The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 08, 1907, Image 5

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Eat Sowles' candy.
Miss Hosford of Rule was in
the city Tuesday.
George Cleveland made a busi
ness trip to St. Joe Tuesday.
L. R. Chaney of Stella v\as a
business visitor in our city Fri
Mrs. J. C. Yutzy went to
Omaha , yesterday , for a short
Tisit with friends.
Martin Kanaly returned last
Friday from quite an extended
trip through Mexico.
E. H. Towle , and wife and
little daughter , Mary are spend
ing this week on their farm.
W. L. White arranged his du
ties on the road this week so he
could be at home long enough to
The 20 per cent discount sale
is still going on at the Corner
Millinery. Don't fail to get one
. of the bargains.
Charley Hoffer. an old Falls
City boy. but now of Kansas City
spent a few days with friends
here during the week.
W. P. Fergus and wife are the
happy parents of a baby boy ,
which made his appearance at
their home last Friday.
Fiilbken came up from
Kansas City Friday to look after
business and spend a few days re
newing old acquaintances.
Dr. Boose announces the ar
rival of a little daughter at the
home of Charles Nolle northeast
of town , on Thursday night.
Edna Spencer went to Omaha
Saturday where she expects to
remain for some time the guest
of her brother Guy and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Albright
of this city spent last Sunday
with the latter's parents , J. S.
Turner and wife , at Humboldt.
Miss Maggie Ogen , who has
.been visiting relatives in Me-
U'Cook , Neb. , was called home by
the death of her cousin , Harvey
Charlie Foehlinger and wife
and Harry Fcehlinger of McCooli
are in the city , having been call
ed here by the death of theii
brother , Harvey.
About twenty members of the
K. P. lodge of this city went tc
Lincoln Wednesday , to assist the
lodge of that place in putting on
some special work.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCormich
returned Friday evening from
Hebron , Neb. , where they have
been visiting their daughter ,
Mrs. Griflin , and family.
Rev. Neide left Tuesday foi
Columbus where he has been in
yited to deliver an address before
the annual convocation of tlu
Episcopal churches of this diocese
Mrs. Dr. Reneker went to Troj
, Kas. , Monday for a short vissi
with relatives The doctor mei
her in St. Joe , Wednesday , botl
returning home the following
Rev. Lindentneyer , former pas
tor of the Christian church o
this city , but now in charge of :
church in St. Joe , was in the cit ]
a short time Tuesday , on hi
way home from n western trip.
Mrs. Jule Ruegge returnee
Monday from a few days spen
with friends in Humboldt. Whili
there she attended the dedicatioi
of the new church of which he
grand father Rev. Unland ha <
been pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. John Abbey o
Cloud county , Kas. , spent th
latter part of last week in thi
city the guest of the former'
brother , W. W. Abbey. The ;
were enroute home from an ex
tended eastern trip.
There will be a change in th
B. & M. time card Saturday
While all train service may b
i effected slightly , No. 42 appear
to get the extreme. This trai :
now leaves Lincoln at 2 p. m
but will hereafter leave at 9 p
m. getting here about midnighl
S M 1 Ei El
and cat our candy
and you will be happy.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Ed Fraunfelder of Verdon was
in the city Friday.
Bert Sitnanton and wife were ,
Auburn visitors Monday.
H. C. Smith was a business
visitor to Nebraska City last Fri
day. _ _ _ _
Mrs. J. R. Wilhite went to
Kansas City Saturday to spend a
week with relativas in that city.
Sarah A. Carroll of Mount
Vernon , Iowa , has our thanks
for kind remembrances this week.
Charles Humphrey and wife of
Verdon spent Sunday in this city
at the home of G. A. Abbott and
wife. _
Mrs. Will Uhlig went to
Auburn , Monday , to spend a few
days with her sister , Mrs. Allen
May. _
Frank Werner and son Max left
Monday for a week's visit with
the former's parents at Greenleaf ,
Kansas. _ _ _ _
Frank Snethen , president o f
the First National Bank of Hum
boldt , was a business visitor in
this city Monday.
Miss Elizabeth Gulp came up
from St. Joe Monday evening , to
be present at the burial of her
uncle. John Hershcy.
Mrs. Martin Kanaly returned
from Atchison last Thursday
where she spent the last two
weeks the guest of her sister.
W. W. Jenne came in off of
the road Saturday and remained
long enough to exercise his duty
as a citizen on election day.
T. L. Hiramelreich came home
from Lincoln Sunday , having
given up his position in that city
and will remain at home during
the winter.
Max Werner , who has been
employed by Grant Windle for
so long on the laundry wagon.
has given up his position. He
is succeeded by Jack Jellison.
Walter Paxton and wife , who
have been spending a few days
in the city the guests of Mrs.
, Carrie Paxton , left Monday for
their home in Colorado Springs.
i - - -
Nebraska City are people rejoic
ing over the fact that their laundry
'is ' again ready for business , and
that they can now have one big
wash dav after several weeks lay
; ° ff. _
i W. H Morris , who has been
i night operator at the M. P. depot
| for several months , leaves this
.week for New York City , where
he and his wife will reside in the
, future. _
Mrs. Frank Effenberger retur
ned to her home in Nebraska Citv
Saturday after a few days spent
this city the guest of Mrs ,
Frank Werner and Mrs. Petei
, Kaiser.
! Mrs. J. K. Liggett o f Hum
' boldt came down last Friday tc
attend the matinee musicle at the
'home of Mrs. T. J. Gist. Sh <
was the guest of Mrs.C.F. Reavis
while in the city. _
It is given ont that Evelyr
Thaw will not be a witness whet
1 Harry K. Thaw is placed on tria
for the second time for the kill
ing of Stanford White. What :
relief this will be. It is safe t <
say the second trial will not b <
so long drawn out as the first.
Dr. J. R. Morris , one of tin
leading physicians of Humboldt
was in the city Monday. W <
are sorry to know that the docto
is suffering from a very sore fin
ger , which has caused him mucl
suffering for some time , and ren
dered him unfit for his profes
sional work. The doctor madi
this office a very pleasant cal
while in the city.
Go to Harlow for Log Cabit
maple syrup.
Harlow has English walnuts ,
almonds , filberts.
Al Pyle was up from Preston ,
the first of the week.
Do you realize that it is only
seven weeks until Christmas.
Harlow has a few Burbant
potatoes to sell at 75c a bushel ,
V. G. Lyford made a business
trip to Lincoln the first of the
With the advent of Thanks
giving' the turkeys roost higher
each night.
Claud Ramsey and wife of St
Joe , are visiting relatives in this
city this week.
All persons knowing them
selves indebted to W. H. Croofc
& Sons will please call and settle ,
Now is the time to plant ypui
holiday ads in the Tribune it
order to bring forth good fruits ,
All accounts now due W. II ,
Crook & Sons must be settled al
once either by cash or bankable
On last Friday evening tin
Presbyterian Junior society hac
a jolly time at the home of Irene
Tatroe. ,
Mrs. DeJarnett and daughter
Evelyn , returned Saturday fron
a two weeks visit with relatives
in Lincoln.
Coffee may be ever so good , bu
if not properly ground you can ,
make good coffee. Harlow cat
grind it to suit you.
Harlow will make you low price :
on peaches , pears , apricots.plums
cherries , raspberries , gooseberriei
by the can or case.
The ladies of the Presbyteriat
Kensington will hold an apror
sale and exchange Nov. , 27th , a
Shields Variety Store.
J. O. Jacobs of Richardsot
county , Neb.shipped today :
carload of hogs and will britif
back a carload of heifers.
The boys from the Missioi
Sunday school were royally en
te'tained by the teachers at tht
Brhrer carpenter shop on lasl
Friday evening.
Mrs. Wm. M. Doty of Soutl
Omaha , came down Monday
evening for a short visit witl
her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. A
Go to Ilarlow and get gooi
coffee. You can have it groun <
to suit you. The only house ii
the city where coffee can b
ground to suit you.
Lincoln is certainly experienc
ing a religious wave. Thi
Scoville meeting now in progres
in that city have about one thou
sand conversions to their credit
Let the good work go on.
We notice by our exchangi
that the Holiday advertising i
now on. Our merchants wil
soon be telling our readers al
about Santa Claus through th
columns of the Tribune.
When you see a man whom 30
think is exceptionally lucky , jus
sift thelmatter down andseeif hi
success is not due to close ap
plication to business , frugal hal
its and right living in general
instead of luck.
According to the newspape
reports the "Black Hand
element is after Will Manpin c
the Commoner , and deman
Si.000 or his head. This i
surely a joke as anyone woul
know better than to demand tha
amount of money of a newspape
P. C. O'Brien and wife resi
dents of this county some twent
years ago but now of Libert }
Neb. , made us a pleasant call o
Monday and ordered the Tribun
sent to them in order that the
might keep posted on old hem
news. Mrs. O'Brien has bee
visiting relatives here for aboi
three weeks , and P. C. gettin
tired of batching came after he
Monday , both returning t
Leberty the following day.
Cranberries at Harlow's.
English walnuts at Harlows ai
20c a pound.
Ed Bell was in the city a few
lays this week.
0. Kidder is still very ill at his
ionic in this city.
A. J. Baldwin of Stella , was in
our city Wednesday.
Ilarlow has fresh lettuce evcrj
Saturday also celery.
Fred Scbold was a business
visitor in Verdon , Tuesday ,
John Oswald was a business
visitor to Stella. Wednesday.
W. S. Korncr and wife re-
urued this week from their east
ern trip.
Prices for Slow Poke , parquet
1 , dress circle 75c and 50c , bal
cony 35c.
Mrs. Chas. Williamson of Hum-
bold t , was a FaIs ) City visitoi
Harlow has kraut in 5 gallon
< egs at $2 , warranted to suit 01
noncy back.
Ilarlow has just received a new
ine of prunes , dried peaches , cur-
: ants > raisins.
I5c buys a Ib. of delicious
Chocolates at the Candy Kitchen
Saturday Nov. . yth.
Fred Keller was one of tin
boys who came in off of the roa (
eng enough to vote.
The Candy Kitchen offer ;
Chocolate Creams at 15c per Ib ,
Saturday Nov. , < Jth.
Mrs. D. K. Johnston of Craig
Mo. , is in town for a visit witl
friends and relatives.
The many friends of Joe Stech
will be sorry to learn that he is
quite ill at his home in this city
Mrs. Jackson and children o
Wymore , are in the city visitinj
with her parents , Dick Jones am'
A number of our Odd Fellow !
went to Stella , Wednesday , t <
assist the lodge at that place it
degree work.
Come to the Candy Kitchei
Saturday' Nov. , 9th and get a Ib
of our dandy home-made Choco
lates for 15c.
Miss Margaret Stecle rcturnet
last Thursday from Chicago
where she had been with a siste
at a sanitarium.
pw- Miss Clara Tanner very pleas
antly entertained a company o
young ladies at a six o'clock din
tier , one evening the first of tin
Mrs. A. Nettleback returned t <
her home in this city Saturday
after having spent a week witl
her son Will and family , nca
The Odd Fellow lodge of thi
citv will put on the first degrc
this Friday evening for the ben
efit of a delegation that come
down from Humboldt.
Mrs. R.B. McMahan wascallei
to Fairfax , Mo. . Tuesday last b
the death of a niece. Miss Lilli
Douglas. She returned to he
home in this city Sunday.
The St. Agnes Guild of th
Episcopal church will conduct a
exchange at Morseman's drui
store. Saturday afternoon , wher
vou can get all kinds of hem
Geo. Jones arrived in this cit
Monday .from an extended tri
through Canada. He will visi
with his parents here for a tim
but expects to return again t
Canada , which place he thinks i
full of promise for young men.
When Dr. Reneker had tlu
positive assurance Wednesda
that he had landed'safely after
democratic landslide , he was E
elated that the best chocolates i
town were none too good for tli
force of ladies in this office. II
labors as coroner will certain !
have to be confined to democrac
this term or there will be but or
party left in this neck 'o tl
woods. Success to the geni :
Pay Up.
W. H. Crook & Sons desire all
mrsons owing them to call at once
and settle their accounts , either
by cash or bankable notes.
Brethren Church.
Mrs. Etta Marvel Bowman ,
ucsidcnt of the national Breth
ren S. S. C. E. will speak at the
Brethren church in this city next
Notice to Our Customers
Wo tire pleased to announce tlmt
IToloy's Ilonoy and Tar for coupha ,
colds and lunp troubles la not aftoctod
jy the National Pure Food and Druir
uw as It contains no opiates or other
mrmful druiaand wcro commend It aa
\ eafc remedy for children anil adults.
Kcrr's Pharmacy.
Back to Falls City.
Ed Fisher and wife who moved
to Leavenworth , Kas. , about two
years ago , have returned and
will again be numbered among
our Falls City people. Mr. Fisher
will have charge of the Pacific
express office in this city. Their
nany friends here arc glad to
ngain welcome them among us.
"The Slow Poke. "
W. B. Patton in his most suc
cessful play. The simple way
itul naturalness of the characters
n "The Slow Poke" helped
nlong by a clever company make
i production that will linger
eng and pleasantly in your
uernory. In looking over the
press reports where this at
traction has appeared through
this part of the State we fail to
find one adverse criticism. W.
B. Patton , the peculiar comedian ,
is the shining star , and his sup
porting company is far above the
average. The play is a beauti
ful western drama , full of great
lieart interest , and wonderfully
interesting characters. T h e
novel way in which it is present
ed is in a way responsible for at
least a part of its big success.
At the Gchling Theater Friday
November 8th.
When the Stomach , Heart , or Kid
ney nerves get weak , then these or-
pans always fall. Don't drup the
Stomuch , cor stimulate the Ileurt or
Kldnejs. This If simply u makeshift.
Got a prescription known tn drui' lsts
everywhuro us Dr. Shoop'eHettoratlve.
The Ilestoratlyo IB prepared expressly
'or these weak Inside nerves. Strength
en these nerves build them up with
Dr. Shoop'e Uetitoratlye tabletu or
liquid and free how quickly , help will
come. Free eimiplo teiU sent on ro
quect by Dr. Snoop , Riiolne. Win.
Your health Is nnruly worth this sim
ple tcrit. Sold by all dealer * .
Rally Day will be appropriate-
Iv observed 'J:45 a. m. Sunday , at
the Methodist Episcopal church.
A program will be rendered.
The attendance of both parents
and children is desired. Those
who have formerly belonged to-
gather with those having no
Sunday School home are cord
ially invited.
"The Salvation of A Wicked
Church Man,1' next Sunday
evening Nov. , 10th , at 7:30 : at
Christian Church.
WANTI-JD Local representa
tive for city and vicinity to look
after renewals and increase
subscription list of a prominent
monthly magazine , on a salary
and commission ba-is. Ex.
perience desirable , but not
necessary. Good opportunity
for right person. Address Pub
lisher , Box 50 , Station O , New
York. 107 2.t.
Have become more pop
ular than ever this year.
We have made a careful se
lection from the best the
market affords and can
show you
Festoon Necks
In bewildering array. Call
and see our line.
A E. Jaquet
The Old , Reliable
Poultry Wanted !
We will pay the follow
ing prices for poultry de
livered at the Poultry
House , one door west of
Lyford's store :
Hens and Springs - 7c
Young Roosters - 7c
Old Roosters - - 3c
Craws must be empty.
Prices good until Nov.
16th. Yours truly ,
No home Is so pleasant , regardless of
the comforts that money will buy , as
when the entire family Is In perfect
health. A bottle of Orlne Laxative
Fruit Syrup costs & ( ) cents It will
cure every member of the family of
constipation , sick headache or stomach
trouble. Kerr's Pharmacy.
e o Reduction Sale
On Millinery
y In order to reduce our large stock of Millinery , we
a will sell for the next 14 days , all our Trimmed Hats at
e Plumes and Fancy Feathers will be sold at greatly
isy reduced prices. Don't fail to come and see us , as we
y mean business. Yours Respt. , ,