THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 7.9 , 1907 EVERVBODVj Har tried our Taffy. It tastes as eood as it * - * * looks. , SOWkES W 3 BBISOWkES , ' BBI . LOCAL LORE. ] C S Eat Sowles' candv. V * ' Now is the time to subscribe. * Ed May and wife were down from Salem Friday. Fred Scbold made a business trip to Stella Monday CF. . Reavis went to Omaha Saturday on a short business trip. Helen Davies is in Lincoln spending Thanksgiving with her brother. Wesley Crook was a business visitor to Red Oak , Iowa , last Saturday. L. Beasley is among the manv who renewed his subscription since our last issue. Miss Hart , a teacher in the High school , is spending Thanks giving in Kansas City. Mrs. Dr. Miner and children went to Lincoln , Monday , to re main over Thanksgiving. . Ruth Heacock who is attend ing the state university , came home to spend Thanksgiving. All persons knowing them selves indebted to W. II. Crook & Co. will please call and settle. Miss Field 011 $ of our popular school teachers , is % isiting friends in Lincoln for a few days. George Fisher is at home after several months spent in the em ploy of Simon Davies at Chester. Neb. Katherinc Melissa' one of our High school students , went to Verdon Wednesday , to eat turkey with home folks. - * _ . . . . Mildred Holland , a State university student , came down I ! i Wednesday to visit with home j folks for a few days. i Mr. and Mrs. Quiett and Mr. and Mrs. George Wahl went to Kansas City , Tuesday , to spend , a few days with relatives. R. D. Waggoner and C. J. Thomas of Rule helped us return thanks this week by remembering us in a substantial way on sub scription. Mrs. Irvin Shirley of Hum- boldt came down the first of the week and remained over Thanks giving the guest of Dr and Mrs. M. L. Wilson. John Ward and wife of TVcum- seh , came down the last of the week to visit a short time with Mrs. Ward's parents , F. W. Miller and wife. W. II. Nedrow and wife of Verdon , were in the city Satur day for a short visit with the old folks. They made the Tribune a pleasant call while in the cftv. W. E. Allison , representative of the St. Joseph Gazette , was in the city Monday working in the interest of Miss Vern Story who is one of the contestants in the Gazette contest now going on. RevNeide is preparing a series of special sermons to be delivered. Sunday evenings at the Episcopal church during the four Sundays of Advent , begining on next Sunday evening. All are invited and we feel sure these sermons will be a treat to those who attend. See his announce- mdnt in other column. Mr , II. Koehler returned Sun day from a four weeks stay in Alabama , where he has extensive land interests. Mr. Koehler has made up his mind to locate in the south and is preparing to re move his family there in the near future. This family have lived in this vicinity for a number of years and have many friends who hate to see them leave but wish them success in their new home. How does this strike you for Thanksgiving weather. Bargain day , Saturday , Nov. 30 , at the Candy Kitchen. Call and see what you can get for 15c. Chas. Leister , who has been suffering for some time with rheumatism , is again able to be about. Dorthy White came down from Lincoln on Wednesday to remain over Thanksgiving with her parents. Dora Glines , who has been employed as trimmer during the past season has arrived home for the winter. Saturday , Nov. 30 , you can get chocolate creams or butter scotch for 15 cents per pound at the Candy Kitchen. Mrs. 'Margaret Maddox left Friday for Hastings to spend a couple of weeks with her daugh ter , Mrs. Geo. Dictsch. Mike Sweeney of Sioux City , arrived in the city Saturday , and will visit for a few days at the home of W. II. Keeling. Simon Davies arrived home Saturday from Chester , having completed the school house he was building at that place. Henry Stein , a former employe of the Tribune , but now of Ne braska City , was looking after his attractions in this city Sunday. Miss Patnaudeoneof our popu lar milliners , left Sunday for Chicago , where she will spend the winter in a wholesale house. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ranger and son Frank of Salem ate Thanksgiving dinner with Everett Scott and wife in this city. _ _ _ Miss Elizabeth Sanford is again at home after a season spent in trimming. She will re main with us during the coming winter. Save your money. Go to the Candy Kitchen Saturday , Nov. 30 , and get a pound of chocolate creams or a pound of butter scotch for 15 cents. - Walter Ransom , who has been in Kansas City for the past few months , arrived in the cit } ' the last of the week and will remain at home during the winter. R. E. Grinstead of Salem came in Monday morning and gave us enough cash on subscription to enable us to buy the trimmings for our Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. Ernest Vincent returned to her home in Council Bluffs , Saturday , after a very pleasant two weeks visit in this city with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sears. E. F. Houtz and daughter of Verdon were in the city Monday. They lelt over the Burlington for Maniton , Colo. , where they go for the benefit of the daugh ter's health. On Sunday evening , December 1st , Mrs. Rose Bush Wilkinson , will occupy the pulpit at the Christian Church at the regular preaching hour in the interest of the C. W. B. M. Hear her. P. S. Heacock last week install ed 20-horse Fairbanks a new - power banks & Morse gasoline engine in his elevator at Shubert This makes the elevator at that place one of the most complete of the many concerns of that nature owned by this gentleman. Joe Steele. who has been seriously ill for some time is now much improved , which will be welcome news to his many friends Joe has had a hard tussle , and for a time but little hope was entertained for his recovery , but at present it is thought he will soon be able to sit up. Miss Vern Story of this city has been nominated by her friends as one of the St. ! Gazette contestants , and is nowi i working hard to win the capital prize of $500. Miss Story is a deserving young lady and her many friends in this vicinity sincerely hope she will prove the lucky one. And now comes Christmas. Tom Whitaker returned the first of the week from hissouth ern trip. Dr. Keiieker called Saturday and gave us the price of a good turkey , Thanks. Norman Burnworth writes trom Abdine , Kas. , to have his subscription renewed. Carrie E- Boyd o f Rule is among our faithful ones to re member us this week. Did you make anyone happy today ? If not your Thanksgiv ing was not complete. Mr. D. W. Reid came in from Iowa , Wednesday , to spend Thanksgiving at home. Mrs. Ted Colhapp came down from Humboldt and spent Satur day with Mrs. Dr. Wuson. Mrs. Dr. Moran left Tuesday for a few. days visit with Miss Molhe Moran in Kansas City. All accounts now due W. II. Crook & Co. must be settled at once either by cash or bankable notes. Mrs. Paten and daughters of University Place , arc guests at the home of Dr. McMillan this week. Etl BurriS ) who is now located in Peru , was visiting his many friends in this city a portion of the week. Reba Eversole , a student at the Peru Normal , is the guest of Miss Anna Mason in this city this week. John Hossack and wife and Grandma Sinclair spent Thanks giving at Verdon with Mr. and Mrs. Will Sloan. Misses May and Kate Maddox came down from University Place the last of the week to eat turkey with home folks. Dorothy Morehead , who is at tending school at University Place , came home last Friday to spend her Thanksgiving vacation. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Dr. Allison , at Ever green Heights Wednesday , Oct. 4th. All members are urged to be present. Our merchants are beginning to display their Christmas goods and now the } ' will tell 3011 all about their stocks though the columns of the Tribune. Thos. G. Bowker of Rule , sent us a five dollar bill this week , to be applied on his sub scription. This shows how he appreciates a good paper. Charlie Ileineiman is making some substantial improvements on the Keim property on north Stone street , and when completed will add greatly to its appearance. Mrs. James Pickett went to Tecumsch the first of the week to visit for a few days with her sister. She will also visit her parents in Sterling before her re turn. Robt. N. Huston of Salem was a business visitor in the cit } ' Tuesday. While here he made us a very pleasant visit and con tributed materially to our ex chequer. Bargains in good smooth wheat lands in Western Kansas , where there is an inexhaustable supply of water. Do not fail to write D. F. Carter , Leoti , Kansas , for particulars. 00-2t Miss Kathcrine Seibel , teacher in district No.74 , better known as the Pleasant View school , will give a box social in that school house on Friday eveninu' , De cember fith. A fine program is being prepared and it is hoped a good crowd will be in attendance. Mrs. James Sinclair of Streater- ville , Kas. , is in the city visiting her daughter , Mrs. John Hos sack. Mrs. Sinclair , although past SO years of age , made this trip alone , in fact one can hardly realize she has reached this ad vanced age as she is as spry as the average person at 50. Have you tried the brick Ice Cream at the Candy Kitchen. This is the season when Tom and Jerry have their "innings. " Mr. ftahr of Lincoln , spent Sunday with his parents west of this city. , Hear "Burning , of thu Books" at the First Methodist church Sunday evening , Rev. A. W. Shamel spent Sat urday iti this city the guest ol Rev. C. A. Mastin. ' ' Ed Hays came down from Dawson - son Tuesday evening for a short visit with friends. Mrs. R. A Munson of Oneida , Kas. , is visiting in this city with her daughter , Mrs. Elliptt. J. F. Brown of Stella , Neb. , a prominent farmer was at the today with a carload of hogs- Miss Nellie Downs has been confined to her home seyeral days this week a victim of the grip. School was dismissed Wednes day afternoon and the pupils given a vacation the balance of the week. Quite a number of our foot ball enthusiasts went to St. Joe to witness the annual Kansas-Mis souri game. Mrs. George F. Marburger of Ilumboldt is spending the week in this city with her sister Mrs. George Schmelzel. Mrs. D. L. McCoy and little son of Hiawatha , came over to eat Thanksgiving dinner with J. R. Cain and family. The street commissioner with his force of men and drags has been doing some good work on our Streets this week. Mrs. Elliott , who has been in Rule nursing Mrs. Dennis for some time , returned to her home in this city Tuesday. Ray R. , Mastin , a student of Wesleyan University , Lincoln , came down Wednesday to visit with his parents , Rev. Mastin and wife. Everybody turn out this after noon [ Thursday ] and see the basket ball game. Encourage our High school students by your presence. Miss Nelle Cain returned home Tuesday after several months spent in various portions of Cali fornia. She reports a very pleasant trip but was glad to get back in time to cat turkey with home folks. The Tribune i s published a little early this week in order that the force might have plenty of time to eat turkey , so if the pa per is not up to the usual stand ard you will know the cause , and 'we promise to do better next > veek. During the past month Supt. E. L. Tobie spent three days vis iting schools at Omaha and Council Bluffs , and two days at Lincoln attending the Superin tendents' and Principals' as sociation. The Orange and the Black. Max Werner left Monday for King City , Mo. , where he will join the "Old Kentucky Home" Co. , playing clarinet in band and traps in the orchestra. Max is a musician of more than ordinary ability and is sure to make good wherever he goes. We wish him success in his new field. Mr. I. O'Gorman of Grand Island , called at our office this week and informed us that he was here to take charge and open up the former F. E. Schmidt store in this city. We find Mr. O'Gorman a genial , wide awake business man , who , we are con fident will make friends , not only with the trade of this vicinity , but with the business men of the city. He and L. P. Mathews of Giltner , arc the new proprietors and they are known in the center west as the Price Killers. They assure us that they have come to stay and that inside of 30 days the people of Falls City and vicin ity will say that they well deserve the name. We were looking lor Tom Tur key this week , but he never lit in our neighborhood. Blanche and Etta Kapp went to Lincoliii Sunday for a short visit with relatives. The ladies of the Presbyterian church realized $37.45 at their apron and food sale Wednesday afternoon. Stanley Wicks the genial clerk at the Windsor hotel in Lincoln was visiting old friends in this city this week. Bert Baker and Miss Carrie Slocum were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray De Ptitrin in Lin coln , Thanksgiving. Mrs. Harry Custer spent this week with relatives in Tecttmseh Harry managed to be there in time to eat Thanksgiving dinner. Ed Hammond , wife and little son of near Stella , were guests at the home of Albert Norris and wife in this city it few days this week. Steve Miles and wife went to St. Joe to witness the Thanks giving foot ball game. From there they go to Kansas City for a few days. For bargains in farms or city property call on J. D. Spragins & Co. We have a good list to select from. City property to rent. 01 Smooth unimproved w heat lands in Wichita and Grceley Counties , Kansas. Prices rang ing from $5 to $12.50 per acre. Address D.F.CarterLeotiKs.Q-2t Special programs in keeping with the Thanksgiving season were rendered by the pupils of the different grades of our public schools on Wednesday afternoon. A tickling cough , from any cause , is quickly stopped by Dr. Slump's Coupli Cure. And It la so thoroughly harm- Ices and sufo , th'nt Dr. Snoop tolls motlior.- everywhere to tflvo It without hesitation oven to very young , babop. The wholesome ( jreou leaves and tender - dor ptcnis of u lunij-lieallnir mountain ous s-lirub , f jrnlah the curatlvo properties - ties to Dr < Shoop's Cough Cure. U onir.t ) the cough , and heals the sore anil sensitive broulchlal membranes. No opium , no chloroform , nothing harsh usi.-d to Injure or suppress. Sim ply a ri'siliioiH plant extract , that helps to lu'iil uchlnir iung * . The Spaniards cull thi slmil ) which the Doctor nes , "The riucreil Herb. " Demand Dr. ShoopV. Take no other. Sold by all ilcalei-r. Lc nl Notice IN Till : DIHTHICT COUUT OK UICI1AUIKSON COUNTY. HTATi : OK NKIIItASKA. Joseph W. Ozhui , I'lalntiir. i \ . - Jultu C. Uziiu , Defendant. I The defendant , Julia C. O/iar. . , ulll lakn notice that thoplalntifl , Jon-ph W. Ozla . illil , on tlio 27th ( hy of November , 1107 , lilit his petition 111 wild court iiKnliiHtjnu , the object anil prayer ( if which i to obtain a decree of dhorco from tint bond * of matrimony heretofore anil now existing between Jutland naiil plalntlir , on tlio urotindH of desertion and cruel treatment , and of mineral nnil constant neglect of jour matrimonial duties towards paid plaintiff. Anil ) ou am further notified Unit unless joi pliMil , minwer or demur to mid iKititlon on or Imforo January li : , 1WH , tint MIIIIO will Ixt tnkei ax true anil n decnii rendered in accordance \ \ ill tint prayer tliereof. W-rt ItKAVIH A KKAVIH , AttornojHfor I'laintifl. Notice. IN TUB nmrUlCT COUUT FOlt HK'HAItl ) BON COUNTY , NIMIKAHKA : llurton 1. IteuvlH. ( Irncn ( I , / IteavK mid Jljrtlo -1'laintlfTn Tim Unknown Ilelrn of ] Anna Heard , deceased , i Tim FarmorN Htntit Hank I ) . , . , , , . , ' " ' " " ' " of blml Tt , Nebraska , John Kvmib unit WllHim KUe , J To tint Unknown Heir * of Anna Heard , Decc.T-ci ] You will taku notlcn tliat on the 27th iluyo November. I ( J7 , thitnbuMi imineil plaintiff * lilii n IMitltiim in tlm District Court against you , The Farmcrb .Stain II. ink of Hhubert. Nebraska , Join Oatm and Wilxon KUo , the object and prnjuro which IK ( o rauce payment of u note of $110 by WilHon | ' . ! N ) to them Instead of to tlm i > ajc < nam d in wild note , to-wit , Anna Heard , t > aii note havini ; been iii > 'n as part pajmcnt for tin runt of n certain tract of land , to-wit : The nortl half of tint NorthuiiHt quarter of Hectlon 17 Towiibhip II , ItaiiKO lit , in Richardum t'ountj Nebnu-ka. upon \\hich the wild Anim Heard hclc u life estate , which life OhtaU- ceased with her death on the ! M day of AuKntt , 1W , Tlm ntni for which wild note \MIH KIVCII bj tint Miiil l'\n \ > wait for lint current jear , to-\tit : l')7. You aru further notified that a rc.stralniiK , order \van ullouiit bj tint jtnlKO of thnillHtrlci court , rebtraliilnn hnlil FaruuiiH tituto Hunk ol HhnU'rt and Hild John Kvarix f rom ilifpoeinn oi naiil note or parting ith the pofwM-lon thereol except to deliver It to the clerk of the district court until further ordered , and also rcHtraininc tlm wild \Vlli-ou Kl n front pajinc naid note to the HUH ! defendant bank or to tint Mini John I'vanx or to anybody el e , and rtflkiiiK for n munc ) judgment im-alnnt tint mil Kliwi for tint amount of said note in default of bin pajliitf tint amount into court us prayed in plaintiff's iK'tition , Andjouuro further notified that unlen.s jou pray , answer or demur to taiil i > otltiou on or before tlm Utli day of January , cl'JO ) said petition will Ixi taken b" trim and n ilecrrto tnU.Tfd in accordance with tint prayer thereof. 01. KIUV18 A , HCAV18 , Attorneja for I'lalutlI ( . TABLEWARE The Holidays sire close at h\ncl : and there are always a few things needed t o complete the table. We have a large line of flat ware and hollow ware of the highest grade. Be low are a few quotations : Cream Ladles , $1 up. Grnvy Ladles $1.25 up Meat Perks $1 up. Soup Ladles $ U up. Butter Knife a n d Sugar Shell $1 up. Vegetable Drainer $1 up. Jelly Spoons ยง 1 up. Bread Plates $2 up. Ferneries up. Knives and Forks $ -1.50 up. Fruit Knives $2,50 up. Nut Cracker and Pick -JOc. Come and see our line of goods , their beauty of de sign and superior quality , speak for themselves. A E. Jaquet The Old , Reliable JEWELER Pay Up. W. n. Crook & Co. desire all persons owinK1 them to call at once and settle their accounts , either by cash or bankable notes. For Sale All of block < )3 and 5 lots ad joining in block 95 , Falls Cit } ' , located one block cast of Central ichool building. First class im provements , also plenty of fruit. Will sell at a sacrifice or will trade for western land. Address WM. CADI ; , Oltf Falls City , Neb. Mrs. Stephen Pryor went to Nebraska City. Sunday to spejul a few days with relatives. Notice. IN THI : umriiicr COUUT KOU IUCHAKP- SON COUNTY , HTATB OK NKIIUAHKA. It tint matter of the entate of / Corncllim HeaKan , deceased , t OltDKIl TO SHOW CAUHi : WIIV UUKNSKTO HI'.l.h IIBA1 , iSTATi : : BHALh NOT 111 ! ( IKANTKl ) . To all iKtrmnit IntvrvHtod In the wtatn of Cornitl- IIIH Kenyan , deceiNil : t Jthavintt IKHJII made to appear to me by peti tion of the en-cutor of the cHtnUi of Cornelian Kcnuan , deceased , that lhcii < 1 Lot hnlllclent IKT- noiml cstato In hln hunds to pay the debts out- stmiiliaunKtilnst the ileceawd anil the < ixix.-nww of administration anil that It U necesBarj' to Hull the whole or Homo portion of tlm real estate ] lx > - loiiKlnK t < i nalil estate for the payment of micb debts : NOriClilHIinilKIIY OlVliN to nil ponton * Interosti-d in paid estate to appcnr Iwfont inont my chamU-rx In 1'awneo City , in 1'nwneo County , Nebraska , tint mi mo Ix-inj ; within the Fimt Judi cial District of the wild t-tato , on January 11 , I'.KjH , lit 10) p. m , of nald day , mid nhowrauee , If any you have , why a HconnoHhall not ImgrunUnl to f-aid exiwutor to cell the following doscriUxl property , or HO much thereof us In the judgment of tint court Is uecvhMiry to bo sohl for the pur poses aforesaid , towiti LoUO , 7 , H , unil tl and 10 fwt nxtra of.block 2.7. in Falls City , Nub , All that part of thoM t half of the oust half of southeast quarter , of KH > tion liftti-n (15. ( ) loxuiouud ) , ranKOHixtiMiii ( IR ) , K.tllh P.M. that lies north of A. A N.H.It , or H. A M. H. It. depot KrniiriiUat or near Falls CityNo- hraska , hounded as follouH , touit : On thii M > iith by tint Kiiil A. A. N. It. K , depot ground * anil hounded on tint north by FalU t'ity , Nebras ka , ami buimilod on tlm euitt by tint public road , that extends from the noutli end of Wilson Mtijt la t-ald Fulls City , to said tlujHit crounda anil on the went by a publio roail , that runs In front of the canning factory and extends from thesoulli end of Morton btrrc-t In said Falls City , Neb , , to Kuid depot ground * and containing 2 7-8 acre * more or lesn , lo a KO fift x 120 feet , bold to A. It. ( iiHjlsby , anil Viio feet to I'A Mchiever out of B K. corner of dencriUxl trnct. Of this you will Uiko duo nutico anil Kovorn joiirholvi > accordltiK'lj' . It U further ordered that this noticu U. puhlUluxl In tlio FalU Cllj Tribune , a newspaper published in Itlchardnou County anil of general circulation tlioroln , for the purlotl of BX weeks , commenciin ; on the 29th ilny of November , lOUT. JUUN 1) ) , lUrtu , Judge. , V UxvTis , Attorneys for Executor , Ol-1t