THE FALLS CITk' TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , 1907. Now is TO GET AN Edison Phonograph Like this cut. We have just received our Christmas stock of Machines. It is impossible tojet these on time unless you an1 early. When our stock is gone we cannot count for sure on getting more. We sell them on easy payments. $1.00 down will get one and yet our price is the same as everywhere. EVERY RECORD IN STOCK We ask you to call early and secure this greatest of in structors and entertainers. RFAX/IS A ABRFY a I 0 _ try I StJ > Cj JjU LJf I- * , I SSJ3 All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEEDj PROPRIETOR FALLS CITY o-JSexxeO & NEBRASKA CHAS. H. WILSON Calls your attention to his stock of HOLIDAY CHINA The largest line in the city , and he asks your inspection of the different lines. , See the HAVILAND & CO. decorated Dinnerware. Special prices on 100 piece * Dinner Sets. CHA A A Jh * * HURRY ! HITRRY" B.JL < U 1 i > I L J Tf you want to in on low priced Lumber Wagons. Remember we can enve you money on our ons becnuse we bought them before the advance BO be sure and Bee us before you buy. We cur ry in ttock the Weber , Newton , Miindt and Avery. Our prices nre the lowest , see us be fore you buy. Our stock of Surries and Buggies is the best , most complete find up-to-date in ihe city nnd ft clo&e inspection will prove our statement. We nlso have a stock of the beet Gasoline Engines on the market and would be 'ad ' to tit ; u re with you on an engine. Don't fail to see us when in need of a Manure Spreader for we have them in stock at all times. We have everything in the Imple ment line. Don't fail to have one of those Dempster Steel Wind Mills put up on your farm. We sell them. See us beforeyou buy. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA ninirmrirminmTTTn in i n n iiiPiiiinmTrJUIMIU I Don't Neglect to Read THE TRIBUNE The Business Way. A former oul at Minneapolis writes n letter to his home paper giving his experience with a public sale tlntl enntninn a kwon. lt > ( 'otitriu'ted for a liberal spaee n Ins home piper mid in addition o Unit had enough bills printed o place in every mail bo\ along ho rural routes in his vicinity by Milting n one cent ntamp on ( hem. Je spent about $20.00 in adver- ising his sale nnd when the dny rrived hud over 1.000 people pro- ent when Hie auctioneer got i'ndy to go to work and the sale vas ft big sneeesH. 'Phis farmer imply followed out the plan of 'nod husiiipps men , went into the ale in n btiMimsd way and made t pay him btu returns. DR. 0. N. ALLISON l'hono-18 Overlvliilmnlsoii County But ) It. PALLS CITY , NEBRASKA W. S. FAST PHYSICIAN AND SUKGlilON Phones . i Kcsidenco 100 : } onc1 , FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA DR. H. T. HftHN VETERINARIAN Oilk-e and residence ( jrst door north of citj park. Phone -015. FALLS'CITY , NEBRASKA EDGAK K. MATHERS ID El NT T © 'hones ' : No ? . 177 , 217 SAM'L. WAHI , R. P. ROBERTS IDEINT'IST Ollleu over KBIT'S I'hurmney Ollice Phcnc 200 Upeld.'nce Phone 271 Per ( Iond Sulcs , Oood Ser\ Ice , . - ) , > Returns Ship Your Stock to * Geo. R. Barse | LIVIJ STOCK COMMISSION CO. . & National Stock Yards , III. < * K nsas City , .Mn. , T WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS < * > < y ? > I It's Your Own Fault \ I ' I * If you don't get your * X money's worth. Come 4 to my Shop and buy * ? your Mens and Boys I I Shoes. -t tI I ROBERT F. T. PREUSSE | Richardson County Hunk ( luUdlng J Rheumatism I have found a tried and teited curo.for Ilheu. tnatliml Notn remedy that will itraJghten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples , nor turn bony rrowthi back to floih apain. That is Impossible , [ tut I can now surely kill the pains and panes at [ his doplontblfl disaaie. In Germany with a Chemist In the City ot Darmstortt I found the last Ingredient with Which Dr. flhoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made a perfected , dependable prescription. Without that last Injrpdlent. I successfully trentod many , many cases of Rheumatism ; but now , at last , It uni formly cures all curable cases of this heretofore much drcadwl dlecam. These 6aa4-llke granular wastes , found In Rheumatic lllood. seem to dissolve nnd pass ixwuy under the action of this remedy as freely as does surar when added to pure water. And then , when dissolved , these poisonous wastei freely pass from the system , and tlio causa of Rheumatism Is gone forever. There is now no real uoed no actual excuse to sutler longer with out help. We sell , and in confidence recommenc Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy ( ALL DEALERS ) A tk'kluii ! i-oiiuh , from anv cause , i quickly § toppivl by DP. Slump' * C'o l Cure. Anil It U i-o ihnruiisfhlv linrin li-r-i and fiufu , that DP yhfiop ti-ll mother- everywhere to uive it wlthou h-itation uvoii to very yoiinu lmle < 'J'ho wholc 0lno jrop.n luitveo ami tun ( K-f ctems of a luntr-liualintr mountain oils bhrub , [ jrntsh thu uiirntlvo ppupor tle > > to DPShoop's Couph Cure. I eulu.e the con 'h , and heuls thuore and seneitlvo broulchlal memlirauo- Xo opium , no chluroforin , nothlr.t , hapah u od to injure or iiprC3S. | ) Slin jly n ro influn plant extract , Uidt liclp to heal aching lungTbw Bpanlard call this ehrub which the Doutor 11 = 0 ? 'The Suorod Hurb. " D uiund li Shoop'f. Take no other. Sold by a ] dealers. Atarket Letter. Kansas City Stock Yards , IS , 1007. Hcavv cattle re- last week at nil points , .ml the conservative orders of juyors. brought about a decline f25 to 40 cents the first half of ast week. Reduced runs after Vcdiu-Mlay caused a slight re- every from the low time. The ccline affected all kinds , except cal calvos. which made a ain ) f 25 cents for the week. Today he supply is 14,000 , market i to 15 lowi-r on evcrytjiinji rx- opt lijrht killiujr steers , which ire almost steadyand veal calves ilso selling treed * Tliu lin- ncial weakness has taken all he speculative features out of he market , and buyers arc mak- HJJT purchases on a bi'd rock busi- icss basis. Choice fed steer * brought ? ( > .00 late last week , mt few steers will et above ' 5.50 this week and short fed toers sell at $4.25 to85.00 mainly Westerns have not stilTerck as nuch as heavy fed steers , ras- sers selling at $3.30 to' $4.40 , cows$2.25 to $3 50 , hejfers $2.80 o $4.00 , bulls $2.10 to $3.50 , top ycals $ d.25 , heavy calves $3.50 to $4.25. Country buying fell off sharply last week , 120 car loads ) ought for the country amlpriccs Inclined 20 to 30 cents , now standing at the lo\v point of the all season , and with a weaker endeiicy today , Stockers bring S2-50 to $4.00 , feeders $3-25 to $4.35. The yards wore pretty veil cleared out Saturday night , only about 0000 head held over or today , nearly all stockers and eeders in the hands of yard radcrs. After big fluctuations from day o day last week , the hog market closed practically unchanged rom the close of previous week. The run is heavy today , 11,000 icad , market off 15 to 25 cents , : op today , $5,00 , bulk of sales $4.75 to $4.'JO. A strong feature ecently is liberal buying for shipment east , which includes logs of all weights , one West Virginia concern taking twelve loubles of 250 pound hogs last week. Packers also operate reel } * when the price gets below $5.00 , and predictions favor a narket about like today's or pos sibly a little lower , for the itn- nediate future. Sheep and lambs are holding tip strong right along , in Hie face of liberal receipts Run is 12,000 today , market steady and active , particularly on killing grades. Kange stuff constitutes about the entire receipts , and country kinds are to be had cheap , lambs at $5.10 to $5.50 , weathers , yearlings and ewes at $3.75 to $4.50. Killing lambs bring $5.65 to $0.15 , weathers and yearlings up to $4.75 , ewes $4.30. The Youth's Companion Calendar For 1908. The publishers of The Youth's Companion will UK nlwnys at this season , present to every sub scriber whose subscription ( $1.75) ) is paid for 1908 n beautiful Cal ender for the new year. Pour paintings by artists of distinction are reproduced in the four panels of the Calender by a process of color-printing which has been re cently brought to remarkable ex- c-ellonee. The firht of the panoU is an inspiring ben fict-ne , full ol the beauty of the wide ocean and sky , and the joyous rush of tin homewaid-bound ship. The nee- end is n tine c'-ttle piece. The third pictures an old mill nt Xnnndnin typically Dutch in treatment. The fourth panel depicts a "Girl with Hoses"- clmrming face , exquisite in color and expression. All the piclires aie worthy of preservation lonij after 1UOS has passed into the good old times. It comoQ put up in collulislblo tulu with u no/.xlu , uHsy to apply totin rorunoss and irilhunmauou , ( or aio form of Piles ; it soothee and rollcvni puin , Itching and burning. Man Xat 1'ilo Itomudy. Prlou oQ cants. Cuar antviMl. SolJ by A. G. Wanner , drug KM. ft H v : , IN ? > ? < * baking powder Makes Food More Delicious and Wholesome - " some No Alum No Phosphates Care Must bo Taken to Keep Alum From the Food LDr. Alonzo Clnrltt "A subitnnco ( nlum ) which can dcrango ihe stomach ohould nut lie tolerated in linking powder. " Jrof. S. W. Johnion , Ynlo College : "I regnrd their ( nlum * > nd soluble nluminn enlti ) introduction into baking powders as moit dangerous to licnlth. " A Weather Sharp. J n spite of the cold snap which visited this heetion , Sunday , a local weather sharp predicts that wo will have a mild winter. His prophecy has been the re. suit of observations of nature and for fear that he might become in volved in an unusual controversy with President Roosevelt , for "nature faking" wo with hold IIIH iiaiiiu The weather sharp in question bays : "My theory that we will have a mild winter is based upon the fact that the musl'.rats have not even begun to build their winter quartern. The ducks have been slow in coming from the north and their flight is very ir regular. They iiro scarcer this year than they have been for a number of years. The owls are still in the open. It is a sure sign of a hard win ter \\hon they withdraw to the depths of the woods. The song- jirds still linger ; the toadstools uivo few or no wrinkles ; corn shucks are not thick : the 'poBsnin MIS only ono wrinkle to its tail : the wild geese are still sojourning on the northern lakes : the hens ire late in moulting and then ; is 10 thick down under their leathers nor bony growth on their 'eet ; the goose-bone is fair and niripolUd ; vermin tinder planks ind logs art ) more numerous and lively than ever before ; libhworms in * neater the hurfaee1' These are the bigns that our weathei wise friend nays are thu voices of nature proclaiming that this will be an open and mild winter , fn spile of these and with all due rehpfct to him , we. would advise the eoal man to remain - main in business and we would also recommend that none of our readers trade their base burners for refrigerators or their overcoats for Panama hats and duck trousers. Auburn Republican. Must Test Eggs. "It is unlawful to sell rotten in Nebraska , and the penalties provided by the pure food law may be invoked against anyone who disposes of them. " This is the holding of Food and Dairy CommibHioner J. W. .John- son , to whom several complaints have lately been made regarding the quality of the hen fruit re tailed in certain communities in Nebraska. Not only the grocer ) men or creamery men who get the alnnininouH-ovals second , but also Ihe farmers who brings them to town in basket , is liable under the law for selling p u t r i d 1 specimens. r If the testing of eggs becomes necessary , as at this time eeoms imminent , it will doubtless make the farmer much more labor ant must neceesairily advance the price , It Is a well known fnol that In tbo pine forests do not suffer from kidney dlsoa us. Ono do e o Pinaulas at night usually rollevoo back auho. 'SO davit treatment SI. 00. Your monny refunded If not suti-lhid. Soli by A. O. Wanner , Find Teeth of ATitanotheriutn. Uow would yon like to have ived in Nebraska during the lays when the titanothurium was tinoiig thu prominent citizens ? The titanotherium was about he sine of a large elephant and capable of slipping a man into lis mouth without stretching his aws abnormally , Just how nany men he could put away at one sitting is not known. Remains of this strange animal ire imbedded in the banks of the Jlattc river in Northwestern Nc- > raska. A. A. Jones , a civil engineer , who has been with the Jnion Pacific , unearthed piecer of teeth and other parts of the inatomv of an animal about ifty feet up a bluff on the Platte. river , two miles fr6m the head of the Mitchell irrigation ditch tnd about the same distance rom the state line. , He and his associates were tin- iblc to distinguish the bones , so ic took a tooth and other pieces to Lincoln and laid them before JrofessOr K. M. JJarbour. cur- itor of the museum and head of he geological department of the University of Nebraska. "Those are/ from the titan otherium , " said Professor Bar- jour without a moment's hesita- ion. "Here , I'll draw a sketch of the animal which these rem- lants represent. ' And , taking his pencil , he Irew what resembles a rhin oceros home what. It has tuskb that stand up and are large in di mensions. Prolessor Uarbour said that a very long time ago these animals infested this sec tion of the country in large num bers. "It struck me as most extra ordinary that any man should be able to name the animal merely from two or three fragments of his anatomy after so many ages , " said Mr. Jones. "Where we found these remnants it seemed that they had but recently been washed out of the ground. We found a tusk protruding from the embankment.1 A Boy or Girl can Earn as Much as a Man. We want boys and girls who want to earn money to solicit subscriptions to The Kansas \\eelclyStar. . Don't hesi tate because you are young , as you can do the work as readily as older persons and we will pay you just the same. The Kansas City Weekly Star is the best known weekly newspaper" in the west and your spare time spent working for it will pay you handsomely , not in toys , watches or other small ware- * , but in Cash. Wrile to-day JIT terms and full information. Ad dress KANSAS CITY WKKICIA STAK , Kansas Oiry , Mo. Fol iy' Kidney Cute will cup * imv cuee of kidney trouble that is not tic- yoml medical aid. KorrN Pharmacj.