THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 1907 40 IUTI- farm upliind , 2 mlli ? of Rtilo. for * tik * . 2io ( acres well Improved , lUi-hardson county , h-s-i than forty-live dollars ( $43.00) ) per acre. -40 acre * . Jackson county Ium a * Well Improved Fine spring K st of terms M'thteon- ' Mtk-r an eighty as part pay. One and one-half miles of depot. Good homo , 0 rooms. 4 lot , well located , ? 2 , . " > 00 Five-room hotiso , 2 lots , close in , $1 " 00 Five room house , 4 lots , good condition , $1,730 ; pantry , cellar , wood and COM ! huu u. The Xlon CUy property near Central school mid 2 lots. Receiver's sale. 1240-acro ranch , Phillips county , Kans-as. Will take 810.000 to $16,000 , of property in exchange as part pay. , Private money to loan on land * * . HUMnOLDT. K. S. Norton HIH ! wife wore up fioin Dawaon Sunday. Mr * . l > n Strnmc-r win the guoet of S * . .Toa friends Snndaj. Ivl Tinker of Nardlcii , 1C' . , wns huro thl * week viMtlnsr friends. Mr. . K. C Colhupp visited this wool : with relatives In Ti-cnnuseh. H. T , Marble and family nro now located In their now building. Dr. Lltchflold Is this weak entertain- Inn his mother of Kansas City. Karl Spellman left Thursday for St Joe where he expects to remain. Marie Gutzmer left Monday for a visit with friends atSwanto'n , Nob. Mrs. Will Johnson went to Omaha Sunday lor a vhit with her parents. Uov. Smith and family left Tuesday for their future home in Andarko , Ok. Elmer Smith returned Monday from a visit with relatives tit Bedford , Iowa. Mrs. Mason ShurtlelT WHO the guest of Miss Grace ShnrtlolT In Lincoln last week. Lena Woolsey o f Tectimpeh spent last week with her sister Mrs. II. P. Marble. F. W. Gutzmcr was looking after the Interests of his farm near Newton , Ks > . , this week. Mrs. 1C. D. Loekard went to Skid- more , Mo. , Friday for a visit with her daughter. Prof. IIolT was called to Auburn Thursday to appear as a witness In the Searson case. Mrs. Kay Gist and son returned Monday from a visit with friends In Falls City and Salem. Mrs. David Spottier , sr , who had been hero from Superior visiting frlondb re turned home Saturday. Itoy Leech and family have moved to Pawnee City whoru ho lias purohiia- ed the Korl livery barn. A daughter was born to Chester Uardlng and wife reading north of town one day last week. Lora McCool came up from Dawson Tuesday for a visit \slth her grandpa rents .1. J. Turner and wife. Mrs. Jack Hntt nham came ilmvn from Lincoln Tuesday lor a visit with her aunt Mr ? . N. C. Campbell. Hov. Smith , II. E. Hoytl and S. M. Philpot attended u special motting ; of Presbytery In Lincoln Friday. Mrs. Hay Linn alter a pleasant visit with relatives hero returned Tuesday to her homo at .Morreslleld , Neb. August Frank who had been called here to attend the funeral of his broth er , returned to his home at Qulney.Ill. , Thursday II. A. Voegi'lino attended the teach ers association in Falls City Saturday and remained over until the following day to visit with his mother. 1,1111th Wnggi'nor who has a position In too Douglas schools visited several daya vlth her parents here. She ap peared us ti witness in the Searson trial at A iburn Thursday. SALEM L. D. Lesley d fvo to Vordon Tues day. day.Bob Bob Huston was in Ilumboldt lust week. Tom Martin was in Fulls City Wed nesday. F. E. French of Ilumboldt was here Tuesday. Cuss Moore went to Kansas City Tuesday. U. E. Grinstcad went to Humboldi Thursday. \ V.V. . Wcrtz of Alma Is visiting hero this week. S. P. Glct was In Ilumboldt between trains Wednesday. Uoy Thornburg and wife were In Falls City Thursday. Jim Whitney and wife of Ilmwulhi were In town Tuesday. Mesdames Windlo and Ayres drove to Fulls City Thursday. Miss Lena Stavor returned \Vednet duy from Seottsvllle , Ks. W. H. DavU and wife wont to Lin coin Wednesdtty for a visit. Maggie Lo.-ley and Mi > . Ed Hob drove to Falls City Monday. Mrs. Cuss Moore and children wur Falls City visitors Thursday. Mrs. Beebo ot Pawnee City la visit In ; her daughter Mrs. Graves. Sam Buyno and wife returned t their home In Falls City Tuesday. Key Tbornburg and Ralph Moor loft for Alnsworth , Neb. , Tuesday. L. L. Klnsey and family left Wei no-day for their now bomo In Mrs. C.'hiirlU1 .Stewart and daughter nnd Mrs. Hey Duggutt drove to Falls City Thurediiy. O. P. Windlo and little daughter Grace of St. Joe visited over Sunday with Joe Windle and family. OHIO" Morn to Chns. Stump and wlfo Nov. " , daughter. Guy Llchty I laid up with an ubcess n hit ) head. Ida Hnrk spent Sunday In Kulo the ( uest of relatives. Born to Frances Stump and wife \ov. I , a daughter. Arthur Wills of Smith Center , IC ? . . s shucking corn for Eph Peck. Fred Gilbert and wife of Stella Hpent ast week with George. Prichard and vlfo. Grandma Cook of the county home lent last week In Verdon with her on Win. Lloyd Peek and family of near Re- ervo spent Sunday here with his lothitr. Rev. Teeter and wife and Mrs. How- tun wuro guests at E d Klmmel's 'uesday. Mrs. Frank Cook was in Vcrdon 'hursdiiy vlsltlnji Mrs. Win. Cook vho Is very sick. Mrs Bowman a missionary gave u cry Interesting lecture at the Silver reek church Sunday. Mabel Auxler of near Vordon spent ast week with her undo and aunt II. . Prichard and wlfo. Llzzlo Phiiiin and sister of Nebraska Ity and two gentlemen friends spent unday a , Perry Shutters. Louts Hurt aim family had an acol- ent Saturday whieli might have been erlous. As tboy were driving by the ourt house In Falls City another vehl- lo tore the wheel from their buggy , roko the buggy shaft and threw the ccupants out scratching them some. BARADA. Grandma Splckler Is very ill. B. F. Hcndrek ! and wife were In ' alls City Saturday. John and Win. Presser were Falls City visitors Saturday. John Walker was a business visitor t the county seat Monday. Mrs. Olive Kuker has been III for the isl couple of weeks with lonsllitis J. C. Wlloumn. wife and daughter core shopping in Fulls City Saturday. Rev. Strehl began a series of revival lootings at the Big Bethel church on iunduy. Miss Veda Pro ser came up from "alls City Saturday for a visit with her rand mother. L. C. Mitchell is enjoying a visit vlth his brother films. Mitchell of icaillc , Wash. The Barada Canning factory are his week shipping the tlrst carload of his year's output. Mcsdamcs J. E. Stuphcneon and J. A. Mnrtln and Miss Buttle Lilly were -"alls City visitors Saturday. J. E Thomus und brother Charles Irovo over from Nebraska City Wed nesday for their barber outfit. Neil Plersol of Brownsville has put n a now outtlt und opened up u barber ihop In the building recently vacated by J. E Thomus Wm. Oslin has sold his farm 4 miles east of Barada to Mr. Wltzel for SlooO. Mr. Osllu 1ms not yet decided whethei 10 will reinvest hereabouts or not. John Rumbaugh has bought the Blacksmith outfit recently owned by T. Burgess und is located in the More- lead shop und prepared to do all kinds if work. C II. Murtiii marketed u loud of up pies in F.ills City hist weekthut brough him $ . " > . lie has hud an exceptionally tine crop of apples for the your ; hi small orchard furnlstilng about 1X ( bushels. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs Kuker died Monday , aged it days Their darling baby bus gone to rest "A beam of light , u joy of love Just for u moment shu came to stii > when the guardian angels came to tak her to her home on high. All is jo\ above ; all i sorrow oolow for thos and dear. She blossomed o cartlj to bloom In heaven. Marriage Record. Vcru L. Klpley , Falls City 2 ; Mary E. Albright , Falls City 1 ! Win. A. Kumsey , Falls City 2 : Katticriuc Butbtnaii. FalU City tti Arthur Hurget , Dawson 2' ' Flora Mnloiie , Dawson 11 SHUBERT Harry Ivrup and MiCammie Boat man drove lo Barada Saturday. Ol.vdo lllll has oinphwndnt. at Au burn in a printing olllce at prudent. .Inml Arnold of near Barada wu- vteltlnir hi * nlecR and family Monday. Cha . Pelt and wife spent but Sun day at the home of Dr. Stone in Bur- ada. Mrs. V. Taylor and little son went to Verdun Friday to visit friends over Sunday. The minister of the Methodist church begin a series of revival meet ings Monday night. Clyde Harper is preparing to move with his family on the Dolejuck farm ea t of town this week. Wm. Palmer moved his family to Stella Thurdsay where bo has employ ment on the 'phone line. Mrs. Charles Shulenberir spent from Thursday until Sunday with her pa- , nN at Barada ln t i\cek. | A largo crowd ofouns : people at- ! ended the dance at.the hull Saturday I lirht and report a good time. | The teachers of our school attended he teachers association which was o'd at Falls City last Saturday. Mrs. F. M. Oattiout entertained the adl-js of the Christian Aid Society ast Thursday and accomplished some oed work. Joe Spickler and Chus. Gaston drove 0 Barada Thursday to visit the form- r's mother who Is very stele with little opes of recovery. The box supper given at the hall last > lday evening was quite a success loiirlnir 814.00 after all expenses which vlll go for the bencllt of the library. Mr. Collina n d Chaa. Henderson ook In the foot ball game at Peru last Saturday between the Normal and State University teams in which the N'ormul won by a score of 10 to f > . "STELLA. The music club mot Thursday with Olive Harris. A daughter was born to W. C.Grcen- Uh and wlfo Saturday. Edna Retmers and Lulu Bel ) were he guests of friends at Peru lust week. Dan hinds of St. LouK has been the gne t of Gertrude Hays a few day this veck. ' Eulth Clark of Covlngton , Ky. , is a guest at the home of her brother Ralph lark. Churloy Wood left this week for an qtendcd visit with u brother In New Mexico. Grace Hlgglns went to Lincoln last veek where she'will study music the . oming winter. Elmer Foid has returned from 2hiiso county where he bus boon work- ng on u ranch for ttio past yaar. Dr. Montgomery spent the first of the week with his wife who Uat Ex celsior Springs for medical treatment. J. G. Hell who tins been conducting 1 shoo store hero for the pust 0 months is making arrangements to return to Auburn soon. W G. McGcehlo and wlfo of the In dian Territory are visiting relatives , n the Prairie Union neighborhood ind at Shubcrt. Floyd Young and wlfo of Omaha uro spending the week with relatives here. They expect to go to California to spend the winter. D. A. Shufeldt a former resident of this vicinity but now nn emnloy of a Kansas City packing house , Is spend ing the week with relatives here. W. .1. Jones und family , vho buvo , been conducting a millinery store hero the past summer have returned to their former home at North Piatte. E. McQueen an aged man living south of .own snIYercd a stoke of apop lexy Sunday. All his children living elsewhere have been summoned us his death is expected any time. RULO. W.W.Chinnoek \Vymore was here Monday. Joint Anderson of Kansas was here recently. Mrs. Dennis condition has not luv proved any. Mrs. Whaling was a Fulls City visit or Thurailuy. A. Gruves of Wymoro is now ulghl operator bore. Mr. Tipton of Wymoro spent Sunday with friends bore. Mrs. Georeo Celoy returned lusl week from Kansas. i Melvu Kern of Falls City spent Sun 5 day with her mother. B'-i- ' ' Story wa a Preston visitor Tuesday ( Jporge 'Hull was on the sick list Tuesday. Nlek Alshlru of Iowa Point visited hero thlweak. . Born to'Cliarllo Story and wife Sat urday last n boy. C. E. George of north of Falls City WHS here Sunday. Charlie Story WHS a Preston visitor one day recently. W. E. Joh.iston was laid up last week with a lame back' . B. L. Hinkle of Fortescuo visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Helen Gate * and llfle son spent Friday In Fulls City. Edith Kern of Stella spent Sunday with homo folks here. Hester Bunker spent several days at her home near Fortescue. Marlon Noble of Osborn , Kan. , visit- ted friends hero lust week. J. II. Merrlun of Lincoln was here between trains lust Friday. Jake Miller arrived homo from Boise City , Idaho , lust Thursday. George Celoy went , to Highland Wed nesday to do some plastering. J. B. GMbright went to Wymorc Saturday returning Monday. K. C. Walbridge of Falls City was a busine-s vl-itor hero Monday. F. T. Durrow of Lincoln was looking after business here last .veek. Anna Mnhau went to Dawson Mon day to clerk in u general store. Ves Bunker of Fortnscue was trans acting business here Saturday. George Davis left for Colorado last Saturday lo work on his claim. Ray Hart und James Haler were White Cioii'I visitors Thursday. Mr. St. Louis and wlfo left Sunday for Kansu * City to vi-lt relatives. Will Wlntorbottom of Falls City was u visitor here Sunday and Monday. Jud Carpenter had a runuw.iy Mon day resulting in a badly mashed buggy. Mrs. L E. Plumb returned lust , week from u visit with Kan.-'a * City friends John MajurK and family and Chas. Cuvciziiglc and wife spent Sunday at Aritro. John Kanaly ran a pitch fork in his knee Sunday and has been laid up over since. George Cele\ who is working near Forteseue spent Sunday here with his family. J. II. Miles , of Los Angeles. Calif. , wiis visiting friends hero a few days last week. Hurry Maun wu u Lincoln visitor Sundiy. lie also visited with friends at Wilbur. James Waggoner and family of Mar graves ranch were visiting friends here last Friday. ' Fred Stclnhaur moved his family to Dawson Tuesday and will live .on the Miles ranch. Mr. Carpenter has moved with his family Into house lately occupied by old Mr. Graves. Will LoHequet of Kansas City visit ed with his grandmother Mrs. Susan Boles this week. Will Jones returned to His home at Fred'onlu , Kansas , Sunday after u visit with friends here. Harry Hnber returned home Monday from St. Louis where he has spent the last three months. The ditching train which has been working hero for the past three weeks left Saturday for Omaha. U. T. Duncan bus purchased Fred Steinhaur's property and will move hero in the near future. Mrs. Theodore Anderson returned home last week from Kansas where she had been for some time. Charlie MeWuin who U' working west of Fulls City eum down Suturduy for a visit with homo folks. Mesaumes Huber , Cuverzugle und Davis intended Iho funeral of Miss Mary Santo at Arugo Sunday. Thomas Hays father who has beori i visiting him for several days returned I to his homo at White Cloud Sunday. i John Dunn is builiHntr u now barn and corn crib. Ho lots of nice stock und believes in providing for their comfort. The Methodist people have bought the south church und are tearing- down the structure to use all the good ma terial In the new church. Miss Delia McDonald who went to California u few years ago WHS married recently to O. L. Prudy of Santa Bar bara wnere they will reside. Mary and Anna Mahan , Ella Curpen- ' tcrund ICs-lo Marsh spent Sunday In j the country the guests of Pete Mahan and family. j Mr. Mujuiis hua bought the Urni of Mr. Eilgtcoinb northwest of town , his son Tide uo.v living In Kansas will occupy tne pluee lu the near future. On Tnursdity n'.ght of last week n surprise party wu ? given at the home of Henry Smith arid wife In honor of their daughter Miss Emma and Nellie Schalter. Instead of moving the north M. E. church to the new site as was intended they have decided to tear down the building and use the best material In the new building. A farewell party was given for the young people of Fred Stelnhaur Satur day evening. Ail enjoyed themselves and wish their hosts prosperity and happiness in tholr new home. The D. of O. took in one new mem ber at their meeting Frlduv night Ella Carpenter and Anna Mnhan fur nished a ( 'eltclous lunch for the mem bers and a general good time followed. VERDON' Henry Corn made a trip to Shubert Friday. B. U. Lindey made a business trip to Fulls City Tuesday. Mrs. Watson and daughter made a trip to Falls City this week. Mrs. H. J. Kiel went to Lincoln lust week for n visit to her sister. Misses Mary a n d Eleanor Reese were Full- City visitors Monday. Mrs. Fisher arrived from Nebraska City Saturday on a visit to relatives. Robert Michael went to Arizona Tuesday for the benefit of his health. Mr. Hunley and wife went Omaha Wednesday whore he is taking medical treatment Mrs. Daisy GooUtiy and children re turned to their home ut Merrill , Ks. . Wednesday. Mrs. George Abbott arrived from Falls City Sunday to visit her daugli tor Mrs C. G. Hu.nphey. W. H. Mark and granddaughter Stneic Allenbaugh went to Creighton , Neb. , Thursday for a visit to relative- . Mls Gertrude Lum and Mrs. G. D. Knapp entertained the members of their Sundaj school classes nt the homo of tne latter Tuesday evening. A good time Is reported by all present. Walter EanUh and family of Corning , Mo. , are visiting rela tives in this city this week. The W. C. will give a necktie'1 social at the W. O. W..hall Nov. 23rd all are inyited to attend. J. L. Starks of Kansas City was in the citv Wednesday on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mrs. John Hossack and Mrs. Margery Grant went to Preston Wednesdaj' for a few days visit with friends. O. J. McNall , wife and son came down from Hamburg , la. , Wednesday for a few days visit with old friends. Dr. Burchard went to Stella , Wednesday , to see Jess Hays , who has been very ill. He re ports his patient is improving nicely. Mrs. J. R. Wilhite entertained a number of relatives Tuesday evening at a 6 , o'clock dinner complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Ramsey of St. Joe. Earl Marts , wife and baby re turned to their home in Wymore , Wednesday , after a few days spent in this city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marts. C. L. Marts > and wife of Wymore are in the city the guests of their parents Sam Marts and wife. Mr. Marts is conductor on the work train now running out of this place. Tom Spence was in the city a few hours SaUmlay on his way to Shubert , where he had been called by the serious illness of his wife ami also the little baby girl which has recently been born to them , Mrs. Etta Warvcl Bowman , president of the national's. S C. E. of the Brcthcrn church gave two Bible lectures in the Falls City Brathern church that were greatly enjoyed by her audiences on last Sunday. In company with Mrs. Teeter , the pastors wife , she has visited the homes of many of the ladies of the church and has raised about $300. for the support of the sister's work in the general church. She will be- welcome to visit Palls City again at any time. Real Estate Transfers. Isabella and Martin Marsh to T H Marsh wd lots 15 and 10 blk f > Flulo S1000. Julius Hilt and Wife to G W Venner wd nwj nejn } nw } also sej nwi 20-1- ii : KiO acres 310000. Clinton Day and wife to Elnor Houck wd lots ( i , , S , blk 1)1 ) also lots 5 , 0 , 7. S. blk ! )0 ) ale lots o , ( i , 7 , S.blk 80 also lots 1,2,11 , blk 112 also lots 1 , 2,3 , 0.7 , S , blk 110 and all blk 111 , Salem SliiOO. Stee'e Cemetery Asso. to Levl Thackor wd lot ; i sec o blk C SO. " ) . A A Tanner and wife to Robt Mai- met wd lot 15 blk 52 Humboldt $140. Harriet A Porter to Mary C Crook wd lots 11 , 12 blk 94 Falls City 8323 Katie Fryhergcr and husbaud t o Chas B Snyder qcd lots 1,2 , : ! , 4 , 7,3. blk OS Salem $1. Letfal Notice IN Tin : 01STH1CT rOUHT OK JiK'HAUD- SON COUNTY. STATE OP NEIWA8KA. llnriii L. Wnrrcn , I IMnintifT. vs. V Ira 11.Vnrrrn , I Defendant. ' The ( lofi'mlant nbovo nainvd will take iiotico tlmt on tln > .Itli day of November , 1MJ7 , lliy plain- tilt"nleil in tliu District Court aforesaid lierpoti- lion iifiiintt liiui wherein cho iirnjH u ilecreoof iliroico from taid defendant on the grounds , of crnpl tieatmentandfor desertion and nun fcup- l > rt. And snid defendant is fmther notified that nn- lessho plonil , answer or demur to Mild petition on or before thn 2.1rd day of December , 1107. the wimo vull bo tnken as true , and a decree as pray ed for will bo rendered pro comfesfo. lilt HEAVIS.VHimis.AUornejsfor 1'laintiff. Leja.1 Notice. The defendants , Jacob hotl , d'rant Leu and Leon Ijcn ; the Kirtt National liank of Atrlimuu. Kansas ; Walluco linnfie'd it Company a corpo ration , of 1'ittxbnrK , Pennsylvania ; Willimn 1' . \ViiKKimer , tru tee for llibbard , Spencer , Hart- let iV Company , a corporation of Chicago , Illi nois ; U'hitaker lion Company , a corporation of Wheeling , West Vircii in : H. ItobiiiKimtV Sons a corporation of t'hica1 1 i uoU ; Doercer Jlanu- fncturiiiK t' < impan > 01 i . . .ton , Ohio : ttio Aurora Vapor Sto\o Lompan.\ ' Aurora , Illinois : lie- tn.i , ( .oppor.V linili. . . .f , Michicau ; Tin Vancy Iin nj it i ui rutur Company of Or. , .1 Itnptds , .ui . . . -.i. > , and tl'c Channon- b'ov < ' ' . nn . . .f Qiuiic ) . illinoirt , will ti „ ! . . .i thu 2-ith > ! , ) of October , l'.K)7 ) , > J. mtnl.ur , iiliiiniff , hied his pe tition in tneilih.iict court of Uicliardson coun ty , Nebra ka , iisuinst Jacob Ieii , Grant Leu , Leon Leu , llm 1'iret National Hank of AtchNon , KIUIKISVitlliui Kr.nlicld A. Company , n corpo- nitinn of I'msbaiK , l'um > l\auiu ; William I' . WitKKiiiier , truMtu for liibbard , Spencer , Hart- let A Company , a corporation of Chicago , Illi nois ; Wluuiker Iron Company , u corporation of Wheeling , West Virginia ; U. llobinson it Sons , a corporation of Chicago , Illinois ; lioewr Manu facturing Company of Canton , Ohio ; the Anrora Vapor Steve Company of Anrorn , Illinois ; J > e- troit Copper < t Hrnsa Holler Mills of Detroit , Michigan , nnd the Chaunon-Emery Store com pany of Qnlncy , Illinois , Uio object nnd prujer of which petitionary to cancel a deed of lots I , 2 , 3 nnd 4 in block 100 , in Falls City , Nebraska , made May llth , ISMI , by Charles II. Itickards nnd wife to Jacob I eu , Grant Leu and Leon Leu , which il ( < cil is recorded in book 45 nt page 155 , of the ded records of wild county ; ulso to cancel a mortgage of Kild lots made May 29th , IKU , for the-mini of $211 ! > y.5ilby Jacob Leu nnd wife , to the First National Hank of Atchison , Kansas , which mortgage is recorded in book If , IUIKH W ) , of the mortgage records of said countj ; nli-o. to cancel n mortgage of said lots for thu sum of Slltl.r ! > 5 , made June 2nd , l-.U , by Jacob Leu nnd wife to Wnllaco Han field , V Compnnj , which mortgage is recorded in book IS at page li i of the mortgage records of said count } ; also , to cancel u mortgage of said lots for ? 117 > .4 < ) made Mil ) 3Ut , KM , lp > .Inculi Leu nnd wife to William I * . Waggoner , trustee for Hlhburd , SiN-jcer , llartlet & Complin ) . Whitnker Iron Company nnd H. Kobin-on A. Sons , which mortgage is re corded in book IS page 113 of tbo mortgage records of mid count ) ; alMi. to cancel n mort- gugoof said lots for JKIiW. mndo May Jlst , ISUI , by Jacob IXHI amivifu to William J' . Waggoner , triiMco for Hoerger Manufacturing Ooinpnny and thu Aurora Vapor Stote Comiuiny which mortgiigo IN recorded in book \t nt page 113 of the mortgagt ) records of snid count ) : nlo lo cancel n mortgngo of tuid lots for $2115.20 madii May 3rd , 1MU , li ) Jacob Leuniid wifn to William 1' . Waggoner , triuteu for Detroit CopHT | nnd Hrnss liolling Mill ; the Vacnuc ) Itanm-y Ite- frigerutor Comimny and thu Channon-ICmery Store Compnii ) , which mortgnn'u ib reconlol in Ixxik IS l iwe 115 of the mortgngu rivordsof said count ) ; the plaintiff prab for u decrif * can celling Vill of snid conveanew a * n cloud upou his title to snid lots. You are required to nusuer said petition on or More ( he 2nd il.iy of December , 1W7. Dated this Jtlh day of October , 1 ( J7. TIIOMAH J. WlilTtKKH , 1'Jaintitf. It ) Huwix l-'ui.oox. His Attorney , First publication Oct. - ' > ti-4