 'homo o ( hi * parents All of tholr chil dren were present for the purpose of celebrating tholr 50lh anniversary A delightful day was spent and it Is hoped they may live to celebrate many more1 such occasions. BAHADA. Jumps Stephen on wu > > a Stella visit or Monday. Mr * . Crouco ot Verdon spent Sunday with friends here. Henry Kuker of Verdon visited rela tives lii-re this week W in. Single and wife visited relatives In Auburn this week. .1. E. Stephenson and wife were Falls City visitors Sunday. A C. Stcinbrlnk took a load of pro duce < | to Falls City Tuesday. Luther Slagle of Thaycr county Is visiting his brother Wm. this week. Hugh Prictmrd and wito of Maple Grove attended church here Sunday. Nle Williamson purchased a new mall wagon this week which Is a beauty. Hello Franklin was down from Lin- 'join ( and pentSunday with his parents. E. E. Bolejack and family spdnt Sun day ) near Shnbort visiting with Clyde Harper and family Wo are glad to note that Mrs. Olive Kukcr j Is again able to be out after : i prolonged , illwis- . Mls Kllen Hondrlelts and Mr. Smith of Falls City u * . tended the dance here Saturday night Mrs. .John Short'.edge , who has been visiting relatives in Martlnsburg , Pa. , returned homo Thursday. Wm. Bnllman and wile are rejoicing over a new girl born Nov. 2. ) , the first sister to join u large circle of brothers. Mrs. W. E. Xtmmerman who has been visiting her brother J. R. Shortledgo returned to her homo at Albion on Monday. A red fox has been seen several times ! after Wilson Lowe's chickens. Mr. . Lowe has a fox hound on his track but rcynard is at large yet Frank Shcrwln and wlfo who huvo been visiting their uncle Lev ! Freder ick returned to their homo in Olukor- son county , Kansas , Thursday. J. H. Moreheud of FulU City was In town this week and purchased a driv ing horse of his brother L. II. More- head. Whether L. II. had it in for his brother is not known but the first act of the newly purchased animal was to run away and the buggy wns almost entirely demolished. Mr.Moruhoiid in the future , no doubt , -vlll hi ; a little more certain of the habits of a driving animal before he invc-t = Real Estate Transfers. George Shields and wlfo to A B Elchenbergcr wd lots 11 , , . 12 , blk 1112 Falls City SHOO. W B Schmucker and wife to Eva 10 Roberts wd lot 17 , blk ! U Falla City $ : ioo. Frank R Buttcrlleld and wife to John Culvert wil lot 12 , til It 30 , Nlms ad to HumbohltSSO. Frank R Butterlleld and wife toJno Culvert wi' to lot 11 , blk . ' ! 0 Nlms ad Hiunboldt.fdO. Ernest Werner to Caroline Werner wd to sj noj section 21 , part nw } sw part wi no' { swt cj sw } ei nw } of sw } und 11 } sw } 21-2-17 81. Ephenla and Joel Jones to Walter and Laura Billings wd part of nw } = cl John Crook to Minnie Crook wd to lots 1 , 2 , a , 4 blk 7 In Crook & Towlo ud to Fulls City SH500. John Benedict to Wm Kuntopp wd to pnrt of sei 2-2-lu : ! $12800 , Susan Meyers and husband to Henry Gerdes wd lots 22 , 211 , 24 blk 0 Steele's ad to Fulls City 8t. : > 00. Marriage Record. Arbi E Duncun , Preston 21 Olive M Xlmmermun. Rule 1 ! ! Albert W Rleschick , Falls City. . . JiO Christina Tubneh , " " . . . Chnrlos R Me Wain , Rule Ida Burk , Fulls Cltj Wm C Brldgmun , Baradu Leolu Wamsloy , " Austin Crush , Fulls City Nelllo Hiinna , " " Hunry Stuldcr , Humboldt Adcllu Guirjenhuuscr , " Henry E.Jones of Tumpa , Fla. , writes "I can thank God for my prcson health , duo to Foluy's Kidney Curo. tried doctors and all kinds of kidno cures , but nothing done mo much goo , I till I took Foley's Kidney Cure. Four bottles cured me , and 1 have no more pain in my back and shoulders. 1 ai (12 ( year * old , and suffered long. bu * . thanks to Foluy's Kidney Curo. 1 am well and can walk and enjoy myself. U Is a pleasure to racommund It to needing a kidney medicine. " Kerr's Pharmacy. HUMBOLDT. II. E. Boyd wu > > on the -Ick list this week. Frank Poruk visited in Lincoln this week. Irvln Shirley went to Lincoln Tuesday. George Turner and family moved to Lincoln this week. Lucy Frybergcr spent lust week with lends in Table Rock. The sulTruge club met with Mrs H.P. lurblc Monday evening. Mrs.John Broekman visited with her in Ro-s in Lincoln Thanksgiving. Pearl Carver returned Sunday from several weeks stay in Kansas City. Blanche Emmons of Tectimseh spent he week with her cousin Goldu Tur- er. er.Mrs. Mrs. M. E. Linn Is visiting this week , 'lth her daughter Mrs. Pcrrin in Lin- oln. Hurry Munn und wife entertained his areuts ot Philllpsburg , Kan. , this vuek. Mrs. Fruuk Snethcn bus returned rom u visit with her mother In Axtell , Cunsa1 * . Mrs. E L. Crane entertained a com 'liny ' of ladies utu one o'clock luncheon L'uesduy. Isadora Weinman of St.Joo was hero ver Sunday visiting his aunt Mrs.Ban itramer. Mr- . James Pierce of Friend , .vas on- ertalned this week by her friend Jen- lo Fellers. Mrs. Henry Davis left Monday to see er mother who Is seriously 111 at her lomo In Iowa. Mr * . Martin Paulson and children of " 1. Crook are hero visiting J. A , Mur- ihy and wlfo John Leo was able to attend to his tvork in the store this week after a evere illncs- . John Bowers returned Tuesduy from 11 week's visit with it brother at Leuv- enwortb. Knns. Churlton HaM returned Thursday rom a visit with his daughter Mrs. ohn Gird in Lincoln. G. T. Unland and wife were here rom Arlington , this week the guests ) [ C. C. Unland and wlfo. Hero Dorlmul and Chas Mann re- urned this week from Midland , S. D. , where they have proven up on their claims. Mrs. Jacic Brlttonbiim returned to her home in Lincoln Thursday after a ilcusunt visit with her grandmother , MrGoodell Mrs. Belle Adums who has been the guest of the Phllpot families for the lust month left Monday for her home n Lisbon , Ohio Mrs Ruy Miller cume up from Ad- uln. Mo. , Tuesday to remain over Thanksgiving with her parents B. F. Gruvutt and wife. Will Seng , who hud the contract for the erection of the new Germun M. E. ihuroh , returned this week to his home in Clutonlu , Neb Mrs' . Chester Power entertained ut u ono o'clock luncheon Tuesday com plimentary to Mrs. J. W. Dlnsmoro of Kentucky. Covers were laid for ten. Wm. Skillet , a well known pioneer resident of this section , died one day past week , after an Illness of several weeks duration. Funeral services were held Sunday. The churches of the city held u union temperance meeting in the Presbyter ian church Sunday evening. Mrs. Eu nice Ilaly of Wheuton. 111. , addressed the congregation. Henry Stalder und Delhi Genzen- huiiscr , both residents o f the Dry BiMnch neighborhood southwest of f town went to Fulls City Wednesduy und were married by the county judge. They will make their home with the bride's parents. Olllo Wilson , daughter of W. F. Wilson und wife of this city , was mar ried recently in OmuhutoClovelund E. Sullivan. They will make tholr homo in Omaha , where the groom Is em ployed us u tresco deeorutor. They spent Thunksglymg with the bride's parents at this place. Suruh Rist uud John Hunzeker were married Wednesday at , the Dry Branch church. The bride is a daughter of James Rist and wife , while the groom is u son of Jacob R. Hunzoker. The wedding was followed by a reception ut the homo of the brido's parents southwest of town. Opal Wilson a n d Bernurd Sterns , prominent young people of this vicin ity , drove to Auburn Tuesday and wore married by the county judge. The bride is u daughter of Mrs. Emma Wllron , and the groom uon of M. M. Sterns and wife. They will couiraenc- housekeeping at once on the Sterns farm northeast of town. RULO. Will Davis visited in Falls ' City Sunc day. Mrs. Emma Wallace is on the sick list Grace Harding visited in Kansas last week. George Colcy went to Iowa Point Monday. , WW.Chinnock of Wymore was here Saturday. Ilarlund Jones of White Cloud was here Sunday. Bert Fritz visited his family In Wy- more Sunday. Cbarllo Cesmo of White Cloud was hero last week. Harry Marsh made a business trip to Stellu Saturday. Ernest Koeler und fumlly visited In Fargo this week. Frunk Chany of Missouri was u vis itor here recently. Dave French of Missouri was a vi-\ itor hero lust week. W. A. Rodacnp of Rn h Bottom ' - itcd hero last week. Tom Bean moved with hi * family to Oklahoma lnt week. , James Bunker of Missouri wa a vl- itor hero Wednesday. Mrs. Clydo Asbury went to Kansm City Tuesday for a visit. Mrs. Dan Fieklo and daughter Anna were Preston visitors Monday. Melva Kern and Jennie Knyton of Falls City spent Sunday here. Little Carl Majuris fell Tuesday while playing and broke his leg. Rob Kunaly of Fall * City came down ! to the curd party Tuesday evening. ' Roy Hart and Jim Huler took a load of corn to White Cloud Wednesday. Mrs. Lizzlo Dayis went to Kansas Cilv this week to visit her daughter. F. T. Durrow ot Lincoln wa looking after the brldgowork here lust Friday. Mrs. James Tangney and two chil dren visited friend * in St. Joe thi- week. Mr * , sym Uurk who was taken to the St. Joe hospital last week ha * not im proved. Mrs. Al Doerner of Falls City attend ed the funeral ot Mrs. Dennis here Tuesday. E. Snook foreman of the concrete gang spent Sunday with his family at Chester. Mrs. Herman Boehtne went to At- ohlsou la-it Sitturd.iy for a visit with relative * . Mrs. John , Tone of Fulls City came down Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr * . Dennis. Max Gesser and fainilv visited In Nebraska last week also made a trip to omuha on his return trip Jacob Wiggins returned from Mason City. Iowa , Sunday , where be wa * call ed by the death of relative. Mr. Butterlield returned Wednesday to his home at Hamburg , Iowa , his wife remaining a few days. Dodc Anderson and daughter Bessie went to Kansas Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. Mrs. Frank Vunvaulklnburg and baby left Wednesday for Denver where she expects to join her husband. Mesdanes Charles Caverzagie and C. J. Huber returned Tuesday from a weeks visit with relatives at Rock Port Mo Blum Anderson of Kansas visited with relatives here Sunday. Mrs. D. Anderson and daughter Pearl accom panied him home. The Living Rosary club gave a sup per and card party in Miles hall Tues day night , a largo crowd was In atten dance and all report n good time. The Odd Fellows bought tbo furni ture of the A. O. U. W. and moved it to their hall. Several lodges will rent of them and make it headquarters. Mrs. Frunk Kulp died ut her homo In Wymoro Wednesday of last week and was buried Saturday. Mr. Kulp has many friends here who extend sympathy. The Atchison passenger did not nr- rlye here hist Thursday on account of a I wreck. No one was hurt. The engine I j was brought here next day going to Wymore for repairs. On Saturday evening about 20 of Mrs. Belle Marsh's friends took posses sion of her home and proceeded to give her the surprise of her life. Mrs. Her man Kleopfol won the first prize and ' I Mrs. D. Vanvnulkiuberg the booby ' prize. Supper was served and all kind' of games were played , until Sun. day nurnlng caused the company to start for home. I Mrs. Funnio Dennis an old rosidfiit of this place died at her home Monday. Her ! husbunci died many years ago and she has lived alone ever since. She was quite an ol-J lady and hasalwaj's led u very active life Sh-j was attend ed In her last t-lekne < - > , oy her -ister Mrs. Hutterliold of Hamburg , IowaMr. Biitterlleld coming a few days before she died , these being the only rela tives able to bo present ut the funeral , which took place Tuesday conducted by Rev. Maze of Dawson after which the body was laid to rest by the side of her husband in the Rule cemetery. She leaves a number of friends. STELLA. $ ' { ! ! was cleared at the basket supper ut Oak Grove lust Friday evening. The money will be used for the benelit of the school. Mrs. Jarred Simmers , aged about 70 died at her home east of town last Thursday from dropsy. Funeral ser | vices services wore held at the homo Saturday , interment being in the Pruirio Union cemet'iry. John Munn and family , who have been ' living in the Indian Territory for ' the past live years , is expected back here again this week to live. He will engage in the harness buslntss with Joe Butcmun. Mrs. Davis of Colorado City arrived this week for an extended visit with daughter Mrs. George Smith. Florence Kinton i s spending' tf.e week in Lincoln with Grace Higgins. John Newell , a former resident of this neighborhood hut who has been living at Colorado Springs for the past live years , died this week and the re mains were bronght here Tuesday for burial. He had been suftering from paralysis for more than u year and was unable to even help himself. Eli Knapp has been carrying the mail on route two this week while the regular carrier has been nuvins'a va- Ualiuli. Gertrude Shelleiibarger und Cora Vnnnoy are spending the week in Lin coln with the former's sister. The G. A. R. ana W. R. C. he-Id : i speeiul meeting in their hall last Fri day evening. The corps Inspector was here from Pawnee City and took part In the meeting , besides a number of ladles from Falls City. After tl.o meeting a supper was served to the members and a number of invit- guests. T-vo Greeks employed on the section here were injured last Friday by fall ing from a handcu > . One had his buck broken and aunt in r his leg broken. The } ' were taken io no Mi "iiri Pacific ito-pHul at Kiuisi.Cit.s . in..i inuta. MrWioti' mi l\-ter tif Karir-a- Citin rived 1.1- IV- -K for itiendu s VIMV nh In r i > . .uiiit'A' , i' ' . Moore anO . % .t' . Will I'uiint-r and family of Shubert have miivtil into the Hitpgood bouse In the soutli pai t of towiHe has work with the electric light company. atella W'nlre.v left last week for a month's visit with u brother ut Ho- hurt , Oklu. Jesse Hays who has been sick for the past month is recovering The Music Club met In the country Tuesday with Mrs. Amos Tlmerman. A number of new members have been added to the roll. When the Stomach , Heart , or Kid ney nerves get weak , then these or gans always fall. Don't drug the Stomach , cor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. This is simply a makeshift. Get a prescription known to druuglt < * everywhere us Dr. Snoop's Reltoratlvo. The Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak Inside nerves. Strength en these nerves , build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative tablets or liquid and see how quickly help will come. Free cuuuilu tent sent on re quest by Dr. Snoop , Racine. Wls. Your health Is surely worth this sim ple test. Sold by all dealers. Le 's I Notice IN T1IK D1STIUCT COUNT OK HICHAUD- ffljff SON COUNTY , STATi : OK NHIIltASKA. Mnriu 1 * Wnrrt-u , I 1'lnintilT. \ . ffljffI Ira 11. Warren , I Defendant. I The defendant oUiM- named will take imtico that on the 5th il > of Novi'inU'r , l' < 07 , thf 1 Ion I tilf tilol in tin- District Court nforcKiid her i oti- lion iik'alnst him wlicrcin t-lio ) > ru)8 n ihrco of dlMirTO fruni Kiid dufvnilant on tint KrtmntUof crnol triKitment and for il ertion an < l u i > nip- And Kiid t'.ffendaut In further notifiwl thut un- IPKJ ho jiloail , answer or dmrnir t < > Miid i titloti on or U'forn the 28rd day of Docombur , IWJ the > will U > takuu > true , mid u ilecreo us i < ray l fur will l > o rendered pro comfecMi. JU--U IttAviH.V UK\MH.AUnruejBfor 1'