THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , 1907 agan smss sgjgresss ag c * HI H 8 40 acre farm upland , 2 mllr ? of Rulo. for ali- . 205 auri' > well Improved , Rli-hardsou county , U-ss than forty-live dollars ( $4o.OO ) per acre. 240 acres .Tuckson eountj Kansas Well Improved Pine spring. Rest of terra * Mlgiit con sider un eighty part puy. One and one-half miles of depot. Good homo , 0 rooms. 4 lots , well located , $2 , . > 00 rive-room house , 2 lots , close In , $ lol)0. ) . Flvo room house , 4 lots , yood condition , $1,750 ; pantry , oollar , wood itnd eoul house. The Zlon OHy | ) roi'rty | near Central school and 2 lots. Receiver's Bale. 12 10-acro ranch , Phillips county , Kansas. Will tnko 810.000 to Slii.OOO of property in exchange us part pay. money to loun on lands. jHSSi SHUBERT Ch < w. Shulonherif WHS a Manilla visl tor Mondny. Jim Saylor of Hurfldti was on on streets Tued y. Uncla George Lewi * was ti Palls Git : visitor \ViHlnesday. Joe Harper of Auburn epuntSunda ; with his wllu harp. Mr ? . Frud Hoivtman was a count. ) * visitor Tuesday. J. C. Shnlonberg and wife vlsttei relatives In Falls City Thursday. Mrs M. Clliio and family were visit Ing rolatlvos In Falls City Saturday. Win. Speeco and wile and Mrs. 1. N Rupard were Falls City visitors Salur day. day.F. F. M. Oathout and wife attended tin funeral of Grandma Splckler at Ilnrudi Sunday. Loyd Mitchell and Jake rotors o llarada wore business visitors hen Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Shook of Omaha wa the guest of Dr. Shook and family tin pat week. Mrs. Clyde Harper i s enjoying i visit from her sl tor Miss Gertie Pear son of Kansas. . Mrs Henry Marker utid daughter o Netnaha have been visiting relative hero a few days. Mrs. Hull of Verdon spent las-t weol visiting with her daughter Mrs.Georg Brlokor and family. George Randall and wlfu of Auburi were guests of Chas. Rapor and wlf near town Sunday , Mcgdames J. F. Shubort and F. M Oathout were shopping In Fall ; ) Clt one day lasl week. Dr. James while In town Wcdneada drove Into the country and visited hi aged tmrcnts a few hour : ' . Mrs. Hunt of Auburn is spending few days with her daughter Mrs. Chin WUbon n few mllen from town. K. T. James brought his son to tow Sunday for medical treatment. 'J'l tiou has blood poison In his hand. Quite a number of the young poop attended the daneo at the home of J ( Harper and'wlfo lat Saturday nigh The household goodof John Slag wore sold at public auction last Satu day and ever\ thing brought u fa price. Wo understand that Rov. Sapp h been hired by tliu Christian ohur < for the coming year beginning Jan ary 1. Dr. Khlcr who Hvos on a farm niv Hurada , but who has botin heru f u thort tlmo ivtiirned home durli the week. Tom Sponeovn - called hero by t serious illness of his wife who with h baby are at the homo of her brother Johnson. Mrs. Chas. Allen and sister Mi Harris arrived Friday from Rosalie I ing called to Harada by the death their mother. Mrs. Joe Splckler spent last wo with Mr. Splcklcr's mother at Bara who died Saturday. To the boreav ones our sympathy is extended. Mrs. Chas. Shulcnborg return home Saturday from Uarada where s has been caring jor her sister M John Rumbaugh who is very sick. F. E. Wttttou and family of Fa City and J. C. Shulcnbcrg and wife this place wcro entertained at theme homo of Jake Birdsley and wife li Sunday. The many friends of Kll Rupart a wife are glad to learn that Manfo El cm of Harada has purchased .N Rupart's interest in the store at Ara and they expect to move back to thi old home soon. Mrs. Henry FUhburu returned hoi Monday while Mr. Flshburn win land business detained him until S urday. They enjoyed a pleasant vl with their many friends at Stowd a Oklahoma City buloro returning. Mrs. Walter Lewis returned ho trom Preston Monday where she t spent several days at the homo of 1 brother Mr. McComber , being cal there by the serious accidental the Ing of her nephew which caused amputation of one of his hands. If you are looking for a hoer or for an investment on wh you will double your money the next two years , write ; i learn about some of my barga in Wichita and Greeley Counti Kansas. D. P. CARTKK , 00-2t Leoti , Kansas SALEA1 Llnvd Klnppy was over from Dawsoi Sunday. Shelton Harris npent Sunday l < Daw < on. Dtiilo Corn was over from Von'oi Thursday. John Tolhn and wife.drove to Falli City Tuoadny. Cass Moore and wlfu drove to Fall City Tuosduy. . / . T. Shrlmpton rutnrncd from Fre inont Tuesday. II. K. StoulTor of Falls City spen Sunday at homo W. W. Marrett and wife drove ti Falls City Monday. M. G. Jone truiiHieted business n Falls City Monday. H. W. Whltten and wife drove t < Falls City Tuesday. Cass Moore returned home fron Long fslaud Sunday. O. P. Wlndle of St Joe visited hi parents here last week. Graham \ of Shnbort visited hen Tuesday with friends W. W. Wortz and wife and Mrs. S.K Smith wcro In Lincoln Tuesday. Lowell Li'jiley and sister Magei wcro Falls City visitors Wcdnssduy. Ill Shlldneck and wife returnei homo from a visit In Missouri Thura day. Roy Daggett has rjcen out to Aim worth the past week putting In a dj namo. Max Glllessen and wlfo and Mrs Ll/ylo Schmltt drove to Falls City o Thursday. Way no Whltten find Ray Carlis ! entertained a number of their friend In Ranger's hall latt Thursday evonlnc The evening was spent In games an music after which refreshments wer served. All spent- pleasant evening Mrs. Mobley dlud at her homo her Sunday. The funeral wus hold at til Christian church Monday conductc by Rev. Ogden and the remains laid I rust In the Maple eemotery. SI leaves a husband , live children and mother to mourn her loss. un Tuesday evening about 7 o'cloi the old soldiers and widows with Im Uots full of good tiling to eat , met i tha homo of John I'olr.-uii and wl and gave James Pelrson and wife a su prise. After supper the evening wi spent In conversation and the slngli ol old war songs. Mr. and Mrs. Pel son will leave soon for their now lion in Mountain View , Okla. The members of the K. & L. S. gu a farewell surprise for M. L. Grav and wlfo Tuesday tn-onlng at the home. The ovenini : was spout music and conversation after which t o frcshmonts were served. Mr. Grav r and family expect to remove to Wilci in th ) near future. The best wish of all their friends go with them. PRESTON Roy Dykes and mother wont to Ru ( . Friday. , i Maurice McMahon was In Falls Cl Wednesday. Jud Carpenter drove up from Ri iday night. Mrs. Wra , Bouorsox Is on the si it this week. Mrs. Frank Simons came up frc Rule Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Ryan left Tuesday for h homo in Crolghton. Mrs. Grant of Falls City is vlslti friends hero this week. Claude Plekard and Will Story dru to Falls Clt ) Saturday. L. D. McCumbor and son Will drc to Falls Ulty Saturday. Mrs. Eva Black of Rule was vlslti friends hero this week. iO Will Story and mother drove do > 0 from Ft. Hazel Sunday. t- it A irood time was reported at t dance given hero Thursday night. 1' . N. Frederick and O. li. Mey came down from Falls City Saturd : 10 id Lou Nltzel and Will Bush attont idM' the opera at Falls City Tuesday nig id Verna Story a n d Grace IIoppc it- Falls City were visiting hero Sund it10 10 Mrs. Henry McCumbor w h o I bo < jn visiting her sou hero left for 1 home In St. Joe Tuesday. 1C - - : h The Willing Workers of t in Christian church will comli id their annual baxaar December its and will offer for sale artic is , suitable for Christmas presen The place will be given lat 00-3t BARADA. E. K Holt-jock was u Verdon visitor Sunday. , Mrs. Olive Kuker Is yet vary ill with toiifilltls. Louis Slotnerlng has returned from Cralir. Mo. . Roy Lundy and lady of Shnbart wore here Sunday. Mrs. John Uuuilmtigh N very ill with typhoid fever. T. C itoo anil wlf. of Full , City vlil- ted relatives hero Sunday. UTm. Boatman of Verdon spent fiumla.\ with J. T. S'tllors. Nell Plersol moved his faintly over from Brownvlllelast week. Mrs. Ida Hanson of Falls City was visiting friends hero Sunday. Annie Franklin visited last week near Verdon with her Mster. Fiank Sherwln and wife of Detroit , Kat ns , are In're viltlng relatives. Barada wu-i well represented i n FalU City Monday at the Walker trial 11. El. Morehead made u trip to Duiidy countv thl wi-ek in tno interest of his. property. Walter Vanluninghtun and wife of Falls City wer'j guests of J. A. Martin and wife SunUav. On Monday Baradu was visited by a red headed Irishman named English representing a Dutch firm , selling valentines. Stove Austin visited relatives hero last week lie wont to Bumbotdt Sunday Inquest of an opening for 11 tonsorlal parlor. The Bariida school will give an civ tertalnment nnd box supporou Thank * ' giving evening for the benefit of the traveling library. Mrs. Eliza Thompson visited hero 01 Vedncsday. Her sister Mrs. SusU VllliitiiK-ou icturned with her nnc jient several dajs In Falls City. HUA\BOLDT. Grace Jones visited in St. Joe thi vcek. C. M. Snoke is snrlously ill at hi ionic north of town. H I' . Marble and wlfo visited Tubli lock friends Sunday. Preston KoUer Is erecting a cottugi on his lots near the depot. Winnie Mann visited over Sunda ; vlth a bister In Elk ( Jreok. Mrs. Mary Hlavlty of Lincoln spen this week witti friends hero. Fred Drake has returned from sev era I months stay in Lincoln. Tom Smith is visiting relatives i Washington , Kan. , this week. Art. Wilson iiiul wife are now loctitei ,11 their new homo on Xenmha street Mrs. Frank Snethen left Thursda ; for a visit with her mother at Axtell Kan. Will and Frank Reynolds of Beave City spent this week with relative tiore. Mrs. J. Johnson came up from At chlson , Kim , , Saturday for a visit wit ! her son Joe Graves was called to Gutlirk Okla. . this week by the serious illncs of a sister. Mrs1 , Lute Skalak is spending th week with Mr * . Ray Linn at Moore field , Nob. Gertrude AnJersou of Pawnee Cit visited this week with her friend Alt thea Berry. Joseph Wozab Is lying very low u his homo In this city ) with a cancer c the stomach. Mrs. Anna Waterman and daughte arrived hero Sunday from Kansas on visit to friends. M. C. ShurtlelT , sr. , and daugulu Grace left last week for California t * pond the winter. Fannie HyncK entertained the lit grade of the high school at her horn Thursday evening. Surah Edic , an instructor in th Pawnee City Academy spent Sundti witli hur parents here. Ashford , Edle and C. L. Uummi woio looking at land in the wetcr par * , of the state this week. Mrs. Belle Corn went 10 Havoloc Tuesday and remained for several dai with Roy Ciissidy and wlfo. A large delegation of the Reboot 1C ledge attended the alsirlet meeting 1 ct Table Rock Friday evening. The 12th grade of the high scho gave u masquerade party at the hon ss of Glenno Wilson Friday evening. The ladles kenslngton club entc talncd their husbands at a banquet i their club room Thursday evening. Larene. . ' Shelrbon loft last wcok for hubethH. Kan. , where he will be employed by the telephone company. Mr * . R. J. Hnlzdu came down Irom TnbJf Rook Saturdnv to cure for her mother Mrs. W. E Veils who Is quite licit. licit.U'm. U'm. Korl and family moved over from Puwneu City last week and are now located on the spring lake farm east of town. Angelina Rothenborger returned Tuesday from Nebraska City where she has been employed us a trimmer In a millinery store. Grandpa and Grandma Hnizda have disposed of their residence property and expect to leave in thn near fnturo for California whore they will make their home. E. S. Norton has sold his poultry business which ho rccont'y ' purchased In Dawson and we understand he and hi ? wife will again become residents of thU city. Mr. Norton has accepted the position of bookkeeper for the brick plant. Cards have been received in this city announcing the approaching mar riage of Ada Volts , daughter of E. H. Viets and wife , formerly of this city but now residents of Grant , to Jess Wlnn. The event will take place at the bride's Lome on Thanksgiving evening. A company of about HO friends of W. E. Kentner were entertained at the Park hotel Saturday evening , the event being given In honor of his birthday anniversary. Whist furnish ed entertainment for the evening and ; beloro departing for their homos the guests presented Mr. Kentner with a i handsome rocking ; chair. STELLA. Ella Berg is home from u month's I visit with a brother Hvinsr near Ban croft. j J. D. Curtis and Win. Steadman arc j in Falls City thU week serving as jurymen. , Ed Workman left Tuesday for n { months trip to the Indian Territory where he has land. I Mr . A. Tynan , Mrs1. Harris and Lu cilo were the truestof friends In Kan BUS City this week. Cyrus Stine of Illinois arrived Tucs day to spend the winter with hi : mother at this place. Will Cox and family have moved tc Elk Creek where they will spend tin winter with his parents. John Timerman o f the Soldiers' j Homo at Loaveuworth has been spend i li\s the week with relatives here. i The Ladles Research Club belt their regular meeting in the countrj with Mrs. A. R. McMullen last Friday Gladys Opperman of Kansas City ar rived hero recently and will spend tin winter with her bister Mrs. G. M Andrews. Mrs. J. R. Cain cave a Uonsingtoi last week for Mrs. Gilmore of Auburn who wus spending the week will friends here Mrs. Frank Wolfe and baby visltec over Sunday with friends here. The ; I have been living at Falls City for semi r time but expect to join Mr. W. at Se I Oalia. Maude Graham of Falls City was thi guests of Stella friends the firot of tin week. On Monday afternoon a ken blngton was given in her honor at th < home of Eunice Huskins , and on Wed nesday a luncheon at the homo o Olive Harris. J. H. Holland has purchased Char-lei ! Thomas' residence on Elm street pay ! ing SIUOO for it. Mr. Thomas expect ! j to move to Lincoln immediately iinc j engage in the coal business. Mr. Hoi I land will move in from the farm urn ' take possession of the residence. VERDON Henry Heinemun was a county sea visitor Saturday. John Shields went to Omaha las week on business. John Juuklns of Stella spent Sundu ; with friends here. I. A. Hull of Liberty spent Sunda ; with relatives hero. Rov. Dillon and wlfo drove eve from Dawson Sunday. Florence Hull and neico Vorim WH llamson went to Shubcrt Friday. Dr. Hahn of Falls City was in towi Tuesday on professional business. Dave Davies and family of Fulls Cit ; spent Sunday with relatives here. Ralph Wallsor returned home Frl day from a two months stay in Denver Dr. Houston was down from Ne braska Clt.x last " 'oek on professional business. John Kimmer and son came down from Lincoln Thursday on a visit to relatives ' 1 Frank Veach.oMit to Kansas City Sun-lay to attend the blc shoot hold there this wee's ' ; . Mrs. Elvira. Hull returned homo Saturday from a pleasant visit to hur daughter Mrs. George Brlcker of Shubert. RULO. Ray McVey drove to Preston Tues day. John Harris was In Falls City this week. Clara Bean came home from Kansas Friday. Mr. Easloy Is quite poorly at this writing. J U. Painter of Hastings was here Monday. F. E. Kulp of Wyniore was hero on Monday. George King made u trip to St. Joe Tuesday. Ray Hart visited friends in St.-Joe Sunday. Jim Goolsby of Missouri visited here Sunday. A. Sherman of Table Rock was hert Saturday. Frank Simon was a St. Joe vlsitoi Saturday. Jake Miller was n Preston visltoi Saturday. John Gustafson of Wyinore was hen Wednesday. Charlie. Huber was a Falls City vlsi tor Tuesday. Frank Kern curmj up from Kansui City Monday. John Anderson of Kansas visitor hero this week. Al Kent moved his family to Mis souri this week. Mrs. Olney Graham was quite sick i few days this week. LSluin Anderson of Kansas vlsitei friends here Tuesday. A number of the farmers are loslnj hogs with the cholera. Mattie and Bessie Hays were count } seat visitors this week. Jim Huler took tjvo loads of corn ti White Cloud Saturday. Ray Hai't miule a burlness trip ti White Cloud .Saturday. II. Hays and family of Fortescuo vis 'ted relatives here Sunday. Sherman Hays and daughter wen Falls City visitors recently. Emrea Wallace and Ilva True wer Falls City visitors Saturday. Frank Brown and Newt Hosfori drove to Falls City Saturday. Mrs. Dode Anderson was on the sic ! list last week but is improving. Melva Kern came down from Fall City Monday , returning Tuesday. Hester Bunker returned hero afte a week spent with her parents in MU soun. Lena Cavorzaglc and Ella Carpente were Falls City visitors one evening last week. Jennie Kayton a n d Melva Ken spent Sunday with the letter's mothe at this place. A C. Graves and Will Lalluque went to Falls City Tuesday night ti see the show. Theodore Anderson returned frou Iowa Saturday where he had been ti attend the funeral of Mrs. Long. Grandpa Shepherd lost a good mill cow Monday. They are a feeble ol < couple and the loss falls heavily upoi them. The 1. O. O. F. have rented tin north half of the Miles block tind wil tit up the same for lodge and reoeptioi rooms. Cecil Kanaly , Mury Mahan , Elli Carpenter , Jule Cronin a n d Essl Marsh drove to Falls City Tuesdn ; night to the play. Mrs. John Anderson ; and granrtsoi Floyd Long left for Humbug , IOWH Friday in response to a mcssatre stat ing that the latter's grandmother Mrs Long had just died from the elTects o an operation which had been perform ed the day before. A number of Mrs. Frank Simon' friends met at hur home Thursda ; night to surprise her. The guest brought refreshments and an elegan supper was served , and after a dellgrft ful evening the company departed fo their respective homes. G. N. Ocomo and Miss Cora May en tertained nt the home of the former on last Friday evening. High five was played and Magtrie Mooney and broth er Jiunc's won first pri/.os. Mr ? . Frank Vunvatilktnburg a n d Joe McDonald got the consolation prls * " . A dainty supper was served. OHIO Allio Priehard Is on the sick Hit. Mr. Melvin spent Sunday in Fails City. Ethel Cook of Verdon is visiting friends here this week. Ellis Houtz and family spent Sunday with George Johnson. Cha ; . Beatty and family -pent Sun day with friends at Stella. Iko Allison and family spent Sunday with Frank Cook and family. E. T. Peek and wife were gueHs of George Shouse and wife Sunday. Maple Grove school commenced again after a two weeks vacation. Phineas Fisher and wife were guests of her parents In Falls City Sunday. Sam Lichty and family of Falls City were guests of Mrs. N. Peck Sunday. Ed Kimmel is the proud possessor of u new automobile .vhieh is a dandy Mis Claude Phlllippi of HortonK- . , spent las * week hero with her parents. Frances Stnmp and son Charles went , to Horton , Kan. , this week on business. F. S. Lichty and family were truest- . of Clem Firebaugh and wife in Falls City Sunday. Mr. Leydn ana Mr. Sohnute of Fall- * Oity visited with H. J. Prlchard and they went hunting and there was no limit to the game they pot. Mrs.George Prlchurd's little nephew Harold Comb : left Sun-Jay in care of his uncle Ed Randolph for Wauona , Oregon , to make his home with his father who .vas recently married. Charles Stump , jr. . was accidentally shot in I ho check last Sundav at Wes Nodrow's while ho and his brotbi-r Fr.uik wore visiting at their sisters they were tinkering with a revolver and it went oil shooting Charle ; . Your skin should be clear and brisrht if your liver is in normal condition. Rings Little Liver Pills act on tno livei ; and headache , constipation and billlousness disappear. Price 25 < . nt.- . Sold by A. G. Wanner , druggist. A Boy or Girl can Earn as Alucb as a Alan. We want boys nnd yirls who want to earn m.mcy to solicit subscriptions i > The Kansas Oitv Weekly fSt.-r. Uuh't hesi- tr ; > - becau yi-u ; iruuny , as V" > i v-an d'i tinork as readily a- Miilcr | ifi'.NOii- > amive will pay > < in ju&t iliesitme. . The KuiifU.i Ltty ! Weekly Star is the best knoun weekly newspaper in the west and your spare time spent working1 for it will pay you handsomely , not in toys , watches or other small wares , but in Cash. Write to-day ior terms and full information. Ad dress KANSAS CITY WEEKLY STAK , Kansas Oiry , Mo. When the Stomach , Heart , or Kid ney nerves get weak , then these or gans always fail. Don't druu' the Stomach , cor stimulate the Heart or Kldnejs. This is simply a makeshift. Get a prescription known to druygitts everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Rettorntlvu. The Restorative is prepared expres-ly for these weak inside ntrves. Strength en these nervss. build them up with Dr. Snoop's Re-toratiye tablets or liquid and see how quickly help will come. Free sample tC'it sent on re. quest by Dr. hhoop , Racine. Wis. Your health is surely worth this sim ple test. Sold by nil dealers. Notice IN THK DISTINCT COUNT OK HU'HAKD- SON COUNTY , STATE OF NEHUASKA. Mariu U V.'urren , I Plaintiff. ' , M . Ira II. Wiirren , I Defendant. The defendant above iminul will take notica Unit on the Mh day of NovemlxT. 1W7 , the pliun- UIT iikxl in the District Court nfortaid her ! > eti- tionH uin t him \\luTrin fho prays a itucroeof divorcu'from < l iK'fondunt on tlui croQuds of cruel treatment and for ilmirtion and UOII-FUI > - port. . ' And said riofcndunt it ) further notified that un- \ leeB he plead , answer or demur to Hlid jwtition on or before the ! 8rd day of , IKfl , the tame willlxt taken us true , end a decree at > pruf- l for will l * rendered pro comfet-ro , ItEATisAllEAvis.Attornejgfor 1'Ic.iEtifT.