THE FALLS Cl'l V TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEHBER 22 , 190 ? THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Kntcrctl as Rccoml-class matter at Falls City , Nebraska , post ofllcc , Janu ary 12,1904 , umlcr the Act of Congress of March 3,1879. Published every Friday at Falls City , Nebraska , by The Tribune TublUhinft Company * C. F. Shirts , Manager One year * l-M Sixtt'onths Three months . . . . . . . . . - -35 TELEPHONE 226. We Arc with You We agree with the News in all it said in last week's issue in re gard to hard driving of horses by certain delivery boys in this city ( and think a halt should be called even if compelled to make an ex ample of some of them. We go a step further , however , and say the same dose should be adminis tered t o drivers who overload their horses. We have in our mind a driver for oiie of our coal firms who certainly goes the limit when it coiner to overloading his team. One day recently we saw his ijoor horses fall three times in their effort to pull a load of coal over a crossing , the driver using his lash in trying to make them do what was almost impossible. A few strokes from this same lash would be too good for such an in human act. Called to Her Home Above. It was indeed a shock and a great sorrow to her friends in Beaver City , when it was an nounced , last Friday , that Allie Shafer had broken "the tie that binds" to things terrestrial and her spirit had winged 1's ' way tc the celestial realm. The sad ness of her death is enhanced by the fact that she was in the prime of young womanhood and was the joy of her family , and the general favorite of a large acquaintance. Allie L. Shafer , daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. WII. . Shafer , was born in Falls City , NebMarcl : 20 , 1870. Later the famil ) ' moved to Furnas county , am throe years ago to Beaver City On last Friday Allie died fron typhoid fever and left the home full of sadness for the loss of .1 faithful sister and loving daugh ter. From childhood her lif < was marked with the spiri of self sacrifice for the sake t ( others. Shs was a real helper t ( parents , and vounger brother am sisters. Faithful in the home the satin spirit has characterised her worl at the Mercantile store where for a number of months she ha been clerking. About ten years ago she unit cd with the chnrch , In he relation to the church fidelit ; has marked her every da ; life even until the end. He family and friends have in thei sorrow a real consolation in tli hope that she is now safe will her Lord. Two brothers and two sister passed away in infancy. Fou sisters and two brothers remai to share with father and mothe the loneliness over the departur of the deceased. A large circl of friends and relatives , attende the funeral at the Christia church , on Tuesday at 2 p. n In the absence of her pastor , Ke\ J. G.Russel preached thesermoi The Royal Neighbors. c which she was an honored men ber , attended the services in bed ) ' and six from their numbc acted as pall bearers. The floral offerings were man and beautiful. The remains were laid to rei in the Beaver City cemetery. To the family we wish to e : press our real sympathy in tl hour of their severe affliction. "Allie thou wast mild and lovely , Gcntlo as tbo summer breeze , Lovely as the evening zephyr When It lloats uiuoug the trees" Beaver City Tribune. Another Important Shoe Offe Men's $4. stamped shoe § 2,65. Saturday we offer tl choice of 12 lines made in pate kid , patent colt , gun rael and Vici leathers , up to t minute styles , by the Gre Western Sale Co. Often overlooked The public schools too often overlook the practical side of the boy's or the girl's educa tion. It therefore becomes our pleasant duty to assist the boys and girls in getting a knowl edge of those things which must shortly con cern their financial welfare. Our great effort is to encourage them to save money. Send them to us and we will do our utmost to get them started right. - : - - : - - : - - : - FALLS CITY STATE BANK REAL ECONOMY. "How IH It that you manage to Hinokn such oxpoiifllvo cigars ? " "Oh , you sec , my wife Is studying economy. " BABY NEEDS "LETTING ALONE. " Most of Iho earlier months of nn infant's life should he spent in sleep , mid for Ilio first six months of its life it should lie kept very quiet. Too much talking to and fussing a tiny infant is very bad , and though 11 child of a year or so old Unit has heun made much of inny appear unusually hright and intelli gent , it is not good for the little brain to be ovor-oxoited and develop ed , and a reaction may come sooner or later , and the brilliant baby turn out the dunce of the elass. Many great men were to all ap pearances "stupid" children , their brains developing more slowly and maturing at a later date than those of their more averagely endowed brothers and sisters. Chicago Jour nal. WOMAN AND HER WATCH. Watchmakers say it's amazing women have timepieces that go at all , in view of the fact that about live women in a hundred wind theii watches at the proper time. The average woman looks on the winding of a watch either as a ceremony tc be performed only on gala days 01 as a pastime that will do well enough as a stop-gap for idle nw mrnts , but must not be permittee : to interfere with the serious things of life. The explanation probabh is that she doesn't wear it every day A man looks on his watch as a con stunt companion , and if he is for tunnte enough to posses a good one also as a faithful servant. PAJAMAS UNKNOWN. A Philadelphia man who has beei traveling in the west says that pa jamas are not popular articles o wearing apparel out there , and cite an incident to prove his statement While staying at a hotel in a me dium-sixed town he sent a pair o rather gray colored pajamas ( hi wife's choice ) to a laundry. Whci they came back they were starchei > o stiff they would stand alone , am each trousers leg was carefull pressed into the most approve' ' crease. Attached to the coat wa pinned a small slip of paper bearin the words : ' 'To one lawn tennis sui fiftv cents. " APPROPRIATELY NAMED. The boy in the paint store dashc hurriedly up the cellar steps an r. sought th ° proprietor. ' 'There's a barrel leaking in tl basement ! " he cried , "and the auti ie it mobile shift is just pouring out. " al "Why do you call it automobi stutt ? " asked the proprietor , 1C it's running over everything at sight. " Judge. 8 A Few Reasons I Just let us tell you a few of the many reasons why vou should have an * Edison or Victor Talking Machine : . FIRST You are posi tive of securing a solid night's enjoyment every night in the year. SKCON'D The cost is practically nominal and you can secure one of these fine machines for § i a week at Davies & Owens' Phonograph De partment. [ i If y o u will but listen to your favorite selection played on one of these machines , it will be suf ficient to make you buy one. Come to-day and we will show you how much enjoyment you are miss ing * every evening. DAVIES Sc OWENS RELIABLE Jewelers and Opticians FALLS CITY. NEB. Tbe Youth's Companion Calendai For 1908. The publishers of The Yonth'i Companion will as always at tin season , present to every nub scriber whose subscription ( $1.75 is paid for 190S n beautiful Gal ouder for the new year. Fou painting by artists of distinctio are reproduced in the four panel of the Calender by a process c color-printing which has been rt cently brought to remarkable ex cellence. The first of the panel is an inspiring sea scene , full c the beauty of the wide ocean an slry , and the joyous rush of th homeward-bound ship. The second end is a line cnttle piece. Th third pictures an old mill n Zaaiulam typically Dutch i treatment. I'he fourth pane depicts a "Girl with Roses" charming face , exquisite in cole and expression. All the picture are worthy of preservation Ion after 1908 has passed into th good old times. Y. G. LYFORD Ladies' and Children's Cloaks Our stock is still large and com plete in colors , sizes and qualities , but do not delay your buying as the assortment is being rapidly reduced. Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! Small Furs in all the shapes and kinds from $1 to $28. Our assortment is very large our prices 'are much lower than usual. Ladies' Fur Jackets , $22 for a beauti ful Sable Coney Blouse , sold in cities at from $25 to $35. Curly Astrachan at $27.50 , sold usually at $35. Neac Seal at $35 , usually priced at $45. Ladies' Astrachan Fur Capes , at $7.50 to $10 , $14 , $18. $2.50 Skirt Special $2.50 20 Ladies Dress Skirts , in good styles , heavy substantial clochs , formerly sold at $5 to $8 , to close , only § 2.50. These are ( ' less than the cheapest wool cloth alone ) would cost. Domestic Bargains Standard calico , grays , reds and blacks at 6c. Very heavy outings at lOc. Good weight unbleached muslin at 6 i 2c. Dates Changed. The dates for the Women's Dioscean Auxiliary- be held in the Kpiscopal church in this cit } * , mye been changed from Decem ber 5th and 6th to one week ater , thus making it possible for nore delegates to be present. This promises to be one of the most interesting- meetings of the kind evfi' held in our city and it is earnestly hoped that our people will unite in making it a success. Bishop Williams will leliyer the address on Wednes day evening , and there will be other noted speakers present , in cluding a returned missioner from Alaska. , About thirty lady delegates are expected , and also many of the clergy of the state. Remember the change in dates. Episcopal Church. Following- the order of ser vice at the Episcopal church : 8.00 a. m Holy Communion. 9:80 : a. m. Sabbath school. 10-la : a m. Morning prayer and sermon. 7:80 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon. Friday 7:30 : p. m. Evensong followed by choir rehearsal. On the first Sunday in each month Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10:45 a. m. instead of 8 a. in. All are invited to these ser vices. Rev. G. L. Neide. Henry 1C. Junes of Turn pa , Fin. , writes ; "I cuu thunk God fur my present health , duo to Foley's Kidney Cure. ] tried doctors and nil kinds of kldno cures , but nothing done mo much nooy till I took Foley's Kidney Cure. Four bottles cured mo. unit I bavo no more puln in my back uud shoulders. lam C2 yeurs old , and suffered long , bu ! thiiuks to Foley's KIdne > Cure. I an : well und can walk and enjoy myself. Il ! s a pleasure to recommend It to thost needing u kidney medicine. " Kerr'i Phiirmucy. THE TRJBUNE . . . . $1.00 a Year. . . , n ft % t f THB BOWELS AMI | \/l | 1 \i IM WORK OFF A COLI I V I VX V ! - WITH TUB ORIG1NA1 BBB'S LAXATIVE COUGH STHUP. BEST FOR A $3 Children's 10 Year $3 Cloaks A surplus of 10 year old size cloaks , regular prices $5 to ? 8.50 , are offered at 3. These are all attractive garments , in mixtures , blue , red , brown , tan. Come _ at once if you are interested. ' [ Large and Small Rugs In the most used sizes we are showing a wide variety of rugs. When you are ready to look we will gladly send to your home as many of these as you may desire. In this way you can secure a more perfect harmony and determine better the size required. Our prices arc as low as can be secured in either city or town. Carpets and Lenoleums Splendid assortment our prices right. Ingrains from 30c to 75c Lenoleumns from 60c to 70c Oil cloths from 30c to j5c Fillings for rugs 25c to 65c < Call and examine these lines and you will be convinced that we are offering genuine bargains. These are but a few of the many bargains in store for the careful buyer. REMEMBER KESSLER'S MOVING PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT Will be in this city under the auspices of the High School Gymnasiums A two night's run of pictures not a dull moment for one and one-half hours of all Moving- Pictures and Serpentine Dancers. Dancing in the colored lights , Illustrated Songs , Comical , Historical und Educational. Free show ol 1,000 feet of pictures \vill be given on the street , Monday evening , Nov. 25 , and JENNE OPERA HOUSE Tuesday , Wed , November 26 , 27. Adults 25c - - Children 150 The Universal Grouch. If every clny were sunny , you'd always yell for rnin , if mud were only money , of wealth you'd soon complain. If girls were always beauties , you'd hunt an nuly dome ; if joys were ever duties' , delight would be n shame. If motor cars were Riven , and not put out for sale , you'd think it would be heaven to ride upon rail. If dog days came at New Years , and blizzards came in June , this world would have BO few tears that life would be n tune. We may bo cranks and fogies , and yet we ever wish , that eabbnges were stogies , and folderols were fish. We all may bo demented , because we find no bliss ; but who could be contented in such n world as this ? Walt Mason. Tbe finest UotTee Substltuo ever mttde , bus recently 'been produced by Dr. Sheep of Raelnt' . Wis. You don't have to boll it twenty or thlrtv minu tes. "Made In a minute" suys the doctor. "Health Cotlee" is really the closest coffee Imitation over yet pro duced. Not a grain o' ' real coffee in it either. Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted cereaU or grains , with malt , nuts , etc. Really It would fool an expert were he o un knowingly drink it lor coffee * Fred E. Schmltt. Prof. J. W. Searson Innocent. James W. Searson , professor of literature at the Peru State Nor mal school , was exonerated from the charge of attempted assault brought against him by Miss Catherine Hudson. The jury before which he was tried brought in a verdict of not guilty Monday morning. Professor Searson left immediately with his wife to resume his position as instructor , which he has held for a number of years. Falls City Lecture Course. The Falls City lecture course will open December 17th with either Captain Jack Crawford , the famous poet scout , or Earl R. Drake , the famous violinist and accompanyingartists. . The season tickets are now on sale. Be sure and buyi.wben called upon. At the Gigantic Sale. Tomorrow , Saturday , 23 , we place on sale 95 young men's suits at $3.95 and $4.45 , suits / whice are by far the best values we shall be able to offer this season. Every Garment is a regular seller at $8.50 to $10.00.